Fast To Shift

Fast To Shift

The Year of Fasting and Prayer for our Nation 2023.
1 week in each Month commit to fast and pray.


Praying over our children this week. Praying for God's protection over them all. As we hear things about trafficking happening all over our country and world. We hear about abuse and neglect. It can make our hearts so heavy. But God has given us power in prayer. When we see things like this that are so huge we can feel so helpless, but we have power in prayer. God can do the impossible. He is victorious! Prayer is our "superpower" and God honors our prayers. What can happen when a nation is on it's knees??!! Join me in praying for the children this week.


"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Ephesians 6:11-12


Prayer for Today:
Dear Heavenly Father thank you for today. Thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for providing for each one of us. Thank you God for going before us in our daily battles that we each face and fighting for us. Thank you for your grace and mercy. We ask Lord for you to continue to go before us and fight our battles. We ask that your light shine through us today Lord. Use us to bless others today, let our thoughts and actions be pleasing to you Lord. Be with each one of us. We pray that this Nation come to it's knees in prayer and worship to you Lord. What we see going on daily is so hard. We pray that you intervene Lord on our behalf. We pray for the brokenhearted today God. Touch their hearts, bring them comfort and peace that only you can provide. Speak to their hearts. Restore their joy in the midst of their storm. We come against the hopelessness that they feel in Jesus name. Be with them, today Lord. We bind the enemies plans and assignments. We praise you and glorify your Name. Thank you for letting us be able to come on here and praise your name. Thank you for all you do and are about to do! In Jesus precious name.


Prayer for today:
Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for today. Thank you for what you're doing across the nation Lord. God we thank you for what you're doing in the hearts and lives of ;your people Lord. We thank you for your grace and mercy and you're never changing Word. God we ask that you go before us today, minister to us, use us to bless others today Lord. Lord we lay our country before you. We ask Father for your continued protection and favor Lord. We know God that what is happening in our country and world grieves you. We ask Father for you to intervene on our behalf Lord. We ask God that you continue to work in our government Lord. Give our leaders wisdom even if they don't follow you. Guide their thoughts. Place Godly men and women in place. We ask that you scramble the plans of the accuser Lord. We come against Satan's plans and assignments in Jesus Name! We pray over our youth Lord. We pray God for you to put the right people in place in their lives, be in a family member, a friend, a teacher or even a stranger, we ask that you intervene in these children's lives, we speak life and hope over them. Let them see you in their lives. Reveal yourself to them in a way only they would know, so they turn from their destructive ways God. We thank you Father for all you're doing and are about to do. In Jesus Name.

Matthew 18:18 Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

1 Peter 2:9 You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Psalm 33:10 The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes.

Psalm 75:1 We thank you, O God! We give thanks because you are near. People everywhere tell of your wonderful deeds.


Prayer for today:
Dear Heavenly Father thank you for today. Thank you for being so faithful to us Lord. God we come to you today Lord and ask for favor in our laws and bills being passed Lord. We ask that men and women of God stand up Lord for what is right and true and pure. That they not give into the pressures of peers father. We ask that you give them strength and courage to follow you Lord. We ask Father for your wisdom. We ask that you go before us and intervene on our behalf Lord. God we ask that you stop Satans plans and assignments he has put out, we ask that you bind him Lord in Jesus name. Thank you Lord for you grace, thank you Lord for going before us, for allowing us to pray to you God knowing you want what's best for us. Thank you Lord for your protection over us. And thank you for what you are about to do Lord. In Jesus precious name, Amen.


Happy Easter!

October 15,2021 One day of prayer & fasting across our Nation 02/04/2023

Fast to Shift is up and running. God has given me direction on how to move forward with this. Please check it out, share it and join us in praying and fasting for our country. The enemy is working hard and as people who serve the Lord we need to take against the enemy and stand together. What better way than to pray and fast. God has called us to this. Please share and join. Let me know in the comments where you're from and what week plan to fast! Together we can encourage one anther and watch as God intervenes and moves across our country!!

October 15,2021 One day of prayer & fasting across our Nation Fasting to create a shift in the spiritual realm


Please join us today for the Nationwide fasting and prayer. God is moved by our prayers! Pray over our nation. Below is prayer points to be praying over and verses. Please share this and join us today!


Please take a listen to see what God is doing and what’s the plan on October 15th!


Take a listen to what is coming up! Lots of info here!

October 15,2021 One day of prayer & fasting across our Nation 07/10/2021

Visit and SHARE! Share with everyone you know!

October 15,2021 One day of prayer & fasting across our Nation Fasting to create a shift in the spiritual realm

Videos (show all)

Please take a listen to see what God is doing and what’s the plan on October 15th!
What is Fast To Shift?