Once Upon A Lion And A Porcupine

Once Upon A Lion And A Porcupine

We strive to help those around us to gain the confidence and tools required

We are a couple of empathic souls that have the strong desire to help other empaths and sensitives learn how to do more than merely survive in this world that is oftentimes harsh.

The Awakening w/Amy Martin, Wed, Dec 6, 2023, 6:00 PM | Meetup 25/11/2023

Hello beautiful souls. The Lion has been diligently working on a class to help empaths and sensitives learn skills that will allow them to grow and thrive in a safe environment.

Checkout this Meetup with Soul Inspiration LLC:

The Awakening w/Amy Martin, Wed, Dec 6, 2023, 6:00 PM | Meetup This class is a sacred space where spiritually sensitive individuals come together to unlock their hidden gifts and learn how to integrate them into their daily lives. Let'


Love from your friendly porcupine

Let your dominant intent be to feel good which means be playful, have fun, laugh often, look for reasons to appreciate and practice the art of appreciation. And as you practice it, the Universe, who has been watching you practice, will give you constant opportunities to express it. So that your life just gets better and better and better. ~Abraham-Hicks




🧙‍♀️🐈‍⬛🎃🦇 spooky season is here what is your favorite thing to do this time of year? Also do you have any favorite memes for the season? Please share share them below


Happy Friday folks! I have been working hard at accepting parts of myself that make me uncomfortable. You know those little things that make us feel unlovable and inferior?

Mine is my ability to rebuild, what is yours?



I'm doing a little something different today, choose the deck that calls to you and I will do a single card pull with a private message to your inbox. Feel free to share with others. Donations will be accepted but not necessary

🦁 aka Amy


It is all about healthy boundaries my friends..
Sending so much love...


Tis the season to give back to the community and show kindness to all of those around you. Today the Lion will be at Soul Inspiration from 11-6 and ALL of my earnings will go to helping a family in need and providing an amazing Christmas for the little ones in the house. Shoot me a message here or text me if you would like to schedule a reading or session with me. If you can't come into the shop I can also do it via phone, email, or video conference.

With all of my love


A full Beaver Moon and lunar eclipse are coming Monday 30/11/2020


A full Beaver Moon and lunar eclipse are coming Monday The last astronomical event of November will be a penumbral lunar eclipse when the moon passes through the Earth's outer shadow.


Let's have some fun, comment with yours below. Mine is in the comments



Happy Monday Lovelies!!
Putting things into perspective!
Have an amazing week!
Be sure to reach out for all of your energy needs!
Sending love, 🦔


Let's have some fun today! First tell me what you think I would buy first with my lottery winnings and then tell me what you would buy. Whomever guesses the right thing for me will get a free reading either in person, over the phone or emailed to you.

good luck lovelies



I laughed way too hard at this



We all need to be reminded now and then that it is perfectly acceptable to allow ourselves to truly feel our raw emotions. Don't sugar coat them, feel them, accept them and let it go. It is the breaking and rebuilding, the falling apart and coming together once again that makes us strong. Being our authentic selves is difficult in a world full of posers. Yet the authentic self is the one that others fall in love with.

With all of my love


Emotional Baggage 14/10/2020


Emotional Baggage "You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens" --Rumi-- Hey all! It's the Lion, I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about emotional baggage. You know exactly what I am talking about when I say those two words. The words emotional baggage typically make people cringe and feel pity for other...


The only constant in life is change, but change is also one of the greatest catalysts for growth.

Friday Night Open Meeting - Intro to the Chakras 02/10/2020

Happy Friday!!! I am leading the friday night open meeting next week. Swing by if you want to learn about chakras and meet like minded people


Check out this Meetup with Soul Inspiration Spiritual Development Group http://meetu.ps/e/JpSzP/qp7g6/d

Friday Night Open Meeting - Intro to the Chakras Fri, Oct 9, 2020, 7:00 PM: We will go over the basics regarding chakras. What are chakras? Chakras are the energy centers of the body. The word “chakra” is a sanskrit word for wheel or disk.Each chakr

Working with our Shadow Self 30/09/2020

The Lion is teaming up with the amazing Cheryl from Soul Inspiration to provide a class on shadow work this Saturday. If this is something that you are interested in please sign up


Check out this Meetup with Soul Inspiration Spiritual Development Group http://meetu.ps/e/JhLsj/qp7g6/d

Working with our Shadow Self Sat, Oct 3, 2020, 11:30 AM: Working with Our ShadowWith world seeming likes its topsy turvy, this is a great opportunity to look at and work with our shadow side. Shadow refers to an area that is abse


The Lion has a little lecture today about a subject I am so very passionate about


Body Mind Spirit Expo: Natural Health, Personal Growth, Metaphysics and Psychics 26/09/2020

Good morning lovelies

The Lion will be providing readings at the Body Mind Spirit Expo this weekend!!! Eeekkkk I am so excited to finally be doing a fair this year!!! Masks are required, there is free parking and the entrance fee is $8
There is a plethora of readers and healers as well as metaphysical vendors. Some new ones are here that look absolutely amazing. I am in the Soul Inspiration booth with our team of amazing and gifted readers. Swing by for some guidance, healing and fun 🦁

Body Mind Spirit Expo: Natural Health, Personal Growth, Metaphysics and Psychics BMSE started in Ashland Oregon in 1986. Expos maintained emphasis on natural health, personal growth and metaphysics. Our events balance the finest regional and national names in the holistic arena.


The Lion is here with a little goodnight message.

You are not too much, you have never been too much and you will NEVER be too much. Some of us are constantly evolving into better beings. We are ALWAYS trying to work out our own issues and helping others to do the same.

When someone tells you that you are too much, don't listen to them. Throw those words straight into the garbage 🗑 where they belong.

You came here with a purpose. Keep following your bliss and working out those traumas. Just keep going babe. I know it's hard, and heartbreaking to have to let go. Those things and people are just holding you back from your full potential.

You came here to rise like a Phoenix. With grit and perseverance; you will do just that. Some are afraid of your brilliant light, those are not your people. Your people will constantly celebrate you. They will applaud your success and help you pick yourself back up time and time again.

Just keep going babe, you've got this!!!

With all of my love,


Hi all!!! Porcupine here... sending love...
A beautiful soul sister shared this....couldn't have seen this at a better time...remember...damaged is ok...we are ok..we will be ok...we can re-train the brain.. we can heal...we can love..and we can be accepting of that love..there is ALWAYS hope!!.... just be patient with us...know our pains...support us..and help us through..we can't do this alone.. but listen ladies.....we are worthy and beautiful...we just got damaged along the way.... miracles...blessings and healing happens...EVERYDAY!!❤

Sis, the inability to receive support from others is a trauma response.

Your “I don’t need anyone, I’ll just do it all myself” conditioning is a survival tactic. You needed it to shield your tender heart from abuse, neglect, betrayal, and disappointment from those who could not or would not be there for you.

From the parent who was absent by choice or by the circumstance of working three jobs to feed and house you.

From the lovers who offered sexual intimacy but no offered no safe haven that honored your heart.

From the friendships that always took more than they gave.

From all the situations when someone told you “we’re in this together” then abandoned you, leaving you to pick up the pieces when isht got real, leaving you to handle your part and their part, too.

From the lies. The betrayals.

You learned along the way that you just couldn’t really trust people. Or that you could trust people, but only up to a certain point.

Ultra-independence is a *trust issue.*

You learned: if I don’t put myself in a situation where I rely on someone, I won’t have to be disappointed when they don’t show up for me, or when they drop the ball... because they will always drop the ball sooner or later, right?

You may even have been intentionally taught this protection strategy by generations of hurt women who came before you.

Ultra-independence is a preemptive strike against heartbreak.

So, you don’t trust anyone.

And you don’t trust yourself, either, to choose people.

To trust is to hope, to trust is vulnerability.

“Never again,” you vowed.

But no matter how you dress it up and display it proudly to make it seem like this level of independence is what you always wanted to be, in truth it’s your wounded, scarred, broken heart behind a protective brick wall.

Impenetrable. Nothing gets in. No hurt gets in. But no love gets in either.

Fortresses and armor are for those in battle, or who believe the battle is coming.

It’s trauma response.

The good news is trauma that is acknowledged is trauma that can be healed.

You are worthy of having support.
You are worthy of having true partnership.
You are worthy of love.
You are worthy of having your heart held.
You are worthy to be adored.
You are worthy to be cherished.

You are worthy to have someone say, “You rest. I got this.” And actually deliver on that promise.

You are worthy to receive.
You are worthy to receive.
You are worthy to receive.
You are worthy.
Worthy, sis.
You are worthy.

You don’t have to earn it.
You don’t have to prove it.
You don’t have to bargain for it.
You don’t have to beg for it.

You are worthy.

Simply because you exist.


Hey all it's the Lion,

I wanted to take a moment to gently remind you all that our fate versus destiny is very different.
Fate is what we were born into, our circumstances and the people in our families, included in this is the ancestral trauma also know as generational sin. Many people get stuck here in these circumstances and the repetitive cycles and patterns that go on for generations. Seeming impossible to break free from.

What nobody tells you though; is that you can break the cycle. You have the ability to heal; yourself, your family, and even your ancestors. It isn't easy, it is gritty and raw. Most times it is absolutely gut wrenching. Loved ones won't always understand you, they won't be able to comprehend the immense amount of turmoil you are in. It is an impossible thing to understand if you haven't gone through it. It doesn't matter if you learned how to love when you were a child or if you finally learned it as an adult. What matters is that you learn how to love unconditionally. You learn how to love others with appropriate boundaries. You learn your worth and start loving yourself unconditionally as well. It is MESSY, RAW, and occasionally overwhelming. It is also completely worth it. I promise you can make it to the other side.

Destiny is what happens when we actually make the choices to do the hard work. Destiny is the magick that occurs when we heal ourselves, our families and our ancestors. Destiny is exactly where YOU want to be. This is the place where you finally feel alive. Free to be your true authentic self in all of your glory. Magnificent and courageous; becoming ALL of the things that you have only dreamed of. Following your destiny is when you start to THRIVE.

If you have any questions on how to start this powerful process let us know.

With all of my love,

Traditional To***co | Keep It Sacred 16/09/2020

I had the honor of learning to work with sacred to***co this last weekend. I am filled with gratitude, and so very excited to see how this helps me and others to break old cycles, patterns and heal even further than before.

The Lion


Traditional To***co | Keep It Sacred Traditional to***co is to***co and/or other plant mixtures grown or harvested and used by American Indians and Alaska Natives for ceremonial or medicinal purposes.


It's what are you focusing on bringing into your life? We all manifest so many things in our lives every single day and it is so amazing knowing that we can focus our attention to zero in on the things we really want to attract instead of those things that we don't want. I am working on abundance in all areas of my life and more love.


Happy Sunday!!! Just a little reminder to keep grinding away at that project or those big moves in your life. Little by little, you'll get there. Over here in the Lion's den we are planning to have brunch with the family. Do you have any exciting plans today or this week? Let me know down below if you need any advice

Photos from Once Upon A Lion And A Porcupine's post 12/07/2020

Hey all it's the Lion! 😃 I am super excited to announce that I have begun offering in person energetic clearings, readings and classes at Soul Inspiration. I am currently available on Wednesdays 4-7 and Saturdays 11-6 Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have

8868 Federal Blvd
Denver, CO


"Be a woman of confidence, not cockiness.
Know your boundaries, set no limits.
Speak your kindness and turn your back to conformed groups.
The only way to be a woman of change in this world, is to walk what you talk and set your own soul free first."

Nikki Rowe


Look closely, you can always find beauty hidden within the chaos. Every single day more people are realizing that we are here to love and help one another. Fortunately we are living in an age where quarantining doesn't require complete isolation. The majority of us still have the ability to access the internet which allows for us to continue so many activities. Kids can still do school work, many people can work from home, we can video chat our friends and family. You can zoom meetings. If you think outside of the box, you can zoom birthday parties, book clubs and other social gatherings. Yea you won't be able to hug those people, but you will still be able to remain connected. It will still allow you to feel like a community. That is what this is all about. Many humans have lost our humanity, chasing what people have force fed us as living the dream. The acquisition of things, upon things and more damn things. When our soul yearns for something more meaniful. What we search for cannot be purchased, nor can it be found in another human. It requires faith, love and most importantly must be found within yourself and your own spiritual practices.

Take this time to slow down and talk to God. Love those around you. Reach out to those that are important to you. Call an old friend to catch up. You might just make someone's day

Please be kind to yourself and others

~with all my love~