Keyrings and other things

Keyrings and other things

A site dedicated to selling handmade crafts. Created and ran by three sisters, 10, 9 and 7.


Our resident key ring and fridge magnet expert is ready to take your order - any number/letter/colour!


Exciting times trialing new soap scents. This one is Sicilian Lemon and Orange.

Can't wait to get this out for testing!


Happy weekend!
Check out our scented waxes at

Photos from Keyrings and other things's post 11/10/2020

We are trying out new logos. What do you think?

Wax Melt (Medium Pack – 16pcs) 09/10/2020

Happy Friday - it is almost the weekend!

Thinking of treating yourself? Try our wax melts or scented soaps. We have a new scent; 'baby powder' and it smells like talcum powder!

Wax Melt (Medium Pack – 16pcs) Beautifully made, these scented pieces of wax are designed to be gently heated to release their fragrance. They’re like candles but without the wick, meaning that they require a wax warmer to…


We have a new page on our website - Social Media Links. Go check our how busy we have been!

SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS Packing a brand new order for a client

wax melts boxing ❤#smallbuinessowner 06/10/2020

We love all our orders - Its packaging night tonight!

wax melts boxing ❤#smallbuinessowner we make keyrings and soaps () has created a short video on TikTok with music Sunset Street. | wax melts boxing ❤


Another order going out to a valued customer. Wax melter and a lovely batch of 16 jasmine scented wax melts for less than £18 including shipping!

Order yours now


Our beautiful handmade wax melts are perfect for these cold dark nights drawing in. at £6 for 16 melts, they are a bargain!

Did you know, jasmine contains around 200 species native to tropical and warm temperate regions of Eurasia and Oceania. Jasmines are widely cultivated for the characteristic fragrance of their flowers?

Why Choose A Soy Wax Candle – The Benefits of Soy Wax – KeyRingsAndOtherThings 30/09/2020

Did you know all our scented wax candle melts are made from soy products?
Check out the latest article:

Why Choose A Soy Wax Candle – The Benefits of Soy Wax – KeyRingsAndOtherThings Why Choose A Soy Wax Candle – The Benefits of Soy Wax When it comes to shopping for candles, the scent and aroma shouldn’t be the only factor to consider. Candles can be made out of a variety of different waxes, with each wax having different properties that affect the performance.  Candles can...


We now offer free shipping for any order over £20!

we make keyrings and soaps on TikTok 27/09/2020

A look back to the one of our first orders!

we make keyrings and soaps on TikTok first vid 🐻🐵

Wax Melter 26/09/2020

Great value wax burners now on sale. An ideal match to our amazing scented wax melts!

Wax Melter Ceramic White Oil Burner 3 Pillars and Teardrop Cut Out, 9.5 x 9.5 x 10.5 cm Large capacity can make the burning time of essential oil / aromatherapy wax last longer. You don't need to add aroma oil or wax tart so frequently. What's more, It can also be used alone as a candle holder!

Photos from Keyrings and other things's post 26/09/2020

More fantastic products nearly ready for shipping. Can you spot yours?!


Breaking news!!

We are now selling wax melt packs with a choice of amazing scents!



our new product - scented wax melts

Wax Melts (4 pack) 23/09/2020

Exciting News...we have a new product: Wax Melts!
Just like scented candles without the wick - these are melted in a wax melt burner and the scent fill the room. Made from soy wax, these melts leave no paraffin smell.

20% off with voucher wax20

Wax Melts (4 pack) Small and beautifully made, these scented pieces of wax are designed to be gently heated to release their fragrance. They’re like candles but without the wick, meaning that they require a wax warmer to melt and diffuse the fragrance. We recommend using 2-3 pieces at a time, offering you up to 60 h...

How Does Soap Work? 21/09/2020

Every wondered how soap works and what it is made from?
Check out our latest article.

How Does Soap Work? Soap, water, and oil are all made up of molecules. Some molecules are hydrophilic, (hydro=water and philic=loving) these molecules are attracted to water. Some molecules are hydrophobic, (hydro=water and phobic=fearing), they are repelled by water. Molecules that readily mix with water are hydroph...


More keyrings and fridge magnets ready for the next step in the process.

Order yours now at! 19/09/2020

All of our products are handmade specific to each order in the UK and include lettered and numbered keyrings and different types of soap!

Interesting fact: this business is ran by me and my sisters. We are all under the age of 11!

Check out our story and browse our store: Lockdown has been pretty tough on us all and having three sisters is very handy when you want to have fun and keep yourself challenged but even lockdown had started getting to us! We have had a few challenge given to us over the last few months from helping in the garden to creating our own videos (...

Product range 19/09/2020

Some of Our Products