Chyane Anderson

Chyane Anderson

Here to help you pursue a sustainable happy and healthy lifestyle that you can love.

Photos from Chyane Anderson's post 30/11/2022

No better time to spread some holiday cheer with a GIVEAWAY!!🎄🎁

Me and some of my favorite small businesses got together and created something special to show our appreciation for our communities love and support!

We will be picking two winners!🎉

First winner will get:
One training session with me 💪🏼
One mini session with 📸
One session with AMP 💆🏼‍♀️
Protein powder and pre workout from 🧪

Second winner will get:
One training session with me 💪🏼
One mini session with 📸
Better buzz $20 gift card 🐝
A pair of my favorite leggings by 🛍️

To enter you have to follow all the people tagged, like, and comment. Each comment is one entry so comment as many times as you want! One save is an extra entry as well!


Are you lying to yourself?🤨

It's easy to make excuses for why we didn't reach our goals. But the truth is, excuses are simply a way of avoiding responsibility.

If we're not reaching our goals, it's because we're not putting in the work.

It's time to stop making excuses and start taking action.

When we take responsibility for our actions, we open ourselves up to new possibilities. We can begin to see results instead of excuses.

So affirm this to yourself: I can, and I will. There is at LEAST one way to reach my goals.


The only way to do great work is to love what you do🤍


If there is one piece of advice I could give you for your fitness journey, stop asking other people what there doing👀

Of course asking questions and for advice is beneficial but when it comes down to specifics like….
~What someone eats
~ how much they eat
~ how many days a week they exercise
~ there split
~ what exercises there doing
~ how much cardio they do

What may work for them will most of the time not work exactly for you and your goals. For example▶️

▶️I have a client who does cardio 4x a week and lifts 5x times a week while in a deficit losing weight

▶️I have another client who does cardio 3x a week and lifts 2 while in a reverse diet losing weight

▶️Last I have a client who does zero cardio and lifts 3x a week in a slight deficit losing weight

As they may all be working towards the same goal of losing weight they will not all get there the same way.

If you take one thing away from this post it is to STOP watching so closely and following the exacts of someone else’s routine. Except advice and tips that could help, but work towards finding what works for YOU!

If you feel stuck on finding a routine that works for you my DMs are open to learn more info🤍


8 things you need to avoid when you start you fitness journey….

1. Jumping on a fad diet you won’t be able to stick to for more then a few months.
2. Rely to much on supplements/ quick fixes and not focusing on consuming Whole Foods.
3. Working out too much and not realizing your body needed time to recover.
4. Not having set goals that your are working towards.
5. Prioritize doing as much weight as possible over learning form and muscle connection.
6. Not using weights because your afraid of getting “bulky”
7. Completely changing all your daily habits over 1 day and believe you will stick to them. Start small and build on it
8. Not focusing on the basics, stop trying a bunch of new workouts every week. Try to get stronger with a few of the same lifts.
If you have made some of these mistakes in your fitness journey comment below🙋🏼‍♀️


Have you labeled yourself as lazy, or unmotivated at times?

I believe everyone, just like me has hit a point where they feel lazy or unmotivated. Some even label this as a characteristic of themselves.

Reality is it’s your unwillingness to want or do what you believe you can’t.

Instead try being UNWILLING living a life or in circumstances your not happy with and get to work🙌🏻


Happiness is a byproduct of action💪🏼

Photos from Chyane Anderson's post 04/03/2022

Client progress🔥

These pictures are only 3 months apart… so if you think it’s too late to start your journey to feel comfortable and confident in a bikini this summer think again!!

Contact me now if your ready for the next progress picture to be you💪🏼


Don’t miss Boot Camp at 10am! 💪🍑
DM her or here to reserve your spot▶️


Fitness influencers are giving you false info….

I’m sure you have heard them say some of the following,

“I didn’t even see one full rep”

“Ass to grass”

“Bellow parallel or it doesn’t count”

Reality check🗣
EveryBODY is different, we all have different mobility/stability in our hips, knees, and ankles. Therefore everyones squat should look DIFFERENT!

By pushing yourself out of your range of mobility you put yourself at risk for injury. One of the most common problems when you squat outside your range is you begin to “butt wink.” A butt wink is a simple term for spinal flexion❌

This can put you at risk for injury and less tension in your targeted muscle (glutes and quads)

This doesn’t mean you can’t work toward squatting below parallel. It’s means you need to improve the mobility in the following joints that are involved to preform a squat. It also doesn’t mean you should avoid squatting altogether until can hit below parallel. Practicing both will improve your strength and mobility with time.

Exercises programs are not a one size fits all model. Your exercise program needs to aline with the biomechanics and abilities of YOUR body. Then you implement exercises to strengthen and improve those weak points.

If your feeling lost on where to start with your fitness journey, DM me✨


Growing up everyone always said you will never work a day of your life if you love what you do…. I know what they mean now🤍


Ready to take on the new year and keep building off all the things 2021 brought.
Still currently taking a few more 1 on 1 clients💪🏼
Let’s start the new year off strong👏🏼


Hope everyone had a merry Christmas ❤️ 🎄


I was in your shoes once too🙋🏼‍♀️
Wanting to change the way I viewed my body, wanting to feel strong and healthy, but not knowing where to start. I was tired of feeling guilty when eating foods I love. Tired of constantly telling myself I was never gonna be enough. Never skinny enough, successful enough, worth enough, always convincing myself I would fail if I tried something new. Im far from perfect and still have bad days where these old bad habits creep back in. But I can confidently say since I have made fitness a huge pillar in my life I have grown just as much mentally as I have physically. Putting every aspect of my health on the top of my priority list. The change I watched myself go through is identical to what I watch my clients go through.
Showing them how putting your health first can change your life, being their supporter on days they doubt themselves, and reassuring them they are ENOUGH for all the things they aim to achieve in life in or outside the gym. This is why I wanted to become a trainer, it is so so so much more than just working out.
If you want to change your life and make your health a priority then what are you waiting for? Contact me today to set up a free consultation for the new year!🎉



Hiii to all the lovely new faces on my page🤍
It’s been awhile since I’ve told you guys a little about me and my philosophy on how I got here as a trainer.
I’ve been training full time now for about a year and a half and can truthfully say I have found my purpose. I’ve always had a love for helping others, from coaching gymnastics, to medical assisting, to now personal training.
Finding so many women struggle with a lot of same things I did when I started my journey 5 years ago. Being able to guide them through all those trial and tribulations has been reward asf. 🙌🏻 Seeing the physical progress all the way to the mental growth/ confidence.
Training clients in the gym means so much more to me then just the physical reward, showing them the ends and out creating lifestyle goals. How to develop healthy relationships with food, cutting out negative self talk/doubt, and learning to make sustainable, enjoyable, and long term goals.
Personally I’ve done the whole overly restrictive phase that leads to binge eating, I’ve done the not being restrictive enough the leads to gaining unwanted weight. So been there done that😅 until I found it was possible to balance things I don’t want to cut out (ice cream🤭), and implement the things I know my body needs to feel my best. Unhealthy relationships with food has always been my biggest struggle in my own journey and continue to work on it STILL!
If any of this resonate with you you are not alone I promise! If you ever need advice my DMs are open to you all🤍


There’s no such thing as “healthy” and “unhealthy” foods….. 👀
What classifies a food as healthy? It provides you nutrients you need for your body to retain energy. Made up of water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.
What’s classifies a food as unhealthy? It’s typically has less nutrition value with high fat, sugar, and calories.
Take an acai bowl for example:
High calorie
High sugar
High carb
High fiber
Vitamin C
So are they healthy or unhealthy? Confusing right?
That’s why all my clients focus on eating Whole Foods with a higher protein, moderate carb, and moderate to low fat.
So stop classifying foods as unhealthy and healthy so you can focus on what really matter which is the micro and macro nutrients of the food itself.
Call out a friend who needs to here this 🤷🏼‍♀️🔽


“ if I do all this work and what if it doesn’t happen?”
If you make a plane and do the work, it will happen there is no question.


Why wait until the new year to achieve the body you want?
One of the major reasons people "wait till New Years" is that they overindulge over the holiday season left feeling too guilty about all the delicious foods they enjoyed. Leading to feeling unmotivated and sluggish…. What if I told you it didn’t have to be that way year after year? What if I told you that you can still enjoy the foods you want at gatherings and achieve all your fitness goals? Learning how to balance life and still hit all your goals!
I know waiting till the New Year is an arbitrary date--everyone starts on January 1st but there's no guarantee you will make it another day past the first if you don't make any positive changes now. Why not try starting now instead of waiting around? Who knows how many days we've already wasted!


Some underrated fat loss tips🙌🏻

▶️NEAT activity, the activity that is non-exercise. Things such as going on walks, swimming, and etc.
▶️ Managing stress, as most know stress can effect the body in many ways. Can cause heighten cortisol levels resulting in inflammation, bloating, and slow down metabolic function. Take some time away from your phone and read a book or whatever your outlet may be
▶️ Macro/ diet break can improve your metabolism function and help fuel you better in the gym if you have been in a deficit for a extended amount of time. Take a day to treat yourself to your favorite meal or go on a vacation and ditch the macro counting for the weekend.
▶️ Recovery, getting an adequate amount of sleep every night is SO important. This help with digestion, muscle recovery, and control hunger.

I know we struggle with trying to hit all these on a daily basis but practice makes perfect.

Comment which one you struggle with the most out of the four 👇🏼

Photos from Chyane Anderson's post 19/10/2021

Client progress ✨
I am SO happy to be apart of journey, it has by far been one of the most rewarding I have experienced.
From working through frustration, bad mental self talk, and fatigue she hasn’t quit on me yet and we’re only going up from here. 🤍
Working out is not just about physical growth 👏🏼
⬆️ 5lbs muscle
⬇️ 6% body fat


I never do special but I thought it was appropriate since it is my YEAR anniversary since I started privately training🥳
The rest of October I’m running 3 different special!!!
current clients can bring any friends or family to tag along the rest the month for free
20% off your first month’s session when u sign up
Taking on ONE ambassador that is committed and ready for results for only half the price. (HAVE TO FILL OUT APPLICATION IN MY BIO)
If interested DM me for a free consultation!
Like, repost, and tag friends 🤍

Photos from Chyane Anderson's post 05/10/2021

Clothes are supposed to fit you, you aren’t supposed to fit them…. 🗣
Me just like most women struggle with putting an old pair of jeans to find they don’t fit anymore or stepping on the scale to see the number has gone up.
“I don’t understand I’ve been working so hard at the gym and these jeans still don’t fit right”
Yeah that was me to….. even though the last time these stiff 501 Levi’s🙄 fit me I had 8 less pounds of muscle, was 2% higher in body fat, 2 less inches around my glutes, and still the same waist size.
Don’t let the gains you have made be discouraged by a pair of JEANS that fit before started gaining muscle.
Glad we had this talk😚 now go hit some heavy hip thrust and be proud that those jeans don’t fit over your ass anymore😉


What are you waiting for? Why not start working on your goals now?

To busy? To much on your plate? Holidays are around the corner? Don’t know how to start?

But let’s be honest how long have we been making these excuses? Probably to long if you still haven’t taken action on your goals.

Learn to balance life while working towards those goals instead of blaming life of getting in the way.

Happy Monday let’s start this week strong and keep the momentum going💪🏼

Videos (show all)

‼️SPECIAL‼️I never do special but I thought it was appropriate since it is my YEAR anniversary since I started privately...
