Memorable Tunes + Affirmations = WholeNotes. WholeNotes is a collection of empowering, inspiring, and affirming songs that promote personal wellness.
Created by composer/producer Michael Engelhardt.
Anyone interested? DM me, please.
Now streaming. 😊
WholeNotes, Vol. 1: DownShift – Michael Engelhardt On Amazon Music
Hey friends! I've been writing a LOT of new upbeat Positive Pop music with themes of empowerment, courage, and purpose. I've compiled some of the demos in this playlist. Take a listen and let me know what you think!
(All the new stuff is toward the top of the playlist...)
WholeNotes WholeNotes is a collection of song-based meditations that promote personal wellness by combining the power of meditation, neuromusicology, and positive psychology. Created by composer/producer Michael
Feel-good groove with positive self-talk lyrics.
Take this free 5-day deep dive and see if it doesn’t improve your daily mental wellness!
Begins Feb. 1, so sign up today!
Go deeper with WholeNotes by signing up for our FREE 5-Day Beta Test!
Feb 1-5, you will be given free access to 5 daily guided listening/meditation exercises based on 5 of our most powerful songs.
Improve your mindset & mood in just minutes per day, then experience the positive lasting effects of having these lyrics and melodies impressed into your memory.
Your feedback will help determine the future of this project!
Sign up here: https://www.michaelengelhardt.com/wholenotes
Want to help me BETA TEST this idea? (It's free, by the way.)
The goal of the WholeNotes project is to create a pop music soundtrack for self-development by producing songs and guided practices that are affirming, inspiring, and empowering.
Question: Can the power of music be intentionally harnessed for the purpose of improving one’s emotional and mental well-being?
I believe (and research shows) that the answer is YES, so I've crafted some songs and guided listening exercises toward that end. I've collaborated with some of my good friends to produce the recordings (Montel Moore, Mark Roach, Mike Pugh). But now I need to find out if this stuff actually works!
That’s where YOU come in.
The WholeNotes 5-Day Beta Test (February 1-5) gives you FREE access to 5 daily guided listening exercises that correspond with 5 original songs. At the end of your 5-day experience, I'll ask you to give constructive feedback — what change did you experience in your life, what worked, what didn’t, what other ideas should we consider, and so on.
Click the link to sign up, and I'll see you inside. I'm SO GRATEFUL for your help!
WholeNotes — Michael Engelhardt The goal of the WholeNotes project is to create a pop music soundtrack for self-development by producing songs and guided practices that are affirming, inspiring, and empowering. Research has shown that music has the power to embed messages deep within our hearts and minds. What if that power was in...
A pop anthem for NYE. And a toast 🥂 to you dancing into your sense of PURPOSE in the coming year! May you experience the joys of being fully alive for another orbit around our star.
[Fresh Dope Hooks] Don't Really Know
Mike shares a rough demo of the tune "Don't Really Know"
[Fresh Dope Hooks] All Things
Mike shares a scratch demo of All Things, coming soon to the WholeNotes catalog once it is fully produced.
Have you tried using the "earworm effect" to improve your mental health? That's what WholeNotes is all about.
Earworms: Those songs that get stuck in your head - Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/earworms-those-songs-that-get-stuck-in-your-head-elizabeth-hellmuth-margulis↵↵Have you ever been waiting in line ...
Rewire your brain with this song...
[Fresh Dope Hooks] Purpose
Mike shares the demo version of the song "Purpose" -- coming soon to the WholeNotes catalog (once it's fully produced).
Composer, Singer, Creator of WholeNotes
Early demo version of 'The Wonder of It All' -- already some great vibes. Can't wait to hear what happens when Montel Moore collabs on this one! (Coming soon.)
Just a taste of this little tune. Gonna be super funky and inspirational when we finish it!
Must. See.
If you've ever wondered about the effect that music has on memory...
Watch Alive Inside online - Prime Video Alive Inside is a joyous cinematic exploration of music's capability to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity. Filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennett chronicles the astonishing experiences of individuals around the country whose minds have been revitalized and awakened by the s...
"Some people, who had seemed unable to speak, proceed to sing and dance to the music, and others are able to recount when and where they had listened to that music. The music seems to open doors to the residents' memory vaults."
Make a list of 10 things for which you are grateful right now. Don’t overthink this. Don’t reach too far back into the past, and don’t search for the biggest, most meaningful things. Rather, just write down whatever comes to mind in the moment.
Next, listen to and sing along with So Grateful. As you do, continue to review each of the items on your list. Allow yourself to feel the emotion of gratitude fully. Go beneath the surface. Allow yourself to be moved deeply as you consider how grateful you truly are for these (and other) blessings in your life today.