Josh Trombley

Josh Trombley

Pastor, author, and blogger, Josh Trombley delves into the heart of the Christian faith.

Twice a week Josh shares fresh thoughts on God, the Church, and religion and how they connect with every day life.

Women in Christian Traditions: a review 08/03/2022

No matter how much society (let's be honest, men) have tried to suppress what God has been doing in and through women, they have persevered to leave an important mark on society.

Women in Christian Traditions: a review Though I grew up in a theologically egalitarian tradition, it didn’t continuously operate like it and often ignored its rich history of female leaders and pastors. I have to admit that I had …

Women in Christian Traditions: a review 02/03/2022

Though I grew up in a theologically egalitarian tradition, it didn't continuously operate like it and often ignored its rich history of female leaders and pastors. I have to admit that I had a bias toward male leaders that, as I grew through my twenties, thankfully shifted to where my wife sometimes refers to me as a feminist....

Women in Christian Traditions: a review Though I grew up in a theologically egalitarian tradition, it didn’t continuously operate like it and often ignored its rich history of female leaders and pastors. I have to admit that I had …


Wise insight from my old Prof Dr. Milley. Confession is key

The Destiny 13/11/2020

If your looking for a Christmas gift for that fiction reader in your home, check out the work from my friend J. D. Wilkins.

The Destiny The Destiny


Thanksgiving message from my wife.

Today is Thanksgiving in Canada, and we’ve been celebrating this weekend at the family cottage with my in-laws and way too much stuffing (not that I’m complaining). Its been a nice little pause on a year that has seemed so strange it’s almost surreal.

Truth be told, this year has taken a lot out of me. Early on I allowed myself to get caught up in the panic, I scrolled and scrolled through bad news and allowed myself to spiral down the rabbit hole of what-if’s.

If you follow my page, you’d know I’ve been silent. I just didn’t have any words to share.

It’s 2020 you know. The year that seems to have nearly broken us all. Or so it seems...

But the truth is, I’m not broken.

This year has taken a lot out of me, but it’s also given me so much. The lockdown for example, last spring we had to isolate for two months. My kids and husband were home all day everyday and we only had each other. Our house was noisy and chaotic, but that lockdown was one of the highlights of my life.

In 2020 I realized just how blessed I am. In isolation I realized just how good I’ve got it! My family was closer than ever. My kids were getting along like never before and just when the fear of the unknown would weigh heavy on me, my husband would start acting goofy and make me laugh. I found myself looking around almost daily in awe of how blessed I was.

So sure, this year has been crazy, it’s thrown us all for a loop as we navigate the ups and downs, but I think that we’ve still got a ton to be thankful for.

This year has shown us the value of family, and that even the toughest days can bring joy. This year has forced us to hit pause and come together like never before.

If you’re like me this year has caused you to appreciate what you have, because no matter the season, no matter what’s going on in the world around us, we’ve got each other and for that we are truly blessed.


Heart check. We can have all our theology intact. We can know our soteriology, pneumatology, and christology. We may be able to exegete the scriptures with precision, but how does our life match up? Great reminder from Matthew.


From my wife

I have African heritage. My family tree traces back from Canada to Jamaica to Africa, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at me.

I am a redhead with blue eyes and skin so white that I can’t even tan.

I have never been discriminated on based on my skin. The worst comment that has been made about my colour is that I’m pasty white and while it used to offend me, it has had no bearing on the way I’ve been treated.

I remember when I was a teenager and store employees would follow me around as I perused the shelves. I remember how degrading it felt to be considered suspicious simply because of my youth. My conscience would never have allowed me to steal anything, yet in their eyes, I was a risk.

I’m fortunate though, because I grew up, and in a few short years I was able to shop in peace. I was free of assumptions and suspicious stares. I’m a white adult, so I have the luxury of being deemed innocent until proven guilty.

I’d like to say that culture has changed that racism doesn’t exist anymore, but that wouldn’t be true. Even in Atlantic Canada, a quick google search reveals countless instances of racial profiling and discrimination. It’s heart breaking, and yet it’s a reality.

This isn’t the first time I’ve been upset about racism. In fact I wanted to be a voice for those who weren’t given a chance to speak many times before. To write for those who haven’t had a chance to be given the benefit of the doubt or defend themselves simply because of the shade of their skin, but I was afraid. I often worry that I’ll say the wrong thing and offend everyone.

The truth is though, it was my silence that was offensive and I can’t sit quiet anymore. I too am outraged at the racism in our world, only I have been a coward. I have stayed quiet.

The other day I watched the video of George Floyd’s death. My heart broke as I watched a mans life slip away from his body. Anger boiled as I watched the police officer care free as his knee drew George’s last breath. Not a care in the world as bystanders begged for him to stop. To let George live.

I cannot stay silent because this is not the world I want to live in. I cannot turn a blind eye, because it’s not okay to ignore injustice. Whether or not George was guilty of a crime is irrelevant because he is a human, and that was not the way a human being should be treated. He deserved to be deemed innocent until proven guilty. He deserved a chance to defend himself free of prejudice.

We as a human race have a history of prejudice. Of labels and categories. We write people off based on what we see. We fear the unfamiliar and too often we let hate grow in our hearts.

I’m tired of dehumanization. I’m tired of watching human beings being categorized to determine their value.

We have value, because we are alive. Because God loves us and called us into being on the day we breathed our first breath. We don’t depreciate because of our skin colour, or any other factor used to discriminate. Every one of us deserves to be given the same rights and privileges. Every one of us given safety. Every person, no matter their skin colour deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt, just as I am everyday.

So though we mourn, may George’s tragic death serve as a catalyst for change. May we wake up our voices from their cowardly slumber and stand with our black sisters and brothers, because we are all God’s children and it is time that we all be treated as such!


I am tethered to my children. The umbilical cord may have been cut years ago, yet I am tethered. They follow me around the house, plopping down beside me wherever I sit and often fighting for the prized seat on my lap. As I cook dinner they stand by me and give detailed descriptions of video games and you tube shows. They want me with them first thing in the morning and right up until they close their eyes. I should be grateful, but if I’m honest, I often begrudge my lack of independence.

I huff and puff about personal space and a moment to myself. I’m a mom of four, and sometimes it feels like there just isn’t enough of me to go around.

Last night was especially hard. I was putting the kids to bed and after what seemed like the millionth request, I was fed up. I was done.

My daughter asked me to snuggle, and in a desperate attempt to put an end to the bedtime shuffle, I obliged. While she flipped and flopped in the bed to get comfy, I made an exit strategy in my head.

Frustrated and eager to get back to my kid free “me time”, I watched her eye lids closely as she continued to squirm. They became heavy and eventually shut and yet she continued to fidget until finally she reached out, touched me and lay still. With one hand and one foot outstretched on me she settled. Honestly she looked kind of uncomfortable, yet she was content because she was connected to me.


I found myself overcome with emotion as I soaked it all in. This beautiful bond that I have with her, with all of my children. This bond where they still want so much of me. Where they are soothed simply by reaching out and touching me.

It’s true it can be hard at times. This tether means I often lack personal space. In fact to this day, I can’t seem to go to the bathroom in peace and yet it’s all worth it.

I’m not willing to cut this invisible cord, because what I will gain in space I will loose in relationship and that’s not a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

As my kids get older I want them to know that I’m their safe place. I want them to be comfortable sharing their struggles and wins. I want them to stay connected and that starts with this tether. This cord that sometimes drains me of my energy and yet is the source of so much life.

I am tethered, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

How to Stop Being an Angry Dad - His View From Home 22/04/2020

This has been the struggle today but I'm trying.

How to Stop Being an Angry Dad - His View From Home I don't want to be an angry dad, but sometimes my emotions get the best of me. Here are three strategies I use to manage my anger and control my reactions.

Why Easter is better than Christmas 13/04/2020

Easter may not have all the pop of Christmas; it makes up for it in the sizzle.

Why Easter is better than Christmas This weekend marks the most important day on the Christian calendar. While the Orthodox will celebrate a week later, the Catholics and Protestants all around the world, that means approximately 2 b…

Easter Is About New Life and New Hope - His View From Home 10/04/2020

Check out my Good Friday post on His View From Home

Easter Is About New Life and New Hope - His View From Home To many people, Easter is about bunnies and chocolate eggs. I think of new life and new hope, and believe this is what Easter is really about.



Timeline photos 27/03/2020

Day five means teaching them to invest while the market is down

Timeline photos 25/03/2020

What happens when a child opens the bread maker in the middle of the cycle....😡


This is how day two “gym” class started.

Timeline photos 23/03/2020

Day one of homeschooling is in the books


thus could save your life, 😂

Fear is not your friend 19/03/2020

As my country has closed the border, it is like the country is singing as a choir, the David Bowie song that goes, "I'm afraid of Americans, I'm afraid of the world."

Fear is not your friend There’s a lot of fear going around the world today. This isn’t an exaggeration. Right now, the world is united in their fight against a virus that for 20% of the people who get it, can …


Marital pro tip!


Timeline photos 16/03/2020

It’s only been a day of social isolation and I’m already going crazy

Challenges lead to creativity 16/03/2020

It's like how we seek comfort personally, so too do our congregations and institutions accept their happy and comfortable existence. However, just like the body needs stress to grow, so it is with our congregations.

Challenges lead to creativity The problem with much of our lives is that we become comfortable. It’s quite easy to stay where we are, do what we have always done, and not try something different, new or creative. To many …

Timeline photos 15/03/2020

Don’t wait until tomorrow to change your life. Start today!

Take It From a Pastor, This is All You Need to be a Great Dad 13/03/2020

Check out my most recent article on his view

Take It From a Pastor, This is All You Need to be a Great Dad There are lots of lists on how to be a great dad, but from my experience as a pastor, it doesn't take much: humility, affection, and good manners.

Timeline photos 13/03/2020

Studying bioenergetic today.

Do I really need to give up my life for everyone: a fresh look at John 15 12/03/2020

The burden of doing greater things and the burden of laying our lives down for others isn't a burden that lays upon one of us. It is a burden that, as my friends in the south would say, is for all y'all.

Do I really need to give up my life for everyone: a fresh look at John 15 “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I comma…

Let's Talk About Mom Guilt 11/03/2020

Let's Talk About Mom Guilt Guilt is a heavy emotion, but my oh my does it ever kick in in motherhood. A bad day and a flurry of emotions results in moms everywhere wondering if they’ve ruined everything. Thoughts spiral as w…


Have a Super day

Timeline photos 09/03/2020

Love reading . The beauty of the words bring the text to life.

Are you a church builder or community impacter? 09/03/2020

Yet so often in our church world, pastors don't apply the right model. They want the numerical growth of this church or the neighbourhood impact of that church.

Are you a church builder or community impacter? Are you building a church or reaching a community? Neither one is wrong, but they are different. You can build a church and reach a community; you can reach a community and build a church. They are…

Don't Confuse Goals With Purpose 07/03/2020

[reblog] Though they are important and though they are necessary, it is all too easy for them to become our god.

Don't Confuse Goals With Purpose As 2020 approaches, it’s the season to set your New Years’ resolutions. Lose weight, be the real you, go for the career you always wanted, eat less deep-fried wontons—whatever it may be…

Had to share... 05/03/2020

Had to share... Posted in r/Costco by u/cinnnamongirl • 2,063 points and 115 comments

Rejecting fear: Embracing others amid COVID-19 05/03/2020

Smart, yes. Negligent, no! We must weigh the risks of our particular situation and make a smart decision that we weigh in love.

Rejecting fear: Embracing others amid COVID-19 Smart, yes. Negligent, no! We must weigh the risks of our particular situation and make a smart decision that we weigh in love.

Trust Your Gut Because Mama Knows Best! 04/03/2020

Trust Your Gut Because Mama Knows Best! The other day I had an amazing experience. Exhausted and tired in the ER for the second time that week, I had the opportunity to thank the doctor who admitted my daughter just a few short years ago…

Timeline photos 03/03/2020

Time to get that beach body ready... or not 😂

Photos from The Word Webzine's post 03/03/2020

A little music humour for you.

The art of letting things slip through the cracks 02/03/2020

Even though Jesus didn't have all the noise of modern society around him, Jesus still had to deal with pressure, family, friends, and yes, even his own spiritual life.

The art of letting things slip through the cracks Even though Jesus didn’t have all the noise of modern society around him, Jesus still had to deal with pressure, family, friends, and yes, even his own spiritual life. We see him waking early…


Help me out here. Is it 4 times fast, as in saying four times at a fast speed. Or is it four X fast, as in you are meaning 4x faster than average.

I feel as though we use it four times 4x fast.

What this means is, I think, we should be saying, "I bet you can't say that four times four times fast!"


Yes, February's been pretty good. Don't be fooled!

True story

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Grace is greater