Voice of His Heart

Voice of His Heart

DeAnn Diaz is a trusted prophetic intercessor with a passion and devotion to prayer.


Usually when I am sitting in the secret place, worshipping and asking the Lord to speak to me and share His heart, it's Abba Father that I receive from. Only a few times over the years have I encountered the heart and voice, in the Spirit, of Lord Jesus. It is so precious when this happens as I so love and long for Him for all He did for me/us!

I pray this Word He has for His bride will touch, ignite and draw your heart to serve and fulfill His request.

From Jesus:

I have prepared My beloved bride to shine for Me to the whole world. I spoke what would come to pass on earth as I was going to return to My Father in heaven. Remember My teachings, My instruction and My commands. These are the KEYS to do the exponential works that I declared you would do. Greater than I because you are a powerful army of anointed disciples, followers and warriors for righteousness and truth to a dark world.

Just as I came to reveal the Father and the kingdom of heaven, you are called to do the same. God so loved the world He sent Me. I so loved the world that I sent you Holy Spirit to empower you to manifest My Word and My anointing with miracles, signs and wonders following.

Come out from among the lost captives. Be sanctified and holy unto our Abba Father. Worship and honor Him at all times, at all cost. Exalt Him above every circumstance and atmosphere you find yourself in. His is looking for trust and obedience. He has tested His children to refine and purify their hearts. You cannot fool or deceive the Sovereign God. He looks inside each and every heart to see what it contains. Does it contain love, grace mercy and faith? Just as He saw the heart of David and led the prophet to anoint him for is calling and destiny, He is still doing that now for My body.

As I surrendered My will to Him in the garden and as David surrendered his heart of worship to protect the sheep, then kill the philistines, it is necessary for you to do the same. Will to do God's will. Be a man or woman after God's own heart.

The center of every being is their heart. Out of the heart the mouth speaks and reveals the true person. Out of it flows the issues of life. Many are playing church but God needs those with a heart to serve.

There is a call to prayer, a call to worship, a call to open your mouth and speak the Word of the Lord with all boldness and confidence. Those who know their God and king will do mighty things on this earth until I return.

My body and bride have been awakened and will rise up and represent My Kingdom: righteousness, peace, joy, freedom, light and truth. You are My ambassadors. Rise up and accept your position with a trusting heart.

John 14: 12-13 - “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:16-17 - 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

II Corinthians 5:20 - 20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.


As I was seeking the Lord for His heart and plan for me and us, His children, for 2024, He gave a powerful invitation and revelation for us. It is a year of ascension for all who desire!

Abba Father says:

2024 is a year of Access to Ascension to go higher and deeper into My Kingdom.

This year is about My Kingdom. My son came to reveal the Kingdom of heaven. He demonstrated My Kingdom as He taught, preached and actively manifested power as He delivered and healed. The door, portal and window is open to all who desire to seek and know us in a more intimate, personal way. I will never turn anyone away that calls upon My name.

My ears are always listening to the prayers and hearts of the hungry and desperate. I listen for the sound of worship and exaltation of My name. I hear My Holy Word that is spoken in hope, faith and trust for Me to being it to pass. I will hide and cover you form the assaults and assignments of the enemy as you draw, seek and rise to meet Me in a higher level and dimension in the spiritual realm.

Transcend your flesh with all its limitations and imperfections. Walk and live in your renewed spirit man that connects with My spiritual Kingdom. Ask and you will receive visions, dreams, revelation, discernment, insight, understanding impartation, etc. (No limits)

It is your choice to desire, call and draw closer to us. We are always waiting and watching for the hunger, thirst and humility to ascend in prayer and intimacy. All things are possible so walk by faith and believe.

Colossians 1:13
He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,

1 Corinthians 4:20
For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.

Let our hearts burn with a fiery passion for HIS presence and Kingdom in 2024! Happy New and Abundant Year, DeAnn


Our God, abba, is calling us to come and have rest in Him, be refreshed in His presence and be filled with all He is and has for us. All we need is in Him and in His holy word. As we obey the word and cease from our labors, we will find the promised rest and be rejuvenated for the tasks ahead. We must get off the hamster wheel and take vital necessary time away with the Lord.

Hebrews 4: 9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.

Acts: 3: b, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord

Abba Father says:

Come, come, you have an open invitation to sit with Me anytime, all the time! Listen to Me, hear and receive from Me, get to know Me and My heart more closely. It is your choice to pull away from the hustle, bustle and noise of life. Jesus knew the need in His humanity to go away, leave the work and the world. He could not carry out His assignments and purpose without this.

As He called upon Me and sat in My presence, He was strengthened and refreshed for what was ahead. How much more do you need to do this? You are on a fast track to burn out and weariness. You were not created to live with constant push and pressures with no rest and recuperation.

I love you My child and I'm calling you to come and enter My presence, My rest and peace. When you enter in you will find Me, LOVE! My love will cover, saturate and permeate every part of your being. In this place you will find comfort and security. You can trust Me and be vulnerable, as I see and know what you're going through already.

Does a child want to go to a harsh, critical and mean parent or person when they are in need or a gentle, compassionate and concerned one? I am Abba, your Loving Father, that you can come to and find what you need. No problem, worry, care or request is too great for Me to answer, provide and lift from your mind.

Love won't fail you, I won't fail you. It will be worth the time and effort you give to sit and release everything to Me. You will be transformed and conformed more into the image of My son as you do what He did while on earth.

I am here waiting and ready for you. Love Abba

Matthew 14: 23 And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray.

1 John 4: 10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.


Many of you are battle weary in various areas of your life or with the situations going on in the world. It is time to refresh our hearts and minds that these battles are not ours, but God's. We are to trust, agree then believe He will manifest His Word and Sovereignty in every situation and circumstance. Put your garment of praise on and take your JOY back today!

2 Chronicles 20:15b - Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.

21 And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying:

“Praise the Lord,
For His mercy endures forever.”

22 Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated.

The Lord says:
The battles belong to Me, the Lord God Almighty, creator of the heavens and earth and all that exists. Man thinks he is in control as he plots, schemes and plans his evil deeds. HA, I see from My throne and laugh at their pride and ignorance. Do they not know and do they not perceive that I AM, that I AM? The only omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent living God that is in control from everlasting to everlasting, I AM!

Those who know Me, both Christian and Jew, will worship Me with their whole heart. Because they know Me and I them, they will trust, obey and believe for protection, provision and victory over evil. I am listening for humility, faith and cries from pure hearts. I will hear and I will answer. I will display My power and Glory throughout the earth.

Out of the ashes, those who love Me will arise and shine as vessels of honor. These will be My light and witnesses with the sword of the Spirit and a robe of righteousness. Do not be moved by what you see taking place in the world but continuously seek Me for marching orders and assignments day by day.

The days to come will be as the days of My people in the wilderness. I will lead by a cloud in the day and a fire by night. There will be fresh manna to sustain you every morning. Take no thought for tomorrow but seek first My Kingdom and My righteousness. I will watch over My Word to perform and bring it to pass. Let My Holy Word and promises come forth from your mouth. Only believe and do not fear or doubt and you will see My Glory poured out. I love you always and am with you forever.

Love Abba Father


The times we are living in now and those yet to come will require us to walk in love and be fully immersed in love, GOD. Love will not fail, conquers all, covers all sin, causes our faith to work and perfect love, GOD, casts out all fear!

1 John 4:16
And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

1 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

The Lord says:

More and more people will become aware of My presence, My love and My goodness. This will cause them to stop and ponder on the things of the spirit and unseen realm. It will become more real and desirable than the things of the earth. It will be called the greatest Awakening for this reason!

An awakening of the spirit of men will manifest. A knowing in the innermost part of their being that no one and nothing can explain or reason away. My Spirit will be fast at work in ALL flesh. Cease from your labors and cast all your cares upon Me. Be as a trusting child looking to your daddy. Knowing he loves you and will never let you down or leave you.

The Love-elution has begun! Those who know Me will return to their First Love. Those who do not know Me will come face to face with a glorious, transforming encounter with LOVE!

There will be no turning back and no shame. People will be sharing their experiences with others and it will spread and be contagious like a wildfire. Watch and pray for this to activate.

DeAnn Diaz as received from Abba Father


There has been a drought of the presence and glory of God on the earth. But just as there was a drought in Elijah's day, there was an appointed time when he prayed in obedience and faith, God opened the heavens. The abundance of rain came to bring life, healing and restoration of the land. This is our time now on earth to encounter this abundance, but it will be a rain of His spirit and glory!

I Kings 18:
41 Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain.” 42 So Ahab went up to eat and drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; then he bowed down on the ground, and put his face between his knees, 43 and said to his servant, “Go up now, look toward the sea.”

So he went up and looked, and said, “There is nothing.” And seven times he said, “Go again.”

44 Then it came to pass the seventh time, that he said, “There is a cloud, as small as a man’s hand, rising out of the sea!”

The Lord says:

Listen for the sound of the abundance of rain. I rain on the just and on the unjust. My Spirit will rain on My creation. He will arrest, awaken, stir up and pe*****te. There will be a piercing of hearts, a gripping that cannot be ignored. I am a merciful God, My mercy is great and I will give all an opportunity to receive My grace and turn from their wicked ways. Let it never be said that I sent any man to hell! I move upon and speak to every heart continually. It is each one's choice to accept and say yes or reject My goodness.

There will be another flood on this earth but it will not be of water to destroy, but of My love to transform. My love will never fail and never cease. I am LOVE! Love opens doors to hearts and brings healing and salvation. I will begin in My church, the body of Christ. They will have new hearts to speak My truth in love and not judge.

Holy Spirit reveals and convicts of sin, it's His place and position to fulfill. Man is not to condemn and criticize but speak My word of truth to pierce and pe*****te the spirit of the man. The heart is then under the wielding sword of the Spirit.

A surgical procedure is being performed by My power. No man can or will take credit for saving anyone. It is by My Spirit and I get all the glory and praise. Jesus came to give life, eternal and temporal while on the earth. It is a life of abundance. Abundance of blessing, favor, protection and all the promises of My Holy scriptures. He is the Living Word.

Listen, look, expect and receive the abundance of rain. It is My heart and provision for all to be saved. Let him who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.

DeAnn Diaz as received by Abba Father


Luke 18:1 Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart,...
6 Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. 7 And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? 8 I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.

God is listening and looking for worship, faith and prayer. Is He finding this in His people, you and me? The power of unified prayer and faith will move mountains and manifest miracles. We need to be in oneness and one accord with each other and the Lord.

Elohim Adonai says:

Seek, ask, knock and don't stop! Perseverance and persistence in prayer will bring forth victory in this hour. The fervent, effectual, passionate, heartfelt prayers of My people will avail much.

The battle will be won for my people in Israel and the battle will be won in righteousness over evil. What is perverted and deceptive will be corrected. Truth, justice and breakthrough will burst forth. This battle is both physical and spiritual. Those who are interceding and agreeing with My word and kingdom are fighting supernaturally, so that the soldiers may endure and overcome the enemies of their God physically.

My strategies and divine wisdom have been released on those coming against darkness. This is not just in My holy nation but all nations of the earth. They will choose this day who they will serve. You are either for Me, My people and My children or you are an enemy of My Kingdom.

My Kingdom is good, just and gives life, life abundantly and eternally. You are either hot or cold for I will not tolerate the lukewarm. Take your head out of the sand, rise against the evil deeds of man and take your firm stand in My holy righteousness and plans.

It is not time for My son to return but it is the time of awakening My creation. The multitudes are blinded and dying by deception and captivity. The captives will be set free and believe and receive My invitation to life eternally. Jesus, the Messiah, King of the Jews and head of the church is the only way, truth and life for all mankind.

My Kingdom is not of this earth. My thoughts, ways and plans are far above flesh and man. For this reason, as you are born again of the Spirit through Jesus, you become a citizen of heaven. You are in the world but no longer of it. You are not limited or confined by its limitations. In Me and with Me, ALL things are possible!

With your renewed mind that is of Christ, ask, believe and agree with My heart to do many miracles, signs and wonders throughout the earth. This is MY time to be glorified.

DeAnn Diaz as received by Abba Father


In these troubled times, we must make Jesus the LORD of our lives. Our safety, peace, joy and hope are in the presence of Papa God Almighty. Run to Him, call on Him and hide in Him as your fortress, shield, buckler and high tower. Do not fear but trust in His grace, it is always enough!

Psalm 91:
4 He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

The Lord says:

Put Me on the throne of your life and in the drivers seat continually. I am a jealous God and want nothing to come before Me. This is the most powerful, rewarding and necessary choice you make every moment of everyday. In My presence you are refreshed and in My presence your joy is made FULL. There will be no lack or want or even a desire that can't be met in that place. It is you and Me in total intimacy. In this place we are one and get to know each other more. When you experience and become engulfed in My presence, you will not be deceived by the imposter or impersonator, your enemy.

The authentic cannot be duplicated. Your spirit will witness and connect with a true peace and hunger. Nothing will hinder My holiness surrounding you. If you will practice My presence everyday it will become natural and real. You can't afford to let other things take your focus and priority. In this hour you need My power and My instruction like never before. If you do not know and recognize My voice and My truth, you will be led astray by the liar and deceiver. He works through his captives, his cohorts and his spirits of darkness. They are placed in many places of relevance and visibility throughout the world. There are people he works through in all forms of media, government, education and even religion. False teachers and doctrines, even in the church, will put people on the wide path of destruction.

Straight is the path and narrow is the gate that leads to My Way, My Will and My Kingdom. Go back, return and revisit the gospels. The teaching of Jesus is the truth, way and life you all need. Any variation from that is a weapon and deception of darkness. Study to show yourself approved. My word rightly divides and discerns evil from good, truth from lies and sin from righteousness. No one and no entity can rewrite My Holy Bible. My word is the same always and forever. You can rely on, depend on and take it as total truth from Holy Spirit.

Keep My Holy scriptures before your eyes so it may bring My presence, glory and a renewing of your mind. It will bring you to worship Me and Jesus and commune with Holy Spirit. It will bring life, joy, health and peace to your being continually.

DeAnn Diaz as received by Abba Father


God knew the heart of King David that he was after God's heart and willed to do all of God's will. He was not perfect, as not one of us are, but God looks at the motives and true intentions that no man can see. We can fool man but not God. Fear the Lord forever.

Only believe who God says you are. Do not believe what people or the enemy, satan, say about you if it does not line up with Abba Father.

Jeremiah 17:10 - I, the Lord, search the heart,
I test the mind,
Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings.

The Sovereign Lord says:

Only I know the heart of man. Only I know the thoughts of each precious one I created. I see, hear and know the innermost part of every being, the inner man. No human has access to that place, only Me the one who creates. This is why it is necessary to seek Me, look to Me and abandon yourself to Me. I can be trusted to love you, protect you and help you. Your help comes from Me ultimately. I may use a person or something in the natural but it begins in the spiritual realm.

You are a spiritual being as I am a spiritual being and made you in My image. When our spirits connect then I can direct your steps each day. Look to the One who knows you because you came from Me. I was intimate with you as I knit and formed you in the womb of your mother. Every cell, your DNA, your personality, it's all from ME. I do not make mistakes and I made you perfect in My sight. You are unique and no one can be you or take your place. Your purpose, position and place on earth can only be filled and achieved by you. It is never too late to step into your destiny. Nothing can stop you if you daily connect with Me.

You will grow to know My voice, My truth and My love for you. You will no longer listen to the voices that lie, harm and deceive you. Nothing will be wasted that you have gone through but everything will be used for your good and My glory. You will rise up in victory and all who know you will be amazed as you blossom, shine and take your position as the truly gifted, talented and great human being I predestined for you to be!

Get up, shake the dust off your feet and sweep those cobwebs out of your way. You are moving forward starting this day. This is your hour and this is your time to blossom and shine. Be confident, bold and courageous for I am with you.

Love, Abba Father


The times and seasons belong to the Lord.

Daniel 2:21-22 - And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding.
22 He reveals deep and secret things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And light dwells with Him.

Hear the Word of the Lord today:

This is a time of reset for balance, order and alignment with My Kingdom. You will receive new life from My Word. My voice will be clearly heard. No more confusion, chaos and lack of concentration. There will come a fresh focus and renewed revelation. These are truths and things you already know but they are being resurrected in your soul.

The world has been under oppression of darkness and despair these last couple of years, but it stops here and it stops now! My glory will arise in My people and through My church. Those who have sought Me diligently and not fallen away will be promoted and greatly rewarded. I have observed everything and missed nothing. I am everywhere at all times. All things are open and seen. My light enters and reveals hidden secrets and thoughts. The heart of every man expresses the true person they are.

Where has your heart been the past 2 years? What words have come out of your mouth? They show the condition and intention of your heart. Are you contaminated from the surrounding atmosphere of the world or have you remained clean and pure for your King and Lord?

I am forever merciful if you humble yourself and repent. Until your last breath you have this opportunity. Don't delay just quickly run back to Me! My arms are open wide to receive you, wash you and redeem you with the Holy blood of My son. This is LOVE, I am LOVE and LOVE never fails. Freely receive what has already been purchased by the resurrected King of Glory. What is holding you captive to this wicked and deceptive world? If you are friends with the world you are at enmity with Me. My Kingdom is not of this broken earth. My perfect Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy by Holy Spirit. By force, which is the power of Holy Spirit, you will rise up in victory. Being refreshed and revived in Me, you will be vessels of revival to all mankind.

My people and body will be ignited with Holy ghost fire. As you burn with passion and desire for Jesus, all will be drawn to love, light, truth and the Hope of Glory, Christ in you.

DeAnn Diaz as received from Abba Father


Do you ever desire to have a redo or a reset in your life? It is possible God's way! The bible says in multiples scriptures these two phrases: Again the Lord spoke and The Word of the Lord came again. God does things again and again and again... He needs to speak it and we need to hear it. Read the instruction of the Lord to have many RE's in your life now.

Look out, look forward, look up and beyond what your eyes can see in the natural.
*Remember all you have asked and prayed for in years and even decades past.
*Revive these desires and the faith you had to believe.
*Renew your mind and thoughts to agree with Me and My Word.
*Refresh yourself as you worship your king and Creator.
*Redeem the time for nothing is ever lost but planted as a seed so it may be harvested.
*Reconcile others to My gospel truth, love and goodness.
*Return to your original call, purpose and destiny on earth.
*Rekindle your prayer life and your words to align with Me.

This is a time of RE: again, again and again; repeat and go back to the original intent and plan. The original instruction and revelation.

*Reactivate the passion, fervency and desire to see your loved ones saved and set free, people be healed and delivered, lives transformed to serve Me and bring Me glory.
*Regenerate a joy unexplainable that will draw the world to Jesus.
*Rejuvenate a childlike faith and expectancy to receive what you need and desire from an innocent pure heart.

DeAnn Diaz as received from Abba Father


Come up higher and hear the voice of the Lord. He is speaking to us!

II Kings 19:11 - but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [e]a still small voice.

The Lord says:

Be quiet and listen for My still small voice. It is not in the wind, or thunder or lightening. But it is within you, your spirit. I am always speaking. Are you always listening? It's hard to hear Me above all the voices of media, people and even your own flesh and soul. It takes practice to sit and enter into My Presence. Unless you intentionally come away with Me, you will have interference in the voice and signals you hear and receive. My words are Holy and must not be contaminated and infused with the world's unholy, ungodly, carnal words.

Return to the position of humility and desperation to bow down before Me. Call upon Me and I will answer. I will tell you and show you many things you do not know. Revelation will flow and empower you to know truth that makes you free. Then you become a vessel to spread what you have received from Me with others in need. Sacrifice your time from TV, phone, internet, work and social chatter. The time you give to sit at My feet and receive will not be wasted but will be rewarded and multiplied to you as harvested seed. Rise above your flesh and the pressures and demands that are stress. Say, NO, it can wait.

The ultimate place for you to be in this hour is sitting with Me. All that you need and desire is in this atmosphere where you soak and get filled up to overflowing. Don't rush it or limit My time with you. I don't pressure you so don't pressure Me and contain My presence to your schedule. Bring your schedule to Me and I'll revise it to agree with My kingdom ways and timing.

Long for Me, hunger and eat from Me and thirst and drink from Me. You will be refreshed and set free. Freedom from the weights, worries and fears of your life on earth will come. Your life is in My hands and I know the plans I have for you. Do you want to know to know them too? They are higher and greater than you could ever do on your own. Believe my love, position and heart to spend time with you. There is nothing that compares to My presence and nothing on earth could give you greater fulfillment.

DeAnn Diaz as received by Abba Father


In Luke 4 Jesus responds to satan that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Then in Deuteronomy 30, God says I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life. He is calling us to repent and return to the Lord with our whole heart, obey His voice and keep His commands (do His Word). Does what we speak agree with His Kingdom and His Word?

The Lord says:

I spoke for 6 days and created the heavens, the earth and all that exists. Jesus spoke and the dead were raised, the sick were healed, the demons were cast out and the oppressed were made whole. You were created in our image. Your words have power, the power to bless and do good or the power to curse and do evil. I charge you this day to examine your life, your marriage, your family, your ministry, your money, etc. What you see, the condition and state, is a result of what you have spoken. Your tongue is a weapon and your words are the flaming arrows and fiery swords. It is time to obey My Word in James chapter 3. Put a bridle on your tongue, a guard on your lips and a muzzle on your mouth. If you honor Me with your words and obey My commands with a gracious tongue, you will be prosperous and wise. There will be a turnaround in your life.

You are either summoning My kingdom to watch over and bring your words to pass or you are summoning and giving access to the demons of darkness. You may think, well that is extreme. No, it's truth and reality. You are a spiritual being living in a temporary carnal shell, the body. But the spiritual realm is full of activity, be it good or evil. Your eternal life, in heaven or hell, is not in the flesh but in the spirit.

Wake up, open your ears, eyes and heart to this revelation. Repent of the words you have spoken over yourself, others or situations. Now, today only say what is in agreement with My Holy Word, My heart and My Holy Spirit. Any thought, emotion or desire that is contrary and in opposition to Me must be taken captive, torn down and rejected. Slow down and ponder before you speak or respond. Wisdom comes through the waiting, but foolishness has no restraint.

Start saying what you want and desire. Calling forth what may seem impossible as though it were possible. Actually, all things are possible to those who believe. Do not limit Me but declare and decree My promises, My written Word and My spoken Word over yourself, your household, your church, community and country. Think big, ask big, believe big and watch the fruits of your lips bring the harvest!

DeAnn Diaz as received by Abba Father

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Remember your authority and assignment! The TRUTH is...Like and share or visit my YouTube channel, Voice of His Heart, a...
Fire or Ice?Please listen then like and share. God needs to speak this word now. Also, visit my YouTube channel at like ...
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