Wage Traders

Wage Traders

Anonymously Buy and Sell Salary Information


Did you know that August is Salary Awareness month?

Okay, maybe we just made that up. . .

But if you don't know how your salary stacks up to others', especially those you work with & in your industry, now's a great time to find out!

So start by checking LinkedIn, Glassdoor, or one of those semi-specific spreadsheets circulating in Fishbowl.

And if that's a bit too broad, with ranges from $50,000 - $100,000, it might be time to try something else . . . like asking a coworker their salary.

But if that's not appealing - don't worry! We're here to help.

Email us at: [email protected]. Let us know who's salary you need to know and we'll contact them on your behalf - while you stay anonymous!

Feel free to reach out - we'll be here all day / month / year!


Need a raise?

Don't know what you're worth?

Hate awkward salary conversations?

Wagetraders.com is here to help!


Want to know what your coworkers make?

Let us know and we'll find out for you - while you stay anonymous!

Send us a DM or check us out!



Talking to your coworkers about wages is perfectly legal . . . But

You can't forget to do it!



When you ask the new hire what they're making, and realize how much you're underpaid


Only 32% of employees believe their pay is fair.

But believing is not enough.

Find out, and take action!



Help us help you! www.Wagetraders.com


It just makes sense!


If you know, you know . . .


Home | WageTraders 04/01/2023

Don't risk leaving thousands of dollars on the table - year after year - it really ads up.

Make sure you're salary is in line with your coworkers &

Don't get paid less for doing the same job!

Make sure at http://WageTraders.com

Home | WageTraders Enter the name and contact information of the person whose salary you want to know and the amount you're willing to pay - if any!

Home | WageTraders 02/01/2023

Since we’re pretty new - you might have a few questions.

Like - this sounds good, but is it legal to talk about or even buy or sell salary information?

Yes! It’s 100% legal to discuss your salary with coworkers. And it’s completely legal to buy and sell that information as well.

Check it out at WageTraders.com

Home | WageTraders Enter the name and contact information of the person whose salary you want to know and the amount you're willing to pay - if any!

Home | WageTraders 02/01/2023

So what is Wage Traders?

Glad you asked!

Wage Traders facilitates the ANONYMOUS Buying and (not so anonymous) Selling of Salary information!

So if you’re not sure what you’re worth, check out http://Wagetraders.com and check your coworkers salary - Anonymously!

Don't make less than you're worth!

Home | WageTraders Enter the name and contact information of the person whose salary you want to know and the amount you're willing to pay - if any!


Ever Wanted to know:

How much your coworkers make?

If you’re underpaid?

How much you’re worth?

What you should ask for?

Find Out Now! At Wagetraders.com


Well it’s finally here

The moment you’ve been waiting for - whether you knew it or not!

Wage Traders is Live! Click the link to check out your coworkers’ salaries- today!
