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What BIOHACKING/ FITNESS accounts everybody should follow? Tag them in the comments!

Here are mine (in no particular order) with a little reference to navigate your interests:

1. .asprey (father of biohacking)
2. (all things nutrition & healthy lifestyle)
3. (longevity research & reverse ageing)
4. (advanced science)
5. (advanced science)
6. (healthy choices in an unhealthy world)
7. (all things nutrition & healthy lifestyle)
8. (glucose, diabetes, weight loss)
9. (biohacking for women)
10. (gut & mitochondrial health)

Curious to hear yours now! ⬇️

Photos from sunve's post 16/07/2024

Could you feel that? SWIPE ➡️

Photos from sunve's post 15/07/2024

Your next excuse to travel [SWIPE➡️]

Have you ever asked yourself while after walking the beach you feel so much better? Or why when you're out in the waves everything feels great and you only realize at home how beaten up you are?

Now let me know your favourite beach that I have some travel inspiration where to go next (extra credit for left point breaks) 🌊🏄🏼‍♀️! ⬇️


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉



There's a lot of pressure out there to conform to what society thinks is "normal" or "acceptable." But let me tell you something: You were born an original. You were put on this earth with a unique set of talents, skills, and qualities that nobody else possesses.
So don't let the fear of standing out hold you back. Embrace your uniqueness and let your light shine! Don't spend your life trying to be a copy of somebody else. That's not what you were put here for. You were put here to be YOU!

🚫 It's time to let go of the fear and embrace your originality. Be proud of who you are and what makes you unique.

🌟 The world needs more original thinkers, more innovators, more game-changers. And that's exactly what you are!

💡 So today, I challenge you to let go of any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Know that you have something special to offer the world that nobody else can. And most importantly, don't be afraid to show the world who you really are! Embrace your quirks, your passions, and your talents.

🚀 The moment you embrace your uniqueness, amazing things start to happen. You'll feel more confident, more authentic, and more fulfilled.

💬 Comment below a unique quality about yourself, quirk or talent (truth bomb, that’s the same!) and tag a friend who inspires & holds you accountable to be your authentic self.⬇️

Photos from sunve's post 02/03/2023

Title this picture for me! 🤪⬇️

Leave your most creative suggestions in the comments below and let's see who can come up with the best title! 💬💭

P. S. Yep, people say I'm weird. In a good way. I simply call it "living your best unicorn life!"

Photos from sunve's post 27/02/2023

🦄DREAM CHASERS, ATTENTION! You are ready to turn your biggest aspirations into a reality but don’t exactly know how?

🔬It's time to get scientific about achieving your goals.

📝Science shows that setting clear, measurable goals is the key to accomplishing your wildest dreams. But it's not just about writing down your goals - you need to break them down into actionable steps that you can take every day.

📍You want to be successful? You want to achieve your wildest dreams? Then define what success looks like to you and break it down into smaller goals. Make a plan, create a roadmap, and execute it with unwavering determination.

⚒️But here's the thing - setting goals is only half the battle. It takes grit, discipline, and an unrelenting desire to succeed. You will face obstacles, setbacks, and failures. But those who succeed are those who don't quit. They don't back down, they don't give up, and they don't make excuses.

🔧Success is not handed to you on a silver platter. You have to earn it. You have to fight for it.
And most importantly, you have to believe in yourself.

✨Believe that you can achieve your goals, that you can conquer your fears, and that you can be the best version of yourself.

🚀Remember, your goals are within reach. All it takes is a little bit of science, hard work, and the courage to dream big. 

🎯So what are you waiting for? 
1.Define your goals, 
2. create a plan, and
3. get to work.

😵Sounds so easy…. Of course, it’s not! Unsure how to start? Need a clear roadmap & easy-to-follow guide leading you step by step?

🦄Have a look into my bio (link). For the first time ever I am making my 1-on-1 coaching blueprints available.

🤝I go through these with all my clients, when we work on achieving big dreams. Now you can download them with a simple click for yourself. 


Photos from sunve's post 10/10/2020

Do you see a sky far away, stars unreachable or do you see infinite potential and limitless possibilities?
Are you the person who's cup is always half empty or half full?
Do you take challenges as chances to learn and improve or do you take challenges as excuse to stay where you are and exchange progress for procrastination?
Your perspective on life doesn't only matter the universe will respond to it accordingly.
Go through life with a smile on your face and it will smile back at you.
Go through life with a heavy heart and dark thoughts and life will present itself in all its misery as this is the only thing you're able to perceive.
Ask yourself:
What life do I want to lead?
What do I want to experience?
Become your future self right now.
Imagine how it would feel to already have reached all your dreams and act as that person. Then the life you dream of will come by itself.
Who has experienced examples of that? No matter how big or small.

Timeline photos 16/07/2020

We are bad in taking a loss. Why?
The human condition has a tendency towards comfort and short term thinking.
Both combined give a deadly mix of rather choosing the short term comfort instead of enduring the temporary discomfort of accepting a loss. Be it a physical commodity, a person, a job, a way of life, or whatever we valued.
But only if the accept a loss we can start a counter action.
What happens when we cling to short term comfort we see happen all over the world.
People staying on a train without a train driver. It is speeding towards a deep abyss and they tell themselves "ah, the train will stop before it crashes" to avoid the discomfort of loosing their luggage and getting some bruises by jumping the train.
In the end they'll all be dead because they put short term comfort over the discomfort of taking a loss.
Don't be those people. Learn to take a loss to win in the end.

Timeline photos 13/07/2020

I never imagined to wake up to a world where I see so many people afraid so much of death they stop living.
I ask: What is the reason for your existence if you don't live your life?
"But you could diiiieeee..." is the answer screamed at me.
So what? I could die every day. I could slip at a slope, I could be smashed by a too joyful cow. So what?
What are you really afraid of?
I have lived life every second under one premise: act the way you regret nothing. And I don't.
That premise gives me the freedom to be happy with death at any moment.
Being on good terms with death give you the infinite freedom to live.
Get good with death. Start living.

Timeline photos 02/07/2020

The most successful days are those where you feel worst but show up nonetheless and push through.
Remember such a situation? When was it and how did you master it? Do you have specific techniques to kick your own ass?

Timeline photos 22/06/2020

Tho we often forget that awareness of the lowest material layer doesn't compensate for ignorance of the layers above.
In the end, everything in the material world is experience, much of it distraction that will keep you from directing your inner eye towards self-love, self-empowerment, and transformation.
Stay aware 🌿 Stay alert 🌿Stay conscious on all layers and put into perspective what happens in the material world and evaluate what it really means for your being 🌿
Lastly, always keep in mind you are the creator of your own world although many parties will try to convince you from the opposite. That is one of the malicious distractions. Stay aware. Rise and shine ☀️

Photos from sunve's post 15/06/2020

A reaction I often encounter to my mountain stories: "Wow, I could never do that."

How do you know? You never did it.

A frequent answer:
“I would be too afraid."

So what? I was too. Do you think I am any different than you? Do you think I'm born a super hero that is without fear and doubt!?
I am not. I am like you. I can be afraid, unsure, and in doubt but I made the choice to not let these feelings guide my life.
They are there like any other feelings. Acknowledging them doesn't mean to be ruled by them.
It's worth to repeat what I wrote 3yrs back:

“I am not about 'look what I do I am so awesome'. I am about 'LOOK THAT'S HOW ONE CAN DO IT. IF I CAN SO CAN YOU!“
Empower yourself. Find out what you can do. You won't know until you tried.
Handmade wool poncho by

Timeline photos 01/06/2020

Your life will be as exciting, adventurous and meaningful as you believe it to be.
Ready for the next exciting adventure? I am. Are you?

Timeline photos 02/05/2020

Those views you don't get at home.

Timeline photos 01/05/2020

1. The idea that freedom can be granted or is a "benefit of citizenship" is based on defective logic.
Anything that is granted to you by someone else is not your freedom because someone apart from you is controlling the granting of it.
The only true freedom is which you imagine, take, and protect for yourself.
If you look to someone else for your freedom you demonstrate you do not understand what freedom is.
Remember that next time when you ask
" Can I go outside again?"
" Can I go hiking in the parks again?"
"Can I open my business again?"
By those questions alone you have demonstrated you are not free.
2. To develop a routine they say it takes 30 days. Let's be safe and make it 60. By then the new routine has overwritten the old and will be seen as the new status quo.
3. I am born free, I am a free soul and I will stay free. Nobody can tell me when I go out into nature, when I sleep under the stars and when I dance in the snow.
Let's remember this: we are all born free. We are all free souls. Until we willingly give our freedom and with it those of our children and grandchildren away.

Photos from sunve's post 06/04/2020

"Sometimes the best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while."
After this past month what do you appreciate more than ever and why?
For me it's the freedom and easiness of travel and explore the world. It never took much to just go anywhere, even if it was the other side of the world.
What about you?

Timeline photos 01/04/2020

Depending on where you are and what profession you have at the world your situation due to has a variable degree of .
For a lot of us it's far from easy. For .A. Lot. .
So this is something we all face right now, just im different degrees.
There are 2 ways to it: go through the stages of that you lost (your lifestyle, gym, job...) consciously and aware. Acknowlege the stages none of us can skip when loosing something: - - / - - .
Acknowledge them and go through them with dignity. Use them to .

The other way would be to buy in to the , become frozen through , starting a neverending cycle of your own selfinflicted .
Remember: what you send out you'll get back in return.
What you give to will grow. So what do you want to give ? Fear and misery or your strength to grow through and adapt to challenge?!
Think about this very carefully because it will determine how you'll get out of this.
Please respect that I will unfollow all accounts that spread their negativity, destructive complaint and panic over social media in times where we need exactly the opposite. It's nothing personal I simply don't want this energy affecting me.
Remember is and we all have a of how our word changes the of others. ❤️

Timeline photos 28/03/2020

"Is the choice to leave when you are stuck."
That was the definition I found for myself 3 years ago.
I'm curious, what does freedom mean for you personally?
How would you put freedom into one sentence?

Timeline photos 27/03/2020

There are no lines, no borders, no limits. The only one stopping you is you. Your only enemy is you. The only war you fight is the one within yourself.
Once you realize the meaning of this you are free.
Now more than ever it's importance to contemplate this and realize its true meaning.
Have a good day and get some fresh air in! ☀️🌿 Now off the road I'm more busy than ever having a never-ending stream of ideas I want to realize... At best all at the same time, ha! 😁☀️

Timeline photos 23/03/2020

When you tread a new path you experience what Bruce Lee means with 'be like water'.
Water effortlessly flows over any sharp stones, any obstacles, in its way.
It doesn't bother about pitfalls ahead as when it falls it only transforms into fierce cascades rushing even faster.
It finds its way no matter where leaving a merely visible but detectable track those who are aware and alert can follow, widen and deepen.
You see. Water alone can teach us alot.
What are your thoughts on this? Can you transfer it to your current life?
Outfit by fabulous - all clothes organic cotton. Hand dyed, hand woven, hand printed, hand sewed.

Timeline photos 19/03/2020

In this times it's more important than ever to give a smile instead of a grim face.
To be kind and of help to others instead of egoistic.
The lone wolf never survives. It's the pack that does.
Lets share some things you had to adjust to and how you managed, what you improvised.🌞
Let's inspire each other by the many possibilities we have to rearrange your daily routine and tasks, maybe even see this situation as chance to improve some things we never had the time for.🌿
Write what you have done in the comments 👇



Fear has and always will be your worst enemy. As is lethargy. This time is a time of challenge and chance.

Challenge to not give in to idleness, anxiety and depression out of a feeling of helplessness.

Chance to take this situation as a turning point, as a test for your positive qualities and strengths.

Take the chance to learn, to improve, to restructure, to rethink, to improvise, to get creative.

Take on tasks you never had the time for, learn things you never had the patience to.

We often complain that life is too fast, we are rushed, we don't have time.

Now we have.

Use it wisely and don't waste this chance.

Crisis is always a turning point. Some will fall, some will evolve.

You can't change what's happening but you can change your reaction to it.

Use this crisis to evolve.

Timeline photos 02/02/2020

REMEMBER..... That the only one creating your environment is you.
You are never forced to accept certain people, relations, jobs, or surroundings in your life.
That is one way society tries to manipulate and enslave you with.
They tell you you have no choice. Because you need to pay your rent, your house, make a living, feed your family.
But it's simply wrong.
What you believe in will always manifest as your reality. As long as you believe in those indoctrination they will always manifest true for you.
As long as you decline to think about alternatives, move out of your comfort zone, change, you indeed will always stay trapped in the slave reality you accepted for yourself.
Remember. The only one deciding about your choices in life, hence your reality being created from it is you.
Your reality will always reflect your state of mind.
So if you are not content with what's around you, take a step back and a very hard look at yourself.

Timeline photos 22/01/2020

Mentally & physically, the only way we grow is through resistance.
Our body will always act in the most efficient way which means if there is no resistance it will not change the status quo as there is no reason to adapt.
Our minds work similar.
Everything grows through resistance.
Resistance at first will always be uncomfortable.
That brings us to a problem with nowadays western culture where you get taught that comfort is key.
Where comfort gets encouraged and discomfort is taught to be avoided at all cost.
Where does that lead?
If we grow through resistance which will always be uncomfortable at first but we have a culture that teaches to place comfort above all we have a culture that teaches us not to grow.
Think about that for a second and all the conclusions you can draw from it.
Like, if you might have to go contra what is considered normal to grow...
That you have to cut out societal conform thinking people out of your life...
That "normal" people won't understand your actions anymore as its contra their taught paradigm.
Think about it.
When we start our journey towards true growth, mentally and physically, it's unavoidable all those things have to happen.
Simply because everything that is pro nowadays comfort culture goes contra true personal development and growth.

Timeline photos 19/11/2019

To find true peace and happiness find inner silence first.
We live in an ever noisier world, where outside auditorial stimuli never have been that many, that noisy and if you live in a city basically never-ending.
It has come that far that many of us never have experienced real silence.
And how can you practice something you don't know? Which leads more and more to a society that doesn't know anymore how to be quiet.
Many of us never have experienced real silence. Many of us don't realize that we need that silence to find out who we are, to find our Selfs, to find peace within.
Peace and happiness never comes from the external world it is something that has to be born within.
And for this you need to find silence first.
If you don't know how to find inner silence, if your inside noise seems unbearable, start with 1min per day sitting in silence. After a week go for 2min.
Increase your time in external silence to come closer to your silence within.
How much does noise disturb you? When was the last time you experienced real silence?

Timeline photos 25/10/2019

Why do I post this?
Because I can.
and the most natural form you can be so stop overanalyzing everything.
There doesn't has to be a reason for it. The bodies we're born in are beautiful and there shouldn't be a fuss over it posting it in an artistic way.
P. S.: It truly was freaking hot. We sweated our a** off doing those pictures.
Picture by

Timeline photos 24/10/2019

A 10hour straight hike in partly chest deep snow.
We knew it would be hard conditions further up in the mountains. That's why we choose to omit the direct traverse over the peaks and go around the highest mountains to our next destination.
But it was still 800m further up in altitude.
After 3hrs we encountered snow that went deeper and deeper.
It would all have been okay if we didn't had to battle with major equipement malfunctions that made the whole journey an extra challenge.
But without challenge that pushes you out of your comfort zone you don't grow.
I can say proudly we not only made it but never lost our general calm and fighter spirits.🙌
We rather talked about snow fox parties expecting us than how much our feet hurt.🦊❤️
We admired the landscape even when we were fighting hip deep in snow.💫
We were still taking in all the beauty around us and assured us confidently we got this when our feet and fingers were already numb.❄️
And we made it. Just when the sun set. Drained, wet, frozen to the bone but who cares with auch a beautiful scenery!? 🌄
It's those memories you'll never forget. 💖
Have a good night people, tomorrow is the day where we'll figure out how the heck to dry all our wet shoes and clothes in hostile temperatures without a fire place or wood. 👀

Timeline photos 23/10/2019

Today was grand. We didn't believe it until we saw it in the morning: snow all over the mountains.❄️ The same mountains I almost died in of heat just a week ago 👀
We made a 6hr explorational hike to assess the conditions up at 2600m and get some water.
Got some sun, got some more snow, caught into a little snowstorm, saw a nice iced waterfall and ended the day with cows.
And if you end the day with cows all is perfect.
If you want to follow the journey have a look into my story 😉
Have a goodnight people, we need to rest now. Another adventure awaiting tomorrow.

Timeline photos 19/10/2019

It's a mystery to me how some start to justify to have some free time from work to do what they actually want. To justify a day of rest. To justify a week of vacation.
Life isn't there to punish you. Life is no hell hole. But it seems to me many of you are very good in making it one.
Life is there for you to grow. To explore. Life lies out all the material you need to build your own paradise.
It's bu****it to punish yourself in life to earn the reward in heaven (or when you're old). This is a toxic Christian indoctrination.
My feeling is despite not being Christian many somehow incorporated this mindset.
Stop it. It hurts you. It hurts you a lifetime.
Life is there to treat you. Life is there to be paradise. But you need to see it and build it.

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