With Love, Emmy

With Love, Emmy

* a soft place to land * yoga * retreats * mindfulness *


(2/2) Ways I have cultivated a softer approach:
✨Abandoning the scale and the diet mentality. Letting it go.

✨Writing a letter to myself, expressing all expectations and disappointments. Sitting with it, then imagining my dearest friend wrote the same letter. How would I treat them? Meeting myself with the same compassion.

✨Resting. Truly resting in nature, with a good book, setting aside goals and to-do lists for an afternoon or longer.

✨Surrounding myself with friends who offer pure friendship, nothing more. Those who mirror, uplift, gently challenge, and make me feel good about simply being human (including social media friends).

I believe softness is a courageous act of self-acceptance and compassion. None of us have it all figured out. We are all works in progress, striving to meet life’s demands while remembering our inherent worth.

Where do you find softness? In others or yourself? Let’s add to the list…📝



(1/2) I find self-criticism to be a losing battle. Nothing ever feels attainable, and our thoughts don’t always align with reality, as we continue to learn and grow. Our internal critics can be relentless taskmasters driving us to constantly strive and achieve, while missing out on simply being present and at peace with ourselves.

“You’re too hard on yourself” - a phrase I’ve heard countless times. But when your internal benchmark is “I’m not enough” while simultaneously feeling “I’m too much,” being harsh on oneself seems like a way to strike a balance.
In recent years, I’ve allowed myself to soften, yearning for a sense of belonging amidst the demands of motherhood, relationships, and the weight of the world. Along this journey, the harshness has gradually given way to a softer approach, stemming from the realization that I’m an honest but imperfect mother, that I don’t have all the answers, and that observations often serve better than reactions. I’ve come to understand that I was measuring myself against what I perceived others wanted or expected, failing to recognize that none of us truly have it all figured out. Sometimes, a soft place to land emerged from admitting mistakes and having others reassure me with shared experiences.
Embracing softness means aligning with my spirit and soul, rather than external benchmarks. Our needs evolve, taking steps forward and back, and I try to strive for soft. Softness lives in acts of kindness, no matter how small - a warm smile, a door held open, a hand offered. And in authentic vulnerability, where we voice our struggles and imperfections.

A few ideas for us all in my next post 📝



🎉Exciting Scholarship Announcement!🎉

I am thrilled to offer 3 amazing scholarship opportunities for the upcoming August Summer Serenity Yoga Retreat! Read on for details:

Option 1: BFF Retreat! 🧘‍♀️✨

Tag your bestie and share why you both want to experience this transformative retreat together. Two winners will each receive a $308 discount off the full accommodation price. Make sure to tag each other in separate comments!

Option 2: Soul-Seeker Scholarship! 🌳✨

In the comments, pour your heart out and let me know why you're longing to attend this retreat. Also share your two favorite words that capture the essence of serenity for you. One winner will receive a $308 discount!

The August Retreat offers accommodations for every vibe - from private rooms to shared bunks to glamping under the stars. Prices start at $808 for the all-inclusive 3-night, 3-day experience.

Nourish your mind, body, and soul through daily yoga/meditation, self-discovery workshops, farm-fresh organic cuisine, and the rejuvenating magic of Mendocino's great outdoors.

This is your chance to gift yourself or your bestie an unforgettable journey of renewal and reconnection. winners will be announced on April 1st. Share this with your loved ones and manifest serenity.


I am not a seize the day kind of person. I’m more a slow roll. I always have been. There were a couple decades where I was up bright and early at the gym before sunrise to be at my office by eight.

Then my oldest woke up at 5:30am as a baby and toddler no matter what time we tucked him in.

I wake up early but not pushing up the sun. Much more of a slow roll.

I think something about the slow roll helps me to trust over and over. Watching the light of dawn do her thing. Listening to the birds (thank you spring). Maybe having a second cup of tea or coffee.

I will gently push up the sun with others. A 6am yoga class, a planned adventure, an early morning flight.

Words come better to me pen to paper than from head to lips early morning. It’s when I write the most.

We are all so different. Some will wake up pushing up the sun others will wake more like me, peeping around the corner to make sure of the world. I don’t try to be any different these days.

However you choose to embrace the day trust you are loved. 🌞✨


Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 12/03/2024

My oldest is moving to LA, a six-hour car ride or a short flight from us. Being my firstborn, it feels good, surreal, and everything. Twenty years ago, I had just found out from our fertility doctor that I was pregnant. In these photos, I was 7 months pregnant with my youngest. We relished these days—cuddles, naps, and play—and so many questions from this sweet boy.

My pregnancy with Ryan didn’t come easy, and I was met with months of bed rest. We got to know each other pretty well in those quiet days, me talking to my ever-growing belly and him playing music I wanted him to hear. Recently, he asked me if I knew who Miles Davis was. I smiled. “Kind of Blue” is being played 20 years later in the bedroom next door.

I told him months ago my excitement for him to pursue his dreams far exceeds my sadness for me. And yet, I know I’m moving into new territory.

He’s moving to an apartment I lived just two miles from at his age. Things do come full circle. He will live two blocks from the office building my late father worked in when I was an infant. Ryan is my connection to my father in so many ways. He was as close as could be to him for a six-year-old when he passed. He holds my dad’s wisdom, sense of humor, and sometimes s**t disturbing ways to get a conversation going. He kisses me on my forehead when he comes or goes, just like my dad did.

We talked about his move and agreed that our connection is so strong that missing seems silly. We know how close we are, and distance won’t change it. I tell myself this, yet I know I will have new space in his absence—space to savor my time with my youngest. He has two years left in high school. His wisdom and candor guide me often. But there will be space. Space is something I crave and something I can run from, too.

I’ve spoken about motherhood feeling awkward at times, exhausting, or any other adjective. These days, motherhood comes with about 85 percent peace and 15 percent other things: worry, questions, hope…

I’m here for the unknown, but I crave the unknown to be gentle. I also talk a little tough at times, for there is a part of me that, if appropriate, would move with him or at least close by.

Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 01/03/2024

Who is ready for a little sun this week? We won’t need to wait until August, it will be here soon. But to ensure a little sun let’s embrace tranquility at my August Summer Serenity Retreat: A harmonious weekend of yoga, farm-to-table feasts, and heartfelt connections set amid the serene vistas of Whispertree Retreat. Join us for revitalization, introspection, and cherished moments of peace. Reserve your spot now for an unforgettable experience in Mendocino County’s enchanting Anderson Valley. Visit my website for more details.


The world can be cruel and we can still be kind.

Kindness comes in:

✨Speaking up for ourselves
✨Knowing when to walk away
✨Standing up for others who are not able to - everywhere
✨Finding quiet and recharging when the world feels like too much

Kindness does not mean:

✨Silencing our voice
✨Allowing others to be unkind to us
✨Pretending things are okay when they are not
✨Staying in any situation where we need to shrink who we are

💕Be good to others. Be good to you.

Always feel so seen by &


In a world of uncertainty, teaching is what grounds me. What allows me to show up fully. In teaching I forever get to be the student, too. Learning along side everyone.

If we haven’t met on a path yet I hope we do. If I’m not leading retreats, writing, working, you know all the other human things—you may find me

6am basics
8:15am Slow & Mindful

4:30pm Power

10am basics

8:15am Basics

Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 22/02/2024

Thoughts on Monday. I wrote this for my newsletter this month and I wanted to book mark it for later here. Just so I remember. We remember. 💫

Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 20/02/2024

Sometimes we don’t find our life’s work until we right in the middle of it. I think life is like this, when we try too hard it can feel forced and when least expected—it works.

Helping others find a soft place to land is a passion project for me. It’s fulfilling and I learn so much. And it’s always vulnerable. The best kind of learning with the right humans all within a few days at a yoga/writing/human retreat. We can call it anything really.

Thank you sweet souls 🤍 for your trust, for showing up as you do. Thank you .retreat for caretaking the land as you do. And, 📸thank you. More retreat sleepovers in our future.

Check out to see the nourishing meals she made for us. Amazing. 🍲

Life is a lot and then it’s not when we realize how many of us are like-hearted.


Yesterday wrote about what love looks like these days for him. 14 lines that hit home for me. I felt more than inspiration. I felt a sudden need to write mine down. And to no surprise we had some similarities.

Lately for me love looks/feels like:

🤍Long pauses to take life in. Facing my past. Feeling it all from childhood memories to grace for patterns I’ve had for decades.

🤍More understanding for what I know deep down I still need to learn.

🤍Kind words to myself

🤍Taking in both my boys and being as present as possible as our family of four under one roof transitions to a family of three in our home in just a month.


🤍Allowing tears to flow

🤍Not shoulding my food. Eating what feels good in my body. What I crave and not naming food bad or good.

🤍Speaking up for myself without apology

🤍Truth telling

🤍The deepest rest

🤍Saying no

🤍Not apologizing for the grief I carry

🤍Finding joy in the smallest moments


What does love look like for you?



This year I will be offering a 200 hour with an optional 300 hour yoga teacher training. Registration will open March 15th. If you are interested in more information or want to be on the list for priority registration you will find the link below. 

I have assisted and co-lead teacher trainings over the years. This year I am leading a teacher training on my own with the help of some very special humans. I am collaborating with some of my favorite teachers for us to learn from. 
💫This teacher training is for those who may never want to teach and those who do. I have found yoga and the path of mindfulness to inspire me over the years, to comfort me and I find myself a more authentic human, partner, mother and friend. This teacher training will be a soft place to land. Some of the hardest work is just committing to the program and showing up. The rest we will do together. 
💫The training, for the 200 hour will run from September - the first weekend of November. There will breaks in between our weekends together and on occasion we will have back to back weeks. This gives us time to let it all settle in and still live our lives as we have structured: family, work, you time. It is important to me that this training be structured in a way we we may meet family commitments, still have time to exhale and stay connected. 
💫The weeks that teacher training will be offered we will gather for a couple of evenings and then Saturdays and Sundays. So we may integrate our learnings and still have time for families and work when needed. Please reach out with any questions.

Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 09/02/2024

I am leading a retreat here this weekend. I find myself in awe of the location and spaces we got to spend time in. When we return, we will have all 650 acres to us. Come solo—or bring friends. Bring a sibling or a partner.

The accommodations are very special, and having seen each place to lay our heads, please reach out with questions depending on how you are wanting to land in the retreat. A room of friends? Or a room of quiet.

We will meet August 2024 at Whispertree Retreat in the Anderson Valley, a magical land in Mendocino County. We will meet for a 3 day and 3 night retreat. Whispertree’s lovingly appointed accommodations, include six miles of trails allowing time for reflection along the rolling oak hills and meadows.

We will meet to practice yoga, share nourishing farm to table meals prepared by our own personal chef, Jess Stoner who will be cooking everything with her customary love and devotion.  The food is fresh, organic and will be intentionally chosen for our time together.  A long weekend of simplicity, an abundance of time and space await you. 

Various accommodations are available to choose from. You may select a room to yourself, or shared rooms and there is even a grown up bunk house. The 3-night retreat includes all your meals, accommodations, 2 daily yoga practices (Friday & Saturday), 1 practice (Thursday & Sunday) guided meditation, gently led self-discovery and self-care. 

All are welcome at this retreat (ages 16 and up).


Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 07/02/2024

I do love this work. Thank you for such a lovely review. As I head into this weekend leading my first retreat of 2024 .retreat this means so much. And really it isn’t “my” it’s O U R retreat.

If you would like to attend a retreat please reach out. I’m happy to chat about what I offer and what we do. I find it magical to come together to rest, explore and recharge. 💫



Often in these squares we re-introduce ourselves when we have more followers or more activity here. I have felt so very honored with the community we are building here of like hearted humans. So to bring in a bio or sorts and touch on a few things:

💫A human who loves humans, who believes that far more people have good hearts then not, who continues to believe there is more abundance than scarcity and we help others to find this by lending a hand, a meal, a job. compassion and understanding.

💫A writer who is a little worried I will never publish “that” book, a soon to be empty nester who will miss her children, but feels very settled and grounded in having quiet and space.

💫A teacher and coach, who learns as much as my students and clients in our interactions. We really are all mirrors for one another.

💫A believer in good things still, even when the world is heavy as it is.

Let’s spend some time together. I cherish the friendships I have here and the new friendships I have made in my roles as:

📿Yoga Teacher
🌙 Retreat Leader
🖊️ Writer
☮️ Mindfulness Coach
🏡 Senior Mortgage Advisor

In all my roles, I hope to always offer a soft place to land. I have the same goals in each role — for others to feel seen, heard, respected and taken care of while finding empowerment to speak up and take care of themselves.

Together, sweet humans. Together.



Next weekend I head out to offer my first 💫R E T R E A T of 2024💫 This is one of the roles I cherish most. I had forgotten as I left this role for a few years, raising kids and well that year just 4 years ago turned things on its side.

Reemerging into leading retreats has led to connection, purpose and growth. One of the things I cherish so dearly, is that it leads to these three things for all. Teacher and student for we are both.

There are two retreats left this year to sign up for:

🌙 May’s Women’s Retreat (4 -6 spots left depending on if you want to share a room with a friend)

🌞 August’s Retreat open to all

💫These retreats are both in Northern California. Next year we begin to travel a little more. But for now, we ground down and find space in our golden state right here.


Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 02/02/2024

I returned to the States last night after 2 travel days and 3 full days in Sayulita with . Magical is a word I use at times, typically when I cannot quite describe a moment or moments. But for me it means grounding, heart widening and soul filling.

The last night we were there, we went to San Pancho (my new favorite town) we met the most special human and owner He taught us what he felt are the two most beautiful Mexican words. I leave you with one:


I am not able to describe it as he did. Even after looking it up. I did find this.

💫It means “caressing with the soul”. This term comes from the word “papachoa”, a verb used to refer to the actions of moving with love.

We were teary as we watched and he demonstrated with Robert, Donna’s husband. It was more than a bear hug, but you may get the idea. So often we hear, look for the good. I didn’t need to in Sayulita. It was right in front of me, every single moment.


This week I’ve been able to listen more. I’ve had less distractions. Listening to my friends who I’m visiting. Listening to the new people I met at a dinner party. Listening without waiting for a pause to speak. Listening without formulating answers while I listened.

And while we talk about active listening in our world. Practicing is a whole different feel. I haven’t felt a pressure to respond. I haven’t felt a pressure to know and it has felt spacious.

I met a woman who has 32 siblings. She was shocked I have none. I listened in Spanish and English. I noticed I had a craving to know more. To hear more. To take in life. I listened to ex-pats talk about their driving from this small town in Mexico to summer homes in the states.

I am listening to the sounds of the jungle, the occasional pup whose owner isn’t home, the parrots and the wind. Oh and the ocean waves crashing.

I’m listening to me more, too. What I’ve pushed aside. What I haven’t heard before; even though I’ve told myself.

I’m listening to my worth. How I arrive and depart. How I sit with myself in meditation. How I don’t sit with myself in meditation 😉.

With listening I am able to observe and not react. And isn’t this the point of all this mindfulness stuff. 📿

More listening will lead more simplicity for me which feels so so good. 🌱


May you always know and feel deeply how loved you are. 💫💕

Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 17/01/2024

You may have read this in my recent newsletter. Skies are still grey here in Northern California. In case you need a reminder, spring isn’t for a couple more months. Take it slow. I am. 🌸💫


Eventually, we need to face it all. We can, with love. From my chapter on friendship. ✨🖊

Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 03/01/2024

Registration is Open for our August Retreat. This retreat sold out within a few weeks last year, please reach out with any questions to secure your spot. This retreat is priced to be accessible to many from private rooms and baths, to shared spaces to glamping tents for 1 or 2 (complete with real beds!).

All are welcome at this retreat (ages 16 and up), mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, siblings, couples, friends, maybe a trip for a few friends who have been wanting to get together. Or perhaps this will be a weekend for just you. There is room for everyone and every intention. We will meet in Anderson Valley at Whispertree's lovingly appointed accommodations, including six miles of trails on 650 acres allowing time for reflection along the rolling oak hills and meadows. We will meet to practice yoga, share nourishing farm to table meals prepared by our own personal chef, Jess Stoner who will be cooking everything with her customary love and devotion. The food is fresh, organic and will be intentionally chosen for our time together. A long weekend of simplicity, an abundance of time and space await you.

The 3-night retreat includes all your meals, accommodations, 2 daily yoga practices (Friday & Saturday), 1 practice (Thursday & Sunday) guided meditation, gently led self-discovery and self-care.

Link in bio, or reach out to me.


Be gentle, sweet friends, especially to you. The rest will show up in time, the soft places and the other gentle beings. ✨

Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 01/01/2024

We do not need to make huge New Year's Resolutions or promise of big shifts this year. Most likely if we do, the will not stick. I have found knowing ourselves best first is the kindest way to make changes. Then we can shift to what works for us and take out the "shoulds".

Mindfulness Coaching is ✨H E R E ✨ and up on my website to inquire, ask questions and even book with me.

✨Who is it for?
Executives, Small Business Owners, Parents of Young Children or Empty Nesters, Students from ages 13 on up.

✨What is it?
A way in which you can bring more peace, calm, intention AND direction into your life. Not a quick turnaround but a gradual easing in to more mindfulness.

Our lives are full. Full with good things and full with other things: news, todo lists, keeping up, over scheduled. This does not allow us to fully step into the whole of us. The well being of our emotional and spiritual selves.

✨What to expect?
Gentle, Clear Guidance. Taking in YOUR life, not mine, not another. Taking into account with a deep analysis of how your day to day currently exists, what you would like your day to day to feel like and then finding a reasonable approach to incorporate more mindfulness into each moment, an abundance of joy, time and contentment.

Ease stress level, more focus, more enjoyment, connection and understanding of how you interact in your day and how you react to your surroundings. Shifting your life to more ease, enjoyment and contentment.

Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 01/01/2024

Mindfulness Coaching is ✨H E R E ✨ and up on my website to inquire, ask questions and even book with me.

✨Who is it for?
Executives, Small Business Owners, Parents of Young Children or Empty Nesters, Students from ages 13 on up.

✨What is it?
A way in which you can bring more peace, calm, intention AND direction into your life. Not a quick turnaround but a gradual easing in to more mindfulness.

Our lives are full. Full with good things and full with other things: news, todo lists, keeping up, over scheduled. This does not allow us to fully step into the whole of us. The well being of our emotional and spiritual selves.

✨What to expect?
Gentle, Clear Guidance. Taking in YOUR life, not mine, not another. Taking into account with a deep analysis of how your day to day currently exists, what you would like your day to day to feel like and then finding a reasonable approach to incorporate more mindfulness into each moment, an abundance of joy, time and contentment.

Ease stress level, more focus, more enjoyment, connection and understanding of how you interact in your day and how you react to your surroundings. Shifting your life to more ease, enjoyment and contentment.

Photos from Radiant Yoga's post 30/12/2023

Local friends, join me.


We do not have to have it all figured out, but we do need to know there is always a soft place to land. Within us, with soul friends and soul family.

May you find your soft place to land. May it feel nurturing and nourishing. A cup of tea with just the right amount of honey, a weekend retreat, a quiet evening. I am here for all of it with you. Always.

With love,


Photos from With Love, Emmy's post 21/12/2023

Registration is ✨O P E N ✨Join me for a weekend retreat along the Russian River in Monte Rio, May 17th -19th. This retreat will begin at 12noon on Friday for two full days and nights together. This retreat will focus on friendship, sisterhood and all that comes with being women in this sweet but often overly busy world. Jess Stoner our chef will be on site for the entire weekend. She will provide healthy and yummy baked goods, fresh breakfast, lunch, dinner and treats. Chai tea or coffee on the deck in the morning under the redwoods before we practice yoga, a light bite before an optional workshop with writing prompts, or a snack and cup of tea after a nap. Enjoy the hot tub in a grove of redwoods.

We will have access to the River with kayaks and paddle boards. We will practice yoga both powerfully and softly, discussion, writing and space to connect with one another. This retreat is exclusive in size allowing for a nourishing and rich weekend together.

While there are many options to add people to the sleeping arrangements, please know this retreat is limited to 12 people to ensure there is enough space to find quiet at the retreat and ensure you have a soft place to land to rest and recharge. Rest assured though this is not a silent retreat, friendship, giggles, and belly laughs are always welcome.

Monte Rio is a very small town within 5 minutes from the home. If you would like to make a longer weekend out of the retreat you may spend time in Guernville before or after. Just a 10-minute drive east. Armstrong Woods State Reserve is close by as well as Jenner Headlands along the Sonoma Coast.

Link in bio 🔗

Videos (show all)

Step into a world of serenity at the August Summer Serenity Retreat! Nestled within the picturesque landscapes of Whispe...
It’s interesting, as we move towards more mindfulness, we often unpack the compartments we were taught or learned to sho...
Join me February 2024 at Whispertree Retreat in the Anderson Valley, a magical land in Mendocino County. We will meet fo...
Here, kids are heading back to school. Hoping you can find a little extra time for you. Writing for me clarifies so much...
I reached out to a dear friend. I admitted something to him, something that made me sad, I felt shame as us humans do. I...
Stay. We love you. #suicideprevention #mentalhealthawareness #stay