Fluent University

Fluent University

Modern education for new and emerging online service providers

Photos from Fluent University's post 22/12/2022

Have you ever invested in an online course, and….

A. Never even finished it
B. Got to the end and felt like nothing stuck
C. Felt like you didn’t commit yourself to the learning like you should have

It happens, and with so much going on in our lives, it can be super hard to get the most out of our investments online 🌟

We tried to make each of our Fluent courses super fun and engaging - so it doesn’t even feel like you’re ‘learning’ in a traditional sense

BUT we know that even with learning that doesn’t feel like learning, there can be struggles along the way.

So, here’s our quick little guide on how to get the most out of your online investments (whether these be courses, masterclasses, coaching etc.) 🤍

If you’ve got any tips yourself leave them down below in the comments too!

AND if you’re ready to jump in and invest (now that you know how to get the most out of your learning!!) head to the link in our bio. We have all of our signature courses available to purchase PLUS options to bundle and save if that tickles your fancy 🔥💸😍

Photos from Fluent University's post 16/12/2022

Some more Fluent Wins from some of our STAR students 🌟

We ove hearing about the progress you’re making in your businesses after completing the Fluent courses!!

Head to our stories to share your wins with us so we can celebrate you all building your dream businesses & living your best lives possible 🤍

Photos from Fluent University's post 08/12/2022

Running a business - while for the most part is focused on client work, there can be a bit of back-end admin that builds up on the side (especially as the clients come rolling in) 🔥

Here are a couple of systems and processes we recommend setting up as you start to gain some traction to keep things running smoothly and your stress levels down! 📉

These processes are likely to look different for each business and that’s ok! There’s no right or wrong when it comes to the way you want to run your business.

Feel it out, try new things and tweak your systems and processes as you go to make them work for you 🤍

P.S our signature course Pin & Thrive was designed to not only teach you the skills of Pinterest Management, but it’s also jam-packed with a ton of ‘running your business’ resources and tips to set up the back-end side of things.

If you’re looking for somewhere to start, that could be a good place. Link in our bio to find out more x


2023 is going to be your best year yet. We can feel it…

But why wait for the new year to get started on what you KNOW you want from your life? ✨

There’s still a whole month left of 2022, and while of course it’s bound to be filed with holiday celebrations (and probably a lot of food let’s be real…) it can actually be a really good time to start working towards those goals you have and the person you want to be in 2023 😉

Maybe that looks like starting to think about and plan out the things you want to do or change next year.

Maybe it looks like investing in learning some new skills or education that will help get you closer to the things you want to create.

Or maybe it looks like just starting the thing…because why wait?

And if starting your own business is on the horizon for 2023, we have our 3 signature courses here and ready for you to start now (because again - why wait right?)

P.S Black Friday may be over but these are still available to purchase as bundles if you want to save some $$$ and get the most out of our offerings!

Head to the link in our bio to check them out 🤍

Photos from Fluent University's post 02/12/2022

Some 🔥🔥🔥 reviews on the Fluent courses from some of our past students

With each course, we’ve tried to take the key information, resources and tips we WISH we had’ve known when we were first starting out (because we all start somewhere right?) and put it all together in one easy to follow & fun to do course.

Learning a new skill doesn’t have to be boring and taking your career and freedom into your own hands doesn’t have to be hard! ❤️‍🔥

Check out our courses via the link in our bio to find out more x

Photos from Fluent University's post 27/11/2022

How are you feeling in your business right now?

Running a business and working for yourself can bring with it waves of “hell yes this is amazing - I LOVE what I do,” mixed with “what am I doing???? I can’t do this.”

And it’s so normal for your confidence and motivation to come and go 🙃

But if you’re in a bit of a confidence slump right now - questioning whether you’re ‘good enough’

Here are a couple of things you can try to boost that confidence 📈📈📈

Because you ARE good enough, you CAN do it, and you’re so worthy of building the successful, fulfilling biz of your dreams ✨

P.S All of our courses are currently on SALE in our bundle offerings! Head to the link in our bio to check it out 😍

Photos from Fluent University's post 15/11/2022

Some 🔥 FREEBIE ideas for when you (or your client - hellooo email marketers 👋🏼) are trying to grow your email list

Swipe across to see >>>

We’ve got a ton more helpful resources just like this inside allll of our courses, (& this one is expanded inside Flodesk Fluency!) because we know just how beneficial they can be to refer to when you’re just starting out!

Course enrollment isn’t currently open but follow along and keep your eyes out 👀 for some possible reopenings in the near future ✨

Photos from Fluent University's post 02/11/2022

Some TRUTHS about working for yourself 🔥🔥🔥

Got any other truths to share with us? Pop them down in the comments 👇🏼

Photos from Fluent University's post 30/10/2022

For all of you out there feeling a bit meh in your business at the moment 👀

These feelings come & go in waves, but remember - you started your business for freedom, for fun and because you wanted to be able to live life on your terms.

Make sure that doesn’t get lost amongst the noise of the everyday 💓

Swipe for some 🔥 tips to help you out of your funk


So you want to start an online business

Maybe you’re interested in Pinterest Management? In Blogging? In Virtual Assisting? Email Marketing?

But how do you know when you’re aaaaactually ready to dive in the deep end and do it?

Well here’s a few signs:

🌟 You’ve done your research and you know exactly what you need to do/learn/commit to be able to start your business

🌟 You know your drivers & your reasons why - whether it be wanting more freedom in your life, more flexibility or just being passionate about the work!

🌟 You feel safe and secure in making any sacrifices needed to start your business (for example: you still have an income on the side to survive on while you’re building your biz!)

🌟 And finally, you have that ‘can’t sit still because I just wanna DO the thing’ type feeling and you can’t wait to get started

At the end of the day, YOU know when you’re ready, and when you are - we’ll be here to help you along the way 💓

Photos from Fluent University's post 24/10/2022

Some 🔥🔥🔥 reviews from our Fluent University students lately

We may not have any courses open at the moment, but there are a ton of exciting things coming your way towards the end of the year

If you’re one of our Fluent students we want to hear from you! Leave your thoughts below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Photos from Fluent University's post 19/10/2022

Feeling a little stuck in your biz at the moment?

Well don’t worry - you’re not alone 😅

Swipe through to see some of the questions people have been asking, and our solutions to get you back on the right path ❤️‍🔥

Got a problem we haven’t answered? Head to our stories and ask - we’re going to through some!


Ok - one of the BIGGEST things we hear from people who are ready to start their own online business but haven’t yet done it is…

✨ I want to but I’m scared I’ll be judged ✨

Now stop right there for a minute ✋🏼

Here’s the thing. You can’t control the judgements, the thoughts, the emotions of the people around you.

All you can control is you.

So often when people are ‘judging’ you for doing something that YOU know is right for yourself, they’re actually just projecting their own insecurities onto the situation.

And over time - the more you focus on what YOU want, what YOU know is right for you and what you KNOW you’re capable of, the judgement won’t hit so close to home.

In fact, when you’re out there running a successful online business bringing in those big cash months ($$$$ 😍) I bet you won’t be thinking about the judgement at all.

So ditch the people in your life who will judge you for going after what you want, and surround yourself with those who are happy to support you and build you up - they’re all you need anyway.

And go out there and start 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 damn 👏🏼 thing 👏🏼.

You’re ready

Photos from Fluent University's post 12/10/2022

The 3 things you should have on your business Instagram to boost your chances of finding (& securing) those clients!! ❤️‍🔥

It’s important to remember - you want to make your offers, your experience/results and your unique approach as clear as possible to your potential clients so they can decide if you’re the right fit for each other.

Keep things simple, straightforward and to-the-point, but don’t be afraid to add a bit of personality in there (we all love a bit of spice right?!)

Do you have these 3 things set up? 👇🏼


A reminder that those ideas in your head ARE good enough, and you DO have what it takes to bring them to life ❤️‍🔥

So often we get caught up with all the possibilities. All the could do’s. All the want to do’s.

But that fear can creep in so easily - the self doubt an the “but do I really have what it takes?”

But action is the key to everything.

If you want to do something - do it.

If you have an idea - bring it to life.

Don’t let fear hold you back from all you are capable of.

Start bringing those words, thoughts, ideas into reality. It’s crazy how much can happen when you do ✨

Photos from Fluent University's post 29/09/2022

The signs as online businesses part 2 ❤️‍🔥

Which one is yours? Does the shoe fit?? 🤔👀

Photos from Fluent University's post 18/09/2022

FLODESK FLUENCY is here and we couldn’t be more excited 🥳

We’ve been in the marketing game for a while, and through the experience we’ve had both in offering this as a service for clients, but also experimenting with our own Email Marketing, we’ve found that nothing beats the ease and aesthetics of Flodesk 🤩

Here is a little breakdown of exactly what Flodesk is and why it’s so great (in case you’ve been wondering)

And if you’re interested in learning more, we go through everything from the backend of the software, to the set up, to mastering email marketing and working with clients in Flodesk Fluency.

The link is in our bio to sign up - doors close tonight! 💓


In honor of Flodesk Fluency launching, we wanted to give you 3 of our TOP TIPS for email marketing (whether for yourself or a client) ❤️‍🔥

1. Keep the back-end of your email marketing organized: There’s nothing worse than having your lists, segments and tags all scattered and not being able to keep track of your subscribers or target specific sections of your audience.

2. Make your emails something people actually WANT to read: You know what it’s like - we all get tonssss of emails every single day, and there’s a definite distinction between the ones you want to open and the ones you just can’t be bothered with. Keep your subject lines & hooks exciting, and use the design tools (there are heaps in Flodesk for you to make use of) to make reading the email a high vibe experience for your audience.

3. Stay consistent: Nurture your audience and make sure you’re always offering value and building trust through the emails you’re sending (rather than just straight selling!)

If you want to learn more about the world of email marketing and learn specialist skills in Flodesk which you can use both for your clients business and your own, head to the link in our bio to sign up now! 🌟

Photos from Fluent University's post 12/09/2022

Jobs You Can Do Online: Email Marketing Edition 💻❤️‍🔥

So we’ve explored Pinterest, we’ve touched on Blogging, what’s next? Now we’re diving into allll things Email Marketing (in honour of our exciting laiunch of Flodesk Fluency next week 👀)

Email Marketing is a great skill to have as an online business owner, and can be used either as it’s own niche or as an add-on offering to your already-established toolkit of skills.

So have a swipe through as we break-down Email Marketing, and set your alarms for tomorrow morning when our exciting new course launches 😍

Photos from Fluent University's post 07/09/2022

Being a business owner, it’s SO SO important to continually be learning, educating yourself and upping your skillset - not only to benefit you clients & service offerings, but your own growth too! 🔥

There are so many skills you can learn that you can apply to both your own marketing & your clients (because after all - you’re both running businesses here right?!)

So what are some of our faves that you may want to start getting savvy with? Swipe across to see >>>>

We’ve got something coming suuuuper soon to help you add another handy skill to your business toolkit. Any guesses on what it could be? 😍

Photos from Fluent University's post 02/09/2022

Write a caption... So you’ve been seeing our posts talking alll about how possible it is for you to start your own online business and have all the freedom that comes with working for yourself? 😍

But let us guess, you’re not sure where to start??!

Here are 5 steps you can take to begin the journey of starting your own business (promise it’s not as scary as it sounds!), and if you find you need a lil something more, and have a ton more information too!!

So what are you waiting for? ❤️‍🔥

Photos from Fluent University's post 23/08/2022

The signs as online business owners…(Part 1)

Drop yours below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Is it accurate? 😏


A quick TIP 🔥🔥🔥

For those of you who are just starting out, or perhaps have been in the game for a while, we’re sure you’re more than aware of the power Instagram has as a Marketing tool.

It’s our go-to for reaching clients, promoting services, building community and scaling your business 🌟

But one the BIGGEST things to remember as you build your audience on Instagram and put yourself infront of potential clients…

Is that you’re creating content FOR your ideal client!!!

- You’re not creating content for you

- You’re not (in many cases) creating content for your peers in your industry

- You’re creating content for the people you want to work with (and who you hope will want to work with you!)

So tap into those pain points, into the emotions their feeling, the things they need help with, and create content that makes them feel like you’re talking directly TO them.

That’s where the full potential of building a business on IG is at 😍

Photos from Fluent University's post 12/08/2022

So you want to start an online business where you can work & make $$$ for yourself 😍✋🏼😏

You KNOW you can do it. You KNOW it’s possible and you’re SO excited to get started.

There’s just one issue…

You need to tell your parents that this is what you’re going to pursue 😅

Approaching this, for many people, will be stressful and super anxiety-inducing. It may also be super hard to predict how your parents will actually respond.

Here are a couple of tips to make the conversation a little easier and make sure you’re prepared for a mature chat 🤍


Who else is out here ready to make an amazing life for themselves? ✋🏼

🌟 No more settling for a sh*tty job just because it’s what we thinking we ‘should be’ doing

🌟 No more running out of time to actually LIVE our lives

🌟 No more sacrificing what we actually want for playing it safe

There are endless possibilities and opportunities in this world if only we’re brave enough and willing to actually go after them 🤍


PSA!!! 🌟

Today is the FINAL day to join us in Blogging Blueprint before we close enrollment for now (we haven’t confirmed when we will reopen enrollment so make sure you get in so you don’t miss out!)

It’s time for the upgraded blogging education you’ve been waiting for!

Whether you’re looking to:

✨ Add a new skill to your VA toolkit

✨ Learn how to work for yourself online and make money blogging for clients

✨ Improve your blogging skills to better serve your current clients

We’re here to share the blueprint for blogging, which you can use to help other business owners who need to outsource their blogging, have the freedom to work for yourself, and make $$$ by doing what you love 💙

PLUS (because why not throw another goodie in there 😏) we've decided to add the option to bundle Pin & Thrive for $100 off when you buy Blogging Blueprint! That means you can grab the two courses together and save $$

Head to the link in our bio to sign up before we close the doors 🥰

Photos from Fluent University's post 27/07/2022

Want to stand out as a blogging VA? 🤩

The industry is expanding that’s for sure, but just because more and more people are starting businesses online, it doesn’t mean there’s any less work available to you!

Blogging is a service that will ALWAYS be needed by business owners, brands and service providers alike 🌟

So how can you stand out amongst the crowd within the VA industry so you can get those dreamy clients and have the $$ rolling in?

Swipe to find out 👀

Photos from Fluent University's post 25/07/2022


The next course from us at Fluent University launches today, and we could not be more excited!

We’re here to share the blueprint for blogging you can use to help other business owners who need to outsource their blogging.

Because here’s the thing…

You could be making money by spending your time learning about new topics, writing your heart out, monitoring analytics and managing blogs for clients that you love (and who love you!) 👀

You could literally be turning your passion into a business (not to mention a business that gives you time, travel and financial freedom) 🕝🌎💸

Blogging Blueprint is here to help you gain the knowledge you need to blog confidently, and wield the business tools you need to fill your calendar.

Head to the link in our bio to find out more information. Enrollment closes in just 1 week, so make sure you jump in and sign up to make sure you don’t miss out! 💙


It’s that time again…

Time to get tagging 🔖 🔖 🔖

Tag someone who never changes out of their pyjamas while working from home.

I know we’re all guilty of this lol but it’s time to out the ultimate offender 😅

Photos from Fluent University's post 19/07/2022

Some of the amazing wins we’ve had from Fluent students 😍😍😍

It’s so amazing to see all of the business growth, the clarity, the confidence and the inquiries our students get (and some of it happens right after they’ve finished the course!!)

There’s space out there for all of us to succeed, make $$$ and do what we love 🤍

Keep an eye out - a new course is dropping in less that a week 👀
