

t22b,....set 4 inaugural launch 2023,....


had any0ne seen this,...u kn0w iii g0t s0 much desert just waiting 4 water,..the s0lar is massive,...yet desalinization has 2 advantagesz cleaning the 0cean while then supplying w0nt be never ending yet at least might delay extincti0n


their are several many trust fund pagesz and groupsz here at dha lamidalaiii,...


here is partnership

Villages in Partnership We're changing the world by making a difference in the lives of people living in extreme poverty.


heres sum active h0pe

Trees for the Future Trees for the Future is using regenerative agriculture training to sustainably end poverty for farme

Add Your Name 👉 26/08/2022

see here's why zxcer0 demandsz instant de-salizinizati0n 4 a gl0bal fresh water reserve and dropst0tal 0cean v0lume the further d0wn the lessextra mass extinction

Add Your Name 👉 Stand Up For Climate Action

Add Your Name 👉 24/08/2022

see h0w well even w/ limited access the maine is all tethered 2gether 0ne big zxcer0 lamidalaiii blastsz

Add Your Name 👉 Stand Up For Climate Action


asz u might have n0ticed zxcer0 having very many c0mputer pr0blemsz, s0 th0 managed 2 get back the maine here 0n the purple back-up, s0 n0t all is l0st yet by any means,..and daily dalai is such a self functi0ning super-group,..at least iii did this 0ne thing rite,..az 4 dha whitchesz that pr0mised 2 get rid 0v drumbpvsz


s0 u can see n0w h0w zxcer0 senior re-start c0mbined,..w/ the less than full p0wer 0riginal zxcer0,...s0 iii am still averaging 0ver 46k particip8tion r8tesz,...0v the c0mbined,... & just asz a sp0iler alert remeber there was a 3rd c0mputer that was the first 2 g0,...that after we get r0lling here finally a spring c0unter-0ffensive d0ing as well asz be expected fighting against actual evil,....bar b aryansz,..

Earthjustice Action Environmental laws are only as strong as the judges who uphold them.


please never give up 0n m0ther earth, this is n0t her fault,....

Photos from T22b's post 21/03/2022

these pictures maybe all that's left 0v the last un-c0ntamin8ted placesz,.//


New 🎥 in progress
March 2022, Red Hook, Brooklyn
Godfrey Reggio

Solar storm warning: Earth faces 'triple threat' from space as 'direct impact' predicted 13/03/2022

Solar storm warning: Earth faces 'triple threat' from space as 'direct impact' predicted A SOLAR storm is predicted to hit the planet in a "direct hit" this Monday.


h0la al0ha peace ec0 defense warriorsz,..


Prussian r0ulette w/ ra$putin and drumbsz and xi's and rRin0's 10/03/2022

just no wordsz 4 2day my sincerest cond0lancesz and prayersz 4 immedi8te relief,...

Photos from T22b's post 09/03/2022

9 talesz ov 9 tailsz


hidden in the satire, xicccp n0t the 0nly cause reas0n,...yet 4 dramaticque affect deserves 2 be featured asz well,...

the knew intl gl0bal paradigm weather any0ne likes it 0r n0t,...

u saw all my warningsz an0ut prussian roulette,..iii h8te it when n0stradmus is c0rrect,...& iii wasnt able 2 st0p it even th0 ive tried,..


Kyushu Tourism Information page offering information, advice, blogs and other assorted things about the island of Kyus


2 B determined,....determined 2 be,...


Top countries
United States

Photos from T22b's post 04/03/2022

m0ther earth,....father time,...just what if anything would bring divine infinaty


Are you OK?
You've been shot in the head
And I'm holding your brains
The old woman said
So I drink in the shadows
Of an evening sky
See nothing at all
The stars look so special
And the snow looks so old
The frail form is drifting
Beyond the yoga zone
Turn to question the mountain
Why pigs can fly
It's nothing at all
I praise to you
Nothing ever goes away
I praise to you
Nothing ever goes
I praise to you
I praise to you
Nothing ever goes away
I praise to you
Nothing ever goes
I praise to you
Nothing ever goes away
I praise to you
Nothing ever goes, nothing ever goes
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: David Bowie / Reeves C Gabrels
Seven Years In Tibet lyrics © Tintoretto Music, Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Photos from T22b's post 01/03/2022

heres the full m0nty pyth0n as they used 2 say,...it may n0t be 4 me yet it might be 4 U,....especially u kidsz 2day,...h0pesz and dreamsz 4 U,...iii keep doing my best yet my kharma is s0 strange n0w, iii d0nt think there's much h0pe my l0ngsh0t prayersz will h0ld 0r else the world would allready be a peacefull place,...


The Astrological Transits of Volodymyr Zelenskyy- Saturn’s 30 Year Transit Returns…Protection At All Costs to His Homeland, Old Fears Being Brought to the Surface, A Man of Heart + Honor

Hey Astromomma fam! Recently, I conducted astrological analyses involving the natal chart and transits of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

With everything happening currently in Russia + Ukraine, I thought something BIG had to be going on with the astrological charts/transits for both leaders of each country. Boy was I spot on!

I thought it would make sense to now do the natal chart/transits of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine as well. What I saw was again quite spectacular and relevant to what is currently happening.

Now, before I go into my astrological analysis of Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s birth chart + transits, I want to put a disclaimer out there. For anyone who has followed me for a while knows I don't mention politics and, I rarely mention current/future world events specifically. This is NOT a political post but an astrological perspective on what I see currently happening and in the future. Please be respectful and kind in the comments.

Unfortunately, in my last post on Putin, I had to remove a few folks from my page. I may or may not do more world leaders astrology charts/transits. I have been asked by many of you ( appreciate your support) but honestly I don’t want to be known as a “political” astrologer. I am simply here to observe the astrological relevance of current events and the folks involved. I appreciate your understanding. Finally, I pray for Ukraine and its people as I have friends and followers of my page that live there. May we have peace in this world. After the last couple of years specifically, we all need a break.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy was born on January 25, 1978 in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine. He has his Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo and his Ascendant in Gemini. He is someone who is all about being different, free and innovative with the Sun in Aquarius, very animated and dramatic with the Moon in Leo( he was a former comedian/actor) and very intelligent, witty and communicative with his Ascendant in Gemini. Zelenskyy has his Moon in Leo in the 4th house of home, family and roots so he is deeply protective and pridefully emotional ( the Moon) about his homeland, family and the people of Ukraine(4th house).

Interestingly enough, if you followed my previous article with Putin, Zelenskyy happens to have his Moon at 17 degrees of Leo right on Putin’s South Node at 18 degrees of Leo. There is some kind of emotional karma to play out between these two. The South Node is all about letting go, release and surrender. The Moon is all about home, feelings, and emotions.

With Putin’s SN in Leo in his 10th house of power, prestige and authority conjunct Zelenskyy’s Moon in Leo in his 4th house of home, family and ancestry, Putin literally wants to take back, enforce the letting go process around Zelenskyy’s homeland. If you are open to the idea of past lives, these two have history around these themes. Even if you aren’t open to the idea of past lives, there is some serious karma playing out with the South Node and Moon of each leader being tied to one another.

Now let’s further unpack Zelenskyy’s natal chart with the current/future transits. Transit Saturn in Aquarius is at play, as he was with Putin’s analysis. You see the 30 year return of transit Saturn ties into what both of them went through 30 or so years ago with the dismantlement of the USSR ( it takes Saturn 30 years to transit the whole zodiac). In the sky right now, we have transit Saturn at 18 degrees of Aquarius. Saturn is of course all about order, structures, hard work, obligations, and karma.

Transit Saturn in Aquarius is now opposing (180 degree aspect) to Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s natal Moon at 18 degrees of Leo in the 4th house. Transit Saturn opposing someone’s natal Moon will bring about the hardships, responsibility and obligations connected to one’s emotions, feelings and family/people. The 4th house of course is the place of our home and roots. Currently transit Saturn at 18 degrees of Aquarius is opposing Zelenskyy’s Moon at 17 degree of Leo. With this transit, Zelenskyy’s is being called to protect (Saturn) with control and authority over his homeland (4th house cusp). With Zelenskyy having his natal Moon in Leo he is naturally very strong and he takes a tremendous amount of pride in his homeland and the people he governs. While this transit can be extremely difficult and maybe even lonely emotionally, it will give him the strength and willpower to overcome any challenging emotional situations. As one could imagine, this would have to be one of the most emotionally difficult situations he has faced in his young life.

Transit Saturn opposing the natal Moon can also indicate isolation which of course is what he is having to do to protect his life and his family’s( his family is away from him hiding in protection).

Since transit Saturn is making this exact opposition to his natal Moon as I write this article, it is most impactful at the present moment.This aspect of transit Saturn in Aquarius will be exact as we get into early- mid March but this will be playing out till Oct 2022 as Saturn will retrograde in early summer and pass over this 18-degree Aquarius point again.

As with Putin’s future astrology transits, it gets crazier for future transits for Zelenskyy as well, so I continue...

To read the entire article , please join me over on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma

Your support and love on Patreon makes such a difference for Astromomma and allows me to continue to provide content on here and my other social media handles! Thank you so much!! xoxo

Image: Volodymyr Zelenskyy by GaryckArntzen via DeviantArt

© Astromomma, 2022


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Photos from T22b's post 24/02/2022

s0 the Daily dalai just keeps chugging al0ng, h0pefully in time 4 chu chu's shop

h0wever it l00ks like the actual haa valley is full,...and blcoking the way,...it will have 2 be the c0rrid00r b4 that then,...


l0tz 2 much g0ing 0n, and zxcer0's drama in the backgr0und,..yet having people interested in the art side, is h0w zxcer0 h0pes 2 fund the last shops sisde,.....


0range alert,...if U were thinking 0v j0ining gl0bal rescue iii suggest u decide s00ner than l8ter,....0ui are allready n0w terribly l8te becuz 0v dha damned drumpfz and all the "angry "white priveledged evil aryansz kkk0nspiracy ar0und the w0rld,...thnx zuckxz u frippen yuppie larvae sell0ut

0h and i4rg0t 2 menti0n 2 many 2 mentionsz ,...gawdzillionsz,...
