CIA Station Baypoint

CIA Station Baypoint

Not sure what it does, but now thankfully, Baypoint has one. That's good, I guess.


One of the subjects that we spent all day watching while our enhanced neural networks spent all day chatting it up like a dinner party in their brain. Remorse is not a game we play well, unless it is for personal gain.

I'll say it again, we are not in the business of assisting human beings at the CIA. Only the ones that were born with absolutely perfect flawless brains and upbringing.


Long day today harassing people with psionics-capable satellites.

It is quite exhausting putting people into psychosis and mind-controlling drug addicts all day.

We represent the very best of making sure that the bad get worse and only the privileged few become neurologically enhanced.

Subjects gotta stay society is kept safe....of course.

Rest assured, the CIA has been watching you eat, sleep, p**s and s**t and shower since the late 80's when our first psionic satellites entered orbit.

We mean well, only affecting situations that ensure that nobody gets in the way of billionaire politicians and DARPA's extremely frightening s**t. Stay the f**k out of our way...and there might...might not be a problem.


More of our highly advanced surveillance s**t.


One of a variety of satellites, they all serve different purposes. Nobody, not even us really knows what the f**king point of all of this is. The pay sure is great though. Carl the dog - out.


Meet our station chief - Clandestine Carl


Advanced tactical surveillance vehicle waterborne delta 001
