Jackie Walker

Jackie Walker

Originally to have Jackie Walker re-instated now to defend the Labour Party from rebels who want t

Germany's anti-Palestinian censorship turns on Jews 10/04/2023

Germany's anti-Palestinian censorship turns on Jews Anti-Zionist Jews in Germany are increasingly being targeted with accusations of antisemitism, a charge usually directed at Palestinians.

Excl: Creasy challenged over ‘racist ad’ image in parliamentary Labour WhatsApp group 11/02/2018

Yes, THAT Stella Creasy, you know, the one whose partner, Dan Fox (ex Director of Labour Friends of Israel) posted a racist text last week calling me thick. You know, the text that people ARGUED about whether it was racist. So Stella Creasy, well known for her campaign against on line abuse, in particular from the left ..... posts this up.
Now just think what would have happened if that cartoon had been of Jewish people......YES! I said it. Because we all know, there is a hierarchy to race...and we know the groups on the bottom. From the conference in Germany an interesting theme; the way European antisemitism has been transformed - same thing, same purpose - into Islamaphobia....

Excl: Creasy challenged over ‘racist ad’ image in parliamentary Labour WhatsApp group Labour MP Stella Creasy has been in the news over the last week after Dan Fox, her ‘boyfriend’ – as described by the Daily Mail – was accused by that paper of sending a & #82…

Troll life – a rogues gallery | Jackie Walker – The Lynching 02/02/2018

Veiled threats from Jonathan Hoffman to the venue of tomorrow's show in Bristol

Troll life – a rogues gallery | Jackie Walker – The Lynching And in relation to Bristol, the long arm of troll Hoffman. Notice the libel, the implied threats and of course what he forgets to say ….the apology from the venues in Scotland and I haven’t got a clue about the other venues he’s quoting….There’s also the antisemitism of talking about ‘Je...

Former BBC chief caught in fake smear on Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise [TWEETS] | The Canary 02/02/2018

Again ... look at the involvement in the CAA here ......and then read the article below (earlier) from the Huffington Post.
"Cohen claims that Corbyn omitted mention of the Jewish people in his message. The Campaign Against Antisemitism said Corbyn should make an apology after leaving out mention of the Jewish people in his message in the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) memorial book. The group described this as “appalling” and “disgraceful”. The Jewish Leadership Council argued it showed “a complete lack of sensitivity” on his part. However ........
Theresa May left out mention of the Jewish people in her Holocaust Memorial Day message. As did Lib Dem leader Vince Cable. They did not come under similar criticism. Interestingly, the UK’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis didn’t explicitly refer to Jewish victims in his Holocaust Memorial Day statement. Yet the media did not criticise Mirvis or accuse him of antisemitism. It seems Corbyn has been uniquely singled out in these accusations.
Cohen has so far failed to make an apology for his accusation against Corbyn."

Former BBC chief caught in fake smear on Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise [TWEETS] | The Canary Unfair attacks

Lynching performances past – my write ups and photos. | Jackie Walker – The Lynching 02/02/2018

Write up of The Lynching at the Unity Theatre Liverpool and the funeral of Sam Semoff

Lynching performances past – my write ups and photos. | Jackie Walker – The Lynching Friends of Sam had been in touch (they were also local organisers of the show). Apparently Sam was ‘obsessed’ with two things as he lay terminally ill; the NHS and The Lynching. He was determined to see the show. His friends suspected he wouldn’t make it. He didn’t, but I’d promised, if Sa...

Would the Labour Party expel Einstein for antisemitism • Jewish Voice for Labour 31/01/2018

Einstein would be expelled from the Labour Part for being an antisemite? Depends what his politics were imo!

Would the Labour Party expel Einstein for antisemitism • Jewish Voice for Labour Here's one we missed earlier - dating from October last year. Belatedly, we're rushing to make good our omission! Leon Rosselson was offended when his local Labour controlled council voted, like other councils, as well as universities and the UK government, to adopt the International Holocaust Remem...

Jackie Walker – The Lynching 28/01/2018

SHARE PLEASE - and have a look!

Jackie Walker – The Lynching Jackie Walker tells the story the media didn’t want you to hear. Until recently, Jackie was a well known Labour activist, anti-racist and vice Chair of Momentum, campaigning for Jeremy Corbyn. Then her world exploded. She was accused of anti-Semitism, suspended from the party, abused, demonised in...

MP accuses Jackie Walker of ‘fantasy’ over claim she is being targeted by Israel 24/01/2018

JOHN Mann - ‘nuff said. Perhaps someone should send him a link to Aljazeeras' documentary on exactly the interference of Israel in British politics "The Lobby". Great to see so many Jews, and so many Jewish organisations represented here though apparently what I said ... yes you've got it ... was another 'trope'. You have to laugh ...

MP accuses Jackie Walker of ‘fantasy’ over claim she is being targeted by Israel Labour's John Mann says Jackie Walker must provide evidence after she claims she is being targeted by Israel

In the Labour anti-Semitism debate, Daily Politics hosts a genuine Tory racist 24/01/2018

So - let's be clear, according to this leading Tory on the Daily Politics Show with me, insulting comments about people of African descent are simply 'inappropriate' not racist because there's a separation between what is spoken and how people feel. Scandalous! Now tell me the response to race is not politicised!

In the Labour anti-Semitism debate, Daily Politics hosts a genuine Tory racist What a shocking display of racism on the BBC’s Daily Politics programme today (January 23)! George Freeman’s outrageous claim that it isn’t racist to call black people “picc…

‘No more excuses for not acting on antisemitism’, JLM warns Corbyn 17/01/2018

JLM warn Jeremy -I think Newmark is talking about me - and Marc Wadsworth and Tony Greenstein and what he's saying is as clear was the statement I found in the data sent to me from the LP - 'if she's readmitted 'we' will see it as a red line crossed.'
Mr Newmark said: “We met with the leader’s office this morning to share the concerns that have been expressed over the past day. It is our understanding that all of the recommendations placed before the committee yesterday on antisemitism cases were either adopted or strengthened."Hold up - what's happened to Chakrabarti then? Is this group lobbying for members to be expelled? Isn't this against natural justice? I'm sure the LP has a legal obligation to act in a way that reflects it rules and protects it's members? Don't presume the new NEC will stop the witch hunt. Join LAW.

‘No more excuses for not acting on antisemitism’, JLM warns Corbyn Jeremy Newmark, Jewish Labour Movement chair, spoke out after three members backed by the hard-left Momentum group allied to Mr Corbyn were elected to the NEC on Monday.

Terror victim's wife to PM: 'We don’t want to feel like land thieves' 13/01/2018

I have just found the report on the Rabbi who was shot (I think).
Settlers say they just want to be left in peace to continue to build. This is what wikipedia says about Havat Gilad.
"There have been a number violent incidents involving Havat Gilad settlers.
On October 16, 2002, journalists covering a so-called “quiet” evacuation at the outpost, were attacked by settlers, on October 19, 2002, a Shabbath, when the outpost was forcibly evacuated and all its buildings were razed by the Israel Defense Forces for the first time, about 1,000 settlers, trying to prevent the dismantling of the outpost, clashed with soldiers and police. During the two days of confrontations, 46 policemen, and dozens of male and female soldiers and settlers were lightly injured. Fifteen people were arrested, but were released a few days later. Some of the settlers were back at the outpost the next day and erected temporary structures which were dismantled a week later, but the settlers were back on the site after a few hours. In November, security forces decided to file charges against twelve of the protesters.
In 2004, police arrested one settler, after armed settlers from the outpost had opened fire on shepherds from a nearby Palestinian village.
In March 2009, five residents of the outpost were briefly arrested on suspicion of throwing stones at police, when security forces attempted to evacuate the site. In September of the same year, settlers and security forces clashed following an attempt by security forces to confiscate a truck which was supposedly used to illegally transport a mobile home to the site, leading to four arrests.
In October 2010, Havat Gilad settlers set fire to olive trees belonging to Palestinian farmers of the village of Farata.[15]
On February 28, 2011, Civil Authority forces escorted by police officers arrived in the settlement to demolish several illegal structures. Violent clashes erupted when settlers threw rocks at police, who responded with tear gas, stun grenades, and rubber bullets, injuring 15 settlers. Eight settlers were arrested, five for carrying concealing weapons, one for stone-throwing, and two for cutting down Palestinian olive trees. The demolition of the outpost led to further protests and violence among Israeli rightists,[18] Seventeen pro-settlement protesters, seven of whom minors, were charged with disturbing the peace, attacking police, and damaging police vehicles. A week after the demolition, the destroyed structures were being rebuilt, and the settlers were said to plan to build several new homes, in addition to the ones that were demolished, as an act of protest. However, the government pledged to demolish the new buildings by the end of the year.
On February 5, 2014, three residents of Havat Gilad Farm were arrested on suspicion of having touched two cars, and for spraying graffiti in the Palestinian village of Farata. ]In December, 2 residents, Yehuda Landsberg and Yehuda Savir, were sentenced to 30 months imprisonment for the incident.
On 30 January 2015, members of the Golani Brigade shot dead a Palestinian man whom they claimed was about to throw a fire bomb at the road leading to Havat Gilad.
"Havat Gilad and all of Judea and Samaria, just like the Negev, the Galilee and Jerusalem, need to see construction because we are Zionists and this is a Zionist country whose job is to build on the Land of Israel,” Dagan said."

Terror victim's wife to PM: 'We don’t want to feel like land thieves' Yael Shevah, a mother of 6 whose husband Rabbi Raziel Shevah was slain in a drive-by shooting terror attack, urges Netanyahu to legalize outpost of Havat Gilad where the rabbi lived and was buried, arguing that more construction was the appropriate response to terror; 'We buried him here so he could...

Vic Mensa: What Palestine Taught Me About American Racism 13/01/2018

People say I'm an anti semite because of my focus on Palestine/Israel, I mean they say - 'why not focus on all the other countries that abuse and oppress people (pretty weak argument - I mean if that's your defence, forget it!)
Well, anyway apart from my Jewish heritage, my government's involvement in the arms trade, their complicity with the oppression of Palestinians, the tragedy of the Balfour agreement, my long involvement with anti-apartheid groups, internationalism, the too often too close alliance between the right, the far right and Zionists, well apart from that ....there is also this ‘For once in my life I didn’t feel like the ni**er. As I sat comfortably at a coffee shop, gawking at a group of Israeli soldiers harassing a Palestinian teenager, it was clear who was the ni**er. My American passport, ironically, had awarded me a higher position in the social hierarchy of Jerusalem than it did in my hometown of Chicago. As insensitive as it sounds, it was almost a feeling of relief to be out of oppression’s crosshairs for a moment, albeit a very short one.’

Vic Mensa: What Palestine Taught Me About American Racism 'They fight as if their existence depends on it, because it does'


I got this message today from someone (I think) in Israel. This is because a number of the apologists for Israel have got very excited about me supporting a boycott of Revlon products.
"So you announce you’re going to boycott Revlon moisturiser on Facebook a company who invest lots of money in Israel. Do you see the hypocrisy? Also I notice you haven’t condemned the murder of an Israeli Rabbi, father of 6, who was shot 22 times whilst in his car. Yet you get your knickers in a twist because an 18 year old girl who slaps punches and kicks a soldier gets arrested. You couldn’t make it up. Oh and I doubt Revlon will care two hoots that you will no longer use their moisturiser."
I responded
- No - thank you for your message. I see the hypocrisy of a state that claims to be a liberal democracy imposing restrictions on which Jews enter......I knew nothing about the shooting of the Rabbi. Where did it happen and under what circumstances? As for your shameful response to the abuse of children in Isreali custody, Ahed is a 16 year old girl who has been detained without access to her parents or lawyers. Do you defend this way of treating minors? Would you accept this for your children? An hour before Ahed was filmed slapping a soldier her cousin, 15 year old Mohammed, was shot in the head at close range by an Israeli soldier in her home. This happened in occupied territory - an illegal occupation by all international standards.
Far from Ahed provoking Israel’s military, the soldier she slapped had entered the grounds of her home town uninvited. The provocation was entirely that of the soldiers and the far right, racist Isreali regime. Nabi Saleh, the village where Ahed lives has had its land and even its only spring confiscated for the use of the nearby illegal settlement Halamish. The Tamimi live under military rule. It is the Tamimis who have been victims to violence and illegal action. Only this week another cousin 17 year old Musab died after being shot in the neck. Their father Bassem has been arrested 9 times and severely tortured.
Ahed was dragged out of her bed at 4 am in the morning by soldiers. This is an outrageous way to detain a child. This could not and would not happen to a Jewish child.
As Ha’aretz noted, when a Jewish settler Yifat Alkobi, who is an adult, slapped a soldier having engaged in five separate acts of violence, including throwing stones, she was bailed not imprisoned. Ahed faces a 14 year prison sentence as she is tried in a military court that has a 99.74% conviction rate. Even the British government, well known supporters of Israel, has pointed to the fact that soldiers had no right to enter the Tamimi house. I suggest you forget your outrage at me not using moisturiser. Forget your defence of an icon of the IDF, an army which is used to further the oppression of a colonised people, an army that shoots children, yes forget Revlon and get some perspective on your outrage.

Black-Jewish Relations Intensified And Tested By Current Political Climate 12/01/2018

The relationship between Jews and blacks was even more complicated in the civil rights movement than suggested in this article....
"But not all Jews view this golden age of black-Jewish relations as old allies reconnecting. Ma'Nishtana, a Brooklyn-based African-American Orthodox Jewish author and educator, believes this common narrative is a "romanticized and inflated revisionist history of how involved the Jewish community was during the civil rights era." Cheryl Greenberg, a history professor at Trinity College, also holds the view that Jewish support for civil rights wasn't entirely noble.
As Jews became more upwardly mobile, Greenberg said, "they benefitted from white privilege even though they didn't know it, and failed to recognize the structural barriers preventing black people from doing better economically. They began to push a kind of race-blind approach to society." The growing divide between the two communities was crystallized in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, a controversial affirmative action case that marked the first time black and Jewish groups filed amicus briefs on opposite sides of the same question.
Divisions between the two groups became further entrenched as black activists embraced an anti-imperialist message and American Jews embraced loyalty to Israel."

Black-Jewish Relations Intensified And Tested By Current Political Climate Activist ties that go back to the Civil Rights Movement are being strained by divergent viewpoints on the movement for black lives and Israel's position on Palestine.

How Israel hopes to make Palestinian refugees disappear 10/01/2018

How Israel hopes to make Palestinian refugees disappear Netanyahu targets Palestine refugee agency UNRWA for destruction.

Revlon Announces New Global Brand Ambassador GAL GADOT 10/01/2018

I use 2 Revlon moisturisers - NO MORE!!! BDS!!!!!
"Gadot – actress, wife, mother, former soldier, former Miss Israel, and advocate for women – will be joined by four additional brand ambassadors, to be announced later in the month, who powerfully represent the ethos of living boldly and will be featured as part of the Revlon's Live Boldly campaign." Presume her support for 'powerful women' stops when they are Palestinians.

Revlon Announces New Global Brand Ambassador GAL GADOT NEW YORK, Jan. 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Revlon today announces Gal Gadot as new Global Brand Ambassador, and the...

Israel’s BDS blacklist is straight out of apartheid. The UK can’t condone it | Asad Rehman 10/01/2018

He said the ‘A’ word....
“This repressive move is borrowed straight from the playbook of South Africa’s apartheid regime, which had the same aim of silencing critics. Ultimately, Israel’s blacklist will fail, just as South Africa’s did. But first and foremost, the ban calls for a robust condemnation from people of conscience around the world – and the UK government, which continues to conduct “business as usual”

Israel’s BDS blacklist is straight out of apartheid. The UK can’t condone it | Asad Rehman Banning groups that support the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement is a desperate attempt to silence human rights defenders, writes War on Want’s Asad Rehman


TRT World


Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi may spend 10 years in jail for slapping an Israeli officer. Here's the whole story as told by her cousin, the world's youngest journalist, Janna Jihad.


Labour's Corbyn says Palestinian teen arrested by Israel 'shouldn't be in prison'

Corbyn makes a statement of support for Tamimi.....'"This girl who has been arrested, she shouldn't be in prison because children should never be in prison. And if people are standing up for their rights, then they should be allowed to do that." Why hasn't this been wider publicised, not just by the media, but by those in the Leader's Office?

haaretz.com ***



The story behind Ahed Tamimi's slap: Her cousin's head shattered by an Israeli soldier's bullet

The story behind Ahed Tamimi's slap: Her cousin's head shattered by an Israeli soldier's bullet | https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.833157


Lorde’s artistic right to cancel gig in Tel Aviv | Letters

Great - support for Lorde, published in the 'liberal' newspaper that has become an apologist for the persecution of anti-zionists in the UK

theguardian.com Letters: More than a hundred well-known writers, actors, directors and musicians pledge their support for the singer Lorde, who has decided not to perform in Israel



Bibi talking truth .....

Assaf Harel asks, what if?



Palestinians recognise Texas as part of Mexico.....

Palestinians Response to Donald J. Trump!


The story behind Ahed Tamimi's slap: Her cousin's head shattered by Israeli soldier's bullet

haaretz.com ***


Projekt Kritische Aufklärung – Konferenz in Berlin 10. Februar 2018

Not been to Berlin.... looking forward to this one - sharing a platform with Moshe Machover again, performing The Lynching the day after, co sponsored by Black Lives Matter Berlin.

projektkritischeaufklaerung.de The trending of the right in the Western world manifests in bizarre forms. Left activists are vilified as »Nazis«, Jewish anti-fascists as »traitors«. The poet Erich Fried lamented already at the beginning of the 1980s how left Jewish activists were stigmatized as »red anti-Semites« by »spoke...


The ‘NY Times’ puts apartheid on page one | +972 Magazine

One of the many nonsensical accusations that have been made against me by the Labour Party Compliance Unit if that I have referred to Israel as an apartheid state and brought the Labour Party into disrepute.
The NY Times - bringing Israel into disrepute.

972mag.com Netanyahu and the Israeli right’s alternative to the two-state solution appears to be taking shape. There are only so many ways of describing that shape, and the reality to which it leads. Out of the…



Manchester sooooooon......

psc-manchester.org.uk Suspended from the Labour Party and vilified with fake accusations of antisemitism, Jackie Walker tells the story of her extraordinary activist parents and her own struggles fighting different racism


Free Ahed Tamimi and all child prisoners

...Please sign and share .....

secure.avaaz.org Ahed has been defending Palestine since she was 7 years old. Now she needs us to get her out of prison. Add your name to make this the largest petition ever to free Ahed and all the children in Israeli jails.


Palestinian teen first to be killed by Israel in 2018

Looks like the Tamimi's are being wiped out

aljazeera.com Musab Tamimi, 17, shot dead by Israeli forces in a village north of Ramallah, Palestinian health ministry says.


Give her an Oscar: Ahed Tamimi has a track record in provoking Israeli soldiers

The Jewish Chronicle - great for lining cat litter trays ......not much good for anything else.

thejc.com The Palestinian teenager indicted after slapping Israeli soldiers in the West Bank is being encouraged by her family


Israeli lawmaker calls Palestinians visiting relatives in Israeli prison ‘beasts’ and ‘human scum’

This from a member of the only democracy in the Middle East must make Palestinians feel secure ....

mondoweiss.net Oren Hazan from the ruling Likud party received backlash today after he boarded a bus full of Palestinians traveling from Gaza to visit relatives who are detainees in Israeli prisons, and called th…


There's as much antisemitism in Tory Party as in Labour, says Jon Lansman

This article shows the attitude of Jon Lansman - who promised to campaign to resist my expulsion but has said and done NOTHING. Who comments on Greenstein whose case be put to an NEC which he may be a member of. Who says NOTHING about the persecution and silencing of anti-zionist organisations and individuals.
Shame on him!

thejc.com Momentum founder tells Limmud audience there is no simple solution to eradicating Jew-hatred from Labour, and reveals he never thought Jeremy Corbyn would be party leader

Videos (show all)

Great atmosphere in Durham Miners' Gala!!! "While cowards flinch and traitors sneer, we'll keep the Red Flag flying here...
