Nih & Nuh
nih & nuh, khmer for this and that, starts with the leather cord organizers but will expand with many other products...
Black velvet: 2x 40x40
White flower : 2x 25x40, 2x 40x40
White with grey/black stripe: 2x 40x40
Black with white flowers: 6x 40x40
3 cushions 40x40, 2x plain grey with piping and 1x grey/white design
40x40 cushions
2x cambodian silk striped
2x soft pink/white
1x shiny pink (+ 1x 40x30)
50x50 2 pieces available
Cushion covers 40x40, 6 pieces: 35 €
Cushions available:
5 squares: 40x40, 10 € each (3 blue, 2 green)
3 rectangle: 40x20, 7,50 € each
Photography: motor parking
Photography: Floodings in Saigon