

All things for the love of plants. 🌱
I post plant pictures and cute quotes. πŸ–Ό
Follow for amazing things in the future!πŸ‘
All pictures are mine 😁


All sorts of fun things are popping out of our mystery pot!! Extra scraps and pieces get tossed in the pot to see what will grow and this is the first one doing anything!! Do you have a scrap pot?!


Close up of this cutie! Such a cute little baby coming into it's own!
What are some of you newest tiny ones? Let me know below!


I don't know about ya'll, but I'm busy planting!


I love these two! They LOVE hanging out together! Some would say they might even be... attached? 🀣


Expand your mind, expand your world!


This guy has proven his worth! The poor thing has been over watered and stuck in a dim light situation.. yes, I did this... but he is holding strong and putting out new growth!! What strong willed plants do you have?!


How are those plants doing through the winter right now? I hope you and your plants are all snug and cozy!


Manjulas are so beautiful! Im falling more and more in love with all the crinkle leaf plants out there! Whats your fav leaf look like?


Getting so close to Christmas and the Holiday's! Are you plants getting into the spirit at all?


You only, live once... So buy MORE PLANTS! 🀣🀣
Am I right though?


Hoping Santa didn't catch me breaking all my plant bans this year!! I promise i was good and only got the plants i absolutely needed!! πŸŒ±πŸŒ΅πŸ€£πŸŽ…


Do you agree? All of my plants sure make me happier! Drop an emoji in the comments if you agree!


I swear this is one of my favs! It will grow thru any conditions and always looks so dainty! Whats your obsession plant right now?!


Fiddle Leaf is finally doing his thing. He dropped a few leaves after bringing him home but hasnt lost any recently!!! Do you have any plants that took a while to adjust to moving?! Drop them in the comments!


Don't let being afraid hold you back! Conquer you fears!


Wax Plant Wednesday!! I plant sat for a friend for a few months and this Krinkle was my thank you gift!! So adorable!! Whats your favorite Hoya?


I think this is one of the truest quotes I have ever posted! I always try to find the good in every person and situation! How do you make the best of things? Let me know below!
Don't forget to check out my store @ !


We're really getting into the holiday spirit around here! Are any of your plants decorated or have holiday themed pots?


Will you look at this leaf?! You can have all of your plants set up some where looking great, but they are still so beautiful when you take a closer look individually! This is my favorite leaf of the week! I am so excited for this little one!


You can have all the gadgets and fashion you want, but having your own little piece of nature is priceless!


A quick shot from one of my favorite shelves! Can you name all of the plants pictured here? Give it a try! Leave your guesses in my comments!


Just staring at plants can be soothing. Do you ever take time to stop and smell the roses?!


Christmas spirit is shooting out all over the place!! Do you have any plants this excited for the holidays?!


Today is Small Business Saturday as well as my personal Sales Post Saturday! I am definitely a small business! πŸ˜‚ I also work full time.

But plants are more than a hobby for me. There are like an extension of my family. Everyone in the house loves them and supports the hobby!

Help support me little store centered around my favorite hobby. Houseplants! Even just taking a look and giving me feed back will help. Have a great weekend everyone!


These two are best friends! As you can see here, they love hanging out together. I think they look great together! Do you ever pair any of your plants up and it kind of just sticks?


Happy Thanksgiving! What are some things you are thankful for? Put them in the comments!


Do you have a Drop Pot that you throw all your extras into just to see what will happen? These always turn out to be some of my favorites!!πŸ’šπŸΊπŸŒ±β˜˜πŸŒ΅


Unless it is drama with your plants! Am I right?


I swear this is my last post of this guy for a while.. Watching him unfurl has just been so fun! Does anyone have any name ideas? Im thinking something sophisticated!?πŸ§πŸŽ©πŸ’šπŸŒ±


Check out some of the awesome T-shirts I have in my store! We are getting close to Black Friday!

Two questions:
1) Which T-shirt is your favorite?
2) Should I do a Black Friday sale?

Let me know your answers below!
And check out my store at


What are ya'll doing on this Fantastic Friday?! I'm gonna stare at this flower until it blooms!πŸ’šπŸŒ±


As we move closer to Thank Giving, we start to think more about the things we are thankful for. What is something you are grateful for? Put it in the comments below!


Wishing my hair was as long as this pothos!! Do you have any plants that just do their own thing?!


Speaking of planting seeds, what is your most recent plant that your started caring for?


On this 3rd Monstera Monday of November, I would proudly like to announce out FIRST SPLIT!! This may be one of the most exciting moments of my life!! 🌿🌱


I think all things grow like a garden. Skills, relationships, knowledge. That is why it is important to take care of the things around you and water them with love! Do you agree?


I love my hanging plants, my climbing plants, and my normal potted ones all the same! Do you have a preference though?


Hi everyone! I would like to introduce you to some awesome shirt designs I have worked long and hard on!

You can now show off your love for your plant hobby with cute and funny plant designs!

Houseplants are truly a passion of mine and hope you will share it with me in some stylish ways!


My favorite! Chopping and propping!! What's your favorite plant chore?!


I feel like I have learned so much how long I have been taking care of so many plants. But I know I still have so much to learn!
Drop me a plant tip in the comments! I love to learn how to take care of my babies better!vibes
