Nurse Theresa, Life Coach

Nurse Theresa, Life Coach

Masters Registered Nurse
Certified Life Coach & Weight Loss Coach

I help women manage their problem


Social programming and societal conditioning

I recently discovered that there’s no end point

In utero - fetuses must follow a certain level speed to be “correct”

It continues in school


Work force

Now in my studies of being human in our society -

I caught myself saying -

Ooh I’m just scratching the surface on the topic of Self-Compassion

I’m new to this because I’m not “there” yet

Ooh I’m peeling off layer by layer and getting deeper

I was asked if I can take comfort in the layers

What if I stopped expecting to get to a core or that there even was a core

What if I stopped seeing learning as taking finals or passing a thesis to get a piece of paper

That instead of linear - it was a spiral - with topics we revisited over a and not finite

We’re all “there” already or right where we should be

✅ Want to take action? DM for details.


It’s not about the goal - it’s about who we become trying to get there.

Then getting the goal or not - will always be fun.


No excuses! Let’s go! Kicking off 2Q by taking massive action. Improving myself so I can better help others ~ especially the love ones in my life.

Here to help you take action!


Happy New Year from Jackson Hole, WY!

While I sit here in the airport with absolute uncertainty if this flight will actually happen today after multiple delays and even notification that it’s been pushed to tomorrow, then back to today - it’s a great reminder of how so much is out of our hands.

The willingness to be able to adapt and be flexible is a skill we’ve all been practicing especially in this new world.

Back to stretching and preparing to bend for what’s next!


Photos from Nurse Theresa, Life Coach's post 19/12/2021

Forgive them, for you.

For those finding it “hokey” to find peace and forgiveness during the holidays & always -

You can’t control what others say and do -

You can try, but it’s painful and p**p ton of work and energy.

Energy that can be used for you to fulfill you goals, live your best life, show up as your best self.

Find unconditional love towards others knowing they’re human like you -

That they can be loved - even if it’s not by you.

They are worthy and you are worthy.

You have an amazing life to live beyond this space.



I understand intellectually that our thoughts create our feelings

No one can create that emotion for us

That’s our own empowerment

But with security -

That was one feeling that was challenging to believe that I create that

I kept going back to but they need to do….

They need to say….

Because this happened, how can I be secure?

But no…

No matter what happens,

I’m going to take care of myself,

I’ll never abandon you.

When going through trauma it may be unbelievable at first

But everyday for the next month -

Just 60 seconds a day thinking and feeling “security” in our bodies -

Would be the most powerful thing to give ourselves.

Remind yourself like a friend.

You are not alone.

I will always have your back.



Ok - I’m done lolli-gagging around.

This hot successful program works and I’m going to take what works and bring it back.

If you’re someone who wants to lose 10 pounds or more - like fo’ reals…

And you really want to get to the root cause and do this on your own merit - this is for you.

All your choices.

Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.

Those who want to lose more have the option of continuing on to do so.

This 6 week program is $100.

For everyone who shows up once a week online weekly, I’m giving back $10 for every pound you are short by our deadline.

DM for more info.

We start next week!




These are two buddy words are so great to feed off each other.

When we’re in overwhelm or our lowest of lows, that tends to be the time we seek help with others or within ourselves

We take the time to try to detox and figure out what in the world is actually going on right now

I need a pause

A break…

But what if we paused when we are feeling inspired?

When we let our imagination just continue to run with the inspiration.

What are the thoughts creating the feeling of inspiration?

Use these meditative times when we’re also in a good place because then we can lock in some of those thoughts.

Thoughts that create really good feelings that we can come back to and access ANYTIME we want to.


Photo with Kristen Wiig for Kailen Jude’s commercial shoot for Old Navy’s Imagine Mission causes.

Keep an eye out on IG for the full campaign 💛



Photo of my costume with my son’s costume that we shared in our “scene” together for

How to balance everything?

I often get asked this…

Now I ask you…

How many balls are you juggling right now?

Look at each ball carefully

Are they roles in your life?

Are the events currently happening?

Do you want to juggle all these?

Which ones do you want to let go of?

Notice - you can also decide that you want to juggle all these balls in your life.

Many people do it and love it and even juggle more.

Juggling a lot doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

Just because there’s a lot going on doesn’t mean you can’t handle it.

You can handle it…

You’ve been doing it already.


Photos from Nurse Theresa, Life Coach's post 02/10/2021

Mental Health Awareness Day is October 15.

That’s a special day for me because that was the day my first baby was born - my furbaby, Yorkshire Terrier, Backup.

I’m saddened to have lost him this summer.

Animals provide such miraculous mental health care which many times gets overlooked.

This is one of the reasons I’m so proud to join the Color Street team.

Color Street’s nail strips are almost too simple and quick to use for gorgeous nails.

I absolutely love mint and love even more that the Color Street Foundation pledged a total of $200,000 to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Active Minds, and the Jed Foundation, which are three charitable partners that advocate, raise awareness, and provide support services for individuals, families, communities, and frontline workers.

Frontline workers!

I’ll save that for another post!

Join my T Party before it closes & while supplies last! Link in Bio.

For every 3 packs you purchase, you get one free.

Buy 1 French Tip and get 1 French Tip free!

I’m also holding a special raffle! For every pack you buy, you will be entered to win a mystery pack!


I recently explored what it means to live small and live big.

I always thought living small meant to be a fly on the wall, don’t rock the boat, blend in.

It confused me in wondering is that a good thing to not speak up for yourself, ask questions, or make changes?

The definition can mean different things to each person, but I like asking myself - is it an action that keeps me from living the life that I want?

To some that might be yes. Don’t say anything because they don’t want the attention.

To others, holding in their wants can create resentment and anger that results in a life they don’t desire.

It’s great that we always get to choose.


Because we all need this NOW, more than ever, I’m offering this program for free as we kick off a new month.

Every Thursday at 7pm-8pm online, July 1–29.

Direct message me for the link.

One on one coaching is also an option.

Whose souls am I speaking to?

Who’s in for this next layer?


Life decided it’s time to teach me a new lesson…

I recently learned what, “I’m not ready / I’m not there yet / It’s not the right time,” could actually mean.

I always responded to it as - “it’s never the right time - there’s always something going on…”

But recently I’ve experienced crisis and trauma that has really put me in - “it’s not the right time.”

Continuously thinking - it’s not the right time - has led me to where I am today - not happy with my results.

Then those results were my evidence saying, “see, I told you it’s just not the right time,” as I continue to dig my hole deeper and deeper, furthering results I do not want.

I am blessed to receive clarity… and I want to provide you with it too.

The work we did last year gave us results we wanted.

It worked!

I lost 20 pounds in the beginning of a pandemic.

Then, I stopped doing it.

That’s it.

Take out the drama on the why, what happened… and the justification, ruminating, and blame.

Math vs. Drama.

The math is - I did what I taught - lost 20 pounds with my tribe who lost even more.

I stopped doing it and gained it back.

The drama doesn’t even have to be horrible or traumatic.

The drama shows up in the joyful milestones and consuming events.

Or routine mundane life in quarantine.

So come along with me…

When I started the program, you came along while I figured it out.

We got results we loved.

And now, I am working on loving myself - RIGHT NOW.

As if there’s a time when we shouldn’t love ourselves?!

But life happens - and loving ourselves can be a challenge.

Now I’m done getting results I don’t want.

And the bare minimum we can do - is just show up to get back those results we previously got.

We can do this in ANY circumstance.

“This” - can be weight loss, being happier, and accomplishing any goal we want.

Everything I’m learning in real time I’m sharing with you because you don’t have to suffer in the same way I suffered.

~Nurse Theresa Life Coach
(Nurse TLC)


I learned a lesson teaching my son a lesson -

He was in a Call Back where he was given the other role he didn’t audition for -

And Casting warned that there would not be a switch back.

Sure enough - after a couple of takes of directing the other actor, the Director wanted to switch the roles.

First take - success!

Second take - the director wanted to try an alternate ending…

But getting there would be through a very creatively written line that my son had no problems with until that moment.

It was those times we’ve all had, where our tongue is twisted and not saying what our brain wants it to say.

He tried a few more times until he put his hands in his face.

I was certain he was going to cry and/or storm out in frustration and/or anger.

I’m sure I was holding my breath that entire time -

And I’m almost certain I felt the entire Zoom room of production and execs also not breathing.

Suddenly, he lifted his face from his hands and said his line and the scene continued.

The Casting Director even improv’d the last line in different ways and my son kept to the Director’s note each time through different variations.

To our surprise, the Director came back on and said to him, “You take directions really well. That was strong. REALLY STRONG.”

After the Call Back, my son said - that went horrible

I explained to him - no matter what - he’s taken away a bigger lesson on life -

That he had a fall, but he stood back up

He said that he thought they were going to yell, “Cut,” so he was just waiting for that.

I told him that one day he’ll “mess up” in front of his class or school, forget a line on set, or make a mistake presenting in front of us boss -

But today he learned the most valuable lesson in recovering -

In continuing on and finishing strong.

Such a great moment between us -

But in reality I was thinking - yeah - we won’t get that one.

Sure enough, a few hours later, his Agent informed us he was On Avail for the project.

Of course it would be great to book - but it’s these life lessons - for both son AND mom, that are truly rewarding.


Immediately when we replace the word conflict with connection it brings us to a whole higher level

It doesn’t even have to be an intimate connection

You don’t have to go to Happy Hour and spend any “physical” time with someone to connect with them

The other person can be someone you haven’t spoken to in years and just the simple thought of how you can connect with them changes everything

How is that possible?

How can we connect with our “sworn enemies?”

What do you have in common?

Motherhood is hard

Working full time has it’s challenges

Living in a new Pandemic world can be difficult

Add in what we DON’T know about what might be going on for this person - medically, physically, emotionally, financially, or with their other relationships in their life

We can likely connect to any if not all

We’re not all that different

We have things in common

We are all connected

Which feels so much better and makes our world a better place to live in


If you want help getting the results you want but think it's not possible, I don't have enough time, energy, or I'm not ready, and I'll do it when I'm ready, we can get through this together.

All those, "dreams, to do lists, weight loss, more money, more organization, more time" wishes you have are all ready yours.

Reply for a free one on one consultation or to audit someone else getting coached live.

I can show you where it’s been hiding all along.



These photos with my son remind me of an article I read the year he was born

The joy in his face - squintingly-bright eyed and laughing with his mouth open

And the unflattering looks of mom behind him

The infamous, ”place the child in front to cover the mom bod”

And NEVER posting anything that’s of a bad angle, bad lighting or not filtered (lol)

This article, “The Mom Stays in the Picture,” posted in the Huff Post by Alison Tate, reminds me that MAYBE, IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT ME

I couldn’t do the article justice by paraphrasing it, so please do take the time to Google, “Mom Stays in the Picture article” or click the link below


(For the children) 🤣🤪


It’s been almost one year since I kicked off my No Mama Drama series.

To celebrate, I’m bringing it back, with a special touch.


You get to choose what you want to no longer have No Mama Drama about for a FREE 6 weeks 1 on 1 mini-session.

The Down 10 Pounds program is still an option but you can also choose ANYTHING else you want to work on: More Time, More Rest, Home Re-Org, More Money, Fixed Relationships, More Happiness… it’s all an option for you.

Due to this extreme special, this will be a limited availability.

Reply to this email for more information and to hold your spot.


If you want help getting the results you want but think it's not possible, I don't have enough time, energy, or I'm not ready, and I'll do it when I'm ready, we can get through this together.

All those, "dreams, to do lists, weight loss, more money, more organization, more time" wishes you have are all ready yours.

I can show you where you're hiding it.


Man, I thought I had this topic down

That we don't have to run from Negative Emotions

Allow it to sit

Then my husband's brand new bike was stolen

I felt negative emotions and I let that day just happen in these feelings

But by the next morning - and if I actually stop and really reflect - even last night - I was in REACT mode

I thought by not saying - it's okay… at least we're safe… we'll be okay… that that was not trying to "sugar coat" our thoughts on the situation

But I now I see that post-police report, the research on what to do when a bike is stolen, registering the bike, researching home insurance coverage… all the actions that were taken last night and today -

That these actions are coming from another feeling in hopes of getting a result that I hope will make me feel better

Now allowing the feelings

I'm sitting with the thought - I don't like that that happened

I feel disgusted, angered, bothered

When we feel negative emotions we tend to:


Resist or

React to it

I'm working on - that there's a possibility of allowing the emotion without reacting to it

That I can be disgusted and still be highly functioning in our home, with our family, and at work

That it can ride along side with me for a while

I don't have to react by steaming and thinking of ways on how to justify and change it

I don't have to "fix it"

I can just sit with - this is how disgusted feels like

Negative emotion is like a super full balloon -

Reaction lets out some air - but it doesn't get us anywhere

Just allow it

Really allow it

Don't take action and try to push it away through "positive" results

Sit in it

Then we can take steps from a different place than disgust or whatever negative feeling we're in

(My Personal Photo from the set of La La Land)


First & foremost, I have to give a warm virtual hug to those who sent their luck over to my audition a few weeks back, on St. Patrick’s Day

Thanks to you, the St. Paddy’s luck, and my possibly now lucky Jokoy shirt that I wore that night,

You‘re looking at one of the newest members of the Groundlings Core Program that I started tonight!

It’s always been a goal of mine ever since I watched one of their live shows during a high school field trip (not so long ago 🤪)

And as much as those “old” dreams tend to fade out into the sunset when humans start, “adulting” -

I decided - hey… why the heck not?!

I actually had tons of answers as to why the heck not -


The result of my audition will set the stage of my next steps

I won’t know until I try

At any rate, tonight definitely felt amazing letting my creative juices flow

And challenging myself

What “old” dream did you let die off?

What are your thoughts on resurrecting it?


"Should" is just "Could"
with Shame on Top of it

There are a number of things I feel I "should" be doing or "should" have done by now

It's an on-going battle

And now that I stop to really dive into it - a couple of those things I've been guilting myself over for about a year if not longer

It doesn't help anything when we do this

Dwelling, blaming, and judging

The bottom line is - it's still not done

Instead, other things fill our action line unrelated to our tasks that are continuously procrastinated on

Remove that word, "should" and change it with, "could"

That sentence is now neutral

Now, we "could" do this or we "could" do that

The empowerment returns

We get to choose what outcome we want

And work backwards from that point of doing the activities that gets us that result and choosing which emotion and ideas we want to have to get there

But "should" just has us spinning in indecision and worry

Indulgent emotions that act like they're necessary and important but create net negative effects

So what is it that you "could" do?


Talk O’Tuesdays sometimes happens on a Wednesday

23 hours and 52 minutes

That's the number of hours I was awake before I went to sleep a couple of hours to get up today for another full day of work and life

The night before I attended my final acting class for the month and got to bed later in the evening

That next day kicked off with the first half of my 4 hour round trip commute starting at 5:30 in the morning

And it's been an honor to be a part of my organization's process of open mass vax sites in remote areas

On my drive home, I attended my first Filipino Tagalog class online

Just something I wanted to do along side my son and have always wanted to do

Once home, my momager, clock in began and didn't end until 23 hours and 52 minutes into my day

My son was blessed with self tapes and self records that consisted of 9 different characters, 4 outfit changes, and learning and recording himself singing a few new songs he's never heard before due that next morning

My husband got the ball rolling which was tremendous help

Yes, I could have declined

I could have chosen not to stay up all night editing

But I didn't

And if given the opportunity again I would choose the same actions

So this is an extreme of my somewhat "normal" life - that I choose to live

And Talk O'Tuesdays sometimes happen on a Wednesday

But all this isn’t my side hustle

This is my vocation, career, life style, life

There's 24 hours in a day

It doesn’t roll over

You can’t bank it

We decide what we want to do with it

How we choose to spend it

And now I choose to balance that race with some rest and relaxation

Then I repeat my commute tomorrow again while coaching my son's Call Back over the phone, coming home to work on Little League Team Parenting & Marriage Ministry admin needs, & tackling whatever other obstacles come my way

Everything is just what we think it is

It's all neutral circumstances until the brain colors in the drama

"OMG, that's crazy!"

"Girl, you need to sleep"

"I could never do that"

Just all optional thoughts

As you can see…

Anything is possible

And it's amazing what a human (strike that) woman can do


I recently discovered that my action of blame was coming from my feelings of shame

It was challenging work to get to that discovery

What I did notice was that when I was in blame mode, I was shaming over something unrelated

So why did that happen?

Our brain wants to be right

And shame feels terrible

So our brain finds something to blame to feel better and it believes that thing you're blaming is wrong and we're right

If this sounds familiar - you can probably hear this behavior on the playground or in your own home when your little one, "gets in trouble"

Typically it's a, "well, you/he/she made me" or "you/he/she did it first!"

But not only are we not on the playground anymore as adults, but we still do that

Blaming someone else for our feelings

In my case, my shame and blame weren't related

But my brain created a pattern that kept going back there

Maybe that's the only blame my brain could come up with to focus on

But it's so relieving to know that it's a choice and I can choose an out and not do that

I'm in control

I would catch myself in that moment and notice I’m feeling stress and overwhelm about something unrelated

And think - I don’t know why my brain keeps going back to that - it just does

But now, instead of the blame over shame spiral, I can tie on that blame comes from shame and realize this is about me and what's going on for me at that moment

I can tell myself when in overwhelm, "yeah sometimes that happens and we're good at figuring this out" to whatever I'm stressed about

We don't have to make it mean anything when something's gone wrong

We could say, "yeah (insert situation here that happened or is happening) - let's go, I got this."

We can build a relationship with ourselves knowing, "we're human"

We can tell ourselves, "yeah, I got you"


DM me if you want help getting the results you want but think:

It's not possible
I don't have enough time or energy
I'm not ready
I'll do it when I'm ready

We can get through this together.

All those, "dreams, to do lists, more time, more money, more organization, and/or weight loss" wishes you have are all ready yours.

I can show you where it's been hiding.


Our Exes...

I'm not talking about going down memory lane

I'm talking about those challenging relationships we choose to still keep in our lives

If we currently have a challenging relationship in our lives, it's likely because we choose it keep them

As they say, what doesn't kill you makes your stronger

So whether it be your spouse, partner, a family member, or the toxic friend that has your back, we make the decision to keep them in our lives - even in just keeping them in our thoughts

When we have negative thoughts about that person - "they always do XYZ, so they're going to do it again" - even when XYZ isn't even happening or hasn't happened in some time,

Instead, how about thinking - yes my ex / previous / past (spouse, friend, partner, etc…) - did XYZ, but new (spouse, friend, partner, etc…) adores me

Notice how much better that feels than to dwell on something that isn't happening in the present

When we feel better we show up as better versions of ourselves

When we're in the pain and other negative feelings, we don't show up for the relationship

And that's what can strain and affect the outcome to where it doesn't work

Maybe we're right - maybe history will repeat itself and they do XYZ again -

When that happens, we'll deal with it then

Dwelling in it now doesn't make the pain go away in the future, make it hurt less, or protect us

We’re just lengthening the pain, living in it now, and "hurting up front"

Living in those thoughts result in finding more evidence OF those thoughts

Every day I can believe on purpose that that person adores me

Then I show up adoring them

Thoughts create feelings and

Thoughts are optional

You can choose to believe whatever you want to

Would you rather be right or happy?


If you want help getting the results you want but think:

It's not possible
I don't have enough time or energy
I'm not ready
I'll do it when I'm ready

We can get through this together.

All those, "dreams, to do lists, more time, more money, more organization, and/or weight loss" wishes you have are all ready yours.

I can show you where it's been hiding.

Contact me for a free consult session.

Videos (show all)

Immediately when we replace the word conflict with connection it brings us to a whole higher levelIt doesn’t even have t...
These photos with my son remind me of an article I read the year he was born The joy in his face - squintingly-bright ey...
First & foremost, I have to give a warm virtual hug to those who sent their luck over to my audition a few weeks back, o...
"Should" is just "Could" with Shame on Top of itThere are a number of things I feel I "should" be doing or "should" have...
Motivation.This photo was my phone’s wallpaper this month. It originally started as just my son holding my goal result. ...
The only daughter I ever hadI just want you backI just want to see you in your bedWearing your cute little outfitsLickin...
TONIGHT‘S THE NIGHT! If you need help managing our current times, join me LIVE tonight on ONLINE! Camera not required. S...