2POP - Film Reviews - 2 People's Opinions

2POP - Film Reviews - 2 People's Opinions

We give our opinions on new and old movies and television on YouTube!

Merciless Pre-Code star vehicle or highlighting the double standard? An Anna Christie (1930) review 01/03/2024

Arwen reviews the film “Anna Christie” from 1930. And the films from 1930 and 1923. You’ll have to watch to find out how that works, but the aforementioned is a true statement.
How did they go from the Silent films to Talkies? Why was this the highest grossing movie of 1930? Was this Garbo’s first film? What about all the accents? Did this movie affect social change or does it give us a window into a bygone era?

Check us out when this episode premieres TODAY at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Merciless Pre-Code star vehicle or highlighting the double standard? An Anna Christie (1930) review Arwen reviews the film “Anna Christie” from 1930. And the films from 1930 and 1923. You’ll have to watch to find out how that works, but the aforementioned i...

Woke boomer speech vehicle or honest family drama? A Black or White (2014) review 22/02/2024

Ilana Galadriela reviews "Black or White", a Kevin Costner and Octavia Spenser movie from 2014. Is the life of a mixed-race little girl ruled by racial issues? Which of the duelling grandparents are we rooting for? How did the marketing do this movie wrong? And what does this white, Dutch, Gen Xer think of American Baby boomers fighting a custody battle over a young Gen Zer?

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Woke boomer speech vehicle or honest family drama? A Black or White (2014) review Ilana reviews "Black or White", a Kevin Costner and Octavia Spenser movie from 2014. Is the life of a mixed-race little girl ruled by racial issues? Which of...

Poor little rich girl or last hoorah before marriage? A It Happened One Night (1934) review 15/02/2024

Arwen reviews "It happened one night" with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert from 1934. Was this a movie under the Hays Code? How did the Great Depression and Prohibition figure into the story? What's the famous curtain scene? What was the extent of a woman's agency at that time? And what about the weird mistake?

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Poor little rich girl or last hoorah before marriage? A It Happened One Night (1934) review Arwen reviews "It happened one night" with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert from 1934. Was this a movie under the Hays Code? How did the Great Depression an...

A Pride and Prejudice, de musical (2024) review 08/02/2024

Where can you see the most modern version of “Pride and Prejudice”? Ilana and Arwen went to the theater! In the Netherlands!
We share with you our experience (in English!) and hope you will be able to see this innovative production soon! We review and debate both this production and the book. Can this story be told in the modern 2020s? Who best to tell us, but Lizzy Bennet herself? How are trouser roles used perfectly in this production (and leave us gasping for more)? Can you turn the book into a stage musical? Can we leave out historical context and class debates? Spoiler: nope! And watch as we connect the dots with Downton Abbey, Gone with the Wind, Little Women, Anne with an E, Barbie, Takarazuka, gay pirates and even A Christmas Carol. We present a unique stage review for our film-going audience. One thing is sure, you won’t be bored!

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

A Pride and Prejudice, de musical (2024) review Where can you see the most modern version of “Pride and Prejudice”? Ilana and Arwen went to the theater! In the Netherlands! We share with you our experience...

Stuffy colonial literature or shockingly topical call for justice? A Max Havelaar (1976) review 01/02/2024

Ilana reviews the 1976 Dutch epic “Max Havelaar” of which the title is too long to write out in this blurb. Is this a 170-year-old piece of hyperbole, full of sound and fury, signifying, well quite frankly, a whole hell of a lot! A great example of a story that stood the test of time, and then some! This old book is no longer required reading in Dutch schools and that’s not doing anyone any favors! This film isn’t widely known but should be watched by every warm-blooded human being.
We find out how a corrupt society knowingly condones institutionalized racism. How is this shockingly topical, now that the colonial days of the Netherlands are behind us? What did the Indonesian film company think about co-producing this difficult topic with a white hero? How did the script connect the sad love story of Saïdja and Adinda to Max and his wife? How essential are the mentions of King William III of the Netherlands in this story? And do the famous coffee auctions get featured, finally? But first we must discuss the Toeslagaffaire, and for those who don’t know what that is, you are invited to take this journey with us.

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Stuffy colonial literature or shockingly topical call for justice? A Max Havelaar (1976) review Ilana reviews the 1976 Dutch epic “Max Havelaar” of which the title is too long to write out in this blurb. Is this a 170-year-old piece of hyperbole, full o...

Solid female superheroes? Or just a girly pipedream? A The Marvels (2023) review 25/01/2024

Arwen reviews "The Marvels" from 2023. As a female led movie, criticisms have cast doubt on the quality of this film. How do they compare with male Marvel heroes? Is it just a girly movie? We also get into the superhero aspects. What is the lore around their powers? Where do they come from and where are they going? What status could a male Marvel hero never achieve but one of the Marvels can? Find out in this !

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Solid female superheroes? Or just a girly pipedream? A The Marvels (2023) review Arwen reviews "The Marvels" from 2023. As a female led movie, criticisms have cast doubt on the quality of this film. How do they compare with male Marvel he...

AI picks fluffy movies of all decades! 11/01/2024

Arwen Grune asked AI to suggest a fluffy romcom from each decade of the film era. We go on memory lane through the most enjoyable movies ever made. Watch us score them on our fluff-o-meter! Join us to see AI flub with some overly dramatic suggestions and cheating us out of the 1970s. Just what qualifies as a rom com and how flexible are we on the fluff? Are some of the movies better in their original or remade versions? And how does one compare fluff throughout the ages, when Charlie Chaplin, Ryan O’Neal, Clark Gable, Michael Douglas, Meryl Streep, Kathrine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy and Doris Day are all on the same list?

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

AI picks fluffy movies of all decades! Arwen asked AI to suggest a fluffy romcom from each decade of the film era. We go on memory lane through the most enjoyable movies ever made. Watch us score ...

Movie, Docudrama or Cinematic Postcards? Or none of the above? A Napoleon (2023) review 04/01/2024

Arwen reviews the 2023 film "Napoleon". She talks about all the reasons to watch this movie (or not) and has suggestions for Ridley Scott, should he ever try to make the same mistakes again. What would be a better subject of a movie set in the early 1800s? Is it even a movie and how does one define that? Which historic characters would be very cool POV characters to use instead? We'll discuss whether one can ever measure up to Marlon Brando's version of Napoleon, and all the reasons not to try. If you wish to see a movie properly roasted, watch this space!

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Movie, Docudrama or Cinematic Postcards? Or none of the above? A Napoleon (2023) review Arwen reviews the 2023 film "Napoleon". She talks about all the reasons to watch this movie (or not) and has suggestions for Ridley Scott, should he ever try...

Movie reviews: cash cow or passion project? End of Year Channel Special (2023) 28/12/2023

We are going behind the scenes at New Year's!
Ever wanted to ask how we select movies to review? What our camera set-up is? How we make the sound work (and when it doesn't)? What's on our wish-list to tackle in the future? What projects we have coming up? Or hear us shooting the breeze about diversity in Hollywood history, fashion faux pas that we will accept for art's sake, and which of our reviews caught the least and the most views? All this and (of course) more, in our double-length 2024 "like and subscribe" New Year's special!

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Movie reviews: cash cow or passion project? End of Year Channel Special (2023) We are going behind the scenes at New Year's! Ever wanted to ask how we select movies to review? What our camera set-up is? How we make the sound work (and w...

Dreary old hat or timeless, charming Christmas surprise? A The Bishop's Wife (1947) review 22/12/2023

For Christmas we review "The Bishop's Wife" from 1947. This lovely little Christmas movie with epic stars Cary Grant and David Niven is still worth your time. Was Dudley there for the Bishop or the Wife? Could Cary Grant play the harp? What was fashion like in the late 1940s? Can we care about scarves, overshoes and a hat? Yes, we can, and we will tell you why! We dig into the financial situation of each character, Cary Grant's charm quotient and exactly which part was David Niven originally cast to play?

Check us out when this episode premieres TODAY:

Dreary old hat or timeless, charming Christmas surprise? A The Bishop's Wife (1947) review For Christmas we review "The Bishop's Wife" from 1947. This lovely little Christmas movie with epic stars Cary Grant and David Niven is still worth your time...

Religious movie reveals a forgotten Disney princess? A The Big Fisherman (1959) review 07/12/2023

Ilana reviews “The Big Fisherman” from 1959. A third installment of the Lloyd C Douglas religious drama of “The Robe”. Or is it? Was this a well-intentioned marketing disaster? Can actor-enthusiasm save this movie? Would Princess Fara have been a kick-ass role model for women in 1959? How much do we love the dresses up as a boy to go adventuring trope? Do we care this has nothing to do with The Robe? (A bit, but whatevs!) How much non-religious plot can they cram into a ‘Jesus and Peter’ movie? And of course, we must give homage to the awesome Susan Kohner!

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Religious movie reveals a forgotten Disney princess? A The Big Fisherman (1959) review Ilana reviews “The Big Fisherman” from 1959. A third installment of the Lloyd C Douglas religious drama of “The Robe”. Or is it? Was this a well-intentioned ...

Can Disney deliver on the OG badass girl-power? A Little Mermaid ('75, '76, '76 & '89) review 30/11/2023

Arwen compares all movies based on “The Little
Mermaid” by Hans Christian Anderson in one
video. All? Yes, all. Did you know there was a
Czech, Japanese, Russian version before there
ever was the Disney animation? How does each
version tell the 180-year-old story in their own
way? Which ones hold true to the original themes
and intent of the unforgettable OG tale by
Anderson? Can the same story be told by this
many disparate countries and philosophies?
Where do they go off the rails and where do they
surprise us with their important message? She will
of course compare all versions with the 1989
Disney movie and recommend the best one to

Check us out when this episode premieres
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Can Disney deliver on the OG badass girl-power? A Little Mermaid ('75, '76, '76 & '89) review Arwen compares all movies based on “The Little Mermaid” by Hans Christian Anderson in one video. All? Yes, all. Did you know there was a Czech, Japanese, Rus...

Socio-political play done right or straight down the drain? A Devil's Disciple 1987&1959 review 23/11/2023

We compare two versions of The Devil’s Disciple: the failed 1959 movie with Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster and Lawrence Olivier and the 1987 BBC version with Patrick Stewart and Ian Richardson. We have much to say on the subject, so hold on to your 18th century corset! Can you mess with George Bernard Shaw’s plays? (“No!” is the correct answer.) Could the UK locations and costuming save Kirk Douglas’ movie? What edge did the BBC version have after having done the Poldark series 10 years prior? We debate some religious nomenclature, as one does, feminist statements in the original Shaw play and just what is the definition of a ‘rebel’ in 1777?

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Socio-political play done right or straight down the drain? A Devil's Disciple 1987&1959 review We compare two versions of The Devil’s Disciple: the failed 1959 movie with Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster and Lawrence Olivier and the 1987 BBC version with P...

Hard-hitting feminism or dated time-capsule? A The Women (1939) review 16/11/2023

Arwen reviews “The Women” from 1939, with an all-women cast, including the dog! She digs into the fashion and mores of the era. How did women regard divorce at that time? Why wasn’t the whole movie in color? What’s special about the fashion show sequence? What was the height of technology? Does it translate to the life of a modern woman? Of course, we must mention Reno, the opulence and the Hays Code. Find out just how feminist this movie really was.

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Hard-hitting feminism or dated time-capsule? A The Women (1939) review Arwen reviews “The Women” from 1939, with an all-women cast, including the dog! She digs into the fashion and mores of the era. How did women regard divorce ...

EU road movie or real 2nd gen drama? A Rabat (2011) review 09/11/2023

Ilana reviews the first Dutch ‘road movie’ that we know of, “Rabat” from 2011. It was made on a shoestring and boasts a handful of awards, as well as Marwan Kenzari as one of the leads. Yes, a Dutch Indie can produce international stars. Is this a movie about ne’er-do-wells? What is it trying to say about growing up in two radically different cultures? How do they end up driving a Dutch taxicab through Europe? What if your parents’ wishes for you aren’t realistic? And just how many languages do these guys speak? Of course, we show the beach scene and discuss the merits of dates.

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

EU road movie or real 2nd gen drama? A Rabat (2011) review Ilana reviews the first Dutch ‘road movie’ that we know of, “Rabat” from 2011. It was made on a shoestring and boasts a handful of awards, as well as Marwan ...

Trite 'AI is evil' trope or finding enlightenment in unusual places? "Doomsday Book" Watch Party 02/11/2023

Arwen and Ilana are doing a watch party of “Doomsday Book” a Korean sci-fi drama from 2012.
We question the meaning of life in the universe, and debate on the issue of robotics, artificial intelligence and what it means to be human. How can we not drag Bladerunner into this? How does the movie touch on human rights? Who would like to cuddle a dog? And what if the girl is not the love interest?
Sit down with us for a deep dive into this thought-provoking piece of sci-fi.

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Trite 'AI is evil' trope or finding enlightenment in unusual places? "Doomsday Book" Watch Party Arwen and Ilana are doing a watch party of “Doomsday Book” a Korean sci-fi drama from 2012. We question the meaning of life in the universe, and debate on th...

Mary Shelley’s vision plundered or out-monstered by Dracula? A Universal Frankenstein (31-48) review 26/10/2023

Arwen watched the Frankenstein universe from the 1930s and 1940s. How did they evolve over time? What can’t a Frankenstein movie do without? Why did they make so many? Which ones are the must-sees and the better-forgottens? What’s the drawback of making Frankenstein movies? How do Dracula and The Wolf Man figure into all of this? And of course, we talk about female characters, Igor and allocution lessons. As one does!

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Mary Shelley’s vision plundered or out-monstered by Dracula? A Universal Frankenstein (31-48) review Arwen watched the Frankenstein universe from the 1930s and 1940s. How did they evolve over time? What can’t a Frankenstein movie do without? Why did they mak...

Kenboxing, Kenderwear and Kenough Kenergy! Unboxing a Barbie movie Ken doll 19/10/2023

This time, we’re not reviewing but unboxing. Ilana splurged and got herself a Ryan Gosling Ken from the Barbie movie (2023). We ask the questions: is Ken tied up? Are there Weird Kens? Is Ken’s underwear actually a topic of conversation? Is Ken a stand-up guy? What is a Ken Label? We will discuss the fashion, the packaging and accessories.

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Kenboxing, Kenderwear and Kenough Kenergy! Unboxing a Barbie movie Ken doll This time, we’re not reviewing but unboxing. Ilana splurged and got herself a Ryan Gosling Ken from the Barbie movie (2023). We ask the questions: is Ken tie...

Which is worse: the offensive plot or the fashion faux pas? A Thoroughly Modern Millie 1967 review 12/10/2023

Arwen reviews "Thoroughly Modern Millie" with the glorious Julie Andrews, from 1967. However, is there any other glory to be found in this movie? How does the fashion of the 1960s relate to the 1920s? What should never have made it to the big screen? Why do we cry over Pat Morita? (Other than we love him and RIP.) Can bras be a plot point? (Yes, we said bras.)
And of course, we have to dig into the offensive contents, the music choices and James Fox cross-dressing (which is also glorious)!

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Which is worse: the offensive plot or the fashion faux pas? A Thoroughly Modern Millie 1967 review Arwen reviews "Thoroughly Modern Millie" with the glorious Julie Andrews, from 1967. However, is there any other glory to be found in this movie? How does th...

Plot? Story? Characters? Or none of the above? Discussion: What makes a movie a movie? 28/09/2023

Arwen and Ilana discuss the basic question of makes a movie a movie?
Is this a two-minute video? No. Surely the question shouldn’t be difficult. Everyone knows when something is a movie. Or do we?
What are the basic requirements for a movie? When does it stop being a movie? How does the budget affect movie eligibility? Actors? Story? Plot? And can we have a movie without any of these things? Of course, we delve into the big bang of movies, the TV versions, and revolutionary lamp animations.

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Plot? Story? Characters? Or none of the above? Discussion: What makes a movie a movie? Arwen and Ilana discuss the basic question of makes a movie a movie?Is this a two-minute video? No. Surely the question shouldn’t be difficult. Everyone know...

Lethal beauty standards or poetic fraud? A Cyrano (2021) review 21/09/2023

Arwen reviews “Cyrano” from 2021, starring the incomparable Peter Dinklage. Can our beloved Tyrion Lannister, I mean Cyrano sell this outdated story to a modern audience? What does story say about beauty and life choices? What does it say about women, and love and the class system? How disruptive is a negative self-image, however understandable? Of course, we will discuss the 1640s fashion, the cinematography, Dutch musicals and poetry.

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Lethal beauty standards or poetic fraud? A Cyrano (2021) review Arwen reviews “Cyrano” from 2021, starring the incomparable Peter Dinklage. Can our beloved Tyrion Lannister, I mean Cyrano sell this outdated story to a mod...

Tested Faith or a good excuse for debauchery? A Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954) review 14/09/2023

Ilana reviews “Demetrius and the Gladiators” 1954, the sequel to “The Robe”. Starring some of the same cast, this fanfiction movie is an anomaly in the era. Does it deliver on the title? Is this truly a Gladiator movie? Will we see any new, interesting characters, or is this the same old story of redemption all over again? Can Caligula get any more insane? Which Claudius is this? How debauched does Messalina get? And can we cram in a history lesson or two about the Roman emperors in the first century? Of course, we will discuss the fashion, the cinematography and the Praetorian Guard.

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Tested Faith or a good excuse for debauchery? A Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954) review Ilana reviews “Demetrius and the Gladiators” 1954, the sequel to “The Robe”. Starring some of the same cast, this fanfiction movie is an anomaly in the era. ...

Can all the Lokis save the universe? .... would they even want to? A Loki S1 (2021) review 07/09/2023

Arwen and Ilana take a very close look at Loki The Series, Season 1 (2021).
We have questions and we have answers. Who are the TVA and where do they sleep? Can Loki make friends? What does Mobius get out of all this? What's the difference between timelines and parallel universes? Can Loki adult? Which Loki is this? Why Sylvie? Can this get any more complicated? And do you need to know all the Avengers movies to watch this series?

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Can all the Lokis save the universe? .... would they even want to? A Loki S1 (2021) review Arwen and Ilana take a very close look at Loki The Series, Season 1 (2021).We have questions and we have answers. Who are the TVA and where do they sleep? Ca...

"GREETINGS PROFESSOR, HOW ABOUT A NICE GAME OF CHESS?" A Oppenheimer 2023 review 31/08/2023

Arwen reviews Oppenheimer 2023.
You’ve heard this movie is perfect? You’ve seen it and thought it’s the bee’s knees? Is it possible that this knowledgeable Dutch woman can go on an extensive rant about Oppenheimer (the movie)? Find out what completely obvious mistakes they made, and how they could’ve been fixed. Do all the pretty and massive good intentions make up for the massive shortcomings? Find out why the answer depends on your geographical location. And we have some recommendation on what to watch next (or instead) of Oppenheimer.
Intrigued? Insulted? Vindicated? Check out our review video!

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

"GREETINGS PROFESSOR, HOW ABOUT A NICE GAME OF CHESS?" A Oppenheimer 2023 review Arwen reviews Oppenheimer 2023. You’ve heard this movie is perfect? You’ve seen it and thought it’s the bee’s knees? Is it possible that this knowledgeable D...


Ilana reviews three seasons of Anne With an E, the 2017-2019 Canadian series about Anne of Green Gables. We'll take a look at the characters, the setting, the fashion, the casting, the subject matter and how it's presented. We'll also be talking a lot about the original books by Lucy Maud Montgomery with a special mention of the Vicar's wife, poverty, le****ns and horses. Not necessarily in that order. If you ever wanted to know a little more about the TV and film versions of Anne of Green Gables, check out this week's video.


Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

James Cagney shines or bombs, hard? A Footlight Parade (1933) review 17/08/2023

Arwen takes us into the glitzy world of "Footlight Parade" from 1933, with Hollywood's golden age stars James Cagney, Joan Blondell and Ruby Keeler.
🎬 Let's dive into the whirlwind of broadway productions in 1933. 💃 How did Prohibition and the Pre-Code era affect the storylines and the love lives of these characters? 🍸 Let's take a closer look at the stunning Busby Berkeley visuals. 🌟 What parts of the 1930s entertainment scene have become problematic to a modern audience? 🕰️ Looking to add a dash of vintage glamour to your watchlist? 📽️
Check out our review on YouTube!

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

James Cagney shines or bombs, hard? A Footlight Parade (1933) review Arwen takes us into the glitzy world of "Footlight Parade" from 1933, with Hollywood's golden age stars James Cagney, Joan Blondell and Ruby Keeler.🎬 Let's ...

Gutsy feminist statement or tame toy ad? A Barbie (2023) review 10/08/2023

And so we are taking a good swing at one of the Movies of the Year of 2023: Barbie! Can we score any palpable hits? Will Barbie bleed red paint or pink nail-polish from under her vinyl plastic skin? Not what the movie was about? Well yes, you're right, and we'll talk about what it is really about, which was certainly more than we expected. Wanna find out?

Check us out when this episode premieres TODAY at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Gutsy feminist statement or tame toy ad? A Barbie (2023) review And so we are taking a good swing at one of the Movies of the Year of 2023: Barbie! Can we score any palpable hits? Will Barbie bleed red paint or pink nail-...

World War Two propaganda opportunity or fix-it fanfic? A Goodbye Mr Chips (1939,1969, 2002) review 03/08/2023

Arwen takes us into the world of "Goodbye Mr Chips" as she explores all three versions.
How was the 1939 film reshaped into sweet propaganda at the start of World War Two? How does Mr. Chips' tragic love story unfold in the 1933 and 1969 versions? What flapper fashion mistakes are revealed in the 1969 MGM musical adaptation? How does a woman's presence shake up the boarding school world in the 2002 ITV version? Which version of "Goodbye Mr Chips" will receive Arwen’s recommendation as an absolute must-watch?

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

World War Two propaganda opportunity or fix-it fanfic? A Goodbye Mr Chips (1939,1969, 2002) review Arwen takes us into the world of "Goodbye Mr Chips" as she explores all three versions. How was the 1939 film reshaped into sweet propaganda at the start of ...

A harsh cure for toxic masculinity? A The Robe (1953) review 27/07/2023

Ilana digs out and dusts off the religious roman epic "The Robe" from 1953. What topped the charts in the '50s may be mostly forgotten in today's world. Let's take a closer look at this Roman costume drama with a 'message'. Could Richard Burton always act or was he just a pretty face to start with? How hot was Victor Mature and did they use it? Did a demure, dainty woman like Jean Simmons really get to have the best lines of the movie? Can Ilana rattle off the seven deadly sins and find them all in The Robe? What did Lloyd C. Douglas want to say about young, white, cis, privileged, well-educated, rich males that we find relevant today? This movie may not be so dusty after all.

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

A harsh cure for toxic masculinity? A The Robe (1953) review Ilana digs out and dusts off the religious roman epic "The Robe" from 1953. What topped the charts in the '50s may be mostly forgotten in today's world. Let'...

Skeletons in the carpark: BBC digs up a disabled past? A The Lost King (2022) review 20/07/2023

👑🎬 Join us for our review of "The Lost King", a dramatization about Sally Langley finding Richard the Third's bones. We discuss the life and death of Richard III, the 15th-century King of England.
What are the three main plotlines in this unusual film? What parallels can we find between Sally and Richard?
Just how could Richard's remains end up under a carpark?
We must and will drag Shakespeare into all of this. And what does Channel 4's Time Team have to do with how this movie is filmed? Some other honorable mentions of historical figures are Tutankhamun and Richard the Lionheart: find out why!

Check us out when this episode premieres TOMORROW at:
8PM CET (European Time)
2PM EST (US East Coast)
11AM PST (US West Coast)

Skeletons in the carpark: BBC digs up a disabled past? A The Lost King (2022) review 👑🎬 Join us for our review of "The Lost King", a dramatization about Sally Langley finding Richard the Third's bones. We discuss the life and death of Richa...