

VETgoesRURAL-Innovating VET practices in isolated rural and remote regions of the EU (VET) is a proje

Home | Vet Goes Rural 07/12/2023

๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŽ“ Exciting news!

Our VETgoesRURAL e-course was successfully tested across Italy, Spain, Greece, and Ireland, engaging 179 diverse stakeholders.

The testing sessions showcased high participation and
enthusiasm, with forums delving into training importance and innovative methodologies.

Grateful for diverse participation, we have used the valuable feedback to refine the VETgoesRURAL e-course.

Huge thanks to all involved! ๐Ÿ™Œ

Access the e-course and the other resources developed by the project through this link

, ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŽ“

Idp Bruxelles IHF Europe PRISM Impresa Sociale Radio ECCA va al conser Maynooth University European Institute for Local Development

Home | Vet Goes Rural Innovating VET practices in isolated rural and remote regions of the EU is a project cofinanced by the European Union. It aims to achieve innovation in VET methodologies and approaches to make VET opportunities tailored to the needs and expectations of professionals and learners from isolated rural....


๐Ÿ‘‰ VET is particularly difficult in rural and remote areas. The rural education sector has not benefited from the breakthrough innovation in its processes and methods over the past decades, which remain quite traditional compared to urban experiences. Professionals and their VET organizations require enhanced skills, tailor-made tools and support material for better delivery of training programs in order to retain and attract learners within their territories.

๐Ÿ“ During 2023, the partners of the European Vet Goes Rural project have been working on an innovative educational methodology and a suite of resources for Vocational and Long Life Training providers in rural, remote and isolated areas.

๐Ÿ’กThe VETgoesRURAL Methodological Suite covers a selection of dynamics, tools, and more efficient methods adapted to professional and continuous training that favor the participation of students, the motivation of trainers and practitioners and their integration in the development of their territories of the VET programs of rural and remote contexts.

๐Ÿ”œ The results of this work will soon be published on the VetGoesRural website

Vocational training choice from a regional perspective - Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 03/07/2023

Interesting scientific paper about "Vocational training choice from a regional perspective".
Schuster and Margarian ๏ปฟ
Empirical Res Voc Ed Train (2021) 13:3

Vocational training choice from a regional perspective - Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training Motivated by discussions of skill mismatches on local German vocational educational and training (VET) markets, this paper analyses how occupational segments of VET entry of individuals with lower and intermediate secondary school degree relate to local labor market characteristics. The econometric....

VETgoesRURAL โ€“ New tools to create innovative educational pathways for people living in rural areas - PRISM 19/05/2023

๐ŸŒLiving in rural areas, in different parts of the world, could be challenging: lack of transportation, infrastructure, limited offer of new training courses.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸซIt is specifically in this last field โ€“ the offer of new training pathways in rural areas โ€“ that the consortium of VETgoesRURAL project is meant to intervene.

๐Ÿ—ฃWe met on the 24th and 25th of April, hosted by Radio Ecca, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, to discuss further steps and what has been done so far: field research, focus groups involving learners and practitioner working and living in rural areas with less than 5000 inhabitants, the development of a methodology to intervene on droput rates.

Read the article below to know more!

VETgoesRURAL โ€“ New tools to create innovative educational pathways for people living in rural areas - PRISM โฎ โฏ

Home | Vet Goes Rural 18/04/2023

Partners are ready for the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting!

The meeting will take place on 24 and 25 April in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and will be hosted by RADIO ECCA

Partners will discuss about the results achieved so far and will agree on the working plan for PR3 the E-Learning Course for rural and remote VET professionals

Stay tuned to discover more

Home | Vet Goes Rural Innovating VET practices in isolated rural and remote regions of the EU is a project cofinanced by the European Union. It aims to achieve innovation in VET methodologies and approaches to make VET opportunities tailored to the needs and expectations of professionals and learners from isolated rural....

Home | Vet Goes Rural 16/01/2023

VETgoesRURAL wants to achieve innovation in VET methodologies and approaches to make VET opportunities tailored to the needs and expectations of professionals and learners from isolated rural and remote parts of the EU.


โœ…The VETGOESRURAL website is available online at

โœ…Partners have conducted a Research, Mapping and Analysis Study on VET in EU isolated rural and remote areas. Results will be available soon.

โœ…Partners are working on the "Educational Suite" collecting concrete solutions and tools to adress current educational challanges

Stay tuned!

Home | Vet Goes Rural VET GOES RURAL wants to achieve innovation in VET methodologies and approaches to make VET opportunities tailored to the needs and expectations of professionals and learners from isolated rural and remote parts of the EU.


VETgoesRURAL: Innovating VET practices in isolated rural and remote regions of the EU (VET) is a project cofinanced by the European Union. It aims to achieve innovation in VET methodologies and approaches to make VET opportunities tailored to the needs and expectations of professionals and learners from isolated rural and remote parts of the EU.

This will aim to increase the quality of VET programmes and the learners' participation and retainment in VET. The project encourages the strengthening of capacities and practices of national, regional, and local VET networks within 4 EU target countries - Spain, Italy, Greece, and Ireland. These countries are characterised by a complex territorial situation, with macro-regions experiencing high levels of rural isolation.

Moreover, three of them (Spain, Italy and Greece) show the lowest rates in both adult engagement in vocational learning and employment. The project also includes one of the 9 EU Outermost Regions (Canary Islands), geographically very distant from the European continent.

VETgoesRURAL will conduct its work within 12 selected isolated remote/rural territories, selected based on specific criteria i.e., less than 5.000 inhabitants, high-rates of dropout, unemployment and/or with low socio-educational rates opportunities.

The project will engage mainly learners with low skills and support VET professionals in better approaching and engaging this target group in the local VET offering. VETgoesRURAL will ensure a strong participative approach during the whole project, while promoting transnational cooperation and mutual learning. It will disseminate the results at EU level and ensure wide replication of project results by multiple VET organisations outside the partnership.