

horoscopes, tarot, and abundance


Hello everyone!

Personal Tarot Readings or advice now available.
If you want one I am currently running a sale
$35 for 1 hour. Please note no healthcare or legal advice will be given. I am willing to listen and develop a map to help you obtain what you are trying to achieve.

I currently have 10 spots available.
This sale goes from March 1 - 7 2024.

If you want an appointment please send a DM to get started.
And remember to keep going!

♓️ **usmoon **usrising


Tarotscope March 1 2024

Queen of Swords, 8 of Wands, The High Priestess

Hello Friday! Heading into the weekend, you might be feeling a little detached from a specific situation. This could be due to little to no communication or possibly because of a miscommunication. You may receive sudden inspiration or clarity. If your intuition is telling you something there is probably a reason. Remember if you want forward movement in your life, sometimes you have to be willing to step beyond the current obstacles and do something. What is the Universe trying to show you? Keep going.

Deck: Panda Tarot


Tarotscope February 29 2024

Hello Thursday and happy leap day! Today is all about self reflection. By taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly you are able to calm the mind. Sometimes you need more than one breath to get the job done. A pending situation may require a little bit of effort and teamwork from people around you. Don't be afraid to ask for help if the end goal is to reach a wish. There are people willing to assist you to reach whatever it is that you are trying to create. Do not give up and keep going!

Deck: Wild Unknown Tarot

💯 ♓️ **us


Tarot Thursday Live


Happy leap day/night! We are going to be having a live tarot session for those who need it. If you have a question and want some advice or just to hang out please stop by we would love to see you!

7pm PST
9pm CST
10pm EST

If nothing else please keep going!



Tarotscope February 28 2024

Judgement, 10 of Pentacles, The Emperor

Hello Wednesday. Today you may make a decision regarding your foundations and security. When it comes to abundance and prosperity you may not control what anyone else chooses to do or not do. You can however control which steps to take when it comes to your own success. It is time to decide if your efforts are taking you where you wish to be. You may have to cut something out or scale back in order to have what you desire. Keep going.

Deck: Trippin' Waite Tarot

♓️ **us


February 26 2024

This is an introspective post about the reader as such it will probably not resonate with you. If the energies align feel free to share and if not maybe next time.

Dear Diary,

Full Moon energy done. Working towards our goal. We pull some cards to check in
Wheel of Fortune. We seek transformation and luck in a specific area of life. 2 of Wands. Making a decision to adjust certain aspects to make dreams reality. The Emperor. Taking control and actively working on the life want. Quiet and collected. 4 of Swords. Pausing and recovering to create balance. Page of Cups small emotional offers as we move towards a new chapter. 9 of Cups almost have all I need only one more cups required to make it complete. Knight of Wands. Sudden inspiration and clarity. The Hermit. going through the process. The Star. Major wish arriving by doing what we must. King of Wands for our guide says we have to have the courage to keep going.

Deck: Ethereal Visions Tarot Luna Edition

**usrising 9ofcups **usmoon


Tarotscope February 25 2024

2 of Wands, 10 of Cups, The Hanged Man

Hello Sunday. Today you might be hesitant to make a decision. The thing is that you can only remain at a crossroads for so long. Do you decide to continue on as you have been? Or is it time to pick a new direction? Remember if having a fulfilling life or relationship is the goal you have to be willing to ask these tough questions. Are your goals getting you where you want to be? Keep going.

Deck: Tarot Visconti



Gratitude Day 30:

For those of you who choose
to keep going thank you!


Tarotscope February 23 2024

6 of Swords, The High Priestess, 6 of Wands

Hello Friday! Heading into the weekend it appears you have some choices to make. This is regarding the need to potentially step back or recall your energy from a given situation. Before doing anything lasting, attempt to pause and reflect. Sometimes the art of taking no action can actually allow things to breathe. Whatever you choose to do success will follow. It all starts with the choices you make. What is your intuition telling you? Keep going.

Deck: Bianco Nero Tarot



Gratitude Day 29:

The magic of being in
the moment.

Mindfulness can truly reset even the toughest of situations.
If you focus too heavily on the past you bring in trauma.
Being present allows you to create abundance and clarity.
Focusing too much on the future brings anxiety. Watch life manifest around you by taking action. Keep going.


February 21 2024

This is an introspective post about the reader as such it will likely not resonate with you. If the energies align feel free to share and if not maybe next time.

Dear Diary,

Pisces Season is in full swing. I find myself pulling cards. Justice appears. What we give to a situation and the world around us is returned. Page of Wands. Remembering positivity will go a long way in obtaining what we desire. 10 of Cups. Fulfillment is arriving because I refuse to give up. Knight of Wands. Seeing an opportunity and going for it. 4 of Pentacles (R). I am no longer holding onto what is not serving. Letting go. Temperance. Patience in developing what comes next. 2 of Cups. New opportunity and possible alignment with something I am creating. The World. Saying goodbye to an old chapter and welcoming a new day. The High Priestess says we will need to pay attention to our dreams and intuition. Guiding energy the King of Wands and Hierophant. Courage to create exactly what we want. So many synchronicities tell us to keep going.

Deck: Amano Tarot

♓ **usrising *taka **usmoon


Tarotscope February 22 2024

5 of Cups, The Sun, 9 of Cups

Hello Thursday! Today is very much a turn a frown upside down kind of day. You have an opportunity to change something disappointing into something much more satisfying. Remember you cannot control how you feel, though you are able to control how you respond to this situation. So when life gives you lemons, what can you do to find gratitude? Keep going.

Deck: Beautiful Creatures Tarot


Gratitude Day 28:

Postal Workers
Rain, shine, snow, wind, or
other weather they show up
and make sure you get your
mail and packages.


Tarotscope February 20 2024

4 of Swords, The High Priestess, 10 of Cups

Hello Tuesday. Rest and recovery is definitely on your mind. This might be because something didn't go the way you expected. As a result, you may be deciding to do something different. There is an element of the unknown at play. This means you will have an opportunity to find something better than whatever you are deciding to leave behind. Ask yourself, what makes you happy? Breathe and keep going.

Deck: Horror Tarot


Tarotscope February 19 2024

King of Cups, The Moon, Knight of Wands

Hello Monday and welcome to Pisces Season! What fills your cup? Today you might be looking at the details and what you need and what you don't. The truth is that when you decide to focus on what is obtainable versus what is fantasy you will have a lot more luck. There is an interpersonal relationship that could see some forward movement by being mindful. Remember, by being in the moment you might find an opportunity to advance something that previously looked unlikely. Keep going.

Deck: Cthulhu Vault


Gratitude Day 27:

Food in the fridge. Whether it's leftovers or something that needs to be prepared I am thankful for the ability to store food and consume it later.


Tarotscope February 18 2024

King of Pentacles, 6 of Cups, Wheel of Fortune

Hello Sunday. Today a situation from your past might be on your mind. Even if you want to see something change you cannot always force the issue. Meet in the middle and be willing to listen and respond accordingly. Remember transformation is likely to happen when both parties can agree and feel like they are heard. Keep going.

Deck: Art Nouveau

♒️ **us #311


Challenges and Opportunities

February 17 2024

This is a general post regarding Challenges and Opportunities as such it may or may not resonate with you. If the energies align feel free to share and if not maybe next time.

The Challenge:

9 of Wands

Sticking it out can sometimes be the hardest part of any venture. There is a task or relationship that has been taking a considerable amount of effort to see it through. Being so close to the end, you must find the resolve to get to a new chapter. Go within and find a way to keep pushing forward after all, no one likes to waste their time.

The Opportunity:

King of Cups

The mental clarity gained from completing this cycle will bring a new level of awareness and understanding. It is time to buckle down and finish this particular grind. By being willing to give more to this area you will find a new level. Whether it's what you intended or not remains to be seen. Though ask yourself if giving up is really worth all the effort you have presented so far. Remember what is for you will always find a way while whatever is not falls away for what you need.

These 2 cards together indicate a relationship will benefit with a little creativity and inspiration. Don't be afraid to see this cycle end if it means something better is on the way. Keep going.

Deck: Tarot Del Fuego



Gratitude Day 26:

Central air heating and cooling.
It's nice to have when mother nature is too hot or cold


February 16 2024

Head VS Heart

This is a general post regarding a Head VS Heart situation, as such it may or may not be for you. If the energies align feel free to share and if not maybe next time.

The Past:

Head had Death. A need to release something in order for something new to begin. Heart show 4 of Cups. Unsure if this is the right thing but deciding not to stay stuck.

The Present:

Head has the Lovers. Passion and chaos, a spark of something new. Heart has the Devil. Recognizing what you are tied too and remembering to lighten up.

The Future:

Head is going towards 3 of Pentacles. Teamwork and build with others. Heart shows 10 of Pentacles. Abundance and prosperity by going towards your desires.

Head VS Heart:

Head has 2 of Pentacles. Balance. Heart brings Page of Pentacles. Making a small offer.


The Sun. Happiness arrives when you let go of what is not serving in order to invite something wonderful to enter your life. Don't overthink it. Guiding energy 6 of Wands. Success happens when you keep going.

Deck: Encore Tarot

♒️ Gemini **us


Tarotscope February 16 2024

Knight of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, Ace of Swords

Hello Friday! Heading into the weekend you might be feeling a stop and go energy. This hesitation might be because you are not sure if the person you are communicating with has the same intentions as you do. Don't worry, resolution comes in the form of communication. If possible try to make time to speak your truth. Even if it is a small gesture you could be surprised how the other person could react. If you want to see a wish develop take the time to say something. Keep going.

Deck: Marseille Cat Tarot



Gratitude Day 25:

This shop is celebrating
2 years being open today!
I am excited to see them continue to grow ^^

I'll be down offering free tarot readings today to celebrate the 2 year milestone! Congratulations and keep going!


Tarotscope February 14 2024

The World, 4 of Cups, Queen of Wands

Hello Wednesday. A cycle is definitely in the process of wrapping up. While you may have reservations of what comes next try not to have a negative outlook. The Queen of Wands showing up in this position shows you are capable of manifesting a better and more uplifted future. This requires you to make the best of what you are given and understanding that this inevitably is happening for you, not to you. Trust the process and aim higher. What do you wish to achieve? Keep going.

Deck: Hush Tarot

(I hope you are doing well! I am really enjoying your new art and hope to add some to my collection! Thank you for what you bring to the world it makes a difference)

♒️ **us #


Personal Readings are now available!

If you want one I offer

Text and Picture
Phone call or Whatsapp

Or if you are local to Spokane
I am doing readings at Petunia and Loomis

The current turn around for readings is 3 days.
10 slots available.
Send a DM to get booked.

Prices are set at $50 but are reviewed on a case by case basis.

I am looking forward to working with you and please keep going!

♒️ **usmoon **usrising


Gratitude Day 24:

Small Businesses
Sometimes smaller operations
provide better quality and service.


Tarotscope February 12 2024

The Magician, Wheel of Fortune, 8 of Pentacles

Hello Monday. Manifesting definitely takes an element of effort. In order to bring in the best possible outcome of something you are trying to create you have to be willing to use the tools you are given. Nothing is likely to transform unless your thoughts and wishes have actions to bring them into reality. What are you trying to bring into existence? Keep going.

Deck: Teddy Bear Tarot

♒️ **us


Hey everybody!! This year on Valentine's Day we are celebrating a very special day at Petunia and Loomis! It will be their 2nd anniversary. Please come in and get a free tarot reading, and to participate in some giveaways and mystery boxes.

We will be there from 11am to 6pm.

Stop in and check out all the new and exciting things.
There are many unique gifts to make Valentine's Day special
We hope to see you there and please keep going!


Gratitude Day 23:

Vehicles (including bikes)

For when walking simply
will not do.



Tarotscope February 10 2024

8 of Swords, The Sun, King of Wands

Hello Saturday! Are you worried about external pressures or possibly overthinking how others will react? Well don't do that! When it comes to the pursuit of happiness sometimes you have to have courage. Taking a leap towards the things that call to you is better than wondering what might have been. It starts with you. Keep going!

Deck: Mystical Medleys Tarot

(this still remains my favorite deck and I always enjoy the messages I receive. Thank you)



Tarotscope February 9 2024

The Empress, The Hanged Man, The Emperor

Hello Friday! Major arcana energy heading into the weekend. There is an incredible team or power couple energy showing up. Though there is something that is getting in the way of this specific union. Is it distance, fear of the unknown, or an activity of daily living that is preventing this union from moving forward? Understand that being stuck is a choice. If you stay there too long this might become a missed opportunity. Try to close the gap by having the conversation and being open for compromise. If both parties begin to agree it might be possible for something incredible to arrive. It starts with you. Keep going!

Deck: Doodle Tarot


Videos (show all)

We're going live at 7:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Thursday if you want somebody to read tarot for you give general ...
Tomorrow at 7pm PST please join us for some Tarot and Conversation!@lovecraft.tarot@letarotboheme@paulievonedwaerd We wi...
Hey everybody tomorrow is Thursday January 11th 2024 we are going live in the evening at about 7:00 p.m. Pacific Standar...
December 3 2023Greetings from Cheney Washington!First fire of the season. Definitely feeling under the weather from this...
Tarot Thursday Live November 16 2023Hey it's @lovecraft.tarot aka Doug I wanted to let you all know we are going live to...
Come see us tomorrow at 7pm PST for some tarot card pulls!Thursday Oct 12 2023 7pm PST @lovecraft.tarot@alliinicole #tar...
Hey everybody it's @lovecraft.tarot today is Thursday September 28th 2023 and I just wanted to hop on here and let you k...
Hello Monday!! Hope everyone is doing well! I am planning to go live this week and update about life. I have a special u...
Hey everyone!  I'll be going live about 7pm pst to unbox a very special gift from some friends of mine. I will also be g...
D'artagnan everyday.  Thank you for the unconditional love and support only pets can give ^_^#dartagnan #dartagnandays #...