NJ Teachers' Consejo

NJ Teachers' Consejo

We are a collective of teachers, students, and school employees in New Jersey.

Our goal is to bring together students and education workers to organize against oppression and to educate, empower, and build community.

Photos from NJ Teachers' Consejo's post 20/12/2020

Que significa "Demand Safe Schools"? Es un movimiento nacional en los EEUU para demandar escuelas seguras, incluyendo reaperturas seguras, PPE, escuelas sin policía, y más. Conecta con nosotros todos los viernes para hablar y organizar sobre escuelas seguras! ✊🏫

What is Demand Safe Schools? It is a national movement in the US to demand safe schools, including safe reopening, PPE, police free schools, and more. Connect with us each Friday to talk and organize around safe schools! ✊🏫

Come out on 12/20 between 1:30-4pm for our 2020 Labor Retreat. The retreat will be hosted by the Worker Power Alliance @cnjdsa.wpa (a working group of @centralnjdsa) and we will discuss labor history, capitalism, and the role of this group and the Worker Power Alliance in supporting workers. If you are a new member interested in labor issues and worker organizing, this meeting is the perfect time to join us! DM us for more information or if you have any questions. 13/12/2020

Come out on 12/20 between 1:30-4pm for our 2020 Labor Retreat. The retreat will be hosted by the Worker Power Alliance .wpa (a working group of ) and we will discuss labor history, capitalism, and the role of this group and the Worker Power Alliance in supporting workers. If you are a new member interested in labor issues and worker organizing, this meeting is the perfect time to join us! DM us for more information or if you have any questions.

Come out on 12/20 between 1:30-4pm for our 2020 Labor Retreat. The retreat will be hosted by the Worker Power Alliance @cnjdsa.wpa (a working group of @centralnjdsa) and we will discuss labor history, capitalism, and the role of this group and the Worker Power Alliance in supporting workers. If you are a new member interested in labor issues and worker organizing, this meeting is the perfect time to join us! DM us for more information or if you have any questions.

Photos from NJ Teachers' Consejo's post 10/12/2020

Executive Order 192 provides important worker protections during the pandemic. Though it falls far short of sufficient (it does not, for example, provide the workers the right to determine for ourselves what unsafe work is, and to refuse such work without fear of retaliation) it is still vital that we ensure employers are meeting these basic requirements. Share this information with your coworkers to start a conversation about workplace safety!


🗣️🗣️ NJ education workers!Come on out this Tuesday night and support this event by CREW (the NJ Caucus Representing Education Workers).

Register here: https://tinyurl.com/njcrew8

Photos from NJ Teachers' Consejo's post 03/12/2020

Listen up, NJ school districts! With numbers like these, in-person reopening presents a clear risk to our students and education workers! No school reopenings until science says it's safe.
Visit the webpage nj.gov/health for the number of cases in your county.

¡Escuchen, distritos escolares de NJ! ¡Con estos números, la reapertura en persona presenta un riesgo claro para nuestros estudiantes y trabajadores de la educación! No más reaperturas de escuelas hasta que la ciencia diga que es seguro.
Visite la página web nj.gov/health para conocer la cantidad de casos en su condado.

Photos from NJ Teachers' Consejo's post 02/12/2020

What do we mean when we say ? Read about the 8 demands for safe schools. What is most important to you when thinking of school reopening?

¿A qué nos referimos cuando decimos ? Lea sobre las 8 demandas para escuelas seguras. ¿Qué es lo más importante para ti cuando piensas en la reapertura de la escuela?

Timeline photos 26/11/2020

🗣️🗣️ Announcement: our meeting for 11/27 is cancelled to observe the holidays, Indigenous People's Day and Thanksgiving. Take this time to relax and refresh your energy, so that we can continue our fight for safe schools.

🗣️🗣️Anuncio: nuestrx reunión del 27/11 está cancelada para observar las fiestas, el Día de los Pueblos Indígenas y el Día de Acción de Gracias. Tómese este tiempo para relajarse y refrescar su energía, para que podamos continuar nuestrx lucha por escuelas seguras.

Timeline photos 20/11/2020

Despite what Gov. Murphy and others have said this week, the COVID-19 risk remains High in most of NJ. The CDC has removed guidance from it's website pushing for school reopening, and the NJEA released a statement urging caution and supporting the fight for safe school reopening. We must continue to speak up and advocate for safe schools, including virtual learning wherever possible, increased PPE, and improved ventilation. Join us tonight to discuss these topics and start organizing in your own school!

A pesar de lo que el gobernador Murphy y otros han dicho esta semana, el riesgo de COVID-19 sigue siendo alto en la mayor parte de NJ. El CDC ha eliminado la guía de su sitio web que impulsa la reapertura de las escuelas, y la NJEA emitió una declaración en la que insta a la precaución y apoya la lucha por la reapertura segura de las escuelas. Debemos seguir hablando y abogando por escuelas seguras, incluido el aprendizaje virtual siempre que sea posible, un mayor PPE y una mejor ventilación. ¡Únase a nosotros esta noche para discutir estos temas y comience a organizarse en su propia escuela!

CDC quietly removes guidance pushing for school reopenings 19/11/2020

The CDC has removed documents from their website that pushed for school reopening, saying those documents contained outdated information. As we have learned more about the COVID-19, it's clear that children can both contract and spread the virus.

The NJTC stands for school reopening only when it's safe, resisting premature openings that put education workers and students at risk. This move from the CDC is a step in the right direction, but this fight is far from over. Join us every week on Fridays to discuss steps we can all take to keep our schools safe.


El CDC ha eliminado documentos de su sitio web que impulsaban la reapertura de la escuela, diciendo que esos documentos contenían información desactualizada. A medida que hemos aprendido más sobre el COVID-19, está claro que los niños pueden contraer y propagar el virus.

El NJTC representa la reapertura de las escuelas solo cuando sea seguro, resistiendo las aperturas prematuras que ponen en riesgo a los trabajadores de educación y los estudiantes. Este movimiento del CDC es un paso en la dirección correcta, pero nuestrx lucha está lejos de terminar. Únase a nosotrxs todos los viernes para discutir los pasos que todos podemos tomar para mantener seguras nuestrxs escuelas.

CDC quietly removes guidance pushing for school reopenings The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quietly removed controversial guidance from its website that pushed for schools to reopen in the fall and downplayed the transmission risks of COVID-19 to children and others.

#OnlyWhenItsSafe 14/11/2020

🗣️Health and safety training this Friday 11/20 from 4-6pm. The training is geared towards NJ teachers and is run by our comrades at NJ 21 United. Registration here: https://www.nj21united.org/onlywhenitssafe.html

🗣️ Entrenamiento sobre el salud y seguridad, viernes el 20 de noviembre a las 4-6pm. El entrenamiento es para las maestrxs de NJ y es dirigido por nuestrxs compañerxs de NJ 21 United. Registrarse aquí: https://www.nj21united.org/onlywhenitssafe.html

#OnlyWhenItsSafe Fill out our MEMBER SURVEY ​ Support our DEMANDS

Working Conditions Survey 01/11/2020

🏫🍎NJ Education Workers, we need your help! Our comrades from NJ 21 United shared with us a survey for any NJ school employees who are working in person during the pandemic.

No personal information will be shared. The survey will help groups like ours to identify what education workers need now, so we can work together to meet those needs. When the state fails to protect us, we must come together and protect ourselves and each other!

Please take a minute to complete the survey and share it with your colleagues, neighbors, and friends!


Working Conditions Survey This information is being gathered only to provide a broad overview of what is happening right now in our schools and guide our organizing work. No specific information will be shared. For questions or more information contact [email protected]


As we fight for safe schools, it is important to remember that safe schools = police free schools.

Mientras luchamos para las escuelas seguras, es importante recordar que escuelas seguras = escuelas libre de la policía.

Here’s how many N.J. school districts are opening all-remote, hybrid or in-person 05/10/2020

Almost 250 NJ school districts started this year with an all-remote model, but hundreds more started in-person or hybrid instruction. We are already seeing closures and quarantine due to outbreaks of Covid-19 in those districts where staff and students returned in-person, and rising concerns among education workers. What is your district's plan, and how is it going so far? Let us know!

Casi 250 distritos escolares de NJ comenzaron este año con un modelo totalmente virtual, pero cientos más comenzaron la instrucción en persona o híbrida. Ya estamos viendo cierres y cuarentenas debido a brotes de Covid-19 en los distritos donde el personal y los estudiantes regresaron en persona, y una creciente preocupación entre los trabajadores de educación. ¿Cuál es el plan de su distrito y cómo va hasta ahora? ¡déjenos saber!


Here’s how many N.J. school districts are opening all-remote, hybrid or in-person The state's nearly 600 school districts had to submit plans to reopen, including details on social distancing in classrooms.

National Day of Resistance - Demand Safe Schools Sept. 30 30/09/2020

Today is the National Day of Resistance for teachers and education workers. Today and every day we remain committed to safe, equitable schools for our children. Read more about the 8 demands for safe schools, and let us know how you are spending your day of Resistance!


National Day of Resistance - Demand Safe Schools Sept. 30 Schools in this crisis must have resources to provide the safety, health and equity that our students need and deserve. Join us August 3rd!

The most important week of our profession | Tempest 28/09/2020

An interesting interview with members of MORE in NYC. Despite their union agreeing to a reopening date of 9/29, NYC teachers know their schools are unsafe and underprepared. Rank and file educators are speaking out about the conditions they face, and although we are located in NJ, solidarity is important among all education workers united in the struggle for safe schools ✊


The most important week of our profession | Tempest Andy Sernatinger interviews five members of the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) about fighting for safe learning conditions in New York City Schools

National Day of Resistance - Demand Safe Schools Sept. 30 16/09/2020

🗣🗣The day of resistance to protest unsafe school reopening is coming up on September 30! Let us know your plans for the day in a comment below!

Find more resources here, and read up on the 8 demands for safe schools:

National Day of Resistance - Demand Safe Schools Sept. 30 Schools in this crisis must have resources to provide the safety, health and equity that our students need and deserve. Join us August 3rd!
