Oria Health

Oria Health

At Oria, we don’t just talk about problems, we listen to your needs.

Photos from Oria Health's post 28/02/2024

The waiting is OVER. Today is the day. You are the person for the job. No one knows more than you what your next best step is - it’s time to go out and do it!

Photos from Oria Health's post 21/02/2024

How many times do we put ourselves off? Tamp down or change our desires to try and fit into a mold for someone else? We need to be our first loves ❤️✨

Photos from Oria Health's post 19/02/2024

Look at you starting another week, putting one foot in front of another, seeing where this path might take you ⚡️✨⚡️

Photos from Oria Health's post 12/02/2024

The heart can hold multitudes. The heart as an organ literally pumps life into our bodies. The heart as a vessel is filled with our stories, memories, relationships, and fears. An unbroken heart is a wondrous thing; elastic, fertile, no horizon line in sight. It is also one of the rarest creatures in the adult world

Photos from Oria Health's post 10/02/2024

On the other side of trauma we have clear signs of change. Some old pieces get lost and don’t make it to the new person, some pieces even need to be replaced because of damage. We have the chance to mend. We have the chance to become stronger and more than what we were.

Photos from Oria Health's post 07/02/2024

Childhood has connotations of freedom. No cares, no responsibilities. As we get a little older we realize how much we relied on our parents and care givers; we are taken care of / someone will take care of me. Are we still living as children? Are we waiting on someone to take care of us?


How many love songs are about waiting for the “one”? Those songs are filled with promises of another half to make you whole. But what if that is a false premise? What if we are full and capable beings? What if we treated ourselves if that were true? What if we treated others that way? What would this do to our relationships?

Photos from Oria Health's post 04/02/2024

Did anything hit this cycle? How are you doing today? What are you working on?

Photos from Oria Health's post 29/01/2024

Get your head right.

Get your heart right.

Get your body right.

In. That. Order.

These days, I think about our bodies, our genes, and our minds as houses. If I tell you that I built two identical houses in two different environments, you wouldn’t be surprised to hear that they ‘aged’ differently. If I gave two families the same exact house, what happened inside them — from the conversations to the conflict to the color of the walls — would be different, especially over time.

We somehow understand that houses “age” even without being alive. Pipes freeze. Roofs leak. Paint chips when left to the elements. Some houses are beloved, and so they age well. Others are neglected, and so they have more structural flaws.This is true of our minds, and it’s true of our bodies. Mental Health is Health, and *the body keeps the score*
- Amanda, Oria CEO

Photos from Oria Health's post 26/01/2024

After trauma occurs in our life, we are not the same person. Every one of our cells has the opportunity to have memories changed from that experience. Our bodies are trying to make sense of things. Our bodies are trying to take care of themselves. Our bodies want to heal. Our bodies want to create anew.




Where do we go from here?

Photos from Oria Health's post 17/01/2024

A couple weeks ago we checked in with our physical bodies. Let’s check in mentally. The end of a year can be a lot to deal with, have you recovered yet? Are you pushing through or did you find a time to rest?


Don’t forget it⚡️


Did you make a resolution, or better yet , a plan for yourself this year? Don’t forget this key bit: MENTAL HEALTH IS HEALTH! If you made goals for your job, body, reading lists, travel destinations, family time…WHATEVER! Mental Health affects all of your life. Start there, and move backwards.

Photos from Oria Health's post 13/01/2024

Meet Rachel Villalon! Rachel is a compassionate therapist with a heart dedicated to fostering healing and connection. Rachel has built her practice around supporting individuals in their journey towards mental well-being. Specializing in working with new moms and young adults, she brings a unique blend of empathy and expertise to guide her clients through the challenges of life transitions. Rachel’s warm and nurturing approach creates a safe space for her clients to explore their thoughts and emotions, empowering them to build stronger familial bonds and navigate the complexities of young adulthood with resilience. With a genuine passion for fostering positive change, Rachel Villalon is not just a therapist; she’s a dedicated ally on the path to holistic well-being.

Photos from Oria Health's post 12/01/2024

May we view our bodies reforming in the way of kintsugi, or “to join with gold” This is a reminder to celebrate the flaws and missteps of life, beauty in the incomplete, and value in simplicity.


Hi all, Chrissie with Oria here!

Any art and inspirational messages you see on this page or our Instagram were created by the amazing Leigh Ann. Because Leigh Ann is the mastermind behind all of our provider spotlights, I find it only fair to give her a spotlight of her own!

Leigh Ann is our director of all things creative, and rightfully so; she has loved art for as long as she can remember and is incredibly talented! She craves all information she can absorb about various styles of art, artists, and can see art anywhere she looks. She is primarily a painter and her favorite medium is acrylic on wood. Inspiration frequently strikes her from from art history, classic films, restaurants, music or books that move her. Just as she has many muses, she also wears many hats - Leigh Ann is known for volunteering to help wherever and however she can. When you toss her an idea, she will run it to the finish line in the blink of an eye. Just as importantly, Leigh Ann promotes a sense of safety, warmth and comfort as part of our HQ team and is always among the first to reach out and offer love and kindness.
A fun fact about Leigh Ann is that she has an unbeaten streak of over a year for the New York Times crossword daily puzzle.

To see more of her phenomenal art, check out our�Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oria.health/


Sometimes easier said than done, how do you feel about this?


How do you feel about this?!




Before you break ⚡️

Photos from Oria Health's post 01/01/2024

It is easy to get caught up in New Year resolutions. It is a chance to start fresh; wave goodbye and say hello all in one breath. This is our gentle reminder to take stock before turning away, and be mindful to what we are turning towards. Here’s to you in the new year ⚡️


Thank you for spending 2023 with us 🤍 Here’s to 2024!


“The plants and the earth are resting, maybe we should too. The long days will be here soon enough.” ❄️ Rebecca Raiden ❄️


- “Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do – or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so.” – Stanley Crawford
❄️ Lean in to the rest of the season. If you find only hustle and bustle, be courageous and fight for moments of calm.❄️

Photos from Oria Health's post 22/12/2023

- The idea of “tall poppies” is one that can stop a lot of people in their tracks. Boiled down: If you are too different (successful/wild/just plain yourself!) then you are up for scrutiny and will be cut down. It’s possible it is an evolutionary trait we haven’t shaken loose: *You must stay a part of the pack or you will not survive*.
- Or put another way : If I choose to do my own thing, I will be alone.
- Don’t let the fear stop you. People want to support you (Friends and strangers alike!), people might not know something is an option before you start it (representation matters!!). People with joy find their community, and very regularly make their own.


“MY WORLD IS FINE.” “I’m as happy as I have any right to be.” “Someone else will take care of this.” Have you heard these phrases? Have you said these phrases? The sentiment is fine, but not quite accurate. Your world might be filled with roses, but whose is walking alongside yours? To paraphrase a beloved childhood movie Fern Gully “There are worlds within worlds!” Where is your retreat hindering another’s charge? Who are you telling you have to deserve happiness? Who are you showing not to take responsibility? Lean in, look closer.


‘If I were to build the world I want’ by Oria Founder Richard Connell⚡️”It would begin with universal respect and acceptance of others.  People would realize that we are all fundamentally the same, and our differences are what make life interesting. There would be no wars, no exploitation of others, and no crime.  While political parties would still disagree, there would be mutual respect for the opposing party.

In my perfect world, most people would live close enough to work to walk or bike on most days. Walking would be even more pleasant because all of the vehicles would be electric…no loud engines or exhaust fumes.  Everyone would be much more healthy, not just because of the walking and biking, but also because there would be less income inequality- and healthy, organic food would be affordable for everyone. 

Would there still be struggle, disease, and death? Yes! Without struggle there would be no satisfaction gained from overcoming adversity. There would still be variance, based on education and how hard people work. Without disease there would be no motivation to live a healthy lifestyle.  And without death, we would fail to appreciate this unfathomable, precious gift that is life.”

Photos from Oria Health's post 15/12/2023

- But I have BIG changes that need to happen! Do you know how long it will take to do it? Do you know how OLD I’ll be?
- No. We don’t.
- What we do know is this: Time will pass ANYWAY!
- If you don’t plant a seed today, it *certainly* will not grow. You want a world with the things that bring you to life? You have to build it. Where are we starting?!

Videos (show all)

Embrace the journey of becoming the person you need to be. ⚡️It’s about self-discovery, growth, and choosing authenticit...
Get your head right. Get your heart right. Get your body right ⚡️✨ Check out our website for someone to help you with an...
A couple weeks ago we checked in with our physical bodies. Let’s check in mentally. The end of a year can be a lot to de...
Our bodies crash all the time. Mentally, energetically, spiritually, physically. Most of us are pretty hard on our bodie...
Our bodies crash all the time. Mentally, energetically, spiritually, physically. Most of us are pretty hard on our bodie...
Meditation Sunday. Take it slow. Find Gratitude. Rest. See what may come to mind ✨Music by @stephenkeech
Thank you for engaging with the series! Cannot wait to see where this takes us! What was your favorite part??
This is your sign to make time for self care this week.Whatever self-care looks like to you - grounding, venting to a li...
Oria: a place where I don’t feel alone.At Oria, it is our utmost honor to serve our clients with excellence and it would...
Dr. Richard Connell
Your healing journey is one that should be shared with the ones you love. You are more than deserving of people + a safe...
One thing to leave behind today...Therapist advice of the day: stop carrying around the things that aren't yours to carr...