Bridging Gaps with Effective Science Communication This initiative was conceived as a result of a collaboration amongst the inaugural APEC-SLP 2021 fellows.

SciComm APEC-SLP is a team of dedicated researchers who are committed in training early and mid-career STEM researchers in APEC economies in effective science communication. With this, we hope to create a community of researchers who are empowered to be able to communicate and relay knowledge on scientific topics of relevance in a clear and concise manner to both the scientific community and the general public.


Let's Breathe...


📌Today was our fourth, and final session of the workshop series.

Today's session focused on the sharing and experiences of our participants of their individual outreach efforts. There were such diverse areas of outreach - from shrimp biosafety, diabetes and Parkinson's disease awareness, to improving knowledge and practices surrounding plastic use and its impact on climate change.

Each sharing session was followed up with feedback from our trainer, Ts. Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan, the facilitators and workshop participants🔬.

As today was the final session, we also collected feedback on the Science Communication Workshop. Some of the comments were:
* Inspirational
* All rounded workshop, that comprised both theoretical knowledge, and the opportunity to execute independent outreach efforts
* Wonderful peer support
* Emphasized the importance of communicating science to others who are not subject area specialists.

We thank all the participants and facilitators for the successful completion of this workshop!

This workshop is part of a project of the , which was a Science Leadership Workshop for early and mid career researchers of the economies.

A huge thank you also to the organizers, facilitators and participants of the initiative for the training, and the continual support given.


The second session of our Science Communication Workshop which was funded by the -SLP initiative and supported by Sunway University was centered around "Customizing Messages".

Who is the message for? Are the necessary gaps of knowledge communicated adequately? Does our effort to communicate science benefit the listener- be it a lay person , another researcher or policy makers?


📌Today was our fist session.
Thank you Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan for the exciting session of the Science Communication Workshop🔬.
In today's session, some basics of Science Communication were discussed - including Why we communicate science, to Whom, and for What purpose🗣️.

This workshop is part of a project of the , which was a Science Leadership Workshop for early and mid career researchers of the economies.


In 2 hours, we commence the first session of our inaugural communication workshop with Dr Mahaletchumy Arujanan. This workshop will be conducted in four-sessions, from today to 22 Jan 2022.

We thank the team for their guidance and encouragement!



We cordially invite you to submit an application to participate in the 2021 APEC-SLP science communication workshop “Bridging Gaps with Effective Science Communication” hosted by the APEC-SLP Science Communication Team. The aim of this science communication workshop is to equip and empower young scientists from across APEC economies to become more effective, confident science communicators.
The workshop will be led by Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan, Global Coordinator of International Service for the Acquisition of Agribiotech Applications (ISAAA), executive director of Malaysian Biotechnology Information Center (MABIC), and expert science communicator.
The workshop will take place online via the Zoom videoconferencing platform and will comprise 4 interactive sessions that will take place between December 2021 and January 2022.
Further information:
Participation in the workshop is FREE of charge, but available spots are limited. All applicants are required to submit their CV and fill in the application form by 31 October 2021.
Application form:
Please feel free to share this invitation with your professional network. For additional enquiries, please contact [email protected].


We cordially invite you to submit an application to participate in the 2021 APEC-SLP science communication workshop “Bridging Gaps with Effective Science Communication” hosted by the APEC-SLP Science Communication Team. The aim of this science communication workshop is to equip and empower young scientists from across APEC economies to become more effective, confident science communicators.
The workshop will be led by Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan, Global Coordinator of International Service for the Acquisition of Agribiotech Applications (ISAAA), executive director of Malaysian Biotechnology Information Center (MABIC), and expert science communicator.
The workshop will take place online via the Zoom videoconferencing platform and will comprise 4 interactive sessions that will take place between December 2021 and January 2022.
Further information:
Participation in the workshop is FREE of charge, but available spots are limited. All applicants are required to submit their CV and fill in the application form by 31 October 2021.
Application form:
Please feel free to share this invitation with your professional network. For additional enquiries, please contact [email protected].
This program is supported by the APEC-Science Leadership Programme.


Finally the day has arrived!
It's the Malaysian Allergy Day 2021.

Do join us for an exciting line up of talks by experts in the field.

As a reminder, here are the logistics:
🗓‪ DATE : 19 JUNE 2021‬‬ (Saturday - TODAY!)‬
‪🕑 TIME : 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm‬‬‬
🖥️ PLATFORM : Facebook (Allergy.MSAI) (

The tentative itinerary of the event is as follows:
7.00pm – Start of the live webinar, and welcome speech by the President-Elect, Dr Kent Woo.
7.15pm – Start of the talks by different allergy specialists and researchers in the area of allergy.

Dr Kent Woo - Managing severe allergies effectively
Prof Salina Husain - Effective management of allergic rhinitis
Dr Amir Latiff - COVID-19 vaccines and allergic reactions
Dr Kavita Reginald - Immunotherapy
Dr Nazirin Ariffin - Eczema care
Dr Shahjahan - All about allergy testing

8.15pm – Question and Answer session – Panel to respond to questions from the viewers.
9.00pm – Closing and final remarks.

The Malaysian Allergy Day 2021 is an event by the Malaysian Society of Allergy and Immunology to promote public awareness on different aspects of allergies. This public webinar is in line with a world-wide awareness campaign by the World Allergy Organization. This year, the theme that is selected is “Anaphylaxis” (or severe allergic reaction).

Thank you and looking forward to see you!


In 9 days, Malaysian Society of Allergy and Immunology will be hosting the Malaysian Allergy Day 2021. Do join in this exciting event!

RSVP now at

In 9 days, we will be hosting the Malaysian Allergy Day 2021. Join us in this exciting event!

RSVP now at


The Malaysian Society of Allergy and Immunology is delighted to bring you the Malaysian Allergy Day 2021.

This free webinar is aimed at improving awareness on allergies and the management of allergic diseases, and will be brought to you by prominent allergy specialist from

Register now for this exciting event:


🗓️ Hoy es el Dia Mundial de la Cruz Roja.
La fecha fue seleccionada para recordar el nacimiento de Henry Dunant quien fue el fundador de la Cruz Roja.💌
La Cruz Roja cuenta con trabajadores y voluntarios 👩🏻‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ alrededor del mundo 🌐 que cumplen un importante rol de ayudar a las personas más necesitadas y vulnerables. 🚑 Un gran saludo y homenaje a todos ellos en este día. 🎊


🗓️ El 5 de mayo de 1921 nace Mavis Lilian Batey quien fue una criptoanalista británica 👩‍💻 que descifró códigos n***s 🏥 y cuyo trabajo fue clave durante la batalla de Normandía (1944). 👩‍🔬

Avec la mise en orbite de Pléiades Neo 3, Airbus arrive sur le marché de l’imagerie spatiale haute résolution 01/05/2021

Avec la mise en orbite de Pléiades Neo 3, Airbus arrive sur le marché de l’imagerie spatiale haute résolution Dans la nuit du 28 au 29 avril, le lanceur Vega a conjuré le mauvais sort qui s’acharnait sur lui en mettant en orbite plusieurs... - Spatial


Photos from Be Tech's post 24/04/2021


El intercambio de experiencias entre lideres de las economías APEC continua.


🌱 Hoy 22 de Abril, día internacional de la madre Tierra, recordemos más que nunca que necesitamos un cambio para promover la armonía con la naturaleza y la Tierra. 🌎 El tema de este año es "Restaurar nuestra Tierra", el cual se enfoca en la necesidad de reparar el daño a nivel global y reducir nuestro impacto en el planeta.
👉🏻 ¿Cómo puedes participar?
Puedes sintonizar Earth Day Live 2021 un evento transmitido en vivo que incluirá talleres y paneles de debate:
👩🏻‍🔬 ¿Quieres saber más sobre el progreso de la acción climática?
Mira este informe interactivo:

¡Nuestro planeta nos necesita! 💪🏻🌎


Un día como hoy pero de 1961 el cosmonauta soviético Yuri Gagarin se convirtió en el primer ser humano en llegar al espacio exterior 👨🏼‍🚀. Vostok-1 fue la nave espacial que permitió a Gagarin completar una vuelta a la Tierra, este vuelo histórico duró 108 minutos.
🚀 Este hito tan importante para la humanidad se logró en el marco de la guerra fría, por lo que fue un logro para la URSS en la carrera espacial que sostenía la ex Unión Soviética con EE.UU.

Al regresar del espacio el cosmonauta Yuri Gagarin dio este importante mensaje: "Al orbitar la Tierra en la nave espacial 🚀, he visto lo hermoso que es nuestro planeta. Gente, preservemos e incrementemos esta belleza, no la destruyamos”. 🌎

🚀 🚀


La investigación es la búsqueda constante de nuevo conocimiento 🔎, en esencia todos nacemos con curiosidad científica, así que la siguiente vez que observes algo que llame tu atención abre bien los ojos 👀 y recuerda que según el bioquímico y premio Nobel, Albert Szent-Györgi "investigar es ver lo que todo el mundo ha visto y pensar lo que nadie más ha pensado". 👩🏻‍🔬
Feliz fin de semana querida


🗓 René Descartes fue un filósofo, matemático y físico, considerado como el padre de la geometría analítica y la filosofía moderna 👨‍🏫. Falleció a los 53 años un 11 de febrero de 1650.🏦

Photos from Avid Roman-Gonzalez's post 25/03/2021


Timeline photos 14/03/2021

In 1884, Albert Einstein received a compass from his father. After that Albert couldn't stop puzzling over the nature of a magnetic field.

Picture: Albert Einstein, aged 5.


📌 :
On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein, renowned German physicist, was born 🔭


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#APECSLP2021 #WorldWaterDay #Water2Me
Bridging Gaps with effective Science Communication
