The Healthylogy

The Healthylogy

We, at, desire to provide you with relevant information starting from health tips, d

Good Morning Exercises: Benefits & Avoid Common Mistakes 29/08/2023

Hi! Some good morning exercises for you guys, have a look.

Good Morning Exercises: Benefits & Avoid Common Mistakes What are good morning exercises? Importance, step-by-step guide, Benefits of the exercise with Dumbbell & Barbell, Safety and Precautions...

Erectile dysfunction: How long does it take for Wonderful Honey to work? 09/05/2023

This is a problem men may not disclose to their partners. Erectile dysfunction?
Check this out to know what all you can do to overcome ED...👇🏻

Erectile dysfunction: How long does it take for Wonderful Honey to work? It doesn't take long for Wonderful Honey to work, you can get the results within 25 to 40 minutes of consuming it, users have reported feeling the effects of Wonderful Honey within a few days of taking it

Period S*x: Spiritual effect of having s*x during menstruation 05/05/2023

S*xual relations during the menstruation cycle...

Period S*x: Spiritual effect of having s*x during menstruation The spiritual effects of engaging in s*xual activity during menstruation vary across different cultures and belief systems.Some consider it as taboo, while other see this as developing connection between partners...

Diabetes or Blood Glucose: Types, Symptoms, Pregnancy 02/05/2023

Types of Diabetes, symptoms, and treatment...

Diabetes or Blood Glucose: Types, Symptoms, Pregnancy Diabetes or increased blood glucose level is a disease that shows too much sugar in the blood. Types of diabetes: Prediabetes, Type2...

Running: Benefits of running in the morning, Points to remember 01/04/2023

What are the health benefits of running? avoid making mistakes...

Running: Benefits of running in the morning, Points to remember The benefits of running in the morning, strong bones, sharp memory, decision-making power, burning extra calories, boost energy

Shortness of Breath in Covid-19: What does it feels like & 6 signs of breat... 23/06/2021

Coronavirus Oxygen problem? Why Breathlessness is the main cause of Covid-19 & how to recover the affected lungs? Check this article and help others as well >>>>

Shortness of Breath in Covid-19: What does it feels like & 6 signs of breat... Shortness of breath is the feeling that you are out of breath or you feel tightness around the chest. Covid-19 affects the cells in airways..

How to lose 2 Kgs in a week: 8 tips for healthy weight loss 28/05/2021

Weight loss! Personally experienced 8 tips for healthy weight loss..

How to lose 2 Kgs in a week: 8 tips for healthy weight loss 8 Tips for healthy weight loss: 1.Never skip your breakfast 2.Drink plenty of water 3.Eat high fiber food 4.Control portion 5.High protein ...

Vitamin A: What Are The Functions? Vitamin A Deficiency & Symptoms 20/05/2021

Vitamin A benefits, sources, functions & deficiency of vitamin A!
Vitamin A helps to boost your immunity & increase your vision (Eye-site).. it also improves S*x hormones in both male and female.

Vitamin A: What Are The Functions? Vitamin A Deficiency & Symptoms Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient that is required for numerous body functions, Important for strong vision, immunity & it helps your ...

What is Proning? How to improve oxygen levels at home & Precautions 11/05/2021

Proning se ghar par hi oxygen level kaise badhaye? Check the link ⬇️⬇️⬇️

What is Proning? How to improve oxygen levels at home & Precautions Proning is a medically approved technique in which a patient lies on their belly (stomach) & face down, to improve the oxygen levels & not...

Cumin Seeds or Jeera: Benefits, Cumin Water For Weight Loss, Pregnancy 07/05/2021

12 Benefits of jeera or cumin seeds water, jeera for weight loss, jeera for pregnancy, jeera for women health!

Cumin Seeds or Jeera: Benefits, Cumin Water For Weight Loss, Pregnancy Cumin seed or jeera? Nutrition facts of cumin seeds, benefits, weight loss, jeera water during pregnancy, aids acidity & good for heart health

Periods: Yoga and exercises to reduce menstrual pain 04/05/2021

Yoga during periods to reduce lower back and thigh pain.

Periods: Yoga and exercises to reduce menstrual pain All the exercises & yoga poses for periods pain, steps to do the yoga poses correctly, fish pose, child's pose, camel pose & co**se pose, etc

Flaxseeds: Nutrition Facts, Flaxseeds For Hair Growth & How To Use It 01/05/2021

Flaxseeds: Nutrition Facts, Flaxseeds For Hair Growth & How To Use It What are Flax seeds? Nutrition value per tablespoon, why flaxseeds are good for your hair, how to use it on your hair & can you eat flaxseeds?

Tips for Feminine Hygiene | Period Supplies | Safety & precautions during menstrual cycle 01/05/2021

Tips for Feminine Hygiene | Period Supplies | Safety & precautions during menstrual cycle Feminine Hygiene,Girls talk, girls problem,Womenswear, women problems,Period problems, period hygiene, Period supplies, period products, Menstruation cycle, ...

New Strain Of Coronavirus: Mutation & Symptoms Of New Variant 27/04/2021

What is this new strain of Coronavirus or Covid-19?
Mutation, Variants, and Symptoms. Check the link >>

New Strain Of Coronavirus: Mutation & Symptoms Of New Variant Mutation in coronavirus, new strain of coronavirus, UK variant, Brazil variant, South Africa variant, symptoms of new strain of coronavirus

Flaxseeds: Nutrition Facts, Flaxseeds For Hair Growth & How To Use It 17/04/2021

Flax seeds nutrition facts & flax seeds for hair growth -19

Flaxseeds: Nutrition Facts, Flaxseeds For Hair Growth & How To Use It What are Flax seeds? Nutrition value per tablespoon, why flaxseeds are good for your hair, how to use it on your hair & can you eat flaxseeds?

New Strain of Covid-19 in India: Only 5% Ventilators are available in Delhi 15/04/2021

A dangerous new strain of Covid-19 in Delhi, no more ICU beds are available. Do check this article & take all the safety measures.

New Strain of Covid-19 in India: Only 5% Ventilators are available in Delhi New Strain of Covid-19 in India? Delhi has almost no Ventilators & how people taking it for granted, total cases, active cases & deaths

Lemon Water: 8 proven health benefits & how to make healthy lemon water 14/04/2021

Lemon water! What are the benefits of lemon water? How to make a healthy lemon water & some precautions.

Lemon Water: 8 proven health benefits & how to make healthy lemon water What is Lemon Water? Lemon Vs. Lime, benefits of lemon water, lemon for Immunity, skin, energy & weight loss. How to make it? Side effects

Acid Reflux: 9 reasons for acid reflux, what to eat & what not to eat 13/04/2021

Do you suffer from Acidity? You can easily get rid of Acidity, there are some reasons for heartburn and precautions like what to eat & what not to eat. Do read this article and share if you find it useful.

Acid Reflux: 9 reasons for acid reflux, what to eat & what not to eat What is Acid Reflux? Heartburn or Acidity. Reasons for Acid reflux, Eating habits, Exercises, Oily food & Smoking. How to stop Acidity immediately

Periods: Pain during Periods, Menstruation calculation & Home Remedies 13/04/2021

Period problems, what to eat & what not to eat, home remedies for periods, and Cream for menstruation rashes. Check this article!

Periods: Pain during Periods, Menstruation calculation & Home Remedies Menstruation? Period pain, problems: Heavy & Late periods. Colors of your period blood, Tablet & Cream for menstruation. PremenstrualSyndrome