Budgie sanctuary rescue

Budgie sanctuary rescue

Rescues should have clean naturally stimulated environments.Not be bred & allowed to free fly .

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 13/07/2024

Sun and grass best combo lol šŸ¦œ they have no food dishes as this is a temp cage for them to be outside they have eaten their crop and will have seed later there is water in there .


This has been reported to police .If you are screen shooting this or sending my post to be exposed on this bs page be warned you also will be part of the ring that will be brought to justice for deformation of character as everything posted in this disgusting page is lies and I will not have it . They are so great they do not allow people to join to have their say on their fake accusations . If it helps you sleep at night think what you like I couldnā€™t care less I know where my credentials lie and where my legal responsibility lies Iā€™m not going to post my degree on fb any one who does really has big problems in life so little feeling they have to justify anything to people on the internet the people that matter know who I am and thatā€™s all I care for . I never refused to become a rescue I just donā€™t trust 3 people with my birds which is a requirement for becoming registered again post the facts canā€™t deal with the stupidity I really canā€™t but hey they really have messed with the wrong one as they donā€™t know who I am and what resources I have they will be brought to justice that is a promise and the admin in that group will be removing my posts and any more will not be allowed to be posted as they also will be on the receiving end of the legal battle and I can guarantee they donā€™t want that when people are slandering my name with lies .

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 08/07/2024

Share this around to get this page closed down itā€™s so nice to write lies about people who you donā€™t allow on the group to shut you down and show how much of a sad head case you are . Lawyers are now involved .For my obsessed fans from other rescues with disgusting practices posting this crap . Defamation of character is a serious charge I suggest itā€™s stops now or it wonā€™t end nicely. Another bird rescue and canā€™t even tell the difference between an Indian ringneck and an Alexandrine yet Iā€™m the crazy one . Just for my fans Iā€™m a qualified avian vet I have finished my degree 7 months ago you canā€™t find me on no registry as Iā€™m listed under my married name and am not currently practicing as Iā€™m in the process of buying land to build my own clinic as I refuse to work for others who endanger birds lives for money . Your rescue is laughable and any normal person would know just how much an avian vet charges especially in after hours for an emergency and for icu care but hey canā€™t even identify a bird shows your iq levels . Itā€™s quite simple do not want to be called out do better clean your aviaryā€™s do not over crowd your cages and most importantly donā€™t shove birds in cages and aviaryā€™s never allowing them to experience free flying as thatā€™s appalling and not giving the birds quality of life but hey these morons believe the birds need toys to be stimulated again I rest my case . Natural enrichment and free flying make for happy healthy birds thatā€™s why all this dodgy rescues lose so many birds as they have no idea absolutely disgusting post one more thing about me thatā€™s incorrect and you will be hearing from my lawyers I do not need to show my credentials to low life scum who abuse animals and canā€™t care or identify birds properly thatā€™s the problem in rescue not me.

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 08/07/2024

This is the fricken problem with the world this is the admin of a bird page that has 65k worth of followers pushing pellets this is why birds die young and have so many health issues share around make a difference never I repeat never feed your birds pellets they have no nutritional value and cause so much harm to your birds blockages and liver issues to name the main two . They are not part of a balanced diet they are over processed rubbish none of them are good they need to be banned .


Hahaha what itā€™s not my fault lol

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 28/06/2024

Few updates now every one is at 100 % health these babies cost an arm and a leg in vet care but seeing them healthy makes every $ spent worth it beautiful Blue(blue ringneck) Holly (alexandrine parrot ) yellow ( yellow ringneck ) Gizmo ( darker teil) Stripe ( lighter teil) all birds had names already except stripe which I named .


Although with education I do believe Iā€™ll make a change in the world šŸ¦œšŸ¦œ

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 22/06/2024

When he first came in pictures one and 2 missing tail feathers and tonight what a stunning boy Pecco is .

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 22/06/2024

Bluebell and skittles update both are doing great have new feather growth and are looking healthy .


Abuse this is how the bird ends up itā€™s so very sad but little minion is great other than the neurological damage thatā€™s irreversible it will shorten his life span but heā€™s not suffering or in any pain . I hate humans this is why what I do is so important .


So many people give birds millet . Millet is like feeding your bird maccas it should not be given to them in huge amounts nor should they be given it often . Treats or things that are good for them that they canā€™t have often .
Or Apple
Please reframe from giving birds human food itā€™s really bad and causes kidney , liver and heart problems essentially the birds dies slowly and painfully .
If you love your birds feed them right and see them thrive .


Incoming bluebell who was found and the owner hasnā€™t come forward so the finder asked me to care for the bubba welcome to BRS . Was found being attacked by miners has lost almost all tail feathers .

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 08/06/2024

So glad to see her healthy worth every cent spent love you lots Holly girl . But please no more vets hahaha .


For those asking for a receipt here you go this is just for a check up at an avian vet for one bird within operating hours , to say that they donā€™t cost that much money you have no idea they are specialists they charge more then vets as they study longer to be avian vets giving them extensive knowledge . I have nothing to hide I will not continue with the hatred from stalkers sent from other rescues that were called out and arenā€™t even following me . None have even offered to buy food hey maybe I might eat the bird food also hahaha . Never paid a cent to me but come on here asking for proof like I owe them something haha I owe you nothing they are the root of all evil I will continue to fight for these birds they deserve better if you donā€™t want to be called out do better the birds deserve it donā€™t rescue birds to put their lives in danger or to have them lose their lives because of your negligence . That simple . Have a blessed day Iā€™ll keep tracking on paying my bills with little to no help and you keep filling the pockets of people that kill birds great job people I know I can sleep just fine at night can you .


Unfortunately we lost bluey this morning despite mine and the emergency vets best efforts he was unfortunately too far gone he has been buried with a hibiscus planted on top of him . I only had you for a short time but you were very loved and cared for will miss you bud rip .

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 04/06/2024

Incoming these bubbas are now safe . Full of mites emaciated and living in appalling conditions the smell is horrendous . Quails were breed to eat and made to lay eggs constantly so they could be consumed .


Another vet trip today the teil I took in yesterday was egg bound despite all my efforts to have her lay it naturally sheā€™s need it removed with the assistance of an avian vet another bill geez no more vets please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¦œšŸ¦œ


This is just one day due to the rain I make a point of taking all dishes out every day and the water dishes twice a day I give them a scrub with a sponge and hot water this is very important not to just keep reusing dishes and just refilling them they need to be removed emptied and scrubbed with hot water this kills all bacteria and mould which makes birds very sick .


Incoming a teil and two budgies that their owners wanted to be with other birds surrendered to BRS thank you for trusting me with your babies .


Holly is home after her long stint in the vets blue also had many vet trips geez hopefully no more vet trips soon that one put a massive ding in the bank with over $13k spent on vets and meds in the last 2 weeks alone itā€™s really important to share the link please more birds are needing care ie food veg mite treatments and vitamins the vet bills have been paid for those asking but having out laid so much money on those bills it leaves little money to help incoming birds . If every one could donated $10 that were on this page it would be a great help I know times are tough . Share around and ask others to share please . If you donā€™t wish to donated that perfectly fine have a look through my page these birds donā€™t get healthy on their own . If you wish to donate food and veg or treatments great send me a message you can pay for it at the pet store I get it from and Iā€™ll pick it up from there not an issue no problem you are not obligated to donated so please do not come attacking on my page without looking at the work I do it speaks for itself they donā€™t get healthy on their own

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 01/06/2024

Incoming how this poor babies were housed . One has blood all over its wings no doubt fight over the box . Very underweight . This is a temp cage to get treatment I will put perches in there then they will move into a bigger flight cage

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 30/05/2024

This handsome boy got the all clear today . Isnā€™t he beautiful all healthy now .


Hereā€™s a little education this is how a female cere should look this is a 2 year old female budgie thatā€™s not in breeding condition . This is how all females should look if they are brown you have triggers in your cage that are putting your birds into breeding condition . She is housed with males . She has never laid in my care none of my females do this is why natural stimulation is so important as itā€™s not healthy for birds to be in constant breeding condition . You can see the female behind is also not in breeding condition and has the light blue cere .

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 28/05/2024

So here we have one of those stupid foraging boxes that apparently ā€œbirds needā€ as a type of enrichment my birds have had it in there for a week to prove a point i got it for free on Facebook as I wonā€™t pay for such junk they havenā€™t touched it . Want to know why because they get their shredding from their food they get their foraging from their food and they get to free fly inside . Itā€™s called natural enrichment please do not buy such filth as the proof is in the pudding these are dangerous for birds they are not bird safe no bird toys are they are just a money grab and they are not needed please share around education is so important to stop the use of such rubbish a naturally enriched birds make for happy birds . Birds with toys are not happy as itā€™s not natural they are not dogs they do not need toys neither do dogs and they do not houses to put them
into a constant hormonal spiral which is just cruel . This is why my females do not lay eggs at all not one find me another rescue that can do this and have all their females not lay eggs whilst with males Iā€™ll wait . This foraging crap box is now in the bin where it belongs .


Cat attack bubba named skittles is doing a little bit better after vet trip a bath and some slow introduction to food worming ,mite treatment and some much needed vitamins and minerals . After $480 vet bill with $0 raised thatā€™s just sad that itā€™s more money taken away from other birds whom need help and I canā€™t take on due to lack of funding . Yet People have the hide to come on my page and act like Iā€™m doing wrong . fyi the vet bill is paid in full by me . More then happy if they wish to help these birds on their own so I donā€™t have to till then Iā€™ll continue doing what Iā€™m doing and not giving a rats ass about the haters put up or shut up I say . Not one of them was following me not one had donated yet acted like they had not one offered time to help clean cages or donate food if they are so concerned Iā€™m blowing money . Again put up or shut up and be added to the block list I owe no one anything and certainly not ones whom donā€™t help my cause in any way but to stir trouble I see right through it .

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 27/05/2024

Update on the bub first two pictures are the day I got him and a couple days later the last one is today . Photos speak for themselves I have had him a week .


Incoming cat attack victim heā€™s missing a lot of feathers and heading to the vet . This is a travel cage only he will not stay in this cage . If you would like to help towards vet bills can recovery and care the PayPal is listed below also have a bank account which I can post if needed . Let it be clear this birds vet bill has been paid when I ask for donations they are to cover the costs Iā€™ve outlaid as that takes away from other birds that need to come in . Please be careful of the trolls coming from other pages and commenting rubbish .


Update : this beautiful boy came to me with no tail feathers had been out in the wild lost was caught as it had no energy left . Slowly introduced food and here he is today look how pretty he is welcome to the fam Pecco .


My crop feed for today they get different food all the time .
Sweet potato
Pumpkin no seeds
Grated pear 1/2 only ( fruit only once every 10 days too much natural sugar causes kidney problems) .
I leave the spinach leaves like this as birds like to shred things ( natural enrichment )
I have also hiden seed underneath ( foraging natural enrichment )
Leaving the broccolini stems like that so they use their feet ( natural enrichment )
My birds arenā€™t bored they donā€™t need toys as they get natural enrichments tell me again they need toys šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Everything is washed well with warm water first .

Photos from Budgie sanctuary rescue 's post 23/05/2024

They are doing better still fighting on they are not 100 % yet but they are doing much better .

Videos (show all)

What abuse does to a bird neurologically . This poor bird was abused and now spends most of his days doing this . Heā€™s h...
Just a lorikeet enjoying a bath . In the wild lorikeets bath like this to cool themselves down as well as groom their wa...
The best sound in the world they are about to be fed . My heart is so full keep thriving little ones .
Update on two of the 5 cockatiels that I rescued . These two were the worst affected with the feather loss the grey fema...
Arenā€™t they just the cutest ( thatā€™s formula on their heads they had just eaten itā€™s cleaned off now)
Feeding time šŸ¦œā¤ļøšŸ«¶šŸ½
I call him rocky cause heā€™s got a killer hook I mean beak hahahaha
