Mind ON: Empowered Nutrition & Wellness

Mind ON: Empowered Nutrition & Wellness

Hello! Welcome to my business page. I am an Indo-Guyanese American woman, Diabetes and Nutrition Coach and Registered Dietitian. Looking forward to meeting you!

I am here to share my nutrition knowledge and experiences with the public to help to increase healthy communities, especially those of color. My focus is educating through science-based integrative nutrition practices, neuropsychology, and mindfulness-based research techniques. Group, individual and self-paced programs are offered through my website www.jennygherau.com

The purpose of this group


You're not shackled to ideals of how others see you based on their interpretation of the world. How you see you should carry the most weight. The best part is you can change how you see yourself as many times as you want.

We can be messy, complicated, unmotivated, successful, and loving all at the same time.

There were many times I didn't like myself. But I finally did something about it. And now I take time to understand all my layers and make changes when needed. Usually very very...very often :)

Some people will only attach what they knew about you to who you are now.

If they don't allow you to grow, let them go.

If they're trying to grow, walk with them and don't let them fall. They need support.

"For me to become a new version of myself, I needed to completely remove the mask and allow my carefree light to shine once again....

This path to self-discovery started with vulnerability by facing fears.

I needed to release old identities and people who no longer served my growth."

It's not easy to be vulnerable, so I'm thankful for for writing an article about a piece of my personal health story and how/why I navigated to become a dietitian and business owner. It's a late post from past fall, and so much has hanged since, but my story of how I came to be here will remain the same.

Peeling the onion one layer at a time.

Read article in bio or


Photos from Mind ON: Empowered Nutrition & Wellness's post 22/01/2024

It is crazy how powerful our bodies are. It is naturally fighting to keep us alive no matter what. It is always uploading and recording things we experience. Are we making it easier or harder for the body to do its natural job?

said it right, "I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body."

And what does the "perfect body" even mean? Does it mean healthy? A healthy body starts with the mind and it cannot be seen. It can only be felt by the person living in it.

We are much more than what meets the eye. We can appear healthy, but are we doing this in a harmful way? Are you treating your exercise and nutrition plan like a short-term diet? Or are you taking your time, assessing your progress, and celebrating your wins?

Only YOU can truly FEEL what your body is saying to you, and you must protect it at all costs. Stop comparing your body to others or taking advice from people who aren't considering this. There's a lot of this on social media, especially this time of year.

It is up to each of us to strengthen this skill and allow/disallow foods, thoughts, ideas, people, etc.

Be honest and kind to your body. Our bodies know before we want to admit.

"The greatest sources of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves." Bessel van der Kolk from Your Body Keeps The Score.

What are you doing that is aligned with what your body needs?

Photos from Mind ON: Empowered Nutrition & Wellness's post 03/08/2023

Hey Friends!

Jasmine Levine, sustainable personal stylist, and I are thrilled to introduce this collaborative, transformative self-love package to you. What you put in and on your body truly changes your self-perspective.

Clean home = Clean heart

Your home is your haven. It's the place you go to for peace and can let loose. Therefore, an organized and simple living space = Higher mental clarity and focus.

Jas and I will give you the guidance and the right tools to feel great about your body and create a sustainable environment, starting with your closet and your kitchen (in person and virtually).

If you need a refreshing confidence boost and you need to get rid of what's no longer serving you both internally and externally, this experience is for you.

With our attention to detail in your unique lifestyle and personality, you will be able to decrease mental clutter and boost productivity, confidence and inner badassness!

Find out more about the service by checking out our websites below and book a free consultation with either of us. We can't wait to help you transform🦋

🌺 Jen & Jas



Photos from Mind ON: Empowered Nutrition & Wellness's post 02/08/2023

Excited to be a part of the ribbon cutting of Rise Against Hunger's new warehouse in Dallas! is an international hunger relief nonprofit that provides high-quality nutritious meals and brings communities together locally and globally. Let's get to work! 🌾

Photos from Mind ON: Empowered Nutrition & Wellness's post 15/06/2023

Okay, let's talk about it. Brown rice vs White rice...🥊

First of all, is anyone else obsessed with rice like I am?🌾

Ultimately, the choice between brown vs white rice depends on personal preferences and nutritional needs.

Let's look at brown Basmati rice and regular Basmati rice. Really we're talking any brown rice/white rice.

🤎 Brown (Basmati) rice:

· Considered a whole grain
· Bran layer is retained - light brown color, chewy texture, and nutty flavor
· Rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals
· Low glycemic index - slower impact on blood sugar levels
· Provides energy from carbohydrates
· Due to fiber, it takes longer to cook than white rice
· Higher in fiber, protein, fat and calcium

🤍 White (Basmati) rice:

· Provides energy from carbohydrates
· Has an enjoyable aroma and flavor
· Outer bran layer and germ is removed (white in color)
· Cooks faster than brown rice
· Has a lighter, fluffier texture
· Notice the ingredient just lists Basmati rice but if it's white rice, it's processed in some fashion

😴 Both can make you feel sluggish if eaten in large amounts and not paired well with protein/veggies.

👍🏽Rule of thumb for rice: the faster it takes to cook, the less fiber and the more processing it has been through.

🍚 I’d love to know what your favorite rice is and what else you want to know about my favorite food!


The continued support and constructive feedback from clients allow me to be a better professional and person overall. I am so thankful to have amazing clients like you, T.L.

This work isn't glamorous and sexy. It's real. Real-life issues that people face day to day. My client, T.L. had many external triggers that got in her way of reaching her dreams, such as relationships, time, work, mental health needs, needing to be there for others, etc. She was able to put in the hard work by prioritizing her health and get through most of her struggles with accountability. Now, she is thriving! I admire you, T.L.

We're all capable of learning and growing every day. As long as we're 1% better than we were the previous day or week, we're moving in the right direction 📈

Are you ready to redefine yourself and unattach from the past and present triggers while embracing a life of peace and good health? As a nutrition coach specializing in behavior change strategies and mindfulness, I can guide you in your journey through nutrition education and behavior change tools to succeed long-term with plenty of encouragement and humor along the way because life is all about enjoyment :)

Schedule an appointment in the bio or message me if you'd like to work together.


Hey friends! I’ve recently been inspired by others to introduce myself and my purpose with a story.

Life is your greatest mentor.

I was aware of my mental health conditions during college. Deep down, I knew, but didn’t want to admit, that I was holding on to guilt, shame, and fears that kept me stagnant and even pulled me down into a tornado of darkness. To fuel the fire, I chose friends and an unhealthy relationship with alcohol to mask this. I was really ignoring the fluffy purple elephant in my head until it became my toxic friend.

Commonly from ethnic backgrounds blending into US culture, neglected taboo topics were louder than talking through them. Being strong meant not showing emotion and hiding pain. But that only delayed my understanding of what I required to overcome these issues, grow past them, and thrive beyond.

The transformation truly happened when I accepted that I was in charge. When I had no choice except to shed the light of vulnerability onto the darkness. I chose to love myself unconditionally and this subsequently strengthened relationships around me. When I let go of the ego and defined myself without attachments, I felt a rebirth.

I began to nourish my body with proper nutrients including foods I grew up with, condition my body with movement, surrender through spirituality, and gave myself the space and time for peace. In these choices, I saw my physical and mental conditions dramatically improve and new sides of myself developed that I hadn’t seen before.

My purpose is to encourage others who have a similar story to embrace the power of daily habits by redefining who they are, remembering what feeds their soul, dismissing the confines placed by others, and feeling strong, free, and limitless in their body and mind.

I’d love to see messages if this resonates with you and to hear a piece of your story.


When we think about healthy eating, we often think about how this will make our bodies look. For example, we might ask ourselves, will it help us lose weight or increase muscle in certain areas for gains? If that's your goal, great. But how often do you ask yourself:

How does this food/beverage make my body and mind truly feel?

What is the food/beverage doing to my energy levels?

Is the food/beverage giving my brain the nutrients I need to achieve my other life goals, or is it preventing me from reaching higher?

Many of us are living with silent conditions that impact our everyday decisions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, autoimmune disorders, etc. Food is not just fuel for our bodies. It is a powerful strategy for brain health that should be consumed consistently for best results.

A balanced nutrient plan can not only prevent and manage real-time diabetes, anxiety, and other risks, but it can also promote long-term mental health outcomes. Let's make food decisions that make us "feel" good, not just "look" good.

Naidoo, Uma. This Is Your Brain on Food: An Indispensable Guide to the Surprising Foods That Fight Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, and More, Little, Brown Spark, New York, 2020, pp. 295–297.

Photos from Mind ON: Empowered Nutrition & Wellness's post 17/04/2023

Thanks for giving me an opportunity to speak freely on a subject very important to me, the prevention and management of Caribbean health conditions and how historical food influences still continue today. I had so much fun in Austin! I was honored to be among incredibly knowledgeable nutrition and medical experts all around the US.

Caribbean people are often generalized into many other ethnic categories and not enough specific research and care is being done here in the US. I'm excited to continue to redefine cultural health and re-educate healthy eating using ingredients that supports our long-term health without shaming people into a mainstream diet plan.

Will continue to share my findings as many asked! Message me for details if you're interested in learning more.


Happy International Women's Day!

My fitness journey for the past 10 years has been a part of my lifestyle. Not for the aesthetics but for mental stamina and illness prevention. It literally pulled me out of my lowest time and was struggling mentally.

When you repeatedly push yourself beyond what your brain convinces you to do, and life throws you a curve ball, you stay ready. There is nothing you can't handle. Inside or outside the gym.

You also become the environment and people you surround yourself with. I'm beyond grateful to be a part of an inspiring team that lifts women for their physical and mental strengths 💪🏽 Again, there are NO limits to what we women can do.

Photos from Mind ON: Empowered Nutrition & Wellness's post 16/01/2023


Life and the world has its challenges and often it can feel like we have so much to carry on our shoulders. It's important to step away, appreciate the good and always have faith in yourself even when you’re not moving and things get difficult. Either way you are choosing you and what you stand for. You have made it through the toughest challenges yet and you’re here. Be proud.

Another form of love is choosing to be a voice for others who aren't able to get access to share their story and struggles. Everyone is going through something.

MLK Jr. emphasizes fighting for what you believe even when no one is by your side because you know in your heart what is right. You get to create your story. Without validation, expectations, pressure. Without anything/anyone holding you back.

No matter what your path is, let it be led with your heart. Even if you don’t know what that path is, but you know what the next step is, make that next step. It might be rest. Take time for rest.

✨️Never allow anyone to choose what is important for you✨️


If this post resonates with you, do you feel the urge to let go of something to be the person you want? What steps are you taking to be this person? Remember YOU can let go of whatever it is holding you back and move forward.

I had to let go of expectations from others and from society. It may show up as a version of love but the love I needed was to allow me to be myself, a person in this world without binding conditions. It was difficult to get to where I didn't need approval to be me. This changes nothing about how I love people. I chose to love me, and important relationships evolved. The best part was I was able to find what mattered to me without the background noise. Of course, this is ongoing self-love but so worth it :)

Our previous habits served us for the time being and led us to great places. When we get that urge to change, we can let go of things that no longer serve us. Letting go of things like:
- thinking we need to do things on our own
- past shame or guilt
- following rigid, all-or-nothing lifestyles
- a vision of what you think you want for yourself

Sometimes growth requires creating a new identity. Once you can let go of what you need to, you can make room for the new version of you. You might embrace:
- learning a new skill
- expressing yourself through a creative or active outlet
- keeping promises you made to yourself
- scheduling time for things you've been putting off that really lights you up

Sometimes we're afraid of our potentials because of fear or something else and we hold on to comfort. I know, I've been there. What could you accomplish once you dropped the baggage and walked through a different door? You won't know what's behind the door until you go through it. Sure, it might be scary. But it also might be the most beautiful sight - better than you're letting your mind imagine. Then onto the next door✨️

Let me know in the comments below. What did you need to let go of? What are you currently letting go of? And what are you embracing instead?


Self-love can feel lonely. Most people are doing the best they can to take care of their health and it can feel like juggling so much at once:

- eating healthy most of the time
- making time for a movement routine
- drinking enough water
- having tough conversations with loved ones
- setting boundaries
- going to doctor and therapy appointments
- even relaxing can feel like work or that you don't have enough time it

Whatever it is, a consistently healthy routine can be a challenge. But it can also be powerful! Remember your WHY. Why are you on this journey? Imagine where you'll be 3 months from now. 6 months. 1 year.

My nutrition clients often tell me they can't be healthy because a family member or friend isn't helping. They often get upset when their partners choose not to join them because it is a distraction to their goals or their friends are choosing to drink/eat out when they don't want to.

The thing is, they are allowed to choose their own journey just as much as you are allowed to choose yours. Often times the people around us don't and won't fully understand our journey or how important it is for us because they are on their own journey. And it can be frustrating even after you express your needs. But it is not about getting others to understand us 100%.

It is about taking the time to understand yourself first and showing up for your own needs. Those around will hopefully understand you more by the moves you make. Keep showing up for you and it will get easier to ignore the temptations when you start to feel better in your own skin without building resentment with someone you love.

Here are some healthy conversations you can start to have with friends and family when you are on your health journey:

"Hey, can we talk about my health. I am concerned because ____. Can I let you know how you might be able to help?"

*wait for answer*

"The temptations are real for me. It would be helpful if you could ____ (choose these for me when shopping -give a grocery list-, walk with me when you can, try new experiences with me rather than restaurant/bar)."

*thank them for listening."


Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a healthy and safe end of the year and beginning of the new year!

I am beyond excited to share my NEW 2023 program being launched TODAY! Registration is now OPEN. Program tracks will begin on Jan 30.

Sign up through link in my bio or at the bottom of this post.

I’ve been in the nutrition, diabetes, and wellness space for over ten years. As a registered dietitian, I work with people at risk for diabetes, diagnosed with prediabetes, diabetes and gestational diabetes. The issue with this isn’t just the silent diagnosis, it is the multitude of stressors that disturb our quality of life. Things like gut heath issues, sleep issues (sleep apnea), high blood pressure, anxiety, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and of course the long-term complications (kidney damage, neuropathy, eye damage…). This is an even larger issue for people of color if they don’t prevent or manage it.

We have to break stigmas and shame by talking about these health issues to help each other out. It isn’t your fault if you have any of these conditions. You are doing the best you can.

I have been working with others to help sort out what healthy nutrition means for them and their families while still enjoying the cultural foods they enjoy and keeping their health a priority for longevity. This program is a long time coming and I am very excited to share my knowledge and experiences with you that have been curated into a transformative program. I have integrated mind-body interventions including functional foods and mindfulness-based training since mental health issues are a large risk factor for these conditions.

The newest offers are 3 tracks of Online Coaching for Women of Color through Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Blood Sugar Control + Heart Health. The 3 learning tracks offered include:

1. Small Group Coaching – Limited seats available

2. One-on-One Coaching – Limited spots open

3. Self-Paced Learning

Join my private FB group and follow on IG. Let's build up the community and start the health convo!

If there's anything I can do to help you on your journey, please reach out anytime!

Learn more:

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