Chi Flow for Health

Chi Flow for Health

Chi Flow is a sequence of low impact exercises to enhance the flow of chi (Qi) energy around the body


If you are pre registered for the next beginner course, then don’t forget that is starts next Monday 22nd April at 10.30 am. If you’ve taken the course before, you’re welcome to join in for a refresher. See you there.


We’re adding another animal form to our chi flow routine.


The summer term course begins on Monday 22nd April 2024. Why not join us for some gentle stretching and mindfulness. 🧘


Chi flow at ten thirty this morning. Image borrowed from Harvard Health.


Borrowed from Conscious Collective.


Let’s imagine ourselves on the beach. Chi flow tonight at 7.30 pm.


As we near the end of our first week, it’s been fantastic sharing chi flow movements with new people. Let’s keep it going.


Don’t forget that chi flow classes begin again next week. Beginners - Monday at 10.30 am, and Tuesday at 7.30 pm. Advanced on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8.15 am. Msg me if you need more details.


Happy new year. Let’s balance our chi, improve our fitness and flexibility in 2024, and usher in a calm state of mind. But first we party 😉🥂


The 2024 chi flow beginner classes start on Monday 8th January at 10.30 am and Tuesday 9th Jan at 7.30pm. All sessions to be held on Zoom.

If you showed interest at the recent demonstration in Sutton, or just found me on FB and would like to join then please email me at

[email protected]

I’ll send you the Zoom log in details. I recall some messages sent via Facebook but can’t locate them so please send your details again if you are waiting to hear back from me.

Happy Christmas. See you in the new year.


Beginners class is Monday morning at 10.30 am.


Welcome to the lovely group of local ladies who followed me after my demo for Sutton Women’s Centre’s well being day. Please message me if you would like to join the Monday morning beginner sessions - 10.30 am. Tuesday evening sessions (7.30 pm) for beginners will start again in January. The course lasts ten weeks and slowly builds into a 60 minute routine. At present all classes are on Zoom.

I borrowed the image.


I’ve never demonstrated Chi Flow in front of a mirror before


I’ll be demonstrating chi flow in the Chill Zone of the Sutton Women’s Centre Wellbeing event this Sunday. Starts at 1pm. Maybe I’ll see you there.


I’m demonstrating chi flow at this year’s wellbeing event. Why not pop along and join me.


Chi Flow beginners also starts on Tuesday at 7.30 pm. If you’ve joined this class before but it’s been a while, then join in for a recap of the basic moves. Same Zoom log in.


Chi flow beginner class starts tomorrow Monday 18th September at 10.30 am. Class is held on Zoom so it’s really easy to join in. Msg for meeting link.


Evening chi flow is about to start. So lovely in the evening sunshine ☀️


We love Chi flow in the morning. It’s a great boost to our positive energy.


Chi flow helps you remain calm and focused so that you enjoy every moment in life.


Lots of interest n chi flow at the Nuffield Gym today. If you are interested in me setting up a new beginners group then please message me.


It’s a new term and the beginning of a new chi flow course - Monday at 1.30pm. It begins in 3 minutes on Zoom. If you’re interested in joining us please message me.


Next week (weather permitting) we will hold a chi flow session in Beddington Park, Wallington, Surrey, UK. Watch this space for more details.


Movement of chi energy can be blocked by stress, poor sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise. Chi flow movements help unblock our energy and keep us centred on our own well being.