Sarah Heaton Wellbeing

Sarah Heaton Wellbeing

Soul Alignment Coach
Mind Body Soul Soul alignment is the act of bringing your thoughts, energy, beliefs, and actions into harmony with your highest self.

I am a Soul Alignment Coach and I empower spiritual women to move from stuck and stressed to building a soul-aligned life of purpose and fulfilment. By following the whispers of your soul, you will find inner peace, strength, wisdom, joy, and purpose. I take an intuitive and holistic approach to working with people and use a range of techniques from spiritual, mindfulness, neurolinguistic programm


🌱 Imbolc is the ancient Celtic celebration, with Saint Brigid at its heart, celebrates the mid point between winter and spring, and the return of the light. It is all about renewal, hope and the awakening of nature.

Join us tomorrow night in Edinburgh (Sunday 4th February) in a women's circle for a magical evening as we embrace the energy on Imbolc, a time of new beginnings and the promise of spring.

This women's circle is a sacred space where we will come together to ground ourselves, create a beautiful altar, engage in transformative journalling, share our stories, experience guided meditation and collectively plant seeds for a year filled with growth and abundance.

There are limited spaces and a few tickets left so book now! Tickets close at 12pm on Sunday 4 February. Click the link in my bio for more info and tickets book.


Imbolc is the ancient Celtic celebration, with Saint Brigid at its heart, celebrates the mid point between winter and spring, and the return of the light. It is all about renewal, hope and the awakening of nature.

Join us tomorrow night (Sunday 4th February) in a women's circle for a magical evening as we embrace the energy on Imbolc, a time of new beginnings and the promise of spring.

This women's circle is a sacred space where we will come together to ground ourselves, create a beautiful altar, engage in transformative journalling, share our stories, experience guided meditation and collectively plant seeds for a year filled with growth and abundance.

There are limited spaces and a few tickets left so book now! Tickets close at 12pm on Sunday 4 February. Link in the comments below. πŸ‘‡


Life is far too short NOT to find your people.

Those who love and celebrate full moons, new moons, sunrises, sunsets, spirituality, magic, and soul growth.

Want to be part of a community into all the same things you are?

Come join my FREE Facebook community, 'The Soul Empowerment Sisterhood ✨️' to celebrate all the above in a sacred, spiritual, and safe space. Link below to join and I can't wait to see you there!

January - In Flow 15/01/2024

I'm so grateful to be part of this amazing community! πŸ™ Have a look to see everything om offer. Positive Flow Therapies

January - In Flow Check out this Email Newsletter designed by Lisa N.




Time is running out to get your tickets! Tickets close at 12pm on Sunday.

Come and join us for the first circle on Sunday where we will be using cacao, rituals and collective energy to set and raise our intentions for 2024. It's going to be beautiful!

Limited spaces so get your tickets ASAP!


πŸ₯³ Happy New Year!

Let's welcome in 2024 with a bang!

Thank you all so much for the likes, shares and follows. I really appreciate them all!

There is so much to look forward to, see and do this year.

Sending you all so much love. ❀️

Let me know in the comments how you are celebrating tonight! 🍾


Photos from Sarah Heaton Wellbeing's post 30/12/2023

🌹 Women's Circles 🌹

🌸 What is a Women's Circle? Have you seen these advertised and wondered what they are actually about?

πŸŒ™ Scroll through to find out more!

🌟 I am starting my own women's circle, the Soul Sisterhood Circle, in Edinburgh on the 1st Sunday evening of the month in person.

The first one is on Sunday 7 January and is focused on igniting powerful intentions for 2024. Indulge in the heart-expanding energy of cacao as we create a sacred supportive space for an unforgettable journey where cacao, intentions, and the power of collective energy come together.

Click the link in my bio for more info and to book. Spaces are limited so get your tickets early! 🌟



I quite like the look of this meditation πŸ˜‚


Very excited about these being in the shop - thank you for having them!

If you're in the area (Falkirk) please do pop in as there are loads of amazing gifts, readings and treatments to buy!

I'm selling these fantastic Journals, designed and created by Sarah Heaton, the quality of these journals are fantastic, Sarah has more designs as well, I've just bought one myself, need to write down and reflect more. Only Β£5.99. Get them quick at Well Now Health and Wellbeing Centre 5-7 Eastbridge Street, Falkirk, FK1 1YD


I have missed my mornings.

When I was working from home all the time I would get up, do my morning self-care routine and then go downstairs to my office to work for the day.

Although I'd look out of the window at the beautiful mornings, I would just carry on with work as I had so much to do.

I had gone into autopilot mode.

And I had forgotten how much I loved and enjoyed the mornings (and how happy they made me).

When I started commuting again for my job I was reminded of this so I found ways to enjoy my commute instead of rushing to work thinking of all the tasks for the day ahead.

I'd take the country roads and make sure I noticed the colours, scenery and weather instead of just driving past them.

Driving to work is now a favourite part of my day.

I was away for a few days recently on the west coast of Scotland and took this picture yesterday morning.

I could have stayed in bed but I jumped at the chance to have breakfast at the cafe there, looking over that view.

Very blissful.

Since rediscovering how happy mornings make me (even the rainy ones!), I now create opportunities where I can make the most of them.

That includes meeting friends for long walks at earlier times (sometimes meeting before sunrise) and doing things early in the day to make the most of that time of day.

What is one small thing you love but have forgotten about?

How can you bring it more into your life to increase your joy?

Let me know in the comments below! πŸ‘‡


Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been posting much lately.

I've been giving myself a bit of a break over the last couple of months whilst I get settled into a fab new job.

It's been a bit of a tough year with the cost of living crisis taking effect and I've been spinning my wheels a little too hard with everything business related. I'm sure there will be many who feel similarly!

By slowing down and taking some time, ideas that have been circulating for a while are now being given a chance to come to the fore.

And I haven't been idle!

I do love stationery and a pretty notebook so I'm really excited to announce I've created some A5 notebooks.

There are 5 designs (3 of them are shown below) and all are now available.

I'm even more excited to say that more books and journals are coming so watch this space! πŸ˜‰

The link is in the comments below. πŸ‘‡


What does 'doing the work' actually mean?

I hear (and use) this phrase so much but on the surface, it is actually really vague.

What does it mean? Where or how do you start?

Here are my thoughts!

I'd love to know what 'doing the work' means to you so let me know in the comments below.

Ready to get started on 'doing the work'? Send me a DM to see how I could help you.


What are you grateful for today?

Did you know it is today?

What better way to celebrate than just taking a minute and being grateful for something in your life.

If you are struggling to bring up the feeling of gratitude, think back to a time when you were overwhelmed by it.

Did someone do something unexpected for you?

Did something you were worried about work out better than you had hoped?

Is there something that brings you joy?

Think of it and tap into that feeling.

Then use that feeling to be grateful for something in the moment right now.

This can be a really powerful practice as the more you do it, the more you find to be grateful for and the more great things will flow into your life.

Struggling with this and how gratitude can help improve your life? Contact me to see how I can help you with this.


When you go bold in one area of your life, other areas will change too.

A great friend reminded me recently that I'd said that to them a few years ago and it had stuck with them.

They had decided to change career.

Which made them re-evaluate everything in their life, including their long term relationship at the time.

Now they are living an amazing life.

Because they chose to go bold in one area which woke them up from their autopilot.

Where do you need to go bold?

What's stopping you from doing it?

Let me know in the comments below. πŸ‘‡


Owning a business has been a wild ride so far.

The highs are high and the lows are low.

What a rollercoaster!

Want to find out the 10 things I have learned since becoming a business owner?

Click the link below:

Let me know in the comments if any of these have resonated in some way!


Tuesday truthbomb....

Nothing changes until something changes.

If you're stuck or lost, make one tiny change.

You may not see the results straight away but you will over time.

For example, think of an airplane on a runway, waiting to take off.

You twist the plane ever so slightly, like 2-3 degrees.

It will take off on the runway as normal and it's unlikely anyone will see a difference at first.

However, as you have made that tiny adjustment, over 1000 miles, that plane will end up in a different location to the original destination.

Tiny adjustments can make a BIG difference over time.

If you're lost, stuck or exhausted, what is one tiny adjustment you can make that will make a difference long-term?

Don't forget, nothing changes until something changes, however small.


Why do I do what I do?

Is the theme of my first blog post!

I have been talking about starting a blog for a long I thought I would finally get on and do it!

My blog will feature my musings, viewpoint, random tidbits and useful information about and whatever else comes to me that I feel should be shared with my lovely audience.

These will be published every Wednesday morning (UK time).

(I also know that today is not Wednesday but the next one will be out then!).

Click the link below! πŸ‘‡


Feeling overwhelmed and needing some help with that?

I'm running a free 1 hour workshop on reducing overwhelm with mindfulness at 1pm BST today.

Learn some techniques, ask questions and participate in a short meditation.

The link to book is in the comments below. πŸ‘‡


24 hours to go! Are you coming?

Reduce overwhelm with mindfulness.

An hour providing techniques to use, opportunity to ask questions and a short meditation. All for free!

Tomorrow, Thursday 1 September at 1pm BST.

Click the link in the comments to join!

Reduce Overwhelm with Mindfulness 31/08/2022

Feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed and burnt out?

Not sure who to turn to?

I've got a couple of free offers that may help!

1st: I'm running an hour's workshop on reducing overwhelm with mindfulness tomorrow on Thursday 1 September at 1pm BST. Click the link to register:

2nd: I'm opened up my diary yesterday for a week (to Monday 5 September) for free 30 minute slots. If you are struggling, needing to chat or to work through something book one of these slots in the link below. Free and no obligation.

If you have any questions, my DMs are also open!

Reduce Overwhelm with Mindfulness


2 freebie offers for anyone struggling at the moment!

1st: I'm running an hour's workshop on reducing overwhelm with mindfulness on Thursday 1 September at 1pm BST. Click the link to register:

2nd: I'm opening up my diary from today to Monday 5 September for free 30 minute slots. If you are struggling, needing to chat or to work through something book one of these slots in the link below. Free and no obligation.

If you have any questions, my DMs are also open!


I'm throwing open my diary!

Have you ever felt that you wanted to talk to someone professional about something you are going through but you were not sure who to turn to or if your issue is β€˜big enough’?

Do you feel like you’re at a crossroads? Is there something on your mind that you need to work through? Just need to talk to someone?

I am opening up my diary for a week of FREE 30 minute Zoom chats with a cuppa.

From Tuesday 30 August until Monday 5 September 2022.

Bring any subject you like.

There is no judgement and we can talk about anything.

Whether you just fancy a chat, get something off your chest or to work through something, this is the perfect opportunity to talk to a professional impartial person about whatever is going on for you at the moment.

No obligation, just a chance to talk.

What are you waiting for?

Click the link below. πŸ‘‡


So much to do and no time to do it?

Urgh, I know the feeling.

You're rushed off your feet and running around doing everything.

Others offer to help but it's too much hassle to sit down and give them instructions. It's quicker to just do it yourself!

Your head is full of the huge to-do list you have (which you keeping adding to faster than you are ticking things off).

It just feels never-ending!

You're snapping at others.

There's no time for self-care.

And you feel so exhausted but you push on regardless.

I've been there (and still go there occasionally when life is busy!).

Stress is OK for short bursts to help get something done, but there is usually an end in sight.

However if you are feeling like this all the time, it could take a physical toll on your body and lead to stress and burnout.

I'm running a 1 hour FREE mindfulness session teaching you techniques to help with your overwhelm.

It's this Thursday (1 September) at 1pm BST.

Fancy joining?

Click the link to sign up.

Any questions, DM me.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


What is your worst habit, and what is keeping you from dropping it?


Scared of making a change?

Deep down you have an idea of what you want your life to look like.

There is a little whisper that is slowly turning into a roar.

You've been able to ignore it until now but not any longer.

You're scared and don't know which direction to pursue or even what the first step is.

You've been talking about doing something for months or years and it's an idea that you can't let go of, but you're also not moving forward either.

I hear you and I've been there.

So have many of my clients.

A few months ago I had a client who wanted to move in a different direction but was delaying taking action, deciding instead to work on 'busyness' behind the scenes.

After talking through their ideas, action plans and timescales, it was clear there was still some resistance there and they had not fully connected with it.

I helped them get centred and walked them through a timeline.

After a few steps they stopped and said: 'this feels right'.

Suddenly everything they needed came flooding to them: ideas, how to talk to their employer, and what their steps were.

It was such a beautiful and powerful moment!

Logic and thinking are both great (and necessary) but sometimes we have to get everything out and feel our way through a situation.

As a coach I provide space for clients to say their inner thoughts out loud, to work through obstacles and to reconnect with themselves. I also work intuitively with what is coming up in the session, even with the things that are not being said, and I have a variety of tools to help you get to the bottom of what is going on for you.

Have you been considering working with me? My prices are increasing in September so DM me to grab one of the two remaining spots at the current rate.

Videos (show all)

Sharing my why and a new Facebook group community!
A little bit about me and my business 😊