Amy K Roberts

Amy K Roberts

Hello! I am Amy K Roberts Author of The Storm Of Havoc, Mayhem Island, and many more to come.

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The Vampire Kingdom PDF & Novel Online by Amy Roberts to Read for Free - Fantasy Stories - GoodNovel 13/08/2023

The surrounding darkness comforts me in ways that the sun and my daily life could never compare. I feel alive and free as I look upon the old oak tree in such a beautiful forest full of wonders. Slowly I turn around to find I am not alone in the dark. The man standing before me gives me a sense of peace and security mixed with an emotion I have not felt in many years, love. His steps are agonizingly slow as he approaches me. I find myself speaking to him, "You and me forever." My words filled with love and compassion for this mystery man. "Forever," he confirms. As his words conclude, I feel a sharp electrifying pain on the side of my neck—fear not rearing its ugly head, only satisfaction of the event that has taken place. Total and utter bliss has taken over my soul as my blood seeps into his mouth.

Rolling over in bed, I acknowledge the early morning sun peeking through my window. "Already?" I question myself as I slowly sit up and stretch. Rubbing my face, I try and clear the dream from my mind.

The sun is my alarm clock these days: that or one of my numerous children. I feel like I am in a revolving door most days as a stay-at-home mom. I love and cherish every moment of being home with my boys, but I feel like my days are on repeat. My days suffuse with the kids' daily schoolwork, sports, appointments, and the numerous house chores left for me daily.

Walking to the bathroom, I notice small angry red spots all over my body. We had a small fire last night and stayed up to look at the moon. We were not the only ones; the mosquitos were out, and they decided they wanted to feast on us as much as we ate on smores'. My body is giving away the itchy evidence. Stretching and rubbed my face, I walk to the kitchen to find my morning coffee that I will undoubtedly misplace a minimum of three times before I finally finish it.

"How did you sleep?" My husband, Brogan, asks as he collects his belongings for the day of work. "I feel like I didn't sleep at all. I am exhausted.” "Take it easy today then; maybe you are overdoing it during the day. Try to go to bed a little earlier tonight." I nod and smile as he kisses me goodbye and walks out of the door. "Yeah, who is going to put the kids to bed and clean up the house tonight if I go to bed early?" I mumble to myself. Our kids have been putting themselves to bed for years, but I still find it vital to kiss them goodnight and make sure they have what they need before they fall asleep for the night. I know it is a kind gesture, but the reality is, he will be too exhausted to handle all my nighttime duties when he gets home. It is all on me, like always. I will try and get into bed by 11 tonight for sure, though, even if I must leave the dishes in the sink tonight.

The day crawls by, and sure enough, Brogan is exhausted from work when he enters the door after dinner. He is always too tired to help me with the kids but never too tired to play video games for all-night hours or go to the bar to drink with his friends. I sigh in irritation as I slowly move through all the nighttime duties. By 11 pm, most of my painful mosquito bites have calmed down and are nowhere near as angry as they were this morning, all except for two prominent ones on my neck. I put some medicine on them and a band-aid and head to bed for some much-needed sleep.

"Hey, the kids are up, and I have to head into work," Brogan announces as he gives me a soft shake. "I am so sorry I overslept," I mumble, sitting up on the side of my bed, looking out the window at the new sun-filled day. "Are you feeling, ok? Would you like me to take the day off work and stay home?” "No, I am fine.” "I will call and check-in with you in a few hours.” "That sounds good. Have a good day." Wishing him farewell from my position on the side of the bed, I listen for his car to leave the driveway. "Here we go again. Another day with the same routine." I announce to myself with distaste. I need a hobby, a friend, maybe a side job just for me, something that will pull me from my funk. After all, my happiness is not the responsibility of others; it is my responsibility. I must find something that brings me happiness and a sense of self-worth. I want more. I need more. I just need to find it.

I stand up to start my day, and my head begins to spin from the quickened movement. Immediately I feel myself falling back onto the bed. Slowly I work my way to sitting on the side of the bed and begin assessing my body. My body feels weak and tired, I am dizzy, and my neck is killing me. I reach for my neck and realize the band-aid is missing from last night. "Oh man, I snuggled with a band-aid last night," I giggle to myself, trying to find humor as I search my bed for it, coming up short. The pain where the bumps reside is feeling worse today. I stumble to the bathroom and peer into the mirror. "That has to be infected," I announce with complete content in my findings and decide a Dr visit is what I need today before it gets out of hand.

I send Brogan a picture of my neck and let him know I will be running to the Dr this afternoon to make sure everything is ok when he gets home from work. I watch my phone for a reply from him, hoping that he does not have a meeting this afternoon and I can get my neck checked. I notice the words next to my text change from delivered to Read. I eagerly await the message I can see him typing. The bubbles pop up, then stop, and pop up again. When no reply comes, I put my phone down and head off for coffee.

The boys sit on the couch deep into a documentary and discussing what they think will happen next. "Morning, boys," I call as I hug them all; good morning. "Morning, mom," they each mumble. Until I reach my middle child, Talvin, he notices my neck immediately. "Mom, what happened? That looks really bad!" His fear in his voice from the red swells in my neck is written all over his face. "I am fairly sure that these are infected mosquito bites. I am going to get them looked at this afternoon when your dad gets off work.” "We should go now. The sooner, the better." He insists as the three of them gather around me, gawking at my swollen neck. They conclude that I need to call the Dr now, and we need to go as soon as possible. They promise to be on their best behavior when we go into the office. They usually are horrible and ask a million uncomfortable questions to all involved. They disagree with modern medicine and want nothing to do with modern doctors. I feel my feelings for modern medicine were the cause of what changed their minds only to want holistic medicine, but today they insist on me going in.

Agreeing to my tiny darling's demands, I call the Dr. The wonderful nurse on the other end gives me the option to do a virtual visit with the Doctor, so I do not have to bring my children into the office. Something I am entirely grateful for, as is she. The last time we were there, all nurses and Doctors were peppered with questions that made everyone feel uncomfortable, and they do not want us back in the office. She has given me 10 minutes to get ready for my video visit and get the children squared away. That is one of the many perks of living in such a small town, everyone knows everyone, and they know my hands are full. The boys are more than happy to watch TV and stay neutral for a little while.

When the Doctor comes onto the screen, she asks me to tell her everything from what happened to how I am currently feeling. She immediately agrees with my suspicion. "That is infected for sure. I will call in a prescription for you. Make sure you use it." She scolds. She knows I hate taking any form of medication that is not from nature. "I will this time." I agree without hesitation. "If you start feeling any worse, I want to see you in the office. Give the medication a few days to kick in, though," Her eyes never leaving my neck. "I will," I promise her.

I look in to find that the kids haven't left their location on the couch. "I am done with the Doctor. I am going to grab some coffee and sit outside if anyone wants to go outside." I call from the kitchen as I pour a cup of coffee. I can hear the thundering down the hallway as they run to find what they want to play within the yard, and I smile.

I have only sat down on the porch swing when the boys fly out the front door with skateboards in their hands. "You good, Mom?" Merrick asks, "All good. It is an infection, like I thought. We will go get my medication later for it.” "Let me know if you need anything.” "I need you to be careful out there. Don't get hurt, please." I ask of him as he laughs. "Yeah yeah." He mumbles as he heads off to meet up with his brothers. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I look for a message from Brogan that isn't there. "What a jerk," I tell my phone as I pocket it again. I snuggle down with my coffee on my swing and watch the kids play.

A torrential downpour comes out of nowhere, bringing the kids up the driveway. "Could you grab us some towels?" They ask politely as they stand on the porch sopping wet. "I sure can. Give me a moment."

As I pick up my cup from the table, I notice something on the side of the handrail. I lean down to investigate it and instantly realize that it is my band-aid from last night. "How on earth did this get out here?" Plucking it from the handrail, I frown as I notice the blood-soaked pad. "What is that, Mom?" Fulton asks from his spot on the porch. "The band-aid I put on my neck last night.” "How did it get out here?" He counters. "Maybe it was on my robe when I came out, and I didn't notice it?" It is possible. Weirder things have happened to me before. "Not likely, but I will let that pass." He snickers at himself. "If you have any better ideas, I am all ears." I rub his hair in another direction as I walk past him to find some towels.

The Vampire Kingdom PDF & Novel Online by Amy Roberts to Read for Free - Fantasy Stories - GoodNovel The novel The Vampire Kingdom is a Fantasy, telling a story of Elnora Tuffin is an amazing Mother and Wife who goes above and beyond her daily role. Unfortunately, her husband Brogan thinks poorly of her as he has given her and her three sons as payment in a deal with the Vampire King. Being an hono...

My Unapproved Lycan Mate PDF & Novel Online by Krista to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel 13/08/2023

"I think I found the perfect dress, Mom!" I Call softly across the store as I gently caress the burgundy silk fabric occupying my body. "Oh, Briar, that is stunning!" She gasps when she comes into view. Looking back into the floor-length mirror, I admire myself. I have always loved myself; never have I been one to second guess the looks of my body. Every curve and dip that most would hate, I adore. It makes me feel like I am my own unique person, and I am stronger for it. Mom gently pulls the clip from my hair, and I watch as my long curls fall around my body. My hair is long, and it takes me over an hour in the morning to curl it how I like. That is one thing I do to ensure I care for my hair. I love everything about my long brown hair, everything but sitting on it.

A long whistle comes from beside me. "Briar, if you buy that dress, every available wolf will fall at your feet." Devin coos as he moves closer to my side, wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. "Now that is a perfect picture, don't you think?" He asks as he looks us up and down in the mirror. He has on the suit I presume he will be wearing for our prom this weekend, and he is gorgeous. "Oh, hello, Luna Mindy. It is wonderful to see you. You are looking radiant as always." He speaks so smoothly as he takes my mother's hand in his, then kisses the back of her hand ever so gently. "It is good to see you as well, Devin. Who will have the pleasure of being on your arm for Prom?"

Her words do not get lost in my ears. She knows exactly what she is doing, and I shoot her a look that pleads with her to stop talking. "My mother has asked me to accompany Omega Megan's daughter, Judith, to prom. I did not have the heart to tell my mother or Judith no. Judith is a wonderful young wolf, and I am lucky to be accompanied by such a brilliant young lady." Mom's eyes light up with pride hearing him speak so highly of an Omega. Hearing any beta speak highly of a lower rank, especially younger wolves within our pack, is rare. "That is one of the nicest things I have ever heard. You are truly a spectacular young man, Devin. I will leave you two to talk." Her words are sweet, touched with pride. "Briar, when you are ready, I will be upfront, and I will meet with you to pay for your dress." She nods and walks away quickly, giving us time to speak alone.

"You look smoking in that dress!" Devin immediately states as he moves closer to inspect me. "It is a beautiful dress, isn't it?" I ask as he takes my hand and twirls me in a circle. "I would say so." He states before leaning on the back of a sitting couch closest to me. "Who is getting the privilege to bring you to prom?" "I have decided I am just going to go with some friends. I don't want to risk letting anyone down if I find my mate. I turn 18 that day, and that last thing I want to do is have to apologize to someone the day after for running off on them." I shrug.

It is a lie. I hate lying to Devin, but I cannot tell him I have been in love with him since the 6th grade and no one else could compare to his company. He is my best friend, and I know he would be kind about turning me down, but I cannot take that heartache. "You are welcome to be my second date, and you can run off with your mate if he is there. I promise I won't ask for an apology from you." He suggests. "That's a nice offer, but I won't do that to Judith. She is a nice girl.” "Yeah, she is. Too bad she is ranked so low; she doesn't deserve that.” "A rank doesn't always determine your life. There have been rumors that an Omega was mated to an alpha.” "Says the Alpha's Daughter." He laughs. "Yeah, but I am not Alpha mate material. A Beta or even a Gamma is more my speed. You know this. I rather take orders, not give them.” "Your mom doesn't give orders. Don't you think you could be like your mom? Kind, caring, tentative, and always available to anyone in the pack which needs a listening ear. I think you very well could do the job.” "I could, but if I were mated to an Alpha, I would have to leave Blood Water Pack. That is not something that I want to do." I shrug.

A call on Devin's phone from his mother brings our conversation to a screeching halt. "Your dad called a meeting. We have to get changed and go." The words are just out of his mouth when my mom approaches us. Her face has lost all color to it. "We need to leave. Now. Change. Hurry." She demands before pushing Devin off in the direction of the changing room. "You will ride with us, Devin!" I hear her call as I quickly pull on my shorts and tank top.

"What is going on, Mom?" I ask her as I rush out of the changing room, dress in hand. "Let’s buy this as we wait for Devin. I will explain in the car.” Her worried look has me internally freaking out. Others look at my mom and see that she is calm and collected. Not me; I can see all of her tells. Being her daughter is the biggest reason, but reading body language is one of my most significant gifts. Something is incredibly wrong.

After buying the dress, we walk to the front of the store and hear Devin’s feet falling at a jog to catch up to us. “Ready?” Mom asks him, giving him a look that says he has no other answer besides ‘Yes.’ “Ready.” He confirms, and we follow her at a quick but not panicked pace from the mall. “Want to tell us what is going on?” I whisper when we get outside. “Human’s dear.” She whispers back to me as her head whips from side to side scanning our surroundings. We are still within our territory, but something has her so shaken that she is doing surveillance sweeps continuously.

A black suburban screeches into the parking lot with Beta Gary, Devin’s dad, and other Betas. “Mom?” Fear floods me as I recognize the beginning steps of what precautions are for war. “In the car, dear.” Her words are strained. “Mindy, we are here to es**rt you back to the house.” Betta Gary’s voice is on edge as he looks around the parking lot to see humans looking. “Shall I follow in my car or ride with you?” She asks, calmer than she was before. “Not enough room. Devin and I will ride with you and Briar back home. They can follow if that is acceptable?” Beta Gary had already gotten out of the car and begun walking alongside mom before she could answer him. I feel Devin’s hand slip into mine and squeeze, drawing my attention to him. “This is bad.” Fear radiates off him. Right then and there, I decided to be strong for him now. “We will be just fine. Come on, let’s catch up.” I smile softly and pull him by the hand at a slow jog to catch up to our parents.

I don’t release Devin’s hand until we are safely in the car. We are quiet as Mom quickly drives away from the mall, the suburban behind us at a safe distance. As the town leaves our view, I finally lean forward and ask. “What is happening?” Beta Gary looks at Mom. “Sweetheart, something bad has happened. Your father wants to announce it, but I feel the two of you should now know what is happening. It would be best to have your head cool and collected when it is announced. We will need the pair of you to help us keep everyone under control and not go into a full panic. A panicked wolf is a wolf that can be killed. Do you agree, Gary?” “I agree, Mindy.” Beta Gary surprises me by using my mother’s name so casually.

“You have to promise me that you two will not say a word to anyone. If the Alpha finds out that I told you and you let it slip.” Her words stop, her body tenses, and I can see the whites of her eyes in the rearview mirror. “Would he kill us?” Devin asks just above a whisper. “Yes, son, he would. If you let this slip, there would be no saving either of you.” Beta Gary states. “You have my word; I will not repeat anything said within this car,” Devin announces. “You have my word as well.” I grip Mom’s shoulder, trying to comfort her slightly in whatever she must tell us.

I watch as she takes steady breaths and slows to the standard speed limit. “We have just gotten a letter from Ex*****on Bay Pack.” Her words are forced. “Isn’t that the Lycan pack?” I confirm. “It is.” Beta Gary clarifies. “What do they want?” Devin questions. Looking up, I see Mom staring at me in the mirror. “Briar, Devin, they have captured our king and threatening to kill him if we do not do exactly what they say.” Mom’s words feel like a sharp knife stabbing into my gut. “How?”

I whisper. “He had a spy within his walls. He was drugged and brought to the Ex*****on Bay Pack that same night.” “How do you know that for sure?” I demand. “Because it was in the letter. They told us exactly what they did and will do next. We are not safe. We are being watched, and they have people within our territory. We cannot smell them; we cannot recognize them. I have no idea who they are.” I watch as tears begin rolling down her face. “I have no idea how to keep you all safe right now. All I know is that you are all at risk and that I cannot do anything to help right now.” She weeps as she drives.

The rest of the ride is silent. There is nothing we can do. We know our King has been taken, and we know that they are making demands. What that all entails is another story. For now, I must be strong. Put aside my feelings about the situation, and put on a solid persona for my pack. I can cry and panic at my 3 am personal dilemma hour. I gave myself time to deal with all the issues that I couldn’t deal with, and I just had to push aside to be strong for others—time for me to allow my emotions to be felt.

Pulling into the packhouse parking lot, I can feel the energy shift. Everyone is on edge as they enter the packhouse. A mansion is more like it; a packhouse sounds small compared to our home. It has over 40 bedrooms, each containing its own bathroom. We collectively utilize the massive kitchen. The front door opens into an enormous ballroom. Above the ballroom hosts an orchestra Pit. Where the conductor would stand is the location my dad, or any Alpha of the pack, would stand for pack meetings. So he could be heard and seen by all.

“Thank you all for joining me.” His voice sounds different. I think to myself as I look around at the people nearest me. They all have the same facial expressions, that how their Alpha speaks seems uncharacteristic of how he typically presents himself. “Before I begin, I would like to introduce you to Beta Brett of the Ex*****on Bay Pack. I am sure all of you will join me in welcoming him to our pack and assist in any way we can if he needs anything during his stay. Welcome, Betta Brett.” Everyone falls in line instantly and welcomes Beta Bret and claps for him.

“Thank you for that warm welcome. However, I am not here for pleasure. I would like all of you to continue your daily activities as though I am not here. Your Alpha and I have some business to discuss, and I hope to be out of your hair as quickly as I have come. I have a pup on the way and wish not to be separated from my mate for longer than I must be. So I bid you all a good day.” He holds his hand in the air and walks away from my father.

After a moment, my father steps forward again. “I will be in a meeting for some time. If you have any questions, please direct them to Luna Mindy.” He bows deeply to all of us and points to my mother. She immediately holds her hand in the air and signals us to go outside quietly, which we all obey immediately.

My Unapproved Lycan Mate PDF & Novel Online by Krista to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories - GoodNovel The novel My Unapproved Lycan Mate is a Werewolf, telling a story of Prom is the highlight of most teens’ lives. For Briar, this year, she will attend the dance when she turns 18, and she will know once and for all if her best friend, her long-time crush, is her mate. She is whisked away while try...

Photos from Amy K Roberts's post 28/07/2023

This is double sided. Humans in the front, pets in the back. The middle is filled with blank pages for additional information OR if you are hiking and need paper to assist in lighting a fire.

This book is created to be placed in a safe space while hiking or traveling. In an emergency I may not be able to recall medication and dosages of my large family. Having this book will help me and others keep it all safely in one spot in case of an emergency.

Basic Med Info: For Humans & Pets

Photos from Amy K Roberts's post 28/07/2023

Training journals/ writing journals. Hard cover (left) soft cover (right)

Training Day Journal


If anyone is wondering, yes, I created an ad and it was me.


The surrounding darkness comforts me in ways that the sun and my daily life could never compare. I feel alive and free as I look upon the old oak tree in such a beautiful forest full of wonders. Slowly I turn around to find I am not alone in the dark. The man standing before me gives me a sense of peace and security mixed with an emotion I have not felt in many years, love. His steps are agonizingly slow as he approaches me. I find myself speaking to him, "You and me forever." My words filled with love and compassion for this mystery man. "Forever," he confirms. As his words conclude, I feel a sharp electrifying pain on the side of my neck—fear not rearing its ugly head, only satisfaction of the event that has taken place. Total and utter bliss has taken over my soul as my blood seeps into his mouth.

Rolling over in bed, I acknowledge the early morning sun peeking through my window. "Already?" I question myself as I slowly sit up and stretch. Rubbing my face, I try and clear the dream from my mind.

The sun is my alarm clock these days: that or one of my numerous children. I feel like I am in a revolving door most days as a stay-at-home mom. I love and cherish every moment of being home with my boys, but I feel like my days are on repeat. My days suffuse with the kids' daily schoolwork, sports, appointments, and the numerous house chores left for me daily.

Walking to the bathroom, I notice small angry red spots all over my body. We had a small fire last night and stayed up to look at the moon. We were not the only ones; the mosquitos were out, and they decided they wanted to feast on us as much as we ate on smores'. My body is giving away the itchy evidence. Stretching and rubbed my face, I walk to the kitchen to find my morning coffee that I will undoubtedly misplace a minimum of three times before I finally finish it.

"How did you sleep?" My husband, Brogan, asks as he collects his belongings for the day of work. "I feel like I didn't sleep at all. I am exhausted.” "Take it easy today then; maybe you are overdoing it during the day. Try to go to bed a little earlier tonight." I nod and smile as he kisses me goodbye and walks out of the door. "Yeah, who is going to put the kids to bed and clean up the house tonight if I go to bed early?" I mumble to myself. Our kids have been putting themselves to bed for years, but I still find it vital to kiss them goodnight and make sure they have what they need before they fall asleep for the night. I know it is a kind gesture, but the reality is, he will be too exhausted to handle all my nighttime duties when he gets home. It is all on me, like always. I will try and get into bed by 11 tonight for sure, though, even if I must leave the dishes in the sink tonight.

The day crawls by, and sure enough, Brogan is exhausted from work when he enters the door after dinner. He is always too tired to help me with the kids but never too tired to play video games for all-night hours or go to the bar to drink with his friends. I sigh in irritation as I slowly move through all the nighttime duties. By 11 pm, most of my painful mosquito bites have calmed down and are nowhere near as angry as they were this morning, all except for two prominent ones on my neck. I put some medicine on them and a band-aid and head to bed for some much-needed sleep.

"Hey, the kids are up, and I have to head into work," Brogan announces as he gives me a soft shake. "I am so sorry I overslept," I mumble, sitting up on the side of my bed, looking out the window at the new sun-filled day. "Are you feeling, ok? Would you like me to take the day off work and stay home?” "No, I am fine.” "I will call and check-in with you in a few hours.” "That sounds good. Have a good day." Wishing him farewell from my position on the side of the bed, I listen for his car to leave the driveway. "Here we go again. Another day with the same routine." I announce to myself with distaste. I need a hobby, a friend, maybe a side job just for me, something that will pull me from my funk. After all, my happiness is not the responsibility of others; it is my responsibility. I must find something that brings me happiness and a sense of self-worth. I want more. I need more. I just need to find it.

I stand up to start my day, and my head begins to spin from the quickened movement. Immediately I feel myself falling back onto the bed. Slowly I work my way to sitting on the side of the bed and begin assessing my body. My body feels weak and tired, I am dizzy, and my neck is killing me. I reach for my neck and realize the band-aid is missing from last night. "Oh man, I snuggled with a band-aid last night," I giggle to myself, trying to find humor as I search my bed for it, coming up short. The pain where the bumps reside is feeling worse today. I stumble to the bathroom and peer into the mirror. "That has to be infected," I announce with complete content in my findings and decide a Dr visit is what I need today before it gets out of hand.

I send Brogan a picture of my neck and let him know I will be running to the Dr this afternoon to make sure everything is ok when he gets home from work. I watch my phone for a reply from him, hoping that he does not have a meeting this afternoon and I can get my neck checked. I notice the words next to my text change from delivered to Read. I eagerly await the message I can see him typing. The bubbles pop up, then stop, and pop up again. When no reply comes, I put my phone down and head off for coffee.

The boys sit on the couch deep into a documentary and discussing what they think will happen next. "Morning, boys," I call as I hug them all; good morning. "Morning, mom," they each mumble. Until I reach my middle child, Talvin, he notices my neck immediately. "Mom, what happened? That looks really bad!" His fear in his voice from the red swells in my neck is written all over his face. "I am fairly sure that these are infected mosquito bites. I am going to get them looked at this afternoon when your dad gets off work.” "We should go now. The sooner, the better." He insists as the three of them gather around me, gawking at my swollen neck. They conclude that I need to call the Dr now, and we need to go as soon as possible. They promise to be on their best behavior when we go into the office. They usually are horrible and ask a million uncomfortable questions to all involved. They disagree with modern medicine and want nothing to do with modern doctors. I feel my feelings for modern medicine were the cause of what changed their minds only to want holistic medicine, but today they insist on me going in.

Agreeing to my tiny darling's demands, I call the Dr. The wonderful nurse on the other end gives me the option to do a virtual visit with the Doctor, so I do not have to bring my children into the office. Something I am entirely grateful for, as is she. The last time we were there, all nurses and Doctors were peppered with questions that made everyone feel uncomfortable, and they do not want us back in the office. She has given me 10 minutes to get ready for my video visit and get the children squared away. That is one of the many perks of living in such a small town, everyone knows everyone, and they know my hands are full. The boys are more than happy to watch TV and stay neutral for a little while.

When the Doctor comes onto the screen, she asks me to tell her everything from what happened to how I am currently feeling. She immediately agrees with my suspicion. "That is infected for sure. I will call in a prescription for you. Make sure you use it." She scolds. She knows I hate taking any form of medication that is not from nature. "I will this time." I agree without hesitation. "If you start feeling any worse, I want to see you in the office. Give the medication a few days to kick in, though," Her eyes never leaving my neck. "I will," I promise her.

I look in to find that the kids haven't left their location on the couch. "I am done with the Doctor. I am going to grab some coffee and sit outside if anyone wants to go outside." I call from the kitchen as I pour a cup of coffee. I can hear the thundering down the hallway as they run to find what they want to play within the yard, and I smile.

I have only sat down on the porch swing when the boys fly out the front door with skateboards in their hands. "You good, Mom?" Merrick asks, "All good. It is an infection, like I thought. We will go get my medication later for it.” "Let me know if you need anything.” "I need you to be careful out there. Don't get hurt, please." I ask of him as he laughs. "Yeah yeah." He mumbles as he heads off to meet up with his brothers. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I look for a message from Brogan that isn't there. "What a jerk," I tell my phone as I pocket it again. I snuggle down with my coffee on my swing and watch the kids play.

A torrential downpour comes out of nowhere, bringing the kids up the driveway. "Could you grab us some towels?" They ask politely as they stand on the porch sopping wet. "I sure can. Give me a moment."

As I pick up my cup from the table, I notice something on the side of the handrail. I lean down to investigate it and instantly realize that it is my band-aid from last night. "How on earth did this get out here?" Plucking it from the handrail, I frown as I notice the blood-soaked pad. "What is that, Mom?" Fulton asks from his spot on the porch. "The band-aid I put on my neck last night.” "How did it get out here?" He counters. "Maybe it was on my robe when I came out, and I didn't notice it?" It is possible. Weirder things have happened to me before. "Not likely, but I will let that pass." He snickers at himself. "If you have any better ideas, I am all ears." I rub his hair in another direction as I walk past him to find some towels.

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