

Prophet Muhammad PBUH was an unconventional person who used modern & different techniques
for motivation, warfare etc. He encouraged muslims to learn.

Some Muslims Scholars insist on applying the old religious decrees on novel situations. FatwaFailures!


M***i sb may have forbidden the speculative investment in digital currencies. But at the same time, encouraged the youth to learn it, block chain & required technologies - as in future the speculative part may subside & it may become the underlying technology for many real world applications perfectly fine from Shariah perspective.

Mobile mein Quran Parhna ? M***i Taqi Usmani - Reading Quran in Mobile ? موبائل میں قرآن پڑھنا 03/05/2021

Mobile mein Quran Parhna ? M***i Taqi Usmani - Reading Quran in Mobile ? موبائل میں قرآن پڑھنا Mobile mein Quran Parhna ? M***i Taqi Usmani - Reading Quran in Mobile? موبائل میں قرآن پڑھناکیا موبائل میں قرآن پڑھنا جائز ہے یا ناجائز ؟ موبائل مین قرآن پ...

The Muslims who fast for 22 hours a day - BBC News 25/04/2021


22 hour long FASTS.

A saner logical approach could be to link it to timings with Mekkah or to the town in the same country/continent closer to the equator.

The Muslims who fast for 22 hours a day - BBC News Muslims in Iceland explain how they cope with one of the longest Ramadan fasts in the world, due to the long days caused by early sunrises and late sunsets.V...
