

Aware Awake Alive


Ease Osteoporosis : Who are at Risk
*Being female
*Having low estrogen levels (including after menopause)
*Being older. After age 75, the risk is the same for men and women
*Being of European, Hispanic, or Asian ancestry
*Living a sedentary lifestyle
*Being very thin
*Family history of osteoporosis. Genetic determinants are responsible for up to 85% of the variation in peak bone mass, and may also determine bone fracture risk.
*Late onset of menstruation or early menopause
*Drinking too much caffeine
*Having irritable bowel syndrome
*Diet low in calcium and vitamin D or high in sodium
*Long-term use of certain medications, including corticosteroids, diuretics, aromatase inhibitors, and thyroid medications
*Exercise-induced amenorrhea (loss of me**es)
*Having an eating disorder, particularly during the first 2 decades of life
other reasons
*Increase of bone resorption for osteoclasts activation
*Chronic infections
*Acidifying diet
*High glycemic load diet with AGEs production
*Food intolerances
*Intestinal dysbiosis/ leaky gut syndrome
*Dental problems
*Overweight and obesity
*Chronic stress and neurologic dystonia
*Environmental toxicity
*Nutrients’ deficiency
*Endocrine disorders
*Hepatic and renal diseases
*Diabetes and other chronic degenerative diseases
Here are some ways to prevent osteoporosis:
Calcium helps in building bone density and vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium.Dairy products such as
low-fat and non-fat milk, yogurt and cheese are good sources ofcalcium and should be consumed.
"Women above the age of 50 must consume about1,500 mg of calcium daily, which is comparable to four
glasses of fortifi ed milk each day,"says Dr Anil Raheja, Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Surgery,
Apollo Spectra Hospitals,Delhi.
You should include herbs like ashwagandha, shatavari, jatamansi and bala in your diet toYou tostrengthen your bones.
strengthen 3.
According to Dr Shilpa Kapoor, you can soak one teaspoon of white sesame seeds inAccording insome water,
leave it overnight and have in the morning, in the summer. However, in thesome winter,
you can simply chew on one teaspoon of sesame seeds slowly.
Consuming green vegetables such as spinach, turnip, whole grains, fortifi ed oatmeal,broccoli,
cabbage, sprouts, beans, black gram, and chickpea goes a long way in increasingbone density.
Consuming fatty varieties of fi sh, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines thatinclude Vitamin D,
is also benefi cial.
Soyabean, lentils, chickpeas, and beans plus tofu soy milk with calcium is a good way torestore decreased
hormones in women thanks to with menopause.
Have nuts and seeds in moderate quantities. Walnuts and fl axseeds are rich in omega-3fatty acids and have
proven to be quite benefi cial in the prevention of osteoporosis.Peanuts and almonds contain potassium which
protects against the loss of calciumthrough the urine.
In case of severe or sudden pain, massage your major joints with oil at least once a day .Oils like sesame oil
or Mahanarayan oil or pinda tail can help in relieving pain.
Avoid excessive consumption of caff eine and alcholic drinks. Caff eine has high diureticproperties and it excretes
high amounts of calcium in the urine, leading to bone loss.Coff ee, tea and soft drinks decrease the absorption of
calcium and contribute to loss ofbone density. Alcohol too interferes with the body's ability to absorb calcium.
10.check about low stomach acid
What More will help in this :
Red Sage Red Clover Horsetail Thyme Turmeric
Potassium (citrate)
Calcium (citrate) or equivalent chelate.
Magnesium (citrate) or equivalent chelate
Vitamin D3
Vitamin K synergy from K1/K2 ( check if using any kind of statin)
Omega-3 synergy from land and sea (flax/fish)
Fish oil providing 2g EPA+DHA and flax oil providing2g of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) per day
Multi-vitamin/mineral complex (e.g., professional label) Encapsulated two per day.
Vit B6 for the synthesis of Collagen.
3-6mg. Take at bedtime.
Optimize alpha lipoic acid.
Supplement with berberine Research suggests that berberine may lower osteoclast activityand boost osteoblast activity.
Increase good fats in the diet.
use coconut oil for MCTs
Soy isoflavones( Non GMO)
Isoflavones are phytoestrogens, plant chemicals that have some of the same effects as estrogen. Because estrogen
helps protect osteoporosis, researchers theorize that isoflavones may also help stop bone loss. Studies are conflicting, however.
The best source of soy isoflavones is
(tofu, soy milk, and soybeans)


Diabetes Are U on Metformin ? can get the same in natural ways 1) organinc turmeric 2) Beberine 3) inositol 4) cinnamon 5) NAC (n acetyl cysteine ) so foods for inositol
fruits, beans, grains, and nuts. muskmelon, oats, bran, and citrus fruits (other than lemons) for NAC in beans, lentils, spinach, bananas, sunflower seeds and legumes, contain cysteine....Take advice from treating Dr as well Research source


Healthy Bones And Joints
check your TSH if its High it drains bone mass
When you have too much phosphorus in your blood, it causes your body to pull calcium from your bones to try and keep your blood balanced. so it will reduce calcium too
Need vitamin D and K2
vit D with K2 is most wise choice to fill
Need calcium , zinc, magnesium, Phosphorus ,Selenium
ease mobility with Cartilage Glucosamine , Synovial fluid
Calcium to keep your bones dense and strong.
magnesium helps for a higher bone mineral density, which is important in reducing the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis.
Phosphorus works with calcium and vitamin D in your body to keep your bones healthy and strong.To do this, your body's phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D all need to be in balance.
Zinc is an essential mineral that is required for normal skeletal growth and bone homeostasis. Furthermore, zinc appears to be able to promote bone regeneration.
lowest levels of dietary selenium had the highest risk of developing osteoporosis
Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones and muscles. Without Vitamin D, our bodies cannot effectively absorb calcium,
Vitamin K regulate calcium deposition. and prevents the calcification of blood vessels and kidneys
Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that keeps joint motion fluid by coating the surfaces of the bones in our joints and by cushioning bones against impact. It is not as rigid as bone, but is stiffer and less flexible than muscle tissue.
cartilage : Chondroitin is found naturally in your body. It's a vital part of cartilage, giving it elasticity by helping it retain water.
Foods that Help Rebuild Cartilage
Legumes. Oranges. ...Pomegranates. ...Green Tea. ...
Brown Rice. ...Nuts. ...Brussel Sprouts.
Glucosamine is found naturally in your body. It plays an important role in making glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins, which are essential building blocks of many parts of your joints, including ligaments, tendons, cartilage and synovial fluid.
get it from Bone Broth
Synovial fluid, also known as joint fluid, is a thick liquid located between your joints. The fluid cushions the ends of bones and reduces friction when you move your joints.
Foods That Regenerate Synovial Fluid
Dark, leafy vegetables.
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, mackerel, and flaxseeds.
Anti-inflammatory foods rich in compounds like curcumin (found in turmeric)
Foods high in antioxidants like onions, garlic, green tea, and berries.
Nuts and seeds.
Research source


Ease allergic rhinitis with this simple method
One spoon bura sugar / desi sugar candy
1/ 2 spoon bamboo powder / vamsalochana powder
1/4 spoon long pepper powder
1/8 spoon cardamom powder
2 pinches ceylon cinnamon powder mix all together and just consume on empty stomach 3 gms with honey or ghee ..just get rid of runny nose / allergic cough / allergic rashes / sneezing ..


Mix neem and turmeric in equal portions and prepare a paste by adding water apply this paste on the affected area let it dry for 30 mins once don'e wash it normal water .once it's dried apply pure caster oil and massage gently. .wipe out with dry cloth after 30 mins. ..do both steps 3 to 5 times a day
Stop taking sugar to get rid of itching
Take more sulphur rich foods
Aways keep dry
Must wash clothing with hot water ...


Ease FALLOPIAN Tube Block;
Vitamin C.
Turmeric. with bio perine
D**g quai.
Yoni / Vaginal steaming.( in presence of Abdomen expert )
guava decoction
Research Source


Ease Hepatitis
vitamin E , K helps u in controlling
herbs like Oregano. ...Sage. ...Basil. ...Fennel. ...Garlic. ...Lemon balm. ...Peppermint. ...Rosemary. are natural antiviral herbs.
Milk thistle is helps greatly , boswellia serrata also a good choice ( avoid if u have gastric issues ) ..
Ayurveda herbs like kalmegh, bhuiamala, punarnava, bhringaraj, chirayata, baheda, guduchi and katuki are effective antiviral and immune boosters.
Liv.52 HB from himalya


Ease Essential Tremors
Eat a healthy diet by eliminating processed food and Aspartame, another neurotoxin.
Eliminate as many toxins from your environment as you can, especially lead and harmone.
Make sure your digestive system is working optimally and that you’re eliminating regularly, thereby removing toxins from the body on a regular basis so they do not accumulate.
Take essential fatty acids (EPA/DHA), which reduce inflammation and promote healthy cell membranes.
T supplements that calm the nerves, such as B complex vitamins, magnesium, GABA, and l-theanine.
Calming herbs include Scutellaria lateriflora (skullcap), Avena sativa (oat straw), and Passiflora incarnata (passionflower).
Constitutional as well as scalp acupuncture produce good results.
Patients usually have an immediate positive response, with significant or complete reduction in tremor in about 80% of cases. The norm is that tremors gradually decrease with each session.


Ease Psoriasis
Must avoid taking tamarind ,tomato ,Brinjal, okra, red and green bell peppers, potato,beans and their family, pickles , sour foods and fruits wheat gluten , processed sugar and salt these are culprits to raise inflammation ,,,can take pink salt and best old jaggery and finally good gut health with best digestive system..
- fever few herb works wonderfull in this Feverfew has numerous other pharmacological actions, including inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, blockage of platelet granule secretion, effects on smooth muscle, antitumor activity, inhibition of serotonin release, inhibition of histamine release, and mast cell inhibition,
schizonepeta tenuifolia -Schizonepeta tenuifolia extracts in high doses exhibit immunomodulation of the inflammatory response by regulating cytokine release, specifically the release of Th1 and Th2 cytokines from T cells as well as the unprimed CD4 T cells from differentiating into Th1 and Th2 cells.
milk thistle milk thistle may be hepatoprotective through a number of mechanisms: antioxidant activity, toxin blockade at the membrane level, enhanced protein synthesis, antifibriotic activity, and possible anti-inflammatory or immunomodulating effects.
vitamin D is most impotant
use cooking oil cold compressed rice bran oil is the best
make your own retinoid supplements which treats skin damage
HCL with pepsin to break down proteins (start with one capsule taken with protein) Digestive Enzymes for skin are incredibly fruitful. These underrated supplements can help the body properly break down and digest nutrients. They can also help to minimize the inflammation of the intestine, which is essential for cleaner skin.
krill oil contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (?-3 PUFAs) including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as the active ingredients, may be beneficial in psoriasis, likely through their anti-inflammatory effect
Leech therapy is good also caled Ayurvedic Rakthamokshana
focus on antioxidants and anti histamine in diet and antipruritic for topical application to ease the flare up and itching effect and redcuce scale -- Research Source


triphala ghrita is the best for glaucoma
more Resveratrol can protect neurons from the toxic effects of inflammation. It has also been shown to increase cerebral blood flow as well as provide a neuroprotective effect
check foods in which more resveratol ..
know the pressure points in this jin shin jyutsu method helps. take more carotenoid foods and let me add natural ways to reduce eye pressure
lower your insulin levels. Insulin can cause your eye pressure to increase. So it’s wise to avoid sugary by cutting carbohydrate-heavy foods such as sodas, starches, sweets and breads. white flours
add exercise and yoga and pranayama to combat stress
Finally, eat a healthy diet! Nutrients like vitamins C, E and A, as well as fatty acids and minerals, can all help to protect your important optic nerve. Research source


Ease your TINNITUS with Pycnogenol foods and supplements , Bilva Tailam , NOTCH Therapy kinesiology and chiropractic adjustment surely Helps . Based on Reaserch info


Ease Gallstone,
avoid cooking in cast iron and check your iron intake ..get tested lipid profile ..if excess cholesterol then u must reduce and avoid all excess cholesterol foods ..
Limiting or eliminating fatty foods refined carbohydrates ,processed foods and oils avoid dairy products
Probiotic-filled foods including fermented foods such as miso, sauerkraut, and Kombucha helps alot take choleretic foods
Beetroot. Beetroot is a unique food that exerts pure magic on the gallbladder. ...
Cranberries. Cranberries help to resolve gallbladder problems. ...
Radishes. ...
Dandelion greens. ...
Nuts and seeds. ...
Fresh fruits and vegetables. ...
Legumes and beans. ...
Egg yolks.
Natural therapies to Prevent Gallstones
• Flush of gallbladder: A good way to keep the gallbladder flushed is by taking the juice of half a lemon with ¾
oz of olive oil and an 1/8 tsp of garlic once a day.
> 1 teaspoon of black seed oil mixed thoroughly
with half a cup of hot water. Taking of this dose on an
empty stomach in the morning is effective.
>Lecithin: Naturalists and herbalists recommended that
lecithin granules help in dissolving gallstones. The recommended dosage is two to three tablespoons daily.
>Turmeric: The main ingredient in Turmeric is cur cumin
which is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It improves
the solubility of bile, making bile and its compounds, including those that form gallstones, easier to dissolve.
> Raw Beetroot Juice, Pear Juice, and Apple Juice: Cutting down on food consumption for a couple of days
and add raw beetroot juice, pear juice, and apple juice
to diet reduce gallbladder discomfort. Beet juice is especially helpful because it also helps cleanse the liver.
>herb helping greatly nigella sativa ,
>peppermint oil or peppermilt leaves
> rosemary is another great essential oil for gallbladder
-Research source


Need folic acid, vitamins B12 and B6, zinc and tri-methyl-glycine (TMG) .n-acetylcystein Coenzyme Q10 curcumin with bio perine . Dr,.ORNISH diet for parksinson proven to be reversal ...My advice is usually people treated with I dopa and vit D also helps greatly ..so I dopa natural resources are Mucuna pruriens (velvet bean), and Vicia faba (broad bean) Canavalia( jack bean) Belladonna Mother tincture in Homeo ..or Baidyanath Chaturbhuj Ras Gold ayurveda boxing helps for Parkinson people and best pro biotic also helps CBD oil as steam also helps , facial excercises also helps Reflexology , jigsaw puzzles ,celerey juice if she is walking with stick get laser walker stick , enough magnesium use virgin coconut oil ,yoga also helps ..Research Source


vagus nerve stimulation , Nasya method , Nutrients that may reduce seizure frequency include vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin E, manganese, taurine, dimethylglycine, and omega-3 fatty acids. Administration of thiamine may improve cognitive function in patients with epilepsy -research source


1. Home Remedies for Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol
Natural ways to lower cholesterol for home remedies contain herbs:
Olive oil
Olive oil has monounsaturated fats, increases HDL, and lowers LDL in the blood.
If you take four teaspoons of olive oil daily, the risk of heart attack reduces.
But to use olive oil effectively, don’t over-heat it. It loses its nutritional value.
Green tea
Green tea is very effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels. It avoids blood clotting.
Garlic has medicinal properties and destroys fat. You can use garlic with water.
Dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate has cocoa in it. It prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and reduces high blood pressure.
Walnut has monounsaturated fats, omega 3-fatty acids.
It has soluble and insoluble fibers, and fibers are very beneficial for cholesterol balancing.
It has antioxidants.
Fish contains Omega 3-fatty acids and increases HDL levels in the blood. It improves the functions of the liver.
2. Lose the Weight
If you don’t wanna be a victim of cholesterol disorders, try to control your weight first.
To control your weight, you need to take a healthy diet. You need to do exercise regularly.
You need to avoid junk foods for sure.
It is important because obesity is the mother of many diseases. You should eat green vegetables like salad. You can use olive oil on it also.
Use fresh fruits. They’re a source of fibers and many other nutrients essential for health.
Make sure to remove fried items from your diet.
3. Diet to Control Cholesterol.
There’s a specific diet plan to control cholesterol. “Eat healthily and be healthy” is a motive you can follow.
Use Brown Bread (fibers), egg, fruits (Apple, strawberry, oranges), green vegetables (both have threads), salad, lentils, and oats.
If you’re using vegetables, don’t overcook them. It affects their nutritional value.
Use chia seeds, basal seeds as your diet. Try to eat food rich in fiber. You can use cheese but with low fats.
4. Herbal Supplements to Control Cholesterol.
Artichoke Leaf
Artichoke leaf extracts are rich in nutrients. They’ve carbs, fibers, proteins, and vitamins stored in them.
It reduces the level of LDL from 18-22% in the blood.
Red ginseng plays an essential role in reducing cholesterol levels.
You can use soy proteins to lower cholesterol levels. Soy proteins decrease LDL levels in the blood. You can take 25 grams of soy proteins every day to get results. It reduces 3-4% of the cholesterol levels in the blood.
The lignans you can extract from flaxseed help reduce cholesterol levels.


Fever few herbal tea is proven effective
Daith piercing proper point and proper way
try with a best chiropractic expert
Dark Chocolate.
Avocados. NutsLegumes. ...Tofu. ...Seeds. ...Whole Grains. ...Spinach.Swiss chard..Potato with skin. Okra also need supplements and vit
Vitamin B-2.
Vitamin D.
Coenzyme Q10.
Melatonin foods helps greatly
kool n soothe migraine cooling strips
adel 1 apo-dolor Homeopathy medicine -- Research Source


herbs remedies used in the treatment for Piles:
>Directly apply Witch hazel on the affected a**l region. It is an anti-inflammatory herb. Scientifically, it contains some oils that help to reduce bleeding, itching, and inflammation. One can apply it topically with the aid of a cotton ball. It also prevents infection and is effective in hemorrhoid treatment
>Horse chestnuts or Spanish chestnuts are proven to be the best way to treat piles. It is composed of natural components like saponin. Anti-inflammatory and lessens the swelling in the a**l region. It helps strengthen the veins around the a**l against straining due to pressure.
>Hesperidina are extracted from citrus fruits. It aids the veins to perform a proper function and reduce inflammation. According to a scientific study, it’s very effective in hemorrhoid treatment.
A herb named peppermint yields a scented oil which is used as a flavoring agent. It would help in relief from pain due to piles.
>Aloe Vera gel has anti-inflammatory properties and treats many skin issues. It is instrumental in treating piles. Topical use of pure aloe vera has scientifically proven to be effective against piles. It soothes the irritation and inflammation.
>Use cow milk to prepare buttermilk. Let’s prepare a paste by adding ginger, rock salt, and peppercorn. And use this mixture twice a day for hemorrhoid treatment.
Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer, also utilized to lessen the pile’s symptoms.
>Take fresh radish juice twice a day at the initial stage; that also helps relieve. Another way is mixing radish juice with honey and applies it to the affected a**l area. It’ll help in the recovery of symptoms of piles.
>Take four figs and let them soak in water for a night. Eat it with an empty stomach in the early morning. Do this for a month. It will be beneficial in the treatment of piles.
>Olive oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which are favorable for treatment for piles. It reduces swelling and irritation.
>Sesame seed oil has been used for centuries due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity. It absorbs hastily in skin tissues and helps to lessen the inflammation. It also prevents the affected area from infection.
>Prepare a mixture by taking a ripe banana with a cup of milk and drinking it thrice a day.
>Take 30g of onion and stir in water, add 60g of sugar in it and consume this mixture three times a day.
>Juice of Turnip leaves mixed with an equal amount of spinach and carrot juice has proved to be very useful to treat piles.
>Wheatgrass juice in lukewarm water is beneficial in piles to clean bowels. -Research Source


Ease All Stomach Related Issues With this Simple Powder Hingasthak choorna
one spoon of each
black jeera
carom seeds /ajwain
Asafoetida / Hing
Pink salt
Long pepper/ Pipppali
pepper / Kali mirch
dry ginger powder /Sount
grind them to fine powder and use this powder
Take three grams of powder with cow ghee. / Take Your first two morsels with this powder and cow ghee in rice or roti and carry on Your regular lunch or dinner helps greatly to ease stomach issues like Acidity/gastric/gerd/bloating/indigestion /spasms /IBS/constipation/Mal absorption ...



1) Pomegranate juice – This elixir has enough medicinal value to earn the name ‘wonder fruit.’ Scottish researchers from Queen Margaret University have identified how amazing it works for lowering blood pressure.
2) Celery – A recent study based in China, published by the National Institute of Health (NIH), hails celery as a great natural option for reducing blood pressure. More than 87% of the participants showed a reduction in blood pressure after consuming celery regularly.
3) Melatonin – It’s been used for years as a natural sleeping medicine with no side effects. But surprisingly, an Italian research study published in the American Journal of Hypertension shows it also brings blood pressure down while you sleep.
4) Hawthorn – Hawthorn extract and hawthorn berries have been shown to have very good blood pressure-lowering effects, almost equivalent to prescription drugs. The best thing about hawthorn is that it not only lowers blood pressure, but also strengthens heart muscles.
5) Quercetin – A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has reported that a 200 mg supplement of quercetin increased levels of nitric acid in the blood, thus dilating blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. But we saved the best for last. The most effective, Raw onion and Fenugreek have richest in quercetin


Reasons for hair fall : thyroid, pcos,cod , insulin resistance ,diabetes , stress, dehydration , excess of heat in the body, wearing helmet for long hours , No oiling but frequent head baths , lack of blood supply /low ferritin and intesne stress using chemical based shampoo..leaving the moist hair after bath with out drying , lack vitamins and minerals , nutrients other than genetics and auto immune issues .... gluten /lactose intolerance inflammation
Need below things to prevent or to ease the situation
Vitamin A. All cells need vitamin A for growth. ...
B-Vitamins. One of the best known vitamins for hair growth is a B-vitamin called biotin. ...
Vitamin C. ...creates the protein, known by the more popular term, collagen.
Vitamin D. ...plays a role in the creation of new hair follicles.
Vitamin E. ... support a healthy scalp
Iron. ...helps boost circulation and carries oxygen to your hair's roots,
Zinc. ... plays an important role in hair tissue growth and repair.
Protein. .....because hair follicles are made of mostly protein.
omega-3 fatty acids...... hair growth and prevent hair loss,
minoxidil .....natural alternatve Viola verecunda extract helps hair loss
keratin... works by smoothing down the cells that overlap to form your hair strands.
derma roller but just need to slide no pressure
black salt is also essential to absorb the nutrients
need to stop free radical damage - wish U dancing Hair


Ease Re flux / Gastric
drink warm water as much as u can on empty stomach before mouth wash ( do mouth wash after dinner)..drink water always in sitting and drink like tea every time sip by sip by sip...drink warm water again after 45 mins take food ..chew every morsel 30 times minimum avoid tv/ phone /chatting just chew.30 times every morsel consciously..and wait for 1.5 hour to drink water ..in between u feel needed then drink butter milk .....
make sure these things..cook dal only in afternoon add ajwain /betel nut ...must ..avoid tamarind and tomato milk and gluten for few days..
next do not take these things after sunset.fruits dal poha murmura raw onion and makahana pop corn and amla...
one more very important..never ever lean in sofa or chair ...always sit straight ...always upper part of the body straight ..if you lean no matter what you do take pills or do all things then acidity is sure....
so sit strigjt always.....grind sounf / fennel seeds to powder and boil in 2 cups of water to one cup and drink sip by sip by sip...daily
and when ever u feel acidic just chew old jaggery...it will sooth you .....chewing soild to liquid is half problem done. .if u are using western toilet must get this squat stool helps for all ..
Reaserch Source


Ease Yeast Infection-
is a fungal infection that produces white, cottage cheese-like discharge in addition to burning and itching sensations. The presence of yeast in the va**na is normal, but its growth can multiply out of control in certain situations. Stress, diabetes, oral contraceptive use, pregnancy, antibiotics may increase your likelihood of yeast infections.
Home remedies
Boil 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds in 1 glass of water and reduce to ½ the quantity. Consume this twice daily before food.
Soak 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds in 100ml of water over night, filter and drink the water in the early morning.
Regular douching of the ge***al tract with the decoction of bark of udumbara (fig tree) keeps the va**nal tract healthy and clean. Boil 2 tsp powder of udumbara bark in 1 litre of water and reduce to ½ litre. When it is luke warm use for douching.
In yeast infection douching with yasthimadhu will be effective.
If discharge is very thick with itching triphala decoction do**he will be beneficial.
Mix turmeric, yasthimadhu, amalaki churna in 1:2:2 ratio. Take 1 tsp of this mixture with warm water twice a daily in yeast infection till your symptoms are gone.
Consumption of tandulodaka (rice washed water) helps to reduce itchiness and burning sensation. Research Source


Ease In Conceiving / Pregnancy
*Generally gynecologist advice this for all struggling to conceive
Need folate
CoQ10. ...
Inositol. ...
Vitamin D. ...
A good probiotic. ...
Fish Oil. ...
now we see how we get all through natural ways
Asparagus. Asparagus contains a concentrated amount of many vitamins and minerals, Eggs. ......for folate
these are equal COQ10 is called coenzyme 10 dr prescribes for fertility imrovement for both men and women
avialble in these veggies (Fatty fish: Trout, herring, mackerel and sardine)
Leafy greens. ...
Avocados. ...
Beans and Lentils. ...
Nuts and Dry Fruits. ...Seeds (pumpkin, sesame sunflower)
Spices (turmeric, ginger)
Leafy greens
Berries (strawberries, blueberries)
Sesame Seeds. ...
Ginger. ...
Maca Root.Vegetables: Spinach, cauliflower and broccoli.
get a organic jaggery helps in detoxing body and helps for eggs
red banana
ask your dr can U consume Royal jelly
take decotion from guava leaves weekly thrice
for inositol
fruits, beans, grains, and nuts. muskmelon, oats, bran, and citrus fruits (other than lemons) are especially rich in myo-inositol. Cooking or freezing fruits and vegetables reduces their inositol content
take probotics yogurt and instant pickles, apple cider vinegar,
Vitamind D and DHEA
via SUN and Branded cereals or supplements
magnesium foods
aliv seeds soak over night add a small spoon with milk
Pumpkin Almonds Spinach Cashews Pumpkin
Take daily 8 black rasins by soaking in water about 8 hours take 2 times ..
what ever You are eating except sweet add raw chilli one minimum because
Chillies stimulate endorphin production which means more fertility-boosting,
ashwagandha ,belgium dark chocolate
* stop taking OKRA completely as its gossypol works as anti infertility in both men and women ...
Shatavari and Black cohsoh (clomiphene citrate) which is prescribed in allopathy and most common drug to conceive is clomiphene citrate.. mean while u can do this as home remedy...hope this Brings a smile in your face Research Source


Need these
vitamin B-1.
vitamin B-6.
Vitamin D
vitamin E.
omega-3 fatty acids.
cooked and raw vegetables.
dried fruits
Garlic and Onions
calciferous vegetables:
broccoli , cabbage, cauliflower oats.
,lentils.,barley. beans. Use high curcumin in all foods with pepper also eat flax seeds daily ..oats and barley.
Potassium-rich foods such as avocado, tomatoes and bananas.
Foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and magnesium like fortified milk.
Antioxidant-rich green tea.
acupuncture can promote blood flow in the pelvic area and thus help reduce fibroids.
agnus castus(chastberry ) is best medicine for fibroids
Try to wear a bracelet for both hands which weighs it regulates estrogen
medicinal herbs and plants include ashwagandha, holy basil, turmeric, licorice, ginseng, and Goji berry
Prepare a mixture of fresh beetroot juice with one tablespoon of aloe vera gel and blackstrap molasses. Continue drinking this mixture until the fibroids symptoms have reduced
Use the castor oil pack daily or every other day for 30 to 60 days, except during your period or when bleeding. For less severe pain try using it 3 times per week for 30 days, except during your period
A bioflavonoid in green tea called EGCG may help reduce the size and number of fibroids. ...
Chasteberry, or vitex, is taken for heavy menstrual bleeding, painful periods, and other symptoms. ...
Fasting with few spoon of water for 16 hours also helps (do this weekly once )
Basil, oregano, ginger, and rosemary inhibit a major protein involved in the inflammation of fibroids,
kapalbhati also helping many
Ayurvedic formulations Kanchanara Guggulu, Shigru Guggulu, and Haridra Khand are found to be effective treatment modality in uterine fibroid
va**nal steam helping for many can do on your own DIY
avoid sugar and cool drinks.and excess oil white rice and all polished items
Herbs whch are helping greatly ,Ramulus Cinnamomi, Poria, Semen Persicae, Radix Paeoniae Rubra or Radix Paeoniae Alba, and Cortex Moutan CHANCA PIEDRA ---- Research Source
