Yoga Tilt
Concentrate on keeping your body as still as possible, and you'll naturally achieve your goal with o
Eat plenty of anti-inflammatory foods.
Adding plenty of fruit and veggies, healthy fats from nuts and avocados, and even a little red wine will give your health a boost.
Give yoga a go.
Yoga has been around for centuries, and the popularity isn't showing any signs of dipping.
Squat is most effective exercise to tone your thighs, hips and butts.
It’s one of the most effective and common do-at-home exercise ever. It’s quite simple to do.
Jumping Jacks.
Jumping jack gives flexibility and help you increase the stamina.
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Add acai to your meal.
Now that acai is getting more popular, the tropical fruit is more easily accessible—you can even pick it up in the frozen section of your grocery store.
Start doing pilates.
The workout focuses on proper breathing, keeps your spine and pelvis aligned, and tones your body through smooth, flowing movements.
Find a hobby you love.
Finding a hobby you love is the perfect way to go about reducing all that built-up stress.
Eat more healthy fats.
Well, healthy fat, that is. Fat tends to get a bad rap, but it shouldn't.
Don't drink sugar free soda.
The versions of your favorite sodas might seem healthier, but they're not.
Use natural skincare products. Natural skincare is blowing up right now for good reason.
Eat plenty of vegetables.
Experts say you should aim for seven to nine servings of fruits and veggies a day.
Improve your posture.
Posture doesn't seem like a big deal, but it actually affects your health more than you might think.
Eat fermented foods.
Some people are super into fermented foods and others can hardly stand them.
Limit your alcohol intake. Drink smart and you'll stay healthy down the line.