MaryAnn Vazzano

MaryAnn Vazzano

Life and Luv of life...
I am Blessed...


He saves mine on a daily basis. It a standing request🙏


Some Cabbage Patch babies to cheer you up!❤️
Patti Oltmanns


¸¸'•. ¸.•' ⁀⋱‿•.♡.•⁀🩷‿..🌿.🌸.🦋.~🌻🪻💐Wishing you a Beautiful, Blessed Day!🌿.🌸.🌿.🦋.•.༺.• ღ•⚘️💛🪻🌻💜💐༺•.🌿.🩷.🌿.


26 years next Wednesday
Luv you so much
and Cindy Lou Rablin VanCleave
your still a keeper...
also Heath VanCleave


my mind is like doesn't want to think so I keep it busy with beautiful pictures and luvles sayings


Not to brag or anything, but I’ve been the same gender since birth. I bet this won’t get shared or stolen 😂😂Only 2 genders. Male and Female.


To my soulmate, the love of this life and many lifetimes before and for all eternity!


I'm now at the age where i really appreciate a nice handrail.


The reality is that you will grieve forever..


Today is February 5 2024.
When I say God is the reason we are still breathing, what would you say?


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☼ If you have an amazing daughter, post this as your status ☼
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I am blessed to have everything I need. I am working hard for everything I want. Most importantly, I am thankful for all that God has given me. Amen.🙏Thank you God has given us everything.


Bobby StilfieldGood Morning‼️ My prayer today is that you keep trying. We tend to give up once things get hard. I realized I feel better once I put in the hard work! Don’t allow negativity to discourage you! Focus on what’s In front of you and the rest will follow! Remember only think positive thoughts. YOU GOT THIS 🎊
🎉 H A P P Y • T H U R S D A Y 🎉


I don’t want ANYTHING for Christmas…I just want everything to fall in place for me & my kids, going into the new year.🥹


I never chose this path in my life..
It chose me.
I didn’t set out to be strong, I just wanted to be happy..
I ended up getting strong in the process.
The twists and the turns, the failures and falls, they all tried to bring me down.
I smiled as life tried to consume me in the fire of struggle..for it knew, my warrior heart ❤️ was forging in the flames.
I wasn’t a survivor, I was a fighter. I am a fighter!
Truthfully, I only had two choices- rise up & rise above or plummet to rock bottom.
Strong women don’t know how to quit, it’s not in my genes.
I may have started this life bright eyed and innocent, but I’ve emerged a fiery Phoenix, able to overcome anything.
People have & will compliment my courageous and never-say- I can’t attitude, because they don’t know the price I’ve paid to become the person I am.
So many hard nights crying tears, wondering why life was so mean to me!
The challenging days when everything went wrong..they’ll never know my journey as no two people are the same, we’re unique! But it made me stronger, wiser and better..
I did everything for myself, because I had dreams to chase and goals to attain, and I knew no one could get me there but me.
I’ve picked myself up countless times, had my heart broken too often, but I always found my way..with the help of my FAITH
eventually, I even found myself and self love along the way.
That thing called love?
Well I have plenty of it for myself and my people, I’m fine with my life staying that way if that’s how it ends up.
I built high walls around my heart after all the bad choices that led to heartbreak, so I’m in no hurry to find true love.
If love does come calling, great, but it will have to be on my terms.
I’ll never settle, sacrifice or compromise myself or my principles.
To the right one, I won’t have to explain who I am…..they’ll just know.
So, until that person shows up, I’m going to keep flying high and loving life..
I’ve paid dearly to become who I am, so I’m living every day to its fullest and chasing the things that fill my soul.
Maybe I’m not perfect, but I’m not trying to always be better than I was yesterday, I’ll leave “PERFECT” for all the fake people following ridiculous trends just to be like everyone else.
I’m perfectly imperfect in my own beautiful unique way. And you know what?
I’d rather be happy than perfect.
So that’s just what I’ll be. Happy until I hear my name being called from above, then I’ll even be happier 🙏❤️🙏
Here on earth, it’s my way, my style, my choices..
That’s what strong women do..
And that’s what I’ll always be,
Strong, Proud and Unstoppable!


Good Day Beautiful Messengers!
I wanted to take a moment and pause and express my gratitude to any who read this to know I’m so grateful in your participation and sharing thoughts and sharing with others.
I started this page to have a place to express my curiosity of everything that catches my attention to dive a bit deeper. I kinda knew I cannot be the only person with insights wanting to share with like minded people. I also love when someone is willing to engage and ask and share their perception. Giving and recieving to grow and understand.
I also wanted my family and especially my kids (who are grown adults) have a place to see me as a person … more than just the label of mom. I mean, my kids are some of my favorite people to connect with but I also understand they are busy with life and four hour conversations cannot be had all the time. But when we do it is so soul connecting. Lots of depth, laughter, remembering, sharing!
So now you know the why and I want to let you all know I am a one man show on this particular page and I do my best to acknowledge anyone who takes the time to comment and share. There are a few things I want to make sure you are aware of.
1. Your personal stories are seen by thousands of people ( the page is much bigger than I ever imagined) it is public which means some not so kind people might comment because their lack of understanding of your sharing. You deserve to have space to share and not have to deal with an emotionally keyboard bully. If this happens I encourage you to not engage with these keyboard bullies. It will be emotionally charging for you.
2. For those that post defensive responses such as “Bullsh*t” or “you are wrong” but don’t care to expand on your perception your comments will be deleted. Why? Because that is not expanding awareness of your point of view… it is simply attacking to prove wrong and evoke a back and forth of what I call the proving game. Even if you are right it is wrong to communicate in a way that leaves someone believing he/she is wrong or right. It is unproductive and often discourages people to share . I love knowing how people perceive anything shared. I would invite you to share and be curious enough to ask questions and let us all learn and grow together even if we don’t land on the same page I can have an understanding of your perception.
3. Every meme shared is not my personal belief system. The memes shared here caught my attention to stop and think about. Sometimes I will share some clarification of my perception but truth is I do not have time to do with each meme. However, for those who ask I will answer. The best way for me to see your question or reply is to type Beautiful Mess and tap when prompted. This gives me notifications that I was mentioned in a reply. I check daily for these replies. I want to make sure you receive a reply if you took time to make a comment directed to me.
4. Just a small note I do block anyone who requests others to click a link to go to a different page to become friends, sell anything, give advice.


I often say " I live with no regrets".....not giving much thought to the statement... It is straightforward enough ... Recently events in my life created pause at that expression....,"no regrets' is that true? what does that even mean to me? So.. Me being me ... I started reading and asking questions... and then I read this
" Living with no regrets doesn't mean living with courage... It means living without reflection. To live without regret is to believe you have nothing to learn, no amends to make, no opportunity to be braver with your life"
I read that over and over to sink in and absorb... humbling... Truth telling experience....I became reflective of my recent events and even further back.... I do have regrets... not of specific events but regrets of not being me... using my voice... my failures to not be courageous in kindness to others and myself by setting healthy boundaries... speaking my truth... Where I chose being liked or accepted over compassion toward another to meet my desire... in those moments to belong...
even in this moment of sharing it feels shameful to even reveal this truth of me... My ego saying inwardly "what the hell are you doing? " my higher self full of compassion and love toward those parts of me that do not want to be seen....with wisdom.. replies softly to my ego..." Creating space for you to breathe and be seen... to create the connection you seek ..... This level of vulnerability.... trust has to be practiced over and over for you to believe your worthiness of love... with your mistakes...having witnesses to your labeled failures.... in this truth telling of you is where your courageousness lies... in being raw and exposed.... vulnerable.... heart on your sleeve... All in.... That is where love lives.... in truth telling...there are also truths about regrets.... reflecting on choices and consequences..
Shared in the same reading
" regret is what taught me that living outside my values is not tenable for me. Regrets about not taking chances have made me braver. Regrets about shaming and blaming people I care about have made me more thoughtful .... sometimes the most uncomfortable learning is the most powerful"
Regrets... are gifts to reflect and see the truth of our choices... To see ourselves as not failures but curious explorers of our soul path... it is messy... and beautiful humbling... all at the same time
Love love
Radiate... Shine... Sparkle


I wish I had I someone who doesn't make me sad anymore. I am done with heartbreaks .
I need someone who can hold me in the nights at 3 am and can say "its gonna be okay, I am with you. I will always be there, no matter how bad things turn out to be. I will always be there."
I need that lady 👰 in my life.
