Marriage Talk with Dexter and Kim Hardy

Marriage Talk with Dexter and Kim Hardy

At Marriage Talk, we focus on helping you find biblical and practical ways to improve your marriage communication one conversation at a time.

Marriage Talk: Virtual Workshop 03/11/2021

Ready to take your marriage communication to the next level? Join us tonight at 7 pm for our FREE 60-minutes Zoom Communication Session!

Marriage Talk: Virtual Workshop Join relationship coaches Dexter and Kim Hardy for a free communication workshop.


I remember the day I realized I was not the easiest person to love. What a humbling but liberating truth! Has anybody else had this revelation?


Every marriage has strengths and struggles. Fortunately, no struggle can keep YOU from growing.

Here are some of the resources that Dexter and I use in our marriage to help us to continue to grow:

Paul David Tripp's Youtube videos on marriage and relationship healing

The Secure Relationship on Instagram

Jimmy Evans Youtube videos on marriage

P.S. Don't forget to join the private Marriage Talk Facebook group. And, also invite another married person to the group. Together, we can help our marriages to continue to grow.


Research revealed that discussions end on the same note they begin—soft or harsh.

Rather than:

I thought you said you were going to Home Depot to pick up the stuff I asked for last night. I specifically told you I needed that stuff today. Now, you're on your way to a meeting, and as always, I have to pick up the slack. I'm sick of this!

Try this:

Hon, what happened to you stopping at Home Depot and picking up the stuff I asked for last night? (Allow them time to explain and validate if needed) I'd appreciate a heads up when you can't stop so I can adjust my plans and my emotions.

I know we're both busy, but I've been frustrated by the extra load I've been carrying lately. I had to change my plans two times last week because you didn't follow through on your word.

Can we talk tomorrow about a plan of action concerning your follow-through? I don't want anything standing in the way of us connecting.

Do you feel the difference in tone?

P.S. Don't forget to join our private Facebook group: Marriage Talk Community.


Maturity and love go together. Anyone can love well when everything is going great. In conflict, disagreement, and difficulty--- maturity and love reveal themselves.

We all know this is challenging, but through Christ, IT IS POSSIBLE! -- Philippians 4:13

P.S. Don't forget to join our private Facebook group: Marriage Talk Community- where we talk biblically and practically about the real deal of marriage behind closed doors.


I'd love for you to be my guest for Easter service at 11AM.


I'd love for you to join Dexter and I in our home for Christmas Worship service this morning at 11:00.


We're back with a new Marriage Talk! Join in tonight as we discuss healthy boundaries within marriages.


Due to power outages, we will have to postpone Marriage Talk Live one more week!


3 Steps to Grow Closer After a Fight

At its core, healing is about being able to show you are there for each other. You do this by becoming more
• Accessible
• Responsive
• Engaged
The memory cue is ARE, as in, “Are you there for me?”

1) Make your gentle side accessible.
Healing a relationship after a fight takes many gentle moves. The first is to step back from anger. Commit to avoid another argument before it starts.

2) Be responsible for your own actions. Notice your part in what happened. Respond by gently
taking responsibility for your own missteps — not your partner’s.

Yes, this takes courage and practice. Some examples may help:
• “I did some name-calling there. I was so angry; I went on the attack.”
• “I got so mad and defensive, I fired right back.”
• “I didn’t know what to do, so I did nothing. I was shutting you out.”
• “I said awful things just to get you to react.”

3) Engage Your Deeper Feelings.
After a fight, partners need to know they matter to each other deep down. Speak from the heart. That’s how the message “You matter to me” gets through.

(Excerpt taken from Mount Vernon Therapy)

Marriage Talk Community-- Dexter and I will see you this Thursday night at 8PM EST on Marriage Talk Live. We’ll continue to focus on strategies to combat being Married Roommates.


Due to the presidential debate tonight, we will postpone Marriage Talk until next Thursday!


We're back! Join us for Marriage Talk tonight at 8PM!


We're back! Make sure to join us tonight at 8PM EST on Facebook Live as we kick off a brand new topic!

Text a friend to join you because it's going to be GOOD!


(MT Community, we will be discussing this topic for tonight’s Marriage Talk Live at 8:00 p.m.)

At a time when couples are spending more time together than ever — working from home, eating in and avoiding socializing during the pandemic— some may also discover they’re lonely in their marriage.

Feeling alone while sharing life with a partner may sound impossible to single people, but relationship experts say it happens when the connection becomes disappointing.

With the world in turmoil, emotions may be more raw and intense, leading to wives and husbands feeling they’re not getting what they need from their spouses right now, said Pepper Schwartz, a relationship and human s*xuality expert.

“Marriages ebb and flow. They’re environmentally sensitive and you could be in a good marriage in a tough period in history, like we are now. So darker thoughts, worries, feelings start to change the way you see reality,” Schwartz, a sociology professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, told TODAY.

“You can have a body right next to you, but if you feel that your deepest fears, thoughts and needs are unseen, unheard or unwanted by your partner, you feel lonely.”—A. Pawlowski

(Dexter and I look forward to sharing scriptures, insights and stories that will help to strengthen all of our marriages. This is a great time to invite a friend to join Marriage Talk Community!)


Marriage Talk Live will be back next week on Thursday October 15.


There will be no Marriage Talk Live tonight! Due to our full schedule, we'll return with new content that will be announced in October. We can't wait to see you online again soon!

- D & K


Join Kim and Dexter as they finish discussing the current book they're reading, "how to improve your marriage without talking about it".


Tune in to Facebook Live tonight at 8PM for Marriage Talk with Dexter and Kim Hardy.


Join Kim and Dexter as they continue to discuss the current book they're reading, "how to improve your marriage without talking about it".


Join Kim and Dexter as they discuss the current book they're reading, "how to improve your marriage without talking about it".



(Marriage Talk Live is TONIGHT at 8:00 PM ET)

Below is a review from a wife who read the book that we're going to be discussing tonight.

I wish I'd known about this book years ago. I went to a relationship therapist who recommended we read this book. I decided to read it first without mentioning it to my husband.

It contains such basic information about the complex differences in how and why men and women act and react in such different ways, and gives examples.

Within the first two weeks of reading and using the knowledge I was given, the atmosphere in our home is completely different; not perfect, but so much better. I realized how much I impacted the attitudes of everyone in the house.

My strong will and independent nature comes across as threatening and insulting, and this book showed me why. I'm still the same person, but by working on me first, I've seen remarkable changes in my husband. I hope one day he'll read this, but not yet; I'm still reading and working on me.

(We'll unpack some powerful insights from the book to help your communication and connection. Invite a friend to join Marriage Talk Community or like the page in order to watch)



Love is not about better communication.
It's about connection.

You'll never get a closer relationship
with your man by talking to him like you
talk to one of your girlfriends.

Male emotions are like women's s*xuality:
you can't be too direct too quickly.

There are four ways to connect with a man:touch, activity, s*x, routines.

Men want closer marriages just as much as women do,but not if they has to act like a woman.

Talking makes women move closer;
it makes men move away.
(Excerpt taken from the book: How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About it)

Y’all don’t miss this Thursday’s Marriage Talk Live, we will be discussing this book and the insights on How to Connect to Your Spouse. See you at 8:00 PM EST


How to Show Kindness to Your Spouse Pt. 2

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Make sure to tune in to Marriage Talk tonight at 8PM! See you soon!
Marriage Talk Live update
