Jay’s Soldier Fit

Jay’s Soldier Fit

Jay’s Soldier Fit was founded by Jay and Lin Johnson in 2001 as a way to help people reach their fitness goals.

The camps quickly gained recognition from many Dallas area organizations as an effective way to get in shape and boost self-confidence.


What are the benefits of doing belly workouts?
Doing belly workouts have many benefits that can help women achieve a better physique. Some of these include:

They reduce the risk of abdominal diseases – Do belly workouts to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles so you can avoid being at risk for diseases such as type-2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, etc.​

They are effective in toning the body – Since belly workouts mainly target the abdominal muscles, they can help tone the body and look slimmer when combined with a cardio routine.
They improve one’s balance – Do these workouts to strengthen your core, improving your balance, especially in elderly women who have a decreased sense of balance since they challenge small stabilizing muscles.
They can be done at home – Belly workouts can be done easily at home without the help of any special equipment, which means women don’t have to spend much time in gyms.

They are easy to do – There are many belly exercises that people can do quite easily because it mainly targets the abdominal muscles. The key is to stay still and raise or lower one’s body without too much strain.

What are your thoughts on belly workouts? Please feel free to let us know in the comments below!


What are some examples of belly workouts?
There are a lot of workouts that can help strengthen the abdominal muscles. Some of these can be done at home while others require special equipment or certain sports facilities.

Here are some examples of belly workouts that people can do at home:

Crunches – This exercise activates the muscles around the abdomen and improves core strength. People can do crunches by lying down flat on a mat with their legs bent. They should keep their feet about hip distance apart with hands placed under their lower back for support. Then, they have to slightly curl up their body but make sure that they only move from the waist up. This exercise can be done repeatedly for about 15 minutes.

Planks – This exercise can be done on the floor or even better, against a wall for support. The user should place their forearms against the wall with elbows locked. They then have to raise their body up and put all of their weight on their toes and forearms. The goal is to form a straight line with the torso, neck, and head while keeping the abdomen contracted without letting it sag downwards.

Seated twists – This exercise can help activate the muscles around the abdomen since it requires a lot of flexibility. The user can sit on a mat and stretch their arms out in front with palms facing down. Then, they have to twist their torso left and right while contracting the abdominal muscles for a few minutes each day or even every other day.

Leg raises – This is one of the best belly workouts for those who want to strengthen and tone their abdominal muscles. People can do leg raises by lying flat on a mat and keeping their hands under their glutes for support. They then have to slightly curl up their body and lift both legs off the ground until they form a straight line from shoulders to knees. Then, they have to bring their knees back down and repeat the exercise.

Twisting crunches – This exercise tones the muscles around the abdomen as well as improve core strength. People can do twisting crunches by lying flat on a mat with one hand placed behind their head. Then, they should slightly curl up their body until it forms a V and lift their legs off the ground. They should then twist their torso (keep their legs in place) and contract the abdominal muscles for a few seconds. Then, they have to bring their arms out to the front and curl up their body until it forms a straight line from head to toes. Then, they have to return to the initial position and repeat the exercise for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Russian twists – These exercises activate the muscles around the abdomen and improve core strength. People can do these by sitting on a mat with their knees bent and slightly raised off the ground. They should keep their feet together and hold a weight (medicine ball or a drink) in both hands, resting it on their thighs. Then, they have to twist their torso left and right for two to three minutes while keeping their shoulders still. They should do three sets of this workout each day.

Side planks – These are great belly workouts for toning the abdominal muscles as well as improving core strength. People need to lie on one side with feet stacked over each other. Then, they have to prop up their body on one forearm while keeping their feet together and straight. They then have to raise their hips off the ground until their torso is in a straight line from head to feet. They can keep their legs firmly flexed or they can keep them extended if it’s difficult for them at first. The key is to keep the abdominal muscles contracted without moving too much. After a few seconds, they have to slowly lower their hips and repeat the exercise.

Crunches – These are some of the most common belly workouts that people do because it mainly targets the upper and middle abdominal muscles. People can do crunches by lying flat with their back pressed against a mat and with hands placed behind the head. They then have to slightly curl up their body while contracting the abdominal muscles for a few seconds. Then, they have to slowly lower themselves against the mat and repeat it after 30 seconds or so.


Who should be doing belly workouts?

As we have briefly mentioned on our previous post, there are many kinds of people who should do belly workouts.

The first group is athletes, bodybuilders, and gym-goers whose bodies are their tools for work. This is because they need to stay in shape in order to perform better at what they do best. Since the human body is a very complicated device, it does not take much effort to slow down the process of degeneration which is what they will get if they do not stay in shape.

Second, people who are obese should also join a gym or exercise at home. This is because the excess weight that they carry around their bodies can cause serious health problems like back pain and even hypertension. Belly workouts for obese people should focus on strengthening the core muscles because this will help them lose weight in a healthy manner.

Third, young people who are growing fast need to do belly workouts for two reasons. Firstly, their abdomen can bloat if they move around too much since their body is still developing. Secondly, exercising the muscle around the abdomen helps these kids stay hunched over when they sit down. This helps prevent back pain and other health conditions associated with hunched backs.

Belly workouts are also highly beneficial for senior citizens who are starting to feel the effects of old age. Since they cannot do intense exercises anymore, they need to focus on toning and strengthening their muscles so that they can stay in better shape or prevent some health problems from appearing.

Finally, people who suffer from certain health conditions should do belly workouts as well. For example, diabetics or those who have had a stroke need to exercise their muscles in order to improve their strength and flexibility. Belly workouts will help them achieve these goals and improve their overall health.


What are belly workouts?

Before diving into the different belly workouts that people can do, it is important to first know what they are. In a very simple way, belly workouts refer to exercises that focus on strengthening and toning the muscles of the abdomen. This means that those who do this kind of workout will achieve a better shape for their abdominals as well as improve their health.

Athletes, bodybuilders, gym-goers, and people who are seeking to improve their health and physique can all do belly workouts. People who fall into these categories often have the desire to stay in shape because that is what they need in order to become better at what they do, whether it is sports or business. Their bodies are used as a tool for their work so, staying healthy and fit is almost like breathing for them.

However, there are also people who do not fall into any of these categories whom should still do belly workouts. For example, kids who are growing fast have tight muscles around their abdomen which can get bloated if they move too much or stand out when they sit. People who are obese should join a gym or exercise at home so that they can reduce their weight.

Lastly, people who are suffering from certain health conditions, pregnant women, or even senior citizens can do belly workouts so that they can improve their overall fitness and well-being.


What are the workouts that can result in achieving the same physique?

Here is an example of a workout routine that you can try in order to achieve, or get closer to Michael B. Jordan’s Creed physique:

Day 7: Shoulders & Traps

Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

Barbell Squat / Front Raises / Lateral Raises – 4×12: Using an overhand grip, start by holding the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart in front of your hips. Slowly lower the weight as far down as you can while keeping your back straight, then push it back up to starting position as you flex your shoulders.
Barbell Upright Row / Face Pulls / Rear Delt Machine Flyes – 4×12: Using an upright row machine, grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip and pull it up until it is just beneath your chin, then lower it slowly back to starting position as you flex your shoulders.


What are the workouts that can result in achieving the same physique?

Here is an example of a workout routine that you can try in order to achieve, or get closer to Michael B. Jordan’s Creed physique:

Day 6: Back & Biceps
Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

Barbell Deadlift / Stiff Leg Deadlift / Reverse Cable Curls – 4×12: Using a barbell, pull the weight up towards your hips so that you feel a stretch on your hamstrings, then lower it slowly back to starting position as you flex your biceps.

Hyperextensions / T-bar Rows / Hammer Curls – 4×12: Using an adjustable hyperextension bench, lift the weight up so that your upper body is perpendicular to the ground. Then lower it slowly back to starting position as you flex your biceps.

Lat Pulldowns / Standing Barbell Curls / Concentration Curls – 3×12: Using a lat pulldown machine, adjust the seat so that your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Pull the weight down behind your head and then lower it slowly back to starting position as you flex your biceps.


What are the workouts that can result in achieving the same physique?

Here is an example of a workout routine that you can try in order to achieve, or get closer to Michael B. Jordan’s Creed physique:

Day 5: Chest, Triceps & Abs
Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

Incline Bench Press / Dips / Cable Rope Face Pulls – 4×12: Using an adjustable bench, lay on your back and lift the weight up to your chest, then lower it slowly back to starting position.

Barbell Bench Press / French Curls / Barbell Skull Crushers – 4×12: Using a barbell, lie down on a bench holding the bar above your head with a close grip. Lower the weight slowly to your forehead, then push it back up to starting position as you flex your triceps.

Decline Bench Press / Cable Rope Push Downs / Barbell Curls – 4×12: Using a decline bench press, grasp the bar so that it is about 1 inch away from your lower chest. Lean back against the bench and lift the weight up to full extension, then slowly bring it down to starting position as you flex your triceps.


What are the workouts that can result in achieving the same physique?

Here is an example of a workout routine that you can try in order to achieve, or get closer to Michael B. Jordan’s Creed physique:

Day 4: Legs & Abs
Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

Barbell Squat / Deadlift / Barbell Curls – 4×12: Using an overhand grip, start by holding the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart in front of your hips. Slowly lift the bar as you exhale, then lower it to starting position inhaling.

Leg Extension Machine / Hack Squats / Barbell Curls – 4×12: Using a leg extension machine, adjust the leg pad so that it is firmly against your quadriceps. Straighten your legs fully, then flex them again while contracting your quads to return to starting position.

Calf Raises / Calf Presses On Leg Press Machine / French Curls – 4×12: Using a barbell, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on the upper part of the bar. Slowly lift the weight as you exhale, then lower it to starting position inhaling

Leg Raises / Leg Curls – 3×12: Using dumbbells or ankle weights, lie down on your back and lift your legs until they are perpendicular to the ground. Then lower them slowly back to starting position.


What are the workouts that can result in achieving the same physique?

Here is an example of a workout routine that you can try in order to achieve, or get closer to Michael B. Jordan’s Creed physique:

Day 3: Shoulders, Traps & Abs
Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

Lateral Raises / Front Raises / Cable Crunches – 3×12: Using dumbbells, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the weights by your side. Lift them up to your sides until they are parallel to the ground, then lower them slowly back to starting position.

Shoulder Press / Shoulder Press / Leg Raises – 3×12: Using a barbell, press the weight overhead until your arms are straight and then lower slowly back to starting position.

Decline Crunches / Cable Rope Face Pulls – 3×12: This can be done by grabbing cables with an overhand grip and lying on a decline bench so that the cables are at about your chin level. Pull them towards your face, then return to starting position.

(see next POST to continue . . )


What are the workouts that can result in achieving the same physique?

Here is an example of a workout routine that you can try in order to achieve, or get closer to Michael B. Jordan’s Creed physique:

Day 2: Chest, Triceps & Abs
Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

Barbell Bench Press / Dips / French Curls – 4×12: Start by laying on the bench with your feet flat on the floor and a barbell over your chest. Lower the weight to your chest, then push it up as you straighten your arms. Then lower it slowly back to starting position.

Seated Cable Extensions / Dumbbell Extensions / Triceps Dips – 4×12: These can be done by using an adjustable bench, barbell, or weight machine. Sit on the seat with your back against the pad. Bring the weight forward until it touches your chest and extends your arms upwards until they are straight. Then lower them slowly back to starting position.

Hanging Leg Raises / Hanging Knee Ups / Decline Crunches – 4×12: This can be done by laying on a decline bench and bringing your knees up towards your chest holding the weight.

(continued on next POST...)

Photos from Jay’s Soldier Fit's post 18/09/2022

What are the workouts that can result in achieving the same physique?

Here is an example of a workout routine that you can try in order to achieve, or get closer to Michael B. Jordan’s Creed physique:

Day 1: Back, Biceps & Abs
Perform 3 sets of each exercise with a weight that would result in 12-15 reps. Rest for 60 seconds after doing each set.

High Pulls / High Pulls / Bent Rows – 4×12: This can be done by grasping a bar with an underhand grip. Have the weight hanging below you at arm’s length. Pull the weight up to your chest while keeping your elbows close to your body, then lower it slowly back to starting position.

Deadlifts / Deadlifts / Barbell Curls – 4×12: Using an overhand grip, start by holding the bar at shoulder width. Bend your knees, push your hips back and lean forward while keeping your lower back arched. Slowly lift the bar as you exhale, then lower it to starting position inhaling.

Mountain Climbers / Crunches / Barbell Curls – 4×12: This can be done by lying on your back with your feet flexed. Bend over and grab the weight in one hand. Extend your arm so that it is straight, perpendicular to your torso, and parallel to the ground. Curl up while contracting your bicep muscle, then lower slowly back to starting position.

Hanging Leg Raises / Hanging Knee Ups / Seated Rows – 4×12: This can be done by hanging from a pull-up bar and pulling your knees up towards your chest.

(continued on next Post)


How did Michael B. Jordan look in Creed?

In the movie, Michael B. Jordan showcased a very impressive physique that can cause one of two reactions: “I want to achieve the same physique” or “He must be taking steroids”. The truth is, he achieved it through hard work and dedication in the gym. He is an inspiration for many due to his amazing body transformation.

His body showed a balanced amount of muscle which highlighted his sexiness. His body was very lean and defined, but not at the expense of losing all the muscle mass resulting in a “skinny fat” physique.

But can this body be achieved? While there are no exact workout routines released by the actor in the way he achieved that body, there are still a lot of exercises that can be done in order to achieve the same result.


How to Look Like Michael B. Jordan in Creed by Working Out

Creed is a movie that has received positive reviews since its release in November 2015. It is a spin-off to the legendary Rocky series starring Michael B. Jordan who plays the role of Adonis Creed, Apollo’s son. This movie can be considered as one of his best because it shows an incredible physique that has raised many questions on how he achieved it.

One of the movie’s biggest selling points apart from the action-packed fight sequences is Michael B. Jordan’s sexiness. His amazing physique is “defined to the maximum” as described by many audiences. But what are the workouts that can result in achieving this same physique? This article will guide you on how to look like Michael B. Jordan in Creed through a series of simple and effective workouts and diet tips.


What is an example of a Low Impact HIIT Workout?

There are many different types of Low Impact HIIT Workouts. One example is to do an exercise like running in an interval pattern, burning yourself out in the process, and then slowing down to a really relaxed pace until you recover.

Here are some examples of how you could do Low Impact HIIT Workouts:

Circuit Style Low Impact HIIT Workout

30-second push-up: This can be done by doing regular push-ups but on your knees instead of your toes. First, start in the normal knee push-up position, and bend your elbows so that your chest is about an inch off the ground before pushing yourself back up. Do this 30 times in a row for 30 seconds!
30-second jumping jacks: Stand in a slightly wider than shoulder-width stance and spread your arms out to your sides at about a 45-degree angle from your body to provide some resistance in the arms. Then jump up and bring your arms over your head so that you can clap above it before moving them back out to the side of your body, and then landing in a low squat position with your hands on the ground (like an about-to-do-a-push-up position) before jumping vertically into the air as high as you can. Do this 30 times in a row for 30 seconds!
Now take a 30-second break, and repeat the circuit 3 more times with similar exercises until you’ve done the circuit 5 times total.
After doing 5 rounds of this workout, end your Low Impact HIIT workout with a core workout including sit-ups, leg raises, planks, and other exercises that focus on your core.

30-second dumbbell clean and press: Grab a dumbbell in each hand, and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. In one motion, lift the dumbbells up to your chest before pushing them upwards above your head until you’re in an upright standing position with the dumbbells over your head. Your arms should be straight at this point before you bend them with your elbows back down to the dumbbells coming back down to shoulder height. Repeat this 30 times in a row with each arm for 30 seconds!
30-second burpees: Start standing with your feet together. Then jump into the air and do a push-up before returning to your original position on the ground, and jumping back up again so that you are now in the air twice before coming back down. Do this 30 times in a row for 30 seconds!
Now take a 30-second break, and repeat the circuit 3 more times with similar exercises until you’ve done the circuit 5 times total.
After doing 5 rounds of this workout, end your Low Impact HIIT workout with a core workout including sit-ups, leg raises, planks, and other exercises that focus on your core.


Low Impact HIIT Workouts can be a great choice for many people. For starters, those who are out of shape and overweight would benefit from starting with low-impact workouts before jumping into High Impact HIIT which requires a lot more physical strength.

For beginners in the world of HIIT, Low Impact HIIT is also a great place to start since it doesn’t push your body beyond its limits, giving you time to get comfortable with HIIT. This is especially great for beginners who are obese or have bad knees!

However, if you are really unfit and new to HIIT, please consult a doctor because it could be dangerous for those who are not fit enough!

Bodybuilders looking to bulk up might not want to be doing HIIT. Even though our article provides guidelines on how to do a low-impact HIIT workout, we can’t say that it will provide results similar to weight lifting, running, or other high-impact cardio exercises. But bodybuilders who are looking for more exotic approaches to burn fat might find some use in our guidelines on how to do a low-impact HIIT workout.

A Low Impact HIIT Workout is also a great choice for those who are overweight or obese because it doesn’t put too much stress on the knees and other joints that aren’t used to regular exercise.

People who are new to HIIT might not be out of shape, but they might also not have done too much exercise before. A Low Impact HIIT Workout is a great way for those who are new to HIIT and don’t want to push themselves past their limits!

And lastly, if you simply don’t like High-Intensity Interval Training, a Low Impact HIIT Workout is perfect for you since it gives your body time to rest and recover between intervals!


What is a Low Impact HIIT Workout?

As we have briefly mentioned above, a low-impact HIIT workout is a training method where you alternate between periods of intensity and recovery. As the name implies, your intensity will be lower than usual HIIT workouts to prevent injury.

If you are new to HIIT, low impact is the best place to start so you don’t pull something while trying out this workout for the first time! If you are not too out of shape, start low and work your way up as you get more comfortable with HIIT.

However, if you are really new to HIIT and unfit (in other words very overweight or obese), please consult a doctor before trying any kind of exercise program because it could be dangerous for those who are not fit enough!

In some cases, Low Impact Workouts are also abbreviated to LIO HIIT which means Low Intensity (or Low Impact) High-Intensity Interval Training.


HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, which is a training method where you alternate between periods of intensity and recovery. There are many different ways to do HIIT, but the one that uses the least amount of oxygen is known as Low Impact HIIT. Anyone can do these types of workouts!

Low Impact HIIT workouts are perfect for those looking to lose weight, but they might not be as intense as other HIIT workouts. If you’re really out of shape and new to HIIT, a Low Impact HIIT workout will help ease you into the world of HIIT which is a great way to build cardio endurance!


What are the possible consequences if the exercises are not done the right way?

Building muscles the wrong way can lead to serious injuries. This is why it is important to read the instructions carefully, especially if you are new to weightlifting. You can also ask for help from personal trainers or anyone who has more experience in building muscles.

Here are some of the possible consequences of building muscles the wrong way:

Lifting weights the wrong way can mess up your bones. If you lift weights that are too heavy for your muscles or you perform the exercises at a fast pace, it can injure your joints and bones. Instead of increasing your muscle mass, you might end up with weak bones and joints.
Improper stretching before an intense workout is one of the common mistakes beginner bodybuilders make. Stretching your muscles properly helps your muscles move better. If you stretch for too long, it can weaken them instead of strengthen them which can affect how you perform in the future.
Long-term improper stretching can also lead to muscle strains or even muscle tears. Muscle strains are one of the most common injuries that weightlifters experience especially if they constantly push themselves to the limit. This is why it is important to stretch properly and follow a workout plan that has been proven effective for other bodybuilders.
Another potential injury that happens when you build muscles the wrong way is muscle tears. The most common type of tear in bodybuilders is a bicep tendon rupture. This usually happens because they try to lift weights that are too heavy for them to handle. As they lose their grip, the barbell ends up falling down on their arm which can be very painful and can affect how they perform in future workouts.
One of the most effective ways to avoid injuries when building muscles is by consulting with your doctor or a personal trainer. This way, you can learn more about weightlifting and follow carefully made workout plans that are proven safe for beginners.


What is an example of a muscle-building workout?

There are a lot of ways to build muscles, but the most efficient way is by following a three-day per week workout routine. This training program is easy to follow so you do not need to be an expert in weightlifting or have a degree in kinesiology to do it. All you need is your will, some weights, and a place where you can do your workouts.

Here is an example of how a basic bodybuilding workout should be done:

Monday – Full-Body Workout

Start by warming up your cardio by doing exercises such as jogging or cycling. This helps raise your heart rate so that you can start building muscles with heavier weights.

Power Clean – 3 sets, 10 – 12 reps: This can be done by bending your knees and using your thighs to lift the barbells. Be sure that the grip of the weights is wide enough, which will allow you to push yourself easily. Make sure to let the barbells down slowly so you can feel the muscles in your body working to lift the heavyweights.
Shoulder Press – 3 sets, 8 – 10 reps: This can be done by pushing the barbells above your head using your shoulders. Use a grip that is slightly wider than the power cleans. Then, slowly lower the barbells to your head level and push them again until you reach the top.
Front Squat – 3 sets, 6 – 8 reps: This can be done by lifting the barbells in front of you so that it is near your chest. To do this, bend your knees and push your hips back while keeping an upright posture. Make sure to slowly lower the barbells so you can feel the muscles working throughout your body.
Deadlift – 3 sets, 6 – 8 reps: This can be done by bending your knees so you can grab the barbells. Use a grip that is just slightly wider than shoulder-width for this exercise. Then, push yourself upwards while keeping your back straight and head up to feel the muscle working throughout your body.
End your workout by doing some stretching to cool your muscles down.

Tuesday – Rest Day

Wednesday – Cardio Workout

Do not forget to warm up before doing any exercises. If you are new, try light cardio workouts such as pressing specific numbers on the treadmill or elliptical trainer. This will also help prepare your body for more intense workouts later on in the week.

Sprint: This can simply be done by running as fast as you can for certain amounts of time with intervals. Start by running for one minute then sprint again for the next 30 seconds. Continue to do this until you have done a total of 15 minutes of sprints.
Burpees – 3 sets, 8-10 reps: You can do this by starting in a standing position then dropping down into the push-up position. While in the push-up position, kick your feet up towards your chest while keeping your arms straight. Then, pull them out quickly to get back to the original standing position. Do at least 10 of these for 3 sets.
High knees – 3 sets, 20-30 seconds: Jogging is fine but it does not target the muscles in your legs. You can do high knees to work towards strengthening your thighs and calves. To do this, lift up your left knee as you step forward with your right leg then switch sides. Do at least 10 of these for 3 sets.
End the workout by stretching or cooling down your muscles.
Thursday – Rest Day

Friday – Full-Body Workout

Start with some light cardio to prepare your body. If you are new, try pressing some numbers on the treadmill or elliptical trainer for at least 10 minutes. It will help activate your muscles so you can do more intense workouts later on in the week.

Deadlift – 3 sets, 6-8 reps: This can be done by bending your knees so you can grab the barbells. Use a grip that is just slightly wider than shoulder-width for this exercise. Then, push yourself upwards while keeping your back straight and head up to feel the muscle working throughout your body.
Shoulder Press – 3 sets, 6-8 reps: This can be done by pushing the barbells above your head using your shoulders. Use a grip that is slightly wider than the power cleans. Then, slowly lower the barbells to your head level and push them again until you reach the top.
Bench Press – 3 sets, 6-8 reps: This can be done by lying down on the bench with your back flat. Hold the barbells above your collarbone then push them up until your arms are extended. Slowly lower the barbells back to your chest before pushing again.
Afterward, do some stretching or light cardio for at least 10 minutes.