Sudden Rain

Sudden Rain

We are here to encourage and uplift.


Let us humble ourselves, pray, and seek his face.
What does it mean to you to “seek His face”?

Photos from Sudden Rain's post 21/06/2024

What are the things that come pretty easy to you....what are the things you like to do....what are you good at? Look at THOSE things as being the building blocks of the plan and purpose for your life. Ask God to show you how those things could be part of the PLAN and PURPOSE you were BORN for (even if you don't think He really speaks to people today). He'll find a way to show you.


The very first pride month.


Out of YOUR belly shall flow rivers of living waters.
Go water the Earth!




I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know him through your deepening intimacy with him.

I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling —that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones!

I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm!

- Ephesians 1:17-20


Interesting, significant, or irrelevant?

Photos from Sudden Rain's post 16/03/2024

There's this wonderful joke running through the Gospels. It gets completely lost in translation for a start. And then it's got mathematical overtones which means that, although the ancient world appreciated it, our modern age doesn't.

The joke is about fish and death. The fish which has a shekel in its mouth is for payment of the temple tax. And a temple shekel (produced in Tyre - yeah, think about the ramifications of that for a sec) had a picture of Hercules Melqart on it. And this was Moloch, god of death. So the fish has the equivalent of the god of death in its mouth, ready to give it up in obedience to Jesus.

This is a lovely prophecy in its own right.

But wait for it! After the resurrection, the disciples caught 153 fish. (Anyone with education at the time would have thought: "Aha! The NUMBER OF THE FISH from the intersecting circles of Archimedes." That's a great joke! But then they might have wondered: "Clever as this allusion to the geometry of Archimedes is, what does it have to do with overcoming death?")

153 is the first number that can be "resurrected" from its own skeleton by a cubic function.

1 x 1 x 1 = 1
5 x 5 x 5 = 125
3 x 3 x 3 = 27

1 + 125 + 27 = 153

And that's why 153 fish is the perfect symbolism for resurrection and overcoming death.

- Anne Hamilton


Friend, you can take off your coat of shame. Jesus has totally forgiven you. You don't have to wear it anymore.


Heaven is full of answers that
people have not bothered to ask for - or maybe not had the courage to ask for.


Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
-John 21:25


Jesus prayed over and blessed the few loaves and fishes. He did not pray over and bless the miraculously increased amount that actually fed everyone.

What might happen if we prayed blessing over our ‘not enough’?

And notice the miracle didn’t happen until he began to break the bread.
The miracle can be in the breaking.
A person who is in a broken state is not disqualified. It’s part of the miracle process.


Rejection isn’t always rejection. Sometimes you just have to keep on keeping on until the Holy Spirit gets you to the place you need to be.

John Wesley’s journal.👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

Bald Eagle Lands on Man's Shoulder || ViralHog 01/01/2024

He hears you.

Bald Eagle Lands on Man's Shoulder || ViralHog Occurred on November 22, 2023 / Hemphill, Texas, USA"So the video doesn’t tell the whole story it just sums it up, but if you can read though all this here y...

Photos from Sudden Rain's post 25/12/2023

We have the tools…


Nicholas of Myra, also commonly referred to as Saint Nic, is well known for his acts of generosity but the more miraculous aspects of his life have been whittled away by time. Everyone is familiar with Santa and his reindeer, but few people know that Mr. Christmas actually raised the dead! What follows is one of the most incredible testimonies from Nic’s life.

Nicholas lived in an era of consistent famine. Once when he was traveling in an area especially afflicted by famine, Nic had a vision of an innkeeper that was running short on meat to serve to the people staying at his establishment. In the vision, the innkeeper went out and kidnapped three small boys and brought them back to his inn. He chopped up their bodies with an axe, then put the body parts in a pickling barrel, filling it with brine in an attempt to cure the meat, with the plans to serve it to his guests once it was ready.

Nicholas came out of prayer, stood to his feet, and went into town with the motive of finding the inn that he had seen in his vision. After a short while of searching, he came upon the inn. He walked inside and confronted the innkeeper, communicating that he knew what the man had done. White as a sheet, the innkeeper is said to have taken Nicholas downstairs to the location of the pickling barrel.

Nicholas prayed over the barrel and then ordered the innkeeper to open it. Upon the barrel being opened, three little boys crawled out of the pickling juice completely restored, raised from the dead.

(Reference in Comments)


The Goliath that you are facing is not bigger than the stones in your hand! Take authority over the giants in your life by slinging your faith in the face of the enemy!
(And then his whole army flees!)


When you are called to step OUT OF THE BOAT there is a perceived danger...failure...sinking...and drowning....that is caused by REASONING.
Faith doesn't reason....
Faith believes ....
Trusts ....


Someone really DID go through Hell to fulfill His destiny. For us.


Sometimes I joke what I’d do if I knew I had one day to live. Eat junk, go crazy. It just hit me. Jesus knew. And he washed feet.


Sometimes God’s protection FEELS like man’s rejection.


Two kinds of healing:

Therapeuo - gradual healing over time

Iaomai - instantaneous healing

Both are found in the New Testament. In fact, in Luke 6:18, they are both in the same verse!

So when you stand praying and believe you receive your healing, don’t discard it just because you don’t ‘see’ it. Believe...and keep believing.

I’ve seen both when I laid hands on and prayed for people.
I’ve personally experienced both kinds of healing.

How ‘bout you? Have you seen both? Experienced both?

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