Roman Rubin

Roman Rubin

I would like this post to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Roman Rubin, they'll know the scam activities of him.


No doubt, as is apparent from his CFO “working style”, we probably weren’t the only victims who were leached off. Parasites like him go from one “host” to another. Anyone else that comes into contact with this Roman Rubin character in the future, bear in mind that your company will most definitely be dealt a loss and be cheated out of your money.

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When our job was complete, we sent an invoice of five thousand dollars to them. Black Tusk Resources did not pay! That scoundrel Roman Rubin sent us round in circles. He sent us to different people every single time when we asked for the payment. They made us run in circles for weeks and weeks. We gave them time to pay until we realized that they just weren’t interested in paying at all. The CFO, Roman Rubin, himself was aware and involved in this fraud.

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Roman Rubin, a Serial Scammer! CFO of Black Tusk Resources Inc

I would like this post to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Roman Rubin, they'll know the scam activities of him.

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After that he slimes off and disappears back to whichever swamp he appeared from. This is exactly what he did with our company Steinberg Valentino. Black Tusk Resources Inc. made a deal with us and took everything they wanted.

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Roman Rubin, a lying swindler! He is the so-called CFO of Black Tusk Resources Inc. which is engaging in scamming other companies. He lures in investors, then like a parasite feeds off on the other company.

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