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Proverbs 6:16-19
[16] These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
[17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, [18] An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, [19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
[19] a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.

Matthew 18:6 KJVS
[6] But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

God sees you in secret, GOD hears the conversations you have had in secret, GOD knows the true intent of your heart.

He sees how you have perverted his children and you are a leader in the church.

He sees you Pharisee that tongue lashes your brother and sisters past, he hears your lies and deceit.

GOD is long suffering, but vengeance is mines says the Lord.


Mark 16:17-18 KJVS
[17] And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

[18] They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

1 Corinthians 4:19-20 KJVS
[19] But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will, and will know, not the speech of them which are puffed up, but the power.

[20] For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.

God’s word does not change. The more of ourselves we give to the world the more we walk around defeated and tormented by the enemy.

The more we give ourselves to Christ by studying and lining up with the word, the more the world will see that there is Victory in Jesus.

Hebrews 13:8 KJVS
[8] Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

John 17:17 KJVS
[17] Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.


So yesterday while doing something I really love to do, “Hunting” just in case some don’t know lol, I had a nice buck come out unexpectedly. No sign whatsoever that he was about to step out. He just appeared, perfectly in front of me. Just like any other time I got excited even though I chose to let him walk and move on. Just before any hunt I tend to get very excited and when I get an opportunity like this I get a boost of excitement. And when I know before hand that a deer is about to step out I get super excited. Today all this came to me and a particular passage came to mind I suggest that you read it (1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11) specifically vs 2. We don’t know, not even the angels in heaven when our Lord is to return. His return is described like a “thief in the night”. Like my little adventure yesterday we should be super excited and looking forward to His return. We tend to loose focus on His return because most times are interests or focus may be on other things. Just like the scriptures tell us, be on guard not asleep, keep your lamps lit and your lanterns full of oil. We are children of the day and not the night. Gods return should not bring fear to His children but excitement and joy knowing that one day our Savior will return and actually “save us” from all that sin has brought on us. Next time something you enjoy doing comes up, monitor or notice the excitement it brings. Compare that excitement to knowing Jesus is soon to come and He could come anytime now. You’ll probably see a great difference in the two. Let’s get excited again about Jesus’s return. He paid so much for us to have life everlasting. Thank you Jesus 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


So yesterday during the power outage I recall a simple observation. I recall a couple times I would go into a room and would without thinking flip the light switch and the light wouldn’t come on. I have often heard folks use that as an example of faith. I’ve even used it myself. But after this happened the Holy Spirit began to minister to me about this. Flipping a light switch isn’t an example of faith, unless inspired by God to do so. If it were faith then it would come on even in a power outage. Faith is confidence in God. The scripture Psalms 146:3 about not trusting man came to mind. I’ve often times put a lot of trust in man made objects and man’s advice most times before turning to God. Even over riding what the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me. We should seek God in all things and listen to Him and we will never go wrong. Just like the scripture says “Happy is he that has the God of Jacob for his help”. You wanna be happy, and less disappointed, stop putting so much trust in man and creation and start putting more trust in God the creator. Thank you Jesus 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


So this one hit pretty good this morning. I was thinking about all the post I’ve seen about the National daughter and son days. It made me think about when my children call for me or try and get my attention. They mostly use the term “Daddy”. You may call me crazy but every time they use this it just does something to me. I know when they use it they are specifically requesting my attention no one else’s. That is very special to me. As I was thinking about this Romans 8:15 came to mind. Because we are adopted into Gods family we are able to cry out Abba. When I hear the term Abba I think of the tittle Daddy. It sounds personal it sounds passionate. It is good to know we have an eternal Daddy that loves us despite our failures. This love reminds me of the story in the Bible where the son left home with all his possessions to set out on his on to enjoy the world and when it was all gone he came back home not to a lecture or rejection but to open arms and an unfailing love. I imagine him coming up to his father with his head down and with a low and shameful voice cry Daddy I’m sorry. As his daddy wraps his arms around him probably squeezing him almost lifeless. Thankful that he has come home. So when your children call out to you whether it’s Dad, Daddy, Father or even Ole man think about how God feels when you cry out to Him, Abba Father, I love you, I need you, I thank you. Thank you Jesus


Jesus told His disciples this after they witnessed Him "speaking or commanding" a fig true to bare no more. The fig tree withered away all the way to the roots. Jesus basically told the tree to die. My point is that He commanded "one" thing to happen to the tree. He didn't command it to "die and live". This will cause confusion. When we pray and when we speak, speak and pray what we need and want. Don't speak both life and death over your situation. If you do then there is confusion and your situation will probably not change. God spoke and things happened. God is spirit He speaks in spirit and when He does it manifests or becomes evident around us in the natural or physical world, FAITH is what it's called. Speak only what you want. Thank you Jesus. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


If what we’re calling God’s blessing is causing burden on us, we may need to reevaluate the situation. God doesn’t put more on us then we can bear. Often times we find ways around God to get what we “need” when actually it’s more of a want and then the want becomes a heavy burden causing us to worry which is not of God. We are not supposed to be slaves to worldly items. God plainly tells us to be the lender and not the borrower, the head and not the tail. Who He sets free is free indeed. When we come to the family of Christ He sets us free, free from a bo***ge to sin and these are also worldly desires. But sometimes we bond our selves again with worldly possessions causing worry and stress. Not saying that this separates us from God’s family but it can make our praise and worship a little weak. So we need to turn our eyes to God. Seek Him first by putting Him first. The vanities of this world are temporary. If we learn to seek Him first and His righteousness we’ll be surprised at what blessings He’ll add unto you. Thank you Jesus.


Now faith is believing that before this world ever was, there was nothing and out of nothing God spoke it through faith and then it was. Faith is believing that once the whole world was flooded with water and started a new beginning. Faith is believing that God created a great fish one time with a purpose to swallow up a man, keep him contained a couple days and spit him out where God instructed him to go. Faith is believing that God stepped out of heaven in the form of a child born to a virgin to become the Savior of the world. Faith is believing that when His time was done He went to a cross carrying all our sins to save us from an eternal death. Faith is believing that He gave up His life on His own. And get this, Faith is believing that not only did He give up His life on command He restored it as well. Now that is faith. You know what else is faith? Believing that with His Word applied to our situations we can over come whatever we are going through. Speak life, speak healing, speak restoration, speak prosperity, speak with faith, speak God’s powerful Word. Thank you Jesus.


This one hit just right this morning. I really needed this one. It reminds me of “Philippians 4:7 (7] And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
You may not believe it but you can have peace in the middle of your worse situation but this can only come through Jesus Christ. The enemy doesn’t want to see you at peace so he uses every resource he can to try and destroy you and one way is interrupting your peace. Recognize your situation and determine if it’s an attack by the enemy to destroy your peace then turn to God’s Word and fight back. Declare peace over your situation and confuse the enemy with your praise and watch him flee. Thank you Jesus 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


God will always be God. Never changing, everlasting and forever faithful. Thank you Jesus 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Never consider it okay to commit any sin for any reason. No sin can be justified as right. God hates sin and His Word reminds us that the cost for it is death. Even though we fall short daily and God will forgive, this still doesn’t give us the okay to go about and live our lives to purposely sin and continue to live as the person we were before we accepted Christ as our Savior. If Jesus is truly in our heart, just like Him we should also hate sin and understand that it separates us from God. And knowing this we should know that no sin is justified by God and God is a just and fair God. He doesn’t need our sins to prove to others that He is righteous. Thank you Jesus 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


The shield of faith is a very important key in the armor of God. Notice the scripture says, “above all” take the shield of faith. It doesn’t mean that we don’t need the rest of the armor it just says above all meaning that faith is very important, we need it. We have to have faith to make this work. That is why it is said that all we need is faith only the size of a mustard seed because with any faith at all there is never room for doubt. You can’t be redirected if you are confident in what you believe. And with that faith it strengthens all the other armor and with all that you are able to fight off “all” the fiery darts of the wicked. Practice your measure of faith by standing up boldly against the fiery darts of the enemy with confidence and assurance from God that with Him you can overcome all things. Thank you Jesus. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


If today is a new day why are we bringing over yesterday’s problems? The Word tells us that before the day is over with we should deal with that problem and have it settled before the end of that day. But we continue to carry it over and over and over. Jesus said if we have a burden cast it on Him and He’ll give us rest. So if the Word says we shouldn’t let the day end with it then that let’s me know we should be able to have today’s problem resolved and handled that day, If we trust God’s Word. So by todays end give your troubles to God, cast them on Him. Seek rest that could only come from God. Don’t let the sun go down with you and find yourself dealing with it another day. Thank you Jesus 🙌🏼


Gideon only needed 300 men to accomplish what God sent him out to do. The rest was sent home. Maybe God is removing somethings in your life and telling you to work with what you already have and tell the world that with God’s help I will not be defeated an I am more than a conqueror. Thank you Jesus.


“That ole account was settled long ago” Thank you Jesus 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


God is not in the business of creating new laws, new rules or new orders. If this were true that would mean that He would have to change and you can’t fix something that is already perfect, you can’t make Him better or worse. He is the same from the beginning. Man has a desire to be in control and to do this it would be to create new ideas around what God has already perfected. We simply just need to understand God and be thankful for His everlasting grace. Just remember no matter what your situation is, God remains the same and we need to know that He is there to help if we let Him. Thank you Jesus.


Who better to lead us and guide us than the one that knows all things. The one who created and designed us all. Who better than God Himself. And why must we continue to be stubborn and require unnecessary force to be led? Simple instructions should be all we need. That is why we go through more than we have to. Let’s try denying our flesh and try following God’s plan for once and see how much better our lives may be. Thank you Jesus.


Do we believe and have unbelief at the same time? We may need to hear and put into action these words. Unbelief will kill your faith every time. If you believe God’s Word to be true and that God can’t lie then we need to trust in these Words spoken here by Jesus Himself.


Things not going your way? Attacks from every direction seems like? Are you one of Gods chosen, a branch from the true vine? Does the Word abide in you? If all your answers are yes it’s because you were meant to be set apart from the world. Imagine something you hate. If you hate it you will not stop till it’s destroyed. So if you are set apart from the world and it hates you, it will stop at nothing to try and destroy you. But little does it know, that part about being chosen comes with benefits from the true creator, God our Father. He says whatever you ask for in Jesus name He will give it. Use those benefits. Understand that He chose you to set you apart from the world and because He knows you can handle it. Thank you Jesus.


Our response to God’s directions should never be no. We see how Jonah went in the furthest direction he thought from God but look what happened. Jonah thought that God was being unfair and that He should just go and destroy all of Nineveh. But what Jonah didn’t see was that God was that He was actually being fair and just and was calling Jonah to be the messenger. Jonah went through way more than what he had to, when all could have been avoided if he would have just see yes. Was God surprised by Jonah’s response? Absolutely not because way before this came up God had already created a great fish to help persuade Jonah. When God attempts to direct you just say yes. Trust me He knows what He’s doing and this will delight Him and you will see some amazing things happen. Thank you Jesus.


So as I was riding around today I was meditating on some things and talking to God about them. In the middle of our conversation I used the the word “If” a couple times and then this verse came to mind. You know, we should be more certain of things in our life. Our faith often times waver and then we become unsure and that is when we begin to pray using words like, if, but and maybe. Those words shouldn’t even be in our prayers. When we know Gods Word and we trust Gods Word we can then apply Gods Word and be more certain of what God wants and what we need. The Word tells us to come boldly to the throne of God and there we will receive mercy and find grace from our Father. When we find ourself in Gods Word more we begin to see His will and then we know what to “declare” on our lives. The Word says we have not because we ask not, pray as though you’ve already received. God knows the need before we ask but without faith in asking or declaring He can not move. Trust God and apply His Word to your life. Avoid the If’s, the buts and the maybes when you pray. Learn to pray without those words. Speak it and declare it. Thank you Jesus.


“Love the Lord”
So I was thinking this morning and I’m sure we’ve all asked ourselves this, how much do we love the Lord. The Word tells us to love God with “ALL” our heart, soul and mind. If we really check ourselves do we really love God that much. A certain rich man came to Jesus and asked what good deed could he do to have eternal life. Jesus replied back and said follow these commandments. (Mat. 19:16-22) the guy replies back “oh, I have kept them since my youth, what else do I need to do. Jesus already knew what he truly loved most and where his hear really was. Then Jesus replied back, “ If you really want this, go and sell all that you have and give to the poor this will gain you treasures in heaven and then come and follow me”. This isn’t what the guy wanted to hear. So he just dropped his head and went away. God has placed all of us in particular places and situations with specific purposes. We all know the commandments that have been given to us, but sometimes God has a specific task for us to do proving our love for Him. Do we sometimes find it difficult for us to separate from specific items to follow Him. Are we truly willing to give all for God. Do we truly love Him more than anything? Don’t get me wrong it’s not good deeds that get us in or make us right. There is no kinda payment we could make to pay for what Christ did for us on the cross. But because of what He did and because He first loved us we should repay Him by showing Him that we appreciate what He did and love Him more than anything. Nothing in this world should be more valuable to you than your salvation, your relationship with Christ. Focus on what you really love and ask yourself would I be willing to let it go for God? Thank you Jesus.


The wages of sin is still the same. All sins. But the payment for all of them is still good and the reward is greater than anything you could ever want. Choose life, choose Jesus. Thank you Jesus

Michael haze on TikTok 05/08/2022

Michael haze on TikTok This scene shakes me up every time 🥺


So if we believe that God can not lie, then why don’t we believe the promises that He has made for us in His Word? God has bound His self with an oath for the promises that He has made for us. Promises that He plans to keep. Thank you Jesus

Hebrews 6:16-20 NLT
[16] Now when people take an oath, they call on someone greater than themselves to hold them to it. And without any question that oath is binding. [17] God also bound himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that he would never change his mind. [18] So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. [19] This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary. [20] Jesus has already gone in there for us. He has become our eternal High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.


Most of us taste the goodness of God and don’t even realize it. Gods favor is on all of us. We are in His favor when we put our trust in Him. This is practicing our measure of faith. A measure that we have all been given. So when we practice our faith in every day things we are putting our trust in God expecting results and God acts upon it and returns with His goodness, His favor. Now this is just tasting. What happens when we eat or drink? Jesus states in John 6 that those who eat of His flesh and drink of His blood would have eternal life. No this doesn’t mean Jesus was referring to his actual flesh and blood. He was referring to accepting what He devoted to the cross, His life for ours. He died so that we might live. So when we taste Gods goodness once we realize it is because we are practicing our faith and trusting in God, then we can go further by eat and drinking (receiving) what Jesus did on the cross and then walk in a state of eternal life. Tasting is good but why stop there. My grandma made the best chocolate layer cake I have ever eaten but to know that I had to taste it for myself. Once I tasted it I knew it was good. And when I knew it was good I had to eat it and the more I ate the more I tasted and the more I wanted it. That is the same way with God’s goodness. He favors us all saved or unsaved. But He gave His life for us to live eternally if you’ve realized you like how it taste. Why not commit and eat and come to know Him even more? Thank you Jesus

1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to esca | King James Version... 04/08/2022

1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to esca | King James Version... There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to esca


When God laid it on my heart to start this page, the Holy Spirit reminded me of this verse.

So many are hurting, so many are deceived, so many are in bo***ge. That is not the way God intended us to live. There is hope in Christ Jesus.


Isaiah 6:8 KJVS
[8] Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

