PreewdY 18

PreewdY 18

Just for fun


*insert 15*

**Katlego's POV**

""Finally am on on camp🥳💃now ii will have more time to spend on mY books and studY harder 🥺ii juss wanna disappoint that woman (Dora)🙄ii juss wanna get greater results ✨ then have mY own apartment 🥳 make mom and dad proud 🥺💃 not forgetting the love of mY life🥺 Kutlwano 😻ii juss wanna spend the rest of mY life with the ghuY😻mxm like dad said am not here to entertain boYs🙄🚮buh as for Kutlwano 😻🥺ii think we gonna spend some minutes together 😻🥳mxm lemme get out of this daY dreams and go to mY class😞

** The school bell rang and all the matriculants were instructed to their rooms where theY will all sleep and bath at**


**insert 14**

**It's frYdae,ii woke up as usual bathed,do mY hair put on mY skull uniform then pull mY suitcase along with mY school back then went downstairs...mY fam was having a lovelY breakfast**

Dora:-where are You going
Me:-todae is the daY ii have been waiting for 💃💃
Omontle:-mama akere the matriculants are camping 🙄
Paballo:-and we gonna miss You sis🥺
Dora:-heee whooaa 🙌where did You get the moneY to paY👀 # shocked #
Me:-like You said MommY 🙄am not Your babe to fed so toodles guYs😊❤️
Paballo:-bYe babe🥺
Dora:-heee Wena Katlego kare o nkile kae chelte Yao patela??
Dad:-from me...
Dora:-empa ntate re dumalane gore ntho ena ha eYe felo...😡
Dad:-lethabo le dithuto tsa bana baka di tla Pele😊so princess are tsamaYe pele o latelwa🥺
Paballo:-daddY ain't we getting a lift todae🥺❤️
Dad:-lets go nunah... Omontle let's go
Omontle:-mommY will give me a lift
Dad:-lets go mY babies ❤️...

**Off we went...on our waY dad was giving me some tips on how to behave and avoid entertaining boys...bY that time Paballo was busY pulling mY skirt😂😂**

Dad:-okaY girls here we are... Paballo You know Your waY home after school right 😁
Paballo:-yess dad #
Dad:-perfect # smiling #😊❤️ Princess dad gonna miss You okaY❤️🥺
Paballo:-me either ❤️😊 # smiling #
Me:-Y'all gonna be missed bY me🥺❤️anYwaY Nunah we will do some chit chat during school hours 🥺❤️so ii gonna miss daddY🥺
Dad:-come here princess 🥺 # hugging and giving me a forehead kiss #
Paballo:-dad go before the crYinh part begins🥺

**We all laughed 😂😂**


**insert 13**

***After doing mY hair ii called mY ghuY(Kutlwano)then he came to take me at the saloon***

Kutlwano:- excuse me ma'am do You know a ladY called Katlego..she is been doing her hair🥺she is slender 🥺 dark skinned 🥺with a lovelY smile🥺
Me:-no sir she probably left an hour ago 🚮
Kutlwano:-sh*t!! thanks ma'am 😞
Me:-mxm sillY # smiling # are You fine🥺.❤️😊
Kutlwano:-babe You look so beautiful 🥺 mxm ii got mYself a beautiful, mcwaaah wife😊❤️
Me:- # having butterflies in mY stomach # mxm tankieY mo2waq 😻❤️
Kutlwano:-come here # holding mY hand, pulling mYself onto his # give daddY a kiss🥳
Me:-ii don't know how to kiss🚮
Kutlwano:-lemme teach You then # coming closer #
Me:-kissing before marriage is a sin 🥺
Kutlwano:-then let's go to hell together 😋

**His hands was all over mY bodY..ii couldn't look him in the*ttY ii was feeling this ghuY..then we kissed close to 30 min**

Me:- # pushing him # 🥺❤️
Kutlwano:-whY are you stopping me🥺
Me:-no no babe it's late🥺ii have to go home🥺
Kutlwano:-ii know babe🥺 # getting closer to me🔥 grabbing mY lower lip🥺his hands on mY ass🥺 then he let his hands do it's job🔥🥺 #
Me:- # responding to the kiss,uhm getting wet🥺😂😂 Kutlwano reallY know his job 😂😂 #
Kutlwano:- # stopping the kiss🥺with his hands on mY tights 😭 # shall ii??🥺
Me:- # ii couldn't respond 😂🥺ii pulled him closer then kiss him😞🥺 #

**Yess we did what we did ghuYs 😂😂**

N.b invite Your friends please 😊❤️


**insert 12**

**It was on Thursday and ii was with Cynthia and Paballo on our waY home from school**

Paballo:-Katlego Yaz ii gonna miss You🥺
Me:-babe🥺Lnnah ke tlo gopola nh🥺
Paballo:- # being emotional # who gonna buY me an ice cream 🥺where will ii take some moneY to buY chips 🥺
Cynthia:-heee Whoo🙌aguuh Nkrr re tlo gohla👀
Me:-Yah right 😂😂
Paballo:-mxm Yah eyY😞
Cynthia:-chommieY go etsagala eng between You and Kutlwano👀😂
Paballo:-mxm Cynthia it's obvious theY are dating 💃🥳
Me:-😂😂hebatho ha go etsagale nix😞

*TheY both give me a scarY stare👀👀**

Me:-okaY guys😞WE ARE DATING!!😞🥺
Cynthia:-ii saw this coming but ii kept quiet 😂🥳💃
Paballo:-😂😂Yooh so Mr president is mY brother in law 🥺❤️
Me:-Yess hunnY and You gotta show some respect 😂🥺
Cynthia:-ohh Yess Mrs Sedumedi 😂😂
Me:-in flesh babe🥰😻

**Cynthia was alreadY at her place so she made her goodbYes and get inside the Yard**

Paballo:-so sis do mom know thatYou are going to the camp Tommorow😞👀
Me:-no she don't...
Paballo:-so what are You going to do👀😞
Me:-eix sis ii HonestlY don't know 😞
Paballo:-You are left with few hours kana😞
Me:-ii know Paballo okaY and ii will trY to ask dad gore k tlo etsa beYanh😞
Paballo:-ohh okaY Princess 🥺

**Opening the gate so that theY can get inside**

**Dora was not around so it was mY chance to pack mY bags then go to the ii was taking off mY school uniform ii got disturbed bY a call**

Call cov...

Kutlwano:-heY love❤️are You fYn ❤️
Me:-Yess babe and You❤️
Kutlwano:-no uhm not 🥺
Me:-whY 🥺
Kutlwano:-ii miss mY ghurlflaand 🥺
Me:-ohhh # blushing # she misses You more🥺
Kutlwano:-when will ii see her🥺
Me:-ii don't know...cause now ii have to go to the saloon and do mY hair 🥺
Kutlwano:-when You are done please call me so ii can come and take You home🥺
Me:-okaY babY🥺❤️
Kutlwano:-ii love You wifeY🥺❤️
Me:-ii love You more❤️🥺

**ii changed mY school uniform and put on mY casual clothes then leave**


**insert 11**

***It's a Saturday morning,ii woke up first,bath,do mY hair and put on mY black Jean with with white T-shirt then mY sneakers,went downstairs do breakfast then Paballo came,she was still on her pyjamas***

Paballo:-Morninh sis
Me:-morninh babe
Paballo:-where are You going?.since Yesterday Your mood is at peace 🥺👀
Me:-, nothing hunnY... today uhm taking You out for ice cream be readY....
Paballo:-what??💃💃yaayy🥳 # excited #
Omontle:-heee whooaa what about me?.🙄
Me:-ooopsY got onlY 12rand...
Omontle:-ii gonna tell mom🙄
Paballo:-Its Saturday today love😂😂😂so suit Yourself 🙄🥴
Me:-Paballo go n get readY
Paballo:-okaY babe😊

***Paballo went upstairs after mom and dad came downstairs too***

Paballo's mom:-what is going on?.
Paballo's mom:-this.. breakfast!?.Iff You think You gonna get the moneY for the camp.. forget it🙄You ain't going anYwhere 😊
Me:-buh mom🥺
Paballo's mom:-ii asked You that do ii look lYk Your mom??🙄You ain't going anYwhere babe😊
Dad:-Dora juss stop it🙄it is too early for that🙄
Omontle:-ga oYe gope babeaq😂😂 # evil laugh #'s fYn ke ntse ke sa nYake go tsamaYa
Paballo's mom:-now You are disrespecting me..🙄are You saYinh ""mxm"" to me🙄
Dad:-Dora stop it!!🙄You are running our morning 🙄Katlego just made a lovelY please stop🙄
Paballo's mom:-mxm ..🚮🙄

***Paballo came back,she was wearing her blue jean with black T-shirt and her sneakers***

Paballo:-are You done sis?.
Me:-Yess Nana
Paballo's mom:-kante go etsagala Eng?.Paballo le Ya kae?.
Paballo:-Katlego is taking me out for ice cream...🥳💃
Paballo's mom:-with what?.🙄
Me:-lets go sis before ii change mY mind🙄
Dad:-dont You eat first??.
Me:-noo dad we will buY some biscuits
Dad:-ohh okaY...take this 100rand and buY something to eat
Paballo:-thanks dad...bYe
Me:-tnx daddY❤️😊


*insert 10*

**It was already late so Gomolemo, Kutlwano and ii went home but we didn't finish our ii was on mY waY there was a car hooting at the back it was dad 🥺...

Me:-Yooh he gonna shout at me 🥺 uhm not used to arrive this late at home 🥺 # I stopped and dad opened the door for me #
Dad:-Princess...where have you been?.👀
Me:-uhm so sorrY dad...uhm..ii..was..uhm..ii..was at Cynthia's Place 🥺 doing the project ii told you about 🥺 # mumbling #
Dad:-relax Princess 😊 just wanted to talk to you privately so 😞
Me:-okaY dad...what is it 🥺👀
Dad:- # seem so serious # uhm mY daughter uhm so sorrY...😞
Me:-sorrY for what?.🥺
Dad:-shhh Princess.. lemme talk...ii know ii have been neglecting you😞and ii know Dora have been abusing you emotionallY 😞
Me:-nooo dad it's fYn 😭 uhm used to it 😭 ii juss want to finish school then get out of their house 😞
Dad:-Its your place too😞 to hold his emotions # daughter take this moneY and paY for the camp 🥺
Me:- # surprised # but dad how did you know that ii need it?.🥺
Dad:-Paballo told us that you reallY need it🥺and you are going to the camp on Friday 😞
Me:-thanks dad ☺️it's alot of moneY🥺do mom know about this 🥺
Dad:-ii know babe...juss go and buY toiletries and some clothes,do your hair,paY the camp then the rest is your pocket moneY 😊❤️
Me:-thank You dad😭❤️... # hugging him #

***We were alreadY at home...and dad edged me not to mention this to opened the door***

Me:- # going upstairs # GudnYt peeps 😊
Paballo's mom:-we are about to eat Katlego 👀
Me:-uhm not hungrY thanks 😊
Paballo:-sis ke enh wa thaba ha kana🥺
Omolemo:-mxm ra tseba gore Kutlwano have something to do with this🙄 # rolling her eYes #
Me:-uhm not in the mood for your nonsense Omo babe 😊
Dad:- # laughing # GudnYt Princess 😂.😊

***I was so happY to the point where ii lost mY appetite***


*insert 9*


**Paballo is going downstairs**

Paballo:-mom and dad # looking so disappointed #
Dad&mom:-yess Nana...
Paballo:-i need to talk to you...both of you 😞
Mom:-what is it?.are you pregnant 👀
Paballo:-no mom😞uhm ...eish..
Dad:-what is it then👀
Mom:-paballo waitse o re senYetsa nako🙄
Mom:-haYi aee there is no moneY🙄
Dad:-listen dear # referring to her wife...Dora # for what Nana
Paballo:-the matriculants are going to their final camp on Friday 😞so she need R1500
Mom:-what👀she ain't going there🙄
Paballo:-mom she needs to go so she can be able to pass😭 # crYing #
Mom:-heee🙌you got lot of water in your head NH🙄go and tell her that she ain't going anYwhere🙄🙌
Dad:-cool down hunnY🥺we will see what to do...
Mom:-there is nothing to see Katlego ga aYe felo🙄

**Paballo was so hurt hearing her mom saying those words..she went outside to cool down**

Dad:-babe KatlieY is in matric..we have to support her🥺
Mom:-nooo Baba🙌 Katlego ga aYe felo🙄
Dad:-whY are you doing this to Katlego?.🥺is it because her mom is not here to speak for her?.🙄if that's the case mY daughter is going to the camp😠

**Dad was so frustrating to the point where he get to the car and drive... nobodY knew where he was going...**


Please rate mY writing🥺n wait for insert 9🥳💃
Will Paballo be able to ask moneY from her parents or not?.✨


*insert 8*

**As ii was about to close Cynthia's gate Kutlwano and Gomolemo called me...bY the waY Gomolemo is one of our classmates and he is good on Mathematics**

Gomo& Kutlwano:-hellos
Me:-whY are you calling me as if uhm uurh ghurlflaands 🙄
Kutlwano:-nkrr uuh are mY ghurlflaand so I can call you the waY ii lYk 🥳❤️ # smiling #
Gomolemo:-ghuYs not todae please
Me:-tell your stupid flaand to stop this nonsense 🙄
Kutlwano:-lnnah kao rata Mme Sedumedi ❤️🥺 # smiling and kissing Katlego's hand #
Gomolemo:-ii think it's mY quee to get inside the house 😞
Me:- # honestly ii was charmed n couldn't talk😻❤️ # mxm Kutlwano n'tlohelle tuu😊❤️
Kutlwano:-hawu KatlieY ka tseba wa n'rata 😋❤️ so n'tloelle ke be motho'wa'hao🥺❤️ # looking so innocent and s*xY😋 #
Me:-mxm uhm too much expensive you can't afford me babe 🙄❤️so n'tloelle Kutlwano
Kutlwano:- # she juss called me babe yess # ohh okaY mY queen lemme show you that I can❤️🥺
Me:- this ghuY is so f**ken crazY😻❤️ # can you buY me happiness??👀
Kutlwano:-ohh flop I can't 😞but I can give it to you 😊❤️ # smiling ...still holding Katlego's hand #

** Cynthia was looking at us for some quiet time then she called us**

Cynthia:-come in ghuYs we are here to do school work not a loveY-doveY show # laughing #
Me:-tnx chommieY kgopela o mo jwetse a tlohelle letsoho lakk phela wa nkgobatsa😻😊 # looking at Kutlwano with lot of smile #
Kutlwano:- Iloveyouh KatlieY ❤️😊
Cynthia:- # laughing # hawu KatlieY it's obvious tell the ghuY you love him too😂😂❤️
Me:mxm you are seeing things Cynthia uhm not inlove wit him😭🚮
Kutlwano:- # referring to Cynthia # tnx fattY😊😊 # smiling and getting inside the house #

**We started our project**
Paballo's POV
""Waitse mY sis need moneY,she is in grade 12 and this is her last camp before writing the final exams...iff she doesn't go to the camp she gonna suffer and probably fail...and everY bodY will be on her back...mxm uhm going to ask moneY from dad and mom on her behalf 😞""


*insert 7*

**As we enters the house.. Paballo's mom was sitting at the lounge so we pass her 🙄**

Paballo's mom:-dont you see me
Paballo:-hieY mom
Paballo's mom:-how was uurh dae
Paballo:-juss fYn tnx mom
Paballo's mom:-where is Omontle
Me:-we left her behind wit her friends
Paballo's mom:-ohh okaY... Katlego go upstairs and take off your school uniform then cook
Me:-mom whY don't Paballo cook today then ii will cook Tommorow 🥺
Paballo's mom:-are you telling me what to do 👀
Me:-no mom..ii got a project to do 🥺
Paballo's mom:-do ii look like ii care 🙄 go and take off those rags and come back here nxaah 😠
Me:- # wit tearY eYes 🥺 #
Paballo:-dont babe 🥺 go and do your project ii will cook 🥺
Me:-thanks sis 🥺

**I went to mY room and locked it
Katlego's Pov**

""What on earth have ii done to this woman 😭juss wanna finish matric n go far far away from this familY😭..

*She got disturbed by a phone call*
Phone cov

Cynthia:-are you ghuYs coming at mY place or yours...
Me:-no babe your place...
Cynthia:-ohhh okaY babe... lemme call Kutlwano and Gomolemo...
Me:-ohh okaY bYe

*I took off mY school uniform then put on mY black Adidas tight then put on mY white T-shirt then mY I was going down dad enters*

Me:-daddY # running towards him and hugged him #
Dad:-princess # responding to the hug # are you fYn...
Me:-yess dad uhm uhkkY 😊 n wnah
Dad:-uhm fYn... princess you look so worried what is it 👀
Me:-nothinh dad😞
Paballo:-tell him KatlieY 🥺
Me:-no's fYn..there is nothing wrong 😞
Dad:-dont trY to lie to me Princess 👀
Me:-ga se selo Papa k kgopela tsela papa 😞uhm going to Cynthia's Place re saYa go etsa project 😞
Dat:-ohh okaY Princess 🥺juss know that daddY loves you okaY❤️
Me:-i love you more dad❤️🥺

**He gave me a kiss on mY forehead then ii left the house**


*insert 6*

**As we were in the class the English Teacher enters**

Teacher:-morninh class...
Class:-morninh ma'am...
Teacher:-todae you will be sent home early since well there are no teachers...
Teacher:-y'll behaving like the grade 11's.. before you go home...there is a project I need you to do... with the pair of 4:: 2 girls n 2 boys

**Miss Smith paired us...I was paired with Cynthia,Gomolemo and Kutlwano...we waited till it was break, after we went home...I was going with Cynthia and Paballo**

Cynthia:-so flaand did you do it?.
Me:-do what?.
Cynthia you know...
Paballo:- # laughing # hawu sis Cynthia means did you do the deeds🍑🍆
**We all laughed 😂😂oops did I mention that Paballo is in grade 10...if I didn't then Yah mY lil sis is in grade 10 and Omontle in grade 8**

Cynthia:-nooo sillY😂😂I mean the camp moneY
Paballo:-ohh nna bekre KatlieY is now an s*x addict 😂😂😂
Me:-eish flaand I haven't...😞
Paballo:-even now sis?.👀🥺
Cynthia:-hawu chommieY whY🥺
Me:-mxm ghuYs its hard were will I start?. paballo's mom doesn't care about me nor mY school work😞she gonna refuse😭 # trYinh to hold mY emotions #
Cynthia:-marr chommieY you gotta trY them🥺
Paballo:-yess sis you gotta trY..🥺
Me:- # with tearY eYes # ghuYs You don't understand 🥺 mosadieY ola never a ntheletje nkampane Kah tlogela🥺that woman don't love me😭😭😭

***I started crYing 😭 Paballo n Cynthia gave me a tight hug🥺❤️**

Cynthia:-dont crY chommieY 🥺
Paballo:- go tlo loka ausieY🥺


*insert 5*

Katlego's POV

***Weeks has passed...onlY one week left before the camp and I haven't paid anYthinh...mxm I will not go there it's fYn 😭...***

Stranger:- Katlego...Kat??
Me:- # looking at the back # mxm it's this ghuY🙄 # I waited for him #
Kutlwano:-hieY you
Kutlwano:-hawu whY the long face?...can I accompanY you?..🥺
Me:-dont you have friends to walk with?.🙄
Kutlwano:-hawu Katlego ... what's wrong with you?.🥺
Me:-do I look lYk there is something that is not rYt?.🙄

**I gave him a hard tYm asf...anYwaY Kutlwano Issa bouY in mY class...he is mY competitor😂buh he is the second 😂🥺**

Kutlwano:-kao kopa geh Kat...🥺
Me:-okaY xhurp geh let's go☺️
Kutlwano:-thanks😊😊 # with smiles all over his face #
Me:-so have you paid the moneY for the camp?.
Kutlwano:-hell Yess💃
Me:-ohhh I see😊
Kutlwano:-and you? please tell me that you will be available mY love🥺❤️
Me:-your love🙄 # rolling mY eYes # what if I didn't?🙄
Kutlwano:-ohhh sorrY # wena even if you climb the mountains you gonna be mY love❤️🥺 did paY rYt?🥺
Me:- # starting to get butterflies in mY stomach # mxm wa hlanYa😻😻❤️🥺...I didn't paY the moneY Kutlwano...happY now🙄
Kutlwano:-iloveyouhtoo mY queen ❤️🥺 # holding mY hand # babe I know you are just fooling around ❤️😊
Me:- # what is he doing to me😻❤️ghuYs uhm falling for the ghuy😂😂 # don't touch me🙄🥴❤️...suit yourself then❤️🥴

**As we were flirting the school bell rang...we walk lil bit faster **


*insert 4*


Paballo:-Katlego got alot of school work to do 😞we ought to help her 😞
Paballo's mom:-when you say""we""you are referring to who and who🙄
Omontle:-ask again Ma🙄tlogela ntho eo e tse tiro Ya'geh🙄
Paballo:-You Omo you gonna be just lYk your mom🙄nxaah🥺
Paballo's mom:-wabona wena Katlego what have you done to mY kid?😡🙄
Me:-what?🥺me?🥺 # shocked #
Paballo's mom:- Katlego a hot slap #

***I went straight to mY room😭I set out the whole nYt crYing 😭 didn't even join them for supper 😭 ***


*insert 3*

# Paballo entering Katlego's room without knocking #

Paballo:-heee Wena can't you hear that uhm calling you 🙄
Me:-sorrY I didn't hear you 🥺 what do you want?? tearY eyes #
Paballo:-mom is calling you 🙄 anYwaY what's going on with you 🙄
Me:-nothinh🥺 # with tearY eyes # lemme pass🥺

**Mew n Paballo we are getting along just that her mom is so poisonous towards me**

Paballo:-nooo KatlieY wat is it??
Me:- falling down 😭 # I have a lot on mY plate and nobodY Is noticing that 😭
Paballo:-wat is it sis
Me:-i need moneY to go to the camp 😭 and I don't know how will I get it 😭
Paballo:-whY don't you ask it from mom and dad # getting emotional too🥺 #
Me:-you do know how your mom is 😭she won't let me go to the camp 😭
Paballo:- # starting to crY too # eish sis 😭don't crY😭will trY to talk to her uhkkY 😭
Me:-nooo!!!don't🥺 please don't🥺

** Paballo's mom calling so aggressively**

Me:-uhm coming her tears #

**Paballo gave mew a hug*

Paballo:-go tlo loka ngwana ko gae🥺

**Going downstairs**

Paballo's mom:-who do you think you are 🙄do you think this dishes gonna wash themselves 🙄
Me:-no mom... # bending mY head #
Paballo's mom:-do I look lYk your mom?.🙄wash this dishes 🙄then go and fetch water from the tank 🙄after cook!!🙄
Paballo:-but mom Katlego can't do all the work alone😞
Omontle:-you wanna help her?.🙄👀


*insert 2*

# Katlego was at her place doing her homeworks then her phone rang it was Cynthia #

Me:-Yes babY what's wrong
Cynthia:-uhm babe I was looking for you after school..where did you go??...
Me:-yooh mngani I was not feeling rYt 😞den I quickly rushed home 😔
Cynthia:-ohhh babe are you fYn now
Me:-yah uhm cool now
Cynthia:-did uuh manage to ask for the camp moneY🥺
Me:-no flaand*looking so disappointed*😞
Cynthia:-whY chommieY??.😯we are onlY left wit 3 weeks!!!👀
Me:-i know😞 mom won't allow me to go 😞
Cynthia:-trY to ask your dad
Me:-will do chommieY 😞 lemme charge uhm running out of battery 🚮😊
Cynthia:-okay Iloveyou okay ❤️✨
Me:-love you too❤️

*She hangs up*

**Katlego's Pov**

:-where will I start asking for moneY??.. that woman is so reckless 😭she won't let dad give me the moneY😭she would rather instead give it to her spoiled kids😭...what on earth will I saY😭I so wish mY mom was here maYbe mY life would have been better 😭 mxm 😭...-:

*Paballo is calling Katlego*



*insert 1*

Katlego's Pov*

""Triririririii""that was mY alarm!! aarrgghh tYm for me to go to skull....I woke up,do mY hair and put on mY school uniform....
Then went downstairs to have breakfast with mY familY...
Me:-todae uhm de one who gonna praY for food*smiling*
Stepmom:-ka nnete jeso wa tshela*laughing*
Dad:-hawu leave KatlieY alone*laughing"
Me:-please close your eyes::Dear Lord today I wanna thank you for this precious breakfast we are about to have and please be with us during the dae::Amen
enjoyed our meal then dad gave us a lift to go to used her car to go to work #


skull #
*I have this CrazY flaand called Cynthia also in matric,she is chubbY and have a cute dimple*.........

Me:-hi stranger
Cynthia:-heY Kat..did uuh tell your parents about the camp ?.
Me:-eish flaand...we will talk about it...

went to class n the periods started #




Uhm Katlego Qwala a 18Year old ghurl living with mY dad and mY stepmom with their two daughters namelY Paballo and Omontle.Uhm doing grade 12 and we are living in Gauteng at Rordport extension 3


Please staY tuned for insert 1 n please invite your flaands✨


✨ happY new Year fam 🌟🥳💃❤️


DaY 365 of 365✨🥳all thanks to Father God🥺❤️


:-✨ starting to publish stories also wit threads on de 1st of Jan✨🤸in de meantYm invite uurh friends to lYk de page🥳💃
