Humans of HALAB _ Aleppo
On this page, we talk about Aleppo rebuilding. A space to share our adventure in researching a people-centered approach to rebuilding this World Heritage City.
Looking for sweet and nuts.. go to this shop in Soul Al Sakatia. Meet this fine and nice young man who believes in and opens even in holidays to serve the passing by.
A Critical Examination of the Future Outlook for Aleppo.
Rebuilding Trauma: Is it the sun or a fire that will burn everything?
الورقة البحثية عن إعادة إعمار حلب القديمة، دعوة لإعادة بناء سوق العطارين وإعادة التواصل للمحور بين باب أنطاكية وسوق الزرب.
شكرا لك حدا جاوب على الاستبيان :)
Al Foul Mdamas, A Syrian intangible heritage, This heritage is deeply connected to a historical area in Aleppo, Al-Jdayde.
To my surprise, a lot of the University students who participated in my survey answered the question about where you used to go in Aleppo with “Abo Abdo Alfwal” In Al Jdade. They used to go there to enjoy Al Jdayde neighborhood and eat Foul Mdamas 🙂
We architects can talk a lot about what is heritage and what is identity but what we should do really is listen to the people. Their heritage their places their memories and the place they dream to come back to.
His children the carrier of his heritage chose to stay .. to continue their father’s legacy. Maybe rebuilding Ab Abdo Alfawal shop will not give Aleppo back to us like it was before the war, but I am sure it will give the Aleppo people a nice place of memory to go back to.
I am really proud of his children, May his legacy continue with them and by them and God Bless Al Foul Mdamas and May the soul of Al-Am Abo Abdo rest in peace.
In 2016, I went to Aleppo. I fall in love with the city before the war and the destruction broke my heart. I wanted to be a part of the revitalization process of this city. I did my master degree about it and then wrote my first paper "Decision-Making Methodology Between Revitalisation and Rehabilitation of World Heritage City Centers. Case Study: The Ancient City of Aleppo (Syria)" .
I believe a people-centered approach in reviving the city is a very complicated hard concept to be investigated and I hope this page can help.
هل تعلم ما معنى أن تقع في حب مدينة أكثر فأكثر كلما زرتها.. معناه أن تحب كل خطوة فيها ❤️ المدينة القلب #حلب
حلب في عيون الحاج محي الدين، هي #حلب التي أحب. الحاج رجل ستيني من عمر الاب لو كان حيا اليوم.
كل يوم صباحاً، أزور حلب القديمة من حكايا الحاج الذي يقوم بأعمال خيرية في الحارة من دكان صغير أمام مكان إقامتي.
يحدثني الحاج عن متعة عيد المولد #النبوي مؤخراً في #الجامع القريب من دكانه. يشعر بارتباط وثيق بين التفاصيل الموجودة في الجامع وتاريخه وحجارته الجميلة البيضاء وبين كل ما تمثله هذه الاحتفالات من تمسك بالتقاليد الروحيه الجميله.
' الدراويش يا ابنتي يعيشون البساطة والتعبد في الحياه، هذه الحياه التي نتمناها ولا ندركها' يخبرني الحاج وهو ينظر إلى صور الدراويش من احتفال الأمس في الجامع الأثري الجميل.
أنا مندفعة كالعادة، أقاطع حديثه باستمرار وأعيد أسئلتي عن أهم المعالم الأثرية التي ينتظر ترميمها في حلب، ثم أقاطعه مجددا لأخبره كم أحب القلعة وكم أنا مفتونة بها.
اخبرني اليوم الحاج أنه لم يزر القلعة بعد الحرب، لم يستطع الحاج أن يكون سعيدا بجمال القلعة وكل ما حولها دمار.
"ألم تعتد يا حجي على الدمار" أجيب مندفعة مرة أخرى.
"لا ولن أستطيع الاعتياد. قلبي وروحي لهذه البلاد وكأنها يا ابنتي تتمزق كل ما رأت الدمار، آه لو تعلمين كم أنا سعيد بالمخفر العثماني الذي رمم أمامي، أجلس أتأمل جمال الحجارة وقلبي يمتلئ محبه وعشق لحلب؛ اف لو تترمم كل حلب"
أمنيتنا جميعاً يا حاج
Souk revival . A project that seeks to bring the dimension of the rehabilitation process to the discussion and promote a -centered approach in the -making of the post- process in the of .
A collection of research methods was used. These methods included: onsite field observation to collect data, (specifically, the Souk area) conducting interviews with shop owners, local Aleppies and from the diaspora (in summer 2020 and winter 2021), and setting an online questionnaire survey (June and July 2021).
One of the nicest interviews was my with Eng. Mohiuddin ( محي الدين).
in the eyes of Al-Haj Mohiuddin is that I love. Al-Haj Mohiuddin is an engineer from Aleppo, Al Bayyada, in the old city. He worked as a textile merchant before the war.
Every morning, I visited Al-Haj Mohiuddin, who does charitable work in Al Bayyada neighborhood from a small shop in front of my place of residence.
My questions focused on the most important in his opinion that should be rehabilitated in ,I told him how much I love the and how fascinated I am with it.
Today he told me that he did not visit the citadel after the war, Al-Haj Mohiuddin was traumatized from the destruction of the Old Souks around the citadel. Thus, he could not be happy anymore. He could not enjoy the beauty of the citadel because every building around it was destroyed.
“Didn’t you, Haji, get used to the view of destruction?” I answer.
"No, and I will never get used to it. My heart and soul for this country, as if, my daughter, my soul is torn apart when I see the destruction. Oh, if you knew how happy I am with the Ottoman building that was restored in front of me, I sit here in front of the building and my heart is filled with love and adoration for Aleppo, I wish that all of Aleppo be restored." Al hajj answers me.
Don’t we all wish that
In the video below, Eng. Mohiuddin talking to me about the revival of the Souk.