

Better pay, treatment, and protections for all of Ohio's essential workers. Powered by @mujerxsrising @ABLELawInc @clejwj @CincyWorkers + more. #EssentialOH


October 21 is the National Day of Action. More than 50 years after the passage of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Latinas typically earn only 57 cents for every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men. This pay gap holds true for Latinas in Ohio, including essential workers, many of whom are Latina. Join us for a conversation about closing pay gap in Ohio.

You'll hear from:
-Lilleana Cavanaugh, Executive Director of the Ohio Latino Affairs Commission
-Barb Smoot, President & CEO, Women for Economic and Leadership Development
-Guadalupe Velasquez, Executive Director, Welcoming City
-Lorena Mora-Mowry, Founder of Mujer Latina Today
-Mónica Ramírez, Founder and President of Justice for Migrant Women

For more on the state of essential workers in Ohio, read the Essential in Ohio report:

Revelan reporte sobre el estado del trabajo en Ohio 2021 — La Mega Nota 05/10/2021

Revelan reporte sobre el estado del trabajo en Ohio 2021 — La Mega Nota COLUMBUS, Ohio — El pasado mes de septiembre, Policy Matters Ohio publicó su reporte anual sobre el estado del trabajo en Ohio, denominado State of Working Ohio 2021 (Estado del Trabajo de Ohio 2021). El documento evalúa cómo la pandemia ha afectado a los trabajadores en

Camino a la ciudadanía asegurará futuro para inmigrantes — La Mega Nota 30/09/2021

Camino a la ciudadanía asegurará futuro para inmigrantes — La Mega Nota COLUMBUS, Ohio – ( El Congreso puede sacar a miles de niños de Ohio de la pobreza creando un camino hacia la ciudadanía para sus padres.  Essential Ohio hace un llamado a todos y cada uno de los miembros de la delegación del Congreso de Ohio, a fin


📢 We are calling on Congress to ACT NOW to protect around 50.000 people in who would directly benefit from one of the citizenship proposals, including many

Read more…


The NW OH Immigrant Rights Network is teaming up with the We Are Home campaign because this is the time to pass citizenship for essential workers and immigrants.
Immigrants are family, friends, neighbors, co-workers.
members of our communities, and it's way past time to honor & protect them with a pathway to citizenship.

Hanifa Abdul Hameed [instagram]


La Conexion and the NW OH Immigrant Rights Network is teaming up with the We Are Home campaign because this is the time to pass citizenship for essential workers and immigrants.
We won't ever fully & equitably recover from COVID without including everyone — especially our most vulnerable communities.
🗣Say it with us: There is no recovery without immigrants.

Secretario Walsh visita Centro de Trabajadores de Cincinnati — La Mega Nota 21/09/2021

Secretario Walsh visita Centro de Trabajadores de Cincinnati — La Mega Nota CINCINNATI, Ohio — Siguiendo los protocolos y tomando rigurosas medidas de seguridad contra el COVID-19, el Secretario de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos, Marty Walsh visitó el Centro de Trabajadores de Cincinnati (CIWC) para escuchar las historias de algunos afectados por asuntos

The ‘Invisible Population' of Migrant Farmworkers Are More Vulnerable Than Ever 20/09/2021

Great message from Monica Ramirez from Justice for Migrant Women to the general public and government officials, “We are depending on you to help farm workers as much as you depend on farm workers everyday”.

The ‘Invisible Population' of Migrant Farmworkers Are More Vulnerable Than Ever The jobs that migrant farmworkers do every day feed the American population and are essential to the economy. But their contributions often go unacknowledged. Monica Ramirez, president and founder of Justice for Migrant Women, joined LX News Now to discuss their struggles with food insecurity, lack....


Still so much work needs to be done to protect workers but let’s not forget about those who were the trailblazers who made working conditions for working class people better.

When Frances Perkins was a little girl, she asked her parents why nice people could be poor. Her father told her not to worry about those things, and that poor people were poor because they were lazy and drank. Eventually, she went to Mount Holyoke College, and majored in physics. In her final semester, she took a class in American economic history and toured the mills along the Connecticut River to see working conditions. She was horrified. Eventually, instead of teaching until she married, she earned a masters degree in social work from Columbia University. In 1910, Perkins became Executive Secretary of the New York City Consumers League. She campaigned for sanitary regulations for bakeries, fire protection for factories, and legislation to limit the working hours for women and children in factories to 54 hours per week. She worked mainly in New York State’s capital, Albany. Here, she made friends with politicians, and learned how to lobby.
On March 25th, 1911, Frances was having tea with friends when they heard fire engines. They ran to see what was happening, and witnessed one of the worst workplace disasters in US history. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire was devastating, killing 146 people, mostly young women and girls. Frances watched as fire escapes collapsed and fireman ladders couldn’t reach the women trapped by the flames. She watched 47 workers leap to their deaths from the 8th and 9th floors.
Poignantly, just a year before these same women and girls had fought for and won the 54 hour work week and other benefits that Frances had championed. These women weren’t just tragic victims, they were heroes of the labor force. Frances at that moment resolved to make sure their deaths meant something.
A committee to study reforms in safety in factories was formed, and Perkins became the secretary. The group took on not only fire safety, but all other health issues they could think of. Perkins, by that time a respected expert witness, helped draft the most comprehensive set of laws regarding workplace health and safety in the country. Other states started copying New York’s new laws to protect workers.
Perkins continued to work in New York for decades, until she was asked by President Elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 to serve as Secretary of Labor. She told him only if he agreed with her goals: 40-hour work week, minimum wage, unemployment and worker’s compensation, abolition of child labor, federal aid to the states for unemployment, Social Security, a revitalized federal employment service, and universal health insurance. He agreed. Similar to what she had worked for in New York, her successes became the New Deal, and changed the country and its workers forever.
So while you may not know her name, you certainly know her legacy.


📢 Los trabajadores esenciales lograron que la economía no colapsara durante la pandemia. Debemos pagarles un sueldo digno y ofrecerles protecciones.

Ver más:


Essential workers kept working throughout the pandemic, risking getting covid-19. They should be paid a living wage + provided w/ protections, including health care + a pathway to citizenship for immigrant essential workers

Read more here >>


📝 Essential Ohio has specific policy recommendations for federal + state + local officials to prioritize needs of essential workers and to ensure their work is valued with fair compensation.

📌 See:

Policy Matters Ohio Cleveland Jobs with Justice Justice for Migrant Women ABLE Ohio Immigrant Alliance La Conexion - Immigrant Solidarity Committee


Thank you to all of our sponsors! Check out the program book below:

Timeline photos 14/08/2021

Essential workers keep us all safe, despite great risk to themselves.

Local officials can use funds from the American Rescue Plan to make sure they take care of the working people who take care of us.


We have to continue the pressure on congress📢‼

READ EssentialOh's full press release here -->

The U.S. Senate advanced a key priority of the Essential Ohio coalition that will improve pay and working conditions for a group of Ohio’s essential workers. The Senate Budget Resolution, which now makes its way to the House, includes a path to citizenship for immigrant essential workers and people with certain forms of temporary immigration status, such as and .

"When the path to citizenship becomes law, my family and I will finally be at ease and feel like the rest of our neighbors. We have been here for over twenty-five years, we call this home and we want to feel like we belong." DACA beneficiary Sara Hamdi of Englewood, Ohio

Ruling on unemployment benefits a setback to Ohio economy | Policy Matters Ohio | July 30, 2021 30/07/2021

Policy Matters Ohio Research Director Zach Schiller on Judge Holbrook’s decision on Pandemic Unemployment Compensation:

"Pandemic Unemployment Compensation helped millions of Americans make ends meet, keep food on the table and stay in their homes during the health and economic crisis. Judge Holbrook’s decision is a setback for hundreds of thousands of unemployed Ohioans and the Ohio economy."

Read full statement here 👉🏽

Ruling on unemployment benefits a setback to Ohio economy | Policy Matters Ohio | July 30, 2021 Thousands now won’t have support they badly need Franklin County Common Pleas Court Judge Michael J. Holbrook ruled late Thursday against three unemployed Ohioans and refused to reinstate the $300 in federal weekly supplemental unemployment benefits that Gov. Mike DeWine ended on June 26. He decli...

Juez en Ohio niega el restablecimiento de compensación por desempleo — La Mega Nota 30/07/2021

"La decisión del juez Holbrook es un revés para cientos de miles de ciudadanos de Ohio desempleados y para la economía de ." via La Mega Nota

Policy Matters Ohio

Juez en Ohio niega el restablecimiento de compensación por desempleo — La Mega Nota Un juez de la corte de causas comunes del condado de Franklin, Michael J. Holbrook, falló este jueves por la noche en contra de tres residentes de Ohio desempleados y se negó a restablecer los $300 en beneficios de desempleo suplementarios semanales federales que el gobernador Mike

‘They need to be recognized’: How grocery workers’ fight for hazard pay will impact the economy long-term 29/07/2021

Hazard pay changed the lives of California grocery store employees during the pandemic and may have begun a long-term shift for lower-wage workers

‘They need to be recognized’: How grocery workers’ fight for hazard pay will impact the economy long-term Hazard pay changed the lives of California grocery store employees during the pandemic and may have begun a long-term shift for lower-wage workers.


The people who do essential work deserve to be paid a fair return on their work. They deserve safe workplaces. They deserve tools to hold unscrupulous employers accountable.

If you haven't already, check out our report with Essential Ohio on the people who do essential work, and how to make sure they're treated right.


📝Policy Matters Ohio and EssentialOH released a report on concrete steps needed to show respect for essential work.

📌Kroger ended voluntary hazard pay in May 2020 and retaliated against communities that passed hazard pay mandates by announcing the closure of seven stores. This follows a year in which Kroger posted a record $2.5 billion profit, paid its CEO $21.1 million, and added nearly $1 billion in stock buybacks to the $6 billion it made over several preceding years.

Access the report:


📝Policy Matters Ohio and EssentialOH released a report on concrete steps needed to show respect for essential work.

📌Undocumented immigrants are a key part of our essential workforce, yet U.S. immigration policy puts them in a state of precarity that allows their employers to abuse and exploit them. Among U.S. undocumented immigrants who are essential workers, 71% have lived in the U.S. for at least ten years and 67% live with at least one U.S. citizen.

Access the report:


📌Congress must provide a path to legal status for undocumented workers. The Citizenship for Essential Workers Act is a mechanism for doing so, and is critical to protecting many undocumented workers. Meanwhile, Ohio should implement administrative policies against sharing information with ICE in labor or workplace safety disputes.
Access the report:

OHIO: Revelan informe sobre realidad de trabajadores esenciales — La Mega Nota 26/07/2021

El pasado lunes 19 de julio, las organizaciones Policy Matters Ohio y Essential Ohio, hicieron público un preocupante informe que revela como el salario medio de los trabajadores esenciales es un 12,9% menor que el de aquellos en labores no esenciales. Mientras tanto, el riesgo de que estos contraigan -19 y lo traigan a casa es mucho mayor.

via La Mega Nota

Policy Matters Ohio

OHIO: Revelan informe sobre realidad de trabajadores esenciales — La Mega Nota El pasado lunes 19 de julio, las organizaciones Policy Matters Ohio y Essential Ohio, hicieron público un preocupante informe que revela como el salario medio de los trabajadores esenciales es un 12,9% menor que el de aquellos en labores no esenciales. Mientras tanto, el riesgo de que estos


📝Policy Matters Ohio and EssentialOH released a report on concrete steps needed to show respect for essential work.

📌Essential workers have literally kept us alive in the pandemic--often without adequate pay, sick leave, and health protections. If we are all in this together, then we need to be “all in” for Ohio’s essential workers.

Ohio leaders and communities must provide hazard pay, sick leave, and health care to essential workers today!

Access the report:

Policy Matters Ohio

Timeline photos 24/07/2021

Undocumented immigrants are a key part of our essential workforce, yet U.S. immigration policy puts them in a state of precarity that allows their employers to abuse and exploit them. Among U.S. undocumented immigrants who are essential workers, 71% have lived in the U.S. for at least ten years and 67% live with at least one U.S. citizen. Congress can create a path to citizenship to bring better protections for these vital members of Ohio communities.

Trabajadores esenciales inmigrantes exigen una vía a la ciudadanía de EE.UU. — La Mega Nota 24/07/2021

"Nuestros vecinos y seres queridos han estado esperando durante décadas para que llegue la vía a la ciudadanía que se merecen", agregó López, que subrayó que los trabajadores esenciales han "arriesgado sus vidas para mantener a las comunidades seguras".

Trabajadores esenciales inmigrantes exigen una vía a la ciudadanía de EE.UU. — La Mega Nota Cientos de inmigrantes que son trabajadores esenciales en EE.UU. se manifestaron este viernes en Nueva York para exigir que el Gobierno del país facilite una vía para conseguir la nacionalidad estadounidense a 5 millones de indocumentados que están empleados en ese sector. En


📌State policymakers should follow the lead of six states that used CARES Act money to provide $1,200 grants to frontline essential workers. Ohio should allocate $300 million in funds, consistent with Pennsylvania’s grant requests and Michigan’s executive budget proposal for direct care workers alone, to award $1,200 payments to each worker, and enable workers to apply on their own behalf.

Policy Matters Ohio

Timeline photos 20/07/2021

📝Policy Matters Ohio and EssentialOH released a report on concrete steps needed to show respect for essential work.

📌The workers at greatest risk of contracting and dying from COVID-19 are the very people we rely on to keep Ohioans safe through the pandemic and steer the economy to recovery.
Access the report:

Policy Matters Ohio Cleveland Jobs with Justice Justice for Migrant Women ABLE Ohio Immigrant Alliance Public Page La Conexion - Immigrant Solidarity Committee Northeast Ohio Worker Center

Videos (show all)

Ohio Latinas Closing the Gap: Latina Equal Pay Day 2021
Ohio Latinas Closing the Gap: Latina Equal Pay Day 2021