Aatman Journeys

Aatman Journeys

Creative Healing Community
Nature Based Practices
Expressive Arts
Alternative Healing


Introducing our first Fursat Gathering in the beautiful mountains of Bir-Billing in Himachal.

This is our response to a heartfelt need for a safe, loving and nurturing community space.

Join us for a day of Fursat - deep leisure and freedom to explore and express your authentic self through different art modalities.

It’s not about being skilled at any art, it’s only about keeping an open heart and mind.

Take the leap!


An invitation to an invaluable experience!


Workshop 1:
Developing your personal mindfulness practice - with Dr. Smita Kumar

A 4 week program

Oct 10 - 31, 2021

Click here to register: https://forms.gle/8fhdhkJDcynrauAq9

NOTE: Program Fees Applicable

If you have any questions or concerns, contact us on +91-9871877438.


Do you find yourself struggling to have a sustained meditation practice?

You are not alone! Most of us struggle with maintaining a sustained practice; this four-week course in mindfulness is aimed at supporting you to develop and stick to a practice and to allow you to reconnect with your true nature. Mindfulness is a way of becoming aware of feelings, thoughts and experiences as they are, without a need to change them.

Mindfulness practices include attention training, breath-based meditation, mantra meditation, yoga practices, journaling, art-based practices and a combination of other techniques.

This 4 week course takes an experiential approach to foster:
1) a personal practice of mindfulness
2) to become more self aware
3) to gain a deeper understanding into how mindfulness impacts us, our relationships and environment.

In this course, participants will meet online for 4 group sessions and 4 individual sessions. They will be immersed in daily and weekly meditation practices, journaling, art based mindfulness practice and more.

Click here to register: https://forms.gle/8fhdhkJDcynrauAq9

NOTE: Program Fees Applicable

If you have any questions or concerns, contact us on +91-9871877438.


Workshop Alert!

Do you find yourself struggling to have a sustained meditation practice?

We may have just what you need!

Watch this space for more information.


Introducing Team Aatman


Amir is a certified Energy Vaastu Consultant and Aromacologist. His practice of Energy Vaastu which includes Correction of Geo-pathic stress coming from Earth and Aromacology-blending of Essential Therapeutic Oils, though based on traditional Vedic knowledge and ancient Ayurveda, is done through scientific means and understanding of latest research on the subject using Thermoscanner and corrective tools.

He also integrates Color Therapy, Crystal healing, Aura scanning, Charka Reading and Balancing through Harmoniser - a Scientific Energy balancer to bring about effective Mental, Emotional, Energetic and physical healing of the clients.

His modalities of Healing are versatile and are customised according to the client's needs.

He is also a Meditation Instructor and Life Coach.


Milo & Sufi - Our Spirit Squad

Keeping the space light and playful with their wagging tails and funny fails, during intense shadow work and contemplation.


Kopal is a certified Angel Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Oracle & Tarot Card Reader. She is also adept in Emotional Release therapy through Movement, Chakra healing, Moon and Sigil magic.

She specializes in helping adults and children to create healthy and fulfilling lives through spiritual life coaching, past life regression, dream therapy, relationship/couples therapy, emotional release techniques, angel oracle cards,  healing breathwork, simple meditation practices, affirmations , Sacred Woman Circle and self love workshops.

Her holistic (body-mind-emotions-spirit) approach can guide you to enhance every area of your existence — relationships, health, finances, intimacy, career, and spiritual growth — all while living one day at a time in a busy world.


Vasvi is an Intermodal Expressive Arts Practitioner, Psychologist and a certified Sivananda Yoga Teacher. She is also co-founder of Abhyaantar Healing Arts.

She uses a combination of art forms like painting, collage work, clay, puppetry, storytelling, creative movement, music, breath work and meditation along with elements of nature to help people get in touch with and express their deepest feelings and emotions. Her person-centered practice is based on the belief that all humans have within them a powerful source of wisdom and self-healing.

Vasvi’s intention through her practice is to empower individuals and groups to unlock that inner wisdom with creativity, spontaneity and mindfulness.


Smita is a yogi, educator and a researcher! She has performed varied roles, from teacher and researcher to community worker, yoga instructor, HR leader, and activist. She has been a wanderer, pursuing opportunities to study, work, and live in nine cities across three continents. Her varied transnational experiences have instilled a deep faith in human flourishing and lifelong learning.

Smita’s mindfulness journey is rooted in both, hatha yoga and Buddhist meditations. She started practicing yoga nearly two decades ago, largely to find healing from her personal experience of intimate partner violence. Smita has taught hatha yoga and meditation classes across several countries and in diverse setting (community, university classroom and yoga studio) for nearly a decade.

Having worked for over 20 years across corporates and academia, Smita finds teaching mindfulness, yoga and holding space for healing to be more fulfilling!


Nishtha is a certified Expressive Arts Therapy facilitator, co-founder of Abhyaantar Healing Arts and a farmer.

This happy journey started for her after she quit her corporate job with a desire to invest in a more life enriching work. Her love for art and keenness to make a difference in people's lives, made expressive arts therapy a natural choice.

She has immense faith in the power of arts and believes that self-expression through arts facilitates personal growth and transformation. This trust is rooted in her personal experience of self-discovery through creative self-expression.

Her role as a farmer has helped her to be in close  engagement with nature and its healing energy. This connection with nature in her routine life is the foundation of  her practice of nature based expressive arts therapy.

As a facilitator she aims at creating a safe, compassionate and encouraging atmosphere that promotes honest self-inquiry and an authentic expression.


Saket Anand works as a professor at a research-led teaching institute. He is a passionate researcher, avidly applying Artificial Intelligence technology to wildlife conservation and sustainable agriculture. His childhood curiosity about wildlife and nature has evolved into a deep realisation of him being one of nature's children.

Throughout his adult life, nature has been an integral part, be it by hiking and camping, travels, or his work in technology! With Aatman, he is rediscovering the role of nature, creativity and awareness in one's mental, physical and spritual well-being.


Tara & Mow - Our Spirit Squad

Keeping the space light and playful with their wagging tails and funny fails, during intense shadow work and contemplation.


Prarthna Parker is an aspiring film maker, currently working as an Assistant Director in the Hindi film industry. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Advertising from the University of Delhi.

Since childhood, the idea of presenting stories has been dear to her as she resided in a place which was inside a cinema house compound. This art of storytelling got her glued to the idea of telling stories of all kinds through this medium. Just a peep through a lens can make you travel places and feel without verbalizing or analyzing.

Prarthna loves to observe her surroundings and come out with a story which can make people laugh. Her aim is to create realistic, authentic cinema which offers people the opportunity to live different colours of life.

Through the medium of visuals she will give you a peep into the world of Atman and our various healing modalities.


❣️A heart-centered space for kindred spirits to come together and experience oneness and deep reverence for the self, each other and Mother Earth.

🌱We bring you this platform both online and eventually offline at our beautiful farm in Himachal with the focus to help each of us realize our potential as creative, grounded, connected children of Gaia.

Watch this space for more details.


At the center of everything we do at Aatman retreats is our love for Nature and our focus on helping you revive your connection with it on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual.
As you tap into the healing power of our nature-based practices and therapies you will create pathways to reconnect with and repair your innate bond with nature. It is a deeply effective way to find true harmony within and without. This experience of oneness with the natural world is a powerful means to get in touch with your own inner nature, power and authenticity.

Watch this space for more details.


❤️‍🩹As human beings, we are wired to move towards survival, resilience and the light when faced with darkness and challenges.
When rocked by traumatic experiences, physical illness and pathological states, we seek healing to bring our life energies back to a state of harmony.

☯️We believe that each one is already a healer from within and has the capacity to self-transform. At Aatman, we seek to become catalysts for your healing journey by offering that extra empowering push through our wonderful range of therapies and techniques in order to help you identify the root cause, discover ways to transform and eventually heal on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

✨ Watch this space for more details.


☮️ Meditation has been a pathway for accessing the highest ecstatic states and the ultimate spiritual goal – enlightenment, for many cultures from ancient times. Being meditative is a quality that humans naturally possess. One only needs to shun the distractions that veil this inherent meditativeness present within all of us.

🧘‍♂️At Aatman, we provide a wide array of meditation techniques which allow acclimatization of the mind to silence and one pointed focus. With regular application of these tools, the true Self shines forth.

✨ Watch this space for more details.


🌱A heart-centered space for kindred spirits to come together and experience oneness and deep reverence for the self, each other and Mother Earth.

🌍We bring you this platform both online and eventually offline at our beautiful farm in Himachal with the focus to help each of us realise our potential as creative, grounded, connected children of Gaia.

✨Watch this space for more details.


🎨The arts have been used as a medium of expression since time immemorial and their therapeutic value has been tapped in every culture. Creative expression aids us to become playful, experience emotional release and gain insight into our deepest feelings.

🎭At Aatman, we use a variety of arts - visual art, dance, music, drama, creative writing, and elements of nature to enable you to explore and fully express various aspects of your inner and outer worlds.

☣️Our facilitators take immense care to establish an environment of trust and understanding in order to ensure your healing and personal growth.

Watch this space for more details.


🧘‍♂️Yoga as an ancient system goes far beyond its popular reputation as a tool for physical fitness. On your inner quest for healing and growth, engage in a yogic practice with us to experience perfect peace, balance and harmony by bringing the body, mind and soul in alignment.

Watch this space for more details.


🧜🏼‍♀️Our metaphysical shop is certain to leave you awestruck with its treasure trove of healing products - Herbs, Crystals, Essential Oils and much more.

🌀Derived from the long-lost wisdom of our ancestors and the bounty of Mother Earth, we bring you products that are handmade, handpicked and carefully curated with gratitude and love to speed up your healing process.

✨ Watch this space for more details.

Videos (show all)

An invitation to an invaluable experience!🧘🏽‍♀️Workshop 1: Developing your personal mindfulness practice - with Dr. Smit...
Do you find yourself struggling to have a sustained meditation practice?You are not alone! Most of us struggle with main...
🌱A heart-centered space for kindred spirits to come together and experience oneness and deep reverence for the self, eac...