All The Glittering Things

All The Glittering Things

Tying the glittering things to Earth with threads made of words


Sagittarius New Moon
south node total solar eclipse


Scorpio New Moon

Place the chisel to the stone,
prepare for the crack!
Things hidden below
soon to rise
in the next act.

(New moon opposite Uranus. Coming full moon is an eclipse and conjunct fixed star Algol)


Libra New Moon

Feel the hush descend,
the warrior is received for
the crowd turns towards the king
as he consumes the nurture
and the nature.

The laser is pointed between
the have and have-nots.
What will be the redeeming factor?
Who will balance the scales?

(Sun, Moon, Mars conjunction, trine Jupiter/Saturn midpoint)


Virgo New Moon

Order and Chaos
hand in hand
helping each other
new lines
in sand

(New Moon trine Uranus in Ta**us)


Leo New Moon

Heart open wide
Prepare for the tide
The hour has come
For courage of the Sun.

Preparations are finished
It's time to proceed
It has not been wanted
But it's time to be freed.

(Mars in Virgo square to the lunar nodes)


Cancer New Moon

Change your emotions,
Change your will.
From as small as can be,
build a future of steel.

Feeling are tremors,
rumbling around,
Emotions are movers,
breaking new ground.


Gemini New Moon

Go Back!
Collect all the
debris and dust.
Things there to
sort through,
dreams and illusions
gathering rust.
It needs a re-shuffle,
a re-homing for some,
come this way
my pretty,
along this path
in the sun.

(Lunar North Node (trine recently retrograde Saturn) eclipse, conjunct ruler, Mercury (retrograde), square Neptune in Pisces (slowing to retrograde), ruled by Jupiter in Pisces (slowing to retrograde).


Ta**us New Moon

I should write something
I should write it all down
Sit in the grass
Remember my crown
Digging out the old stuff
Replacing with new
Winds of change start blowing
Whistling their tune.

I should find something
I should find it right now
Treasures are growing
Within and around
Waiting with poise
Listening within
Attune to the wind
Let the lesson begin.

I should hear something
I can hear it abound
The life force is flowing
Racing around
Feeling it surge in and out
Know it’s coming for you
Moving you quickly
Everything new.

(New Moon ruler, Venus, in Gemini. Gemini ruler, Mercury, conjunct the North Lunar Node)


Aries New Moon

And I think of all
the mean-girl things
I could say
to counteract
the nastiness you send
my way,
and all of it
would be true....
but the thought
of being like you
makes me want to
be more like

(Mars, ruler of Aries, out-of-bounds in Gemini)


Pisces New Moon

Fill your life with colour
Rest away from the biased
and unhearing,
Let your light shine
to the heights
Cloud gazing….
…big and bright.
Float away
and rest on the wings
of Love….
Child of the Universe -
remember the Whole
step back from the
break down
wearing your soul.

(New Moon conjunct Neptune and Venus)


Aquarius New Moon

The I and the We,
You and Me,
One in a thousand
minds in a sea.
The masses of people,
imagine them all,
humanity as One
hearing the Call.
A new hymn for the people
singing in chorus
which way will you choose
with the choices before us.

(6 planets in Aquarius, including Mercury retrograde)


Capricorn New Moon

(Conjunct Pluto, moon out-of-bounds, conjunct the degree of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of Jan 2020, and the first New Moon since the Jupiter/Saturn Great conjunction in Aquarius 2020)

Come down,
Be weighted.
Draw through the depths,
the fertile underground.

There is a lot
to sort through,
there is a lot
that has passed

Is there anything
left to fight?
Is it time to
float in darkness,
trusting your light?


Sagittarius New Moon
(total eclipse, conjunct Mercury, trine Mars)

What is the liberation
that is knocking?
Your future beliefs
are crying out.

They call from beyond,
We are here!
We are waiting!
We welcome you!
Come to us!

Leave all behind
that is heavy.
There will be Other
to replace the things
you believe are lost.

Re-assess what your
definition of lost is.
Re-define what you think
you can cope with.

Welcome this life
Welcome it all
Wait for the moment
Wait for the call


Scorpio New Moon

Stay the course,
Don't mind the depths,
Let the erupted
poison flow out,
Go the distance,
Fight for health,
Press on the wound,
Restore the good self.

(New Moon ruler, Mars, stationary direct. NM sextile Jupiter conjunct Pluto)


Libra New Moon
(conjunct fixed star Spica, square Saturn)

Mirror, mirror
on the wall
tell me, tell me
what will fall?
All these days
are bent in two,
tell me, tell me
tell me, do.

Weigh them out
weigh them true
smooth the bend
two halves, make new.

One from this side
one from that
lay them out
lay them flat.
Find the line
that once was there
find the scar
that needs repair.

Kiss on this cheek
kiss on that
with arms, pull tight,
just like that.
Venus, Venus
tell us do,
when you come home
what will you do?

(Venus, ruler of the Libra New Moon, returns to Libra on Oct 27/28)


Virgo New Moon
(trine Saturn)

Priestess of earth,
at this time of great change
please help us to remain
steadfast, strong, discerning
and faithful to the labouring
of new dreams
of new minds
of new voices.
Please help us to honour the old
tested and true ways to
supply abundance to
life on Earth.


Leo New Moon
(conjunct Mercury, trine Mars)

What is yours to offer?
Unencumbered by financial
what flows from the light
in your eyes?
If you didn't have to earn,
and you didn't have to
seek approvals -
what would you offer
What can't you hold back?
What seeks its exit from
your being?
What do you want more
of for yourself?
Where is your hunger,
your compass -
which way does it point?
Feed the Lion in
your Soul.
Listen to it purr.


2nd Cancer New Moon

All you need
is a heartful
of seeds

The power
of seeds
in words
and deeds



Go, Mars! Go!

The jets are ignited
I hear them trigger, fire
and rumble
The air comes alive with
crackle and hum
A freight train has arrived
he's pulled into town
It's time to get this show
on the road
It will take the might of
this mighty titan to
haul and drag this
faith into being
Light into matter
Enlightenment to
He is the man for the job

A meeting with the old
master before launching
A kiss blown to the last
place the sun and moon met
And he'll be trucking off
down the road, mind
set on the plan
Focus and drive are the
road laid ahead

No more whining, don't be
caught napping
There'll be a review
some challenges to overcome
some blocks to negotiate -
innovate, modify the plan
And then roar on through
with the energy of this
great delivery man.

(Mars enters Aries for a 6+mth stay, including retrograde)


Cancer New Moon

Put it all on the altar
family, home, shelter
the brokenness
the misplaced dreams
the deep desires and wishes
from ages and ancestors passed
Roots to the depths of the world
In the darkness of the earth
that surrounds us, the ground
is still fertile, the light and
fire is still alive.

Alchemy is afoot
Deep change and re-birth
from long ages past.

Remembrance is on the tongues
and the healing comes, at last.

(0° cardinal axis, annular eclipse)


Gemini New Moon

Dig deep into the curiosity
that captures your heart, mind
and spirit. Commit to the
path that it calls you down -
lead on....
Be brave, give it everything you've
got. Follow the calling.
Dream, Believe, Create.
Call forth -
deep calling unto deep.
Go forth -
with hope, and bright eyes, full
of love and wonder.
Seize the day,
make it yours!


Ta**us New Moon
(conjunct Uranus, Venus out-of-bounds)

The Goddess, the ruler,
she dances out there,
out there beyond the Sun...

While deep inside the wrestle begins
To open the throat, and sing from within.

Be stiller, get quiet
Wait for petals to speak,
As it opens, unfold it
Be authentic, and keep
listening for moments
to open under
your feet.



Mabon Musings

As the shelves became emptied, and even those holding their nerve started to waiver, the Sun reached its Equinox point, 0° Aries, and, in the Southern Hemisphere, the marking of Mabon, 2nd harvest.

The thought came to me…..

Instead of buying twice as much food, I'm going to challenge myself to use up all the things I already have in the pantry/freezer, while the supply chains are working their hearts out to bring back regular stock levels. Yes I'm buying some of my normal standards (meat, veg etc) at this time too, but the rest I can make do with.

I found some bay leaves in the freezer, pomegranate seeds, puffed pastry, cooking chocolate, frozen cubes of citrus juices and herbal teas.
In the pantry there are jars of puffed rices, quinoa, couscous, various kinds of seeds and dried fruit, flours, various tinned things, and half bottles of condiments….. and more!

I was already very blessed.
I don't need to take more,
I need to appreciate what I already have.

It wasn't until later that I realised pomegranate seeds are one of the offerings for the festival of Mabon. This touched me deeply. The 2nd harvest is about being thankful for the things I already have.

I am abundant.
I give thanks for the plenty I already have.
My storehouse is blessed!


Aries New Moon

When all is laid asunder
What hope and beauty will I see
When all is gone
that once felt strong
Who will I stand to be

Will I reach out hands
And hold up others
Will I be the best of me
When swell subsides
Meet my own eyes
Will I like what
shows back at me

From me to you
What's real
What's true
As it all burns down
What will we do


New Moon in Pisces

As the waters get high
and the dreamtime gets deep,
you need to slow down
feeling a way through to keep

on the right path,
perceive each step that you take
another moment
another breath for the sake

of living a life that is
deep, sure and true,
walking beneath water,
usually in darkness too.

Things will come up,
some as monsters appear,
release them as bubbles to the
air up there.

Some are as lovers,
things never known enough of,
some are adventures,
finding your way through the world.

Over-coming the darkness,
seeding your light,
the quietest of depths
birthed in the night.

All of the feelings
during the darkest of moon,
Down in the depths of
emotional stew.

(New moon in Pisces conjunct retrograde Mercury, sextile exalted Mars in Capricorn, sextile Uranus in Ta**us)


Lughnasadh Blessing

Lately I've been pondering on how have more play in my life.
The responsibilities of parenting, and adulthood in general, can be overwhelming - sucking all the life and fun out of being alive. Duties and jobs are all that can take over the mind

We come to a point of making a conscious effort to bring play, lightness, gratefulness, and enthusiasm for living back, or risk becoming dried up from the inside out.
The juice, the marrow - it needs to be searched for. What once came naturally as a child slowly dissipates as we enter the modern, constructed, regimented world.
So it was to my delight when listening to a tarot reading online, with some chakra chants in the background (up to the Solar Plexus at the time of insight), and the Sun right on 15° Aquarius - signaling the astronomical degree for Lughnasadh in the southern hemisphere, that an answer came.

It is a second overcast day in a row - a welcome relief after the long, humid, and fire-ridden summer we've just had - a clear change in my local weather.
Yesterday, as the Sun reached the 15° mark, I also received some oracle cards in the mail - Spirit of the Animals by Jody Bergsma.
Between the changed weather, the mulling over of how to play more, the oracle cards, Lughnasadh ponderings, the solar plexus (yellow/Sun) chants, and something the tarot reader said – it all came together in one of those lightning insights about how to have more fun - and as usual, it was clear, easy, and obvious.... but probably harder in practice than it seems due to our conditioning, but possible nonetheless.

One of the new oracle cards flashed into my mind. The Sea Otter, with the title of Happiness, and these words from the deck creator - "Be the master of playful living. Release expectations and enjoy every day. Let worry go and instead chose love. Surrender to the waves. Your good destiny of love is sure". The image was of the otter floating on its back in the water as they do, sometimes cleaning themselves, sometimes with family members, sometimes just playing or napping in the sun.

I felt the difference between that scene and the everyday sensations of modern life.
A sense of continual forward motion,
one foot on the gas,
one foot out the door,
the mind always lining up
the next thing,
And the answer was clear.
Take your hands off the wheel,
that fearful feeling of
letting it all go.
the gripping.

The idea is one of entering life with a sense of curiosity each day, of wonder.
With a sense of enjoying what is before you -
this requires looking around for nice things,
doing nice things,
taking that moment to
smell the roses.
That moment of pause
where you let the magic in.
Where Spirit speaks to you.
Where you are the receiver
of a beautiful gift.
Let yourself be loved –
receive these things -
say thank you.

With this magic and wonder comes the joy that you've lost,
the hope that you keep missing as you rush about.
It's right here, under your nose, in front of your eyes.
Awake, sleeper, and see, hear, feel again!

Bask in the sun, even for a moment.
Acknowledge the breeze on your skin.
Taste that lovely thing you enjoy.
And say thank you from inside your soul.
Honour the gift you just received with
acknowledging that it gave you a sense of pleasure.
This is where the marrow is, this is where the joy lies.
Hiding in plain sight.

These small moments have become trivialised in our modern world. They are uneconomic and therefore are jumped over, brushed aside, skipped for the sake of expedient tasks.
It is little wonder that the seekers of spiritual traditions always end up back at 'silence'.

Being the receiver, listening, opening, waiting. This is where the beauty happens. This is where the answers are.
If you are somebody who is interested in magic-ing up your life, if you are seeking for the juicy moments, then you are probably someone who is looking for those moments of the gentle, ethereal kiss from the beloved.

The message from the otters,
the Lughnasadh harvest,
our solar plexus,
our tuning into the elements around us,
of releasing the pressures and stresses
of Summer/modern life,
is that if you are a listener,
if you are one who gives room to silence,
if you are a seeker....
you will not miss the moment.

You can trust that it will catch you.
You will get another chance
Because it's all about heart.
It's about the direction you're facing
from your soul.
It's about having unseen things
that love you anyway,
and will help to turn you gently
if you get wrapped up in
things of the world at times.
If you keep coming back and saying
"I'm here again"
then the Presence you seek
will continue to show you the way,
And you can keep stepping
and creating a dance with
a Life that you love.

Seeker of Moments, it will be okay.
Move as the dance prompts you.
Continue to say thank you.


Aquarius New Moon

adding my person
to the clan,
pressing a
gathered vision
each and

Building and
working together,
riding the waves
that shake
knowing what I
have to offer,
will, to me,

Dissolving my
own self-interest,
working my plan,
quietly releasing
listening deeply
for the greater plan


Capricorn New Moon
(solar eclipse) conjunct Jupiter, trine Uranus

Standing at the graveside
dropping the last granules
of dirt into the gaping hole,
Something is drawing the final
stream of essence out of my being.
Like rain drops on a roof
I hear the quiet sounds of the
dirt hitting the bottom,
It is finished,
I am free.
I've met my task,
I've done the work,
I can walk away...
just me.

ever upward,
than before.
Eyes focused
Heart rallied,
more pure.


A thought came to me this morning.
Currently living back in the town where I was born, the issue of old memories is a constant weight.
There are parts of town where I won't go beyond certain streets due to triggers. I live in an area of town that probably wasn't built during my childhood, and I shop and visit areas that were outside our usual range back then, so I feel a little like I'm living in a new town.
But there is energy to places, and I know the energy of this area. The buoyancy of the air this far from the sea, the sounds of the birds local to this region, the build up to storms, and the parchment of the dry.
I have run from the ghosts of this town's memories.
I have tried to forget them, leave them behind, come back hoping it would be different.
I have tried to face the ghosts, realising that running didn't help. This seems to only feed them.
But today, finally, it occurred to me to heal my ghosts, an option I didn't know I had before learning this work a year ago.
Heal them.
Seems so simple.
And kind to both of us.

If you are interested in Ancestral Lineage Healing let me introduce you to the work of Dr Daniel Foor. His website is