Jaison Midzi

Jaison Midzi

Say No to poor service delivery. Inbox our page to join Zimbabwe People's Action Party


Zimbabwe People's Action Party:ZPAP we're ready for by-elections, Ready to bring the much needed Action in our country of Zimbabwe, Glenview North residents, we're at your doorsteps.

Photos from Glenview North ZPAP's post 18/12/2021

Zimbabwe People's Action Party is ready to bring change to its residents of Glenview North, join us in Action.


Walk and work with me. We want measurable change in our suburbs. We are tired of false promises. They lied to us that Zimbabwe was Open for Budiness but the unemployment rate and the poor salaries for civil servants and all other workers has exposed them. Some lied to us that they were promised $15 billion by Donald Trump and till today council workers have very poor salaries. Join ZPAP and walk with


Peace and prosperity.

Don't hesitate to contact me so we can lay the groundwork for a peaceful and prosperous Zimbabwe. Me and you are tired of being used in endless fights for power. We can do better good people.


How can we achieve a 50 50Gender parity in Zimbabwe political landscape?
Let's join our panelist from different political parties tommorow at 1400hrs .
Zimbabwe People's Party well represented by Ms Annie Marie Langeveldt , Zpp Spokesperson.



It is a such a pleasure to mark Rare Disease Day.
And I want to start by saying thank you to WHO and all of you whether you are patients, carers, researchers, clinicians or campaigners.

ZPP wishes all the victims a speedy recovery and making it clear that we are with you all in prayers.

Photos from Glenview North ZPAP's post 26/02/2021


With sewage ruling the streets of 1st drive, 9th drive, 75cresent and many more roads including Glenview 1 and 2 high school. I turn to wonder if by any chance schools may open with sewage all over.

Typhoid, cholera, malaria are among the high alert pandemics that Glenview is currently facing at the moment and the government is quite about it. With toilets flooded, people are being forced to bath in sewage. This is a high risk for our children who are to play around these stands.

As ZPP we want to condemn all illigal dumping around the Glenview warning all offenders that they risk facing justice if caught, but also we wish to put the blame on our municipality that has gone for over 2 months without collecting dust bins. The worst part is that they demand us to pay for a service they do not deliver.

Another concern is the gradual growth in child labour as children are being forced to go to work just for the family to find something to put on the table. This is a concern to us as it exposes a girl child to r**e and any other child abuse that a girl child may face.

City of Harare on Twitter 23/02/2021

City of Harare is migrating to e-bills https://t.co/BaHVQNyLg3

City of Harare on Twitter “City of Harare is migrating to e-bills”

Photos from Glenview North ZPAP's post 23/02/2021

Glenview North Constituency Service Delivery Update:

We have seen some sad pictures of Makomva Community Hall where the local council is doing nothing about falling doors , broken windows , grass not being cut and roof almost falling.

It's unfortunate MDC Alliance MP Mr Dinah passed on last year and because of fights within the two factions in the party we saw the Councillor being recalled. Today we have nobody to represent the Glenview North Community in solving their problems. Zanu PF through ZEC are hidding with Covid 19 to avoid a by election.

As ZPP we wish if Zimbabwe can see light and truth in what these two parties have put beautiful Zimbabwe into .
Zimbabwe needs a new start.

ZPP says we mean business in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe under our leadership will never be the same again.

# Trust ZPP

Poor Service Delivery in your Area to:

+263 77 454 7834

we stand
We fall

Zpp Glenview North on Twitter 23/02/2021

Glenview North Community Update:

ZPP crew in Glenview visited Makomva Community Hall today. The hall has been abandoned . It needs urgent attention

+263 77 454 7834

+263 77 741 8604 https://t.co/GU99D0Qsmr

Zpp Glenview North on Twitter “Glenview North Community Update: ZPP crew in Glenview visited Makomva Community Hall today. The hall has been abandoned . It needs urgent attention +263 77 454 7834 +263 77 741 8604”

Zpp Glenview North on Twitter 20/02/2021

Say no to poor service delivery!!
ZppGlenview North Constituency looking for leaders to join our team to fight poor service delivery in the Constituency.
Contact :
Fanuel Chinyemba

+263 77 454 7834


Zpp Glenview North on Twitter “Say no to poor service delivery!! ZppGlenview North Constituency looking for leaders to join our team to fight poor service delivery in the Constituency. Contact : Fanuel Chinyemba +263 77 454 7834 ”

Zpp Glenview North on Twitter 20/02/2021

Zpp Glenview North on Twitter “Nationalisation of our resources https://t.co/K2MBgYtSj4”


Please mr mnangagwa, this is insane and child abuse at its maximum. What sin can these children commit?

My nation its not yet too late to join the People's party ZPP is for change....


No genuine citizens can trust this kind of leadership.
This is a road between Glenview 1 and 2.
It is a leadership that has gone wrong.

Let's bring back life in our country.

Call now to join in restoring life in Glenview North Constituency.

27 64 208 3667

263 77 454 7834

Fanuel Chinyemba
Shadow Councillor
Glenview North Constituency


Zimbabwe Peoples Party ( ZPP) is committed to bringing change in Glenview townships.

It is a confirmation of our stand that water is life and it is one of the basic rights enshrined in the constitution.

Under our Leadership ,ZPP will not allow a situation where we became killers of the very same people we are representing.

We however have noted with concerns that our townships has sewer spillages,
pump stations that are not functional, refuse removal, potholes and water leaks .

If ZPP is voted into power we will:
1. Repair all water leaks within a period of 24 hours reported.
2. Repair all sewer leaks within a period of 24 hours reported.
3. Clean all storm water drains to avoid contamination of rain water by sewerage.
4. Install and repair sewer pumps at pump stations.
5. Ensure that sewer plants are 100% functional.
6. Replace again water and sewer pipes.
7. Sensitize the community about the importance of conserving water.

We believe that if sewer system is 100% functional, then we know that our clean water is preserved because dysfunctional sewer system pollutes water and the environment. If there are no water leaks, then water is being preserved and the municipality pays for water consumed and not lost. Saving millions of dollars to be used for other pressing matters of service delivery.

We will ensure that every household receive water as per the constitution and indigent policy.

ZPP will continue working hand in hand with the community of Glenview North Constituency . The community comes first.

Call me today to join my team

27 (64) 208 3667

263 (77) 454 7834

Tichawanda Chirume
Shadow MP Glenview North


This is the city we live in glen view has gone almost 1 month without the bin collection.
When calling them all they do is promise that they will come, keep in mind that we also can for such services.


Its better to managed than to be lad. For one knows that delfi technique is better that any other problem solving technique the world may offer. Thats why ZPP offers management to leadership.


I would like to say happy birthday to Mr Chamisa, he is a very good guy with all the characters that a youngman should have. Yes we have our own differences but hey we all zimbabweans and that keeps us a family... Wishing you well on your bday youngman



Glenview North Constituency

Dear Residents

Harare City Poly Clinics recently started testing Covid for free. There are 12 Poly clinics around Harare and they are as follows

Hatcliffe poly
Mabvuku poly
Highfield pply
Mbare poly (Edith Opperman)
Mfakose poly
Warren park Poly
Kambuzuma poly
Kuwadzana poly
Rutsanana poly (Glen norah)
Rujeko Poly (Dzivarasekwa)
Glen view poly
Budiriro poly clinics

It is wise to get tested when you feel the early signs and symptoms before experiencing worse symptoms and get healthcare advice on how to manage the condition and self isolate correctly to prevent spreading infection.


Greetings Glenview North

Oxfam will be distributing Food parcels again at the Glen View new Hall on Monday 25 Great work by Oxfam by giving the need

We urge everyone continue adhering to health protocols of wearing our mask, practicing social distancing & washing our hands regularly.

Protect yourself and protect others.


We will make sure our townships are clean and our people are not unnecessary exposed to diseases.

This photo taken by Fanuel Chinyemba our ZPP shadow Councillor today around Glenview High 2 School in Harare.

Sewer is flowing from the township to open swamp fields without attention from Harare City Council.

Tommorow our Councillor will lay a complain with the City of Harare to attend to this humanitarian disaster.

27 ( 64) 208 3667

T Chirume
Shadow MP Glenview North
Zimbabwe People's Party.


Harare City Council Corruption Exposure saga:

The Last kicks of dying horses

(Chisango, Matengarufu and Ndemera)

*while trying to hide behind a finger.*

As Harare Employees and Residents, we are very much concerned by the presence of those alleged in criminal corrupt activities, abuse of office and suspended for known misconducts being left visiting their offices and some carrying normal duties at Town House and Rowan Martin Building!!!!

Harare Senior Employees who are fabricating certain expressions are the real corrupt team led by Town Clerk- Chisango, Head Human Capital Admin - Matengarufu, Acting Finance Director - Ndemera. A Factual and auditable position shows that, Chisango and Matengarufu are supposed to be home if they are religiously following best practices.

Chisango is meeting his key witnesses everyday but has not yet been re-arrested

( *refer to Mafume's re-arrest* )

and Matengarufu should be on suspension to pave way for investigations into various misconducts he superintendent under his division. The newly elected Acting Mayor should not be deterred by their politicking backed by suspended Mukunguma.

1. The issue of 2.8mil & cars bought is not new information. This is what is before the courts, hence, the course of justice will take it's course.
2. It is confirmed that, Chisango is violating his bail conditions by meeting with key witnesses. On Monday, 28 December 2020, he held meeting with Matengarufu, Ndemera & Nyabeza in Matengarufu's office to device a plan to create websites & fabricate lies to discredit Dr. Chingombe

3. Chingombe is in custody, why is Chisango fighting a man behind bars with his lawyer fighting for refusal of remand. What harm can he possibly do behind bars. Kuvhunduka chati kwatara hunge uine katurikwa.

It is now evident that Chingombe is the man who can turn around COH's fortunes given the fact that he is the man feared by Chisango and cabal who can actually and firmly expose them but most importantly has the desire to achieve goals of his Brainchild Vision 2025. How can they outshine the Champion?

4. To show that SACU is being paid by these people, why haven't they arrested Chisango as they did to Mafume for interfering with key witnesses. It is confirmed that he abused his authority by changing council structures without council authority by making Public Safety to report to him directly and not to report to Chamber Secretary. Mr. Tongoona who is key witness to his allegations now reports to Chisango on daily basis since Monday, 28 December 2020. He now gets his assignments from Chisango who now calls the shots on what to investigate and what to throw under the carpet. The man who is out on bail is now in control of two crucial arms of council which are HMP Investigations Unit and Internal Audit. Both units have been investigating him and they now have to report to Chisango. Is this not defeating or obstructing the course of justice?* Currently he is sitting on an audit report that is implicating him in price variations and awarding tenders unprocedurally that made council to loose $52 million. The procurement officer (Dzvuke) was given an Isuzu KB 300, Ndemera the Acting FD had a house built in Mt Pleasant, Chinho was given cash so was the Town Clerk, accountant was given a Toyota Corolla. SACU was given this report and they chose to ignore it. No arrests yet.

5. Engineer Chawatama whom they claim to be incompetent is because he is an upright leader and refused to be corrupt. From the investigations done by Chisango, audit found nothing wrong and the report was never presented to council, check with audit manager Nyamurova who is Chisango's right hand man. Instructions were given to Nyamurova to at least include a false charge in the report but luckily the investigating auditor refused. In fact, it was discovered that Chisango and Ndemera were conniving to sabotage Chawatama's operations inorder to make him seem incompetent. Check the Zinara case, funds were not released by Ndemera while devaluing only to sabotage Director of Works.

6. Payment claimed to have been done by Chingombe was done when Chingombe was already in custody, so does this mean he authorized his own payment whilst in remand prison? One Auditor disclosed that Matengarufu is the key problem who has rendered Council to this mess as he wants his boss' job at all costs. He dribbled the resigned Mathew Marara from the HR top position. He is the custodian of executive payroll despite conflict of interest, he (Matengarufu) unprocedudally terminated Chingombe's contract of employment while he was on suspension without council resolution in 2018. He decided to reinstate him on the payroll again without council resolution and paid him a whopping 500,000rtgs into his account so that they could implicate Chingombe to have paid himself. Check who signed the November payroll on which Chingombe was reinstated and paid. CHINGOMBE was never a signatory to any Council Account since he bounced back! Mwari havadhakwe zvichabuda chete, manzwa nekushungurudza vasina mhosva muchishandisa mari yekuba, vashandi vekanzuru varikudya nhoko dzezvironda.* The auditors confirmed that Chingombe is clean on that as it is Ndemera and Chisango who then authorized the bank transfer that was done from a COH account at BancABC.

Some Internal Auditors seperately disclosed shocking information on the real issues in Harare City Council;

In two weeks Chingombe was at work, he unearthed the corruption that has happened and is currently happening in council being initiated by Chisango. He discovered that;
i) Ndemera and Chisango have a bank account at BancABC where all monies from land sales are deposited and then distributed to various beneficiaries.
ii) Matengarufu is covering up for ghost employees that are deployed across council.
iii) Matengarufu made unprocedural employment of more than 1000 employees between (August -November 2018) to non-existent positions and later on reviewed structures upwards to cover up Ghost Workers in February 2019.
iv) he unearthed how Duve & Mukonya connived with Chisango, Marara and those arrested and implicated on land scams to deliberately grant non-existent Covid-19 leave type instead of placing them on suspension pending disciplinary procedures.
v) he unearthed that Chamber secretary (Kandemiri) tempered with all Council contracts with it's SBUs by creating other subsidiary companies that do not remit anything to council but pay him, Chisango, Mukunguma, Mhetu & Ndemera.
vi) he unearthed that, council under the directions of Chisango chose to ignore the audit report that explained why council was not supposed to choose Sage system.
vii) he unearthed the corruption that was being done by Valuations on leases
viii) he unearthed how Acting FD was making payments to companies that had no contracts with council.
ix) he unearthed how the land bank disappeared under Chisango and Mukunguma who were working with City Valuer Mutambirwa (Harawa and Sale of Westlea & Tynwald State land audit report)
x) he unearthed how top management awarded themselves huge salaries and packs at the expense of other employees without Council Approval.

These are some of tge reasons why Chisango, Matengarufu and Ndemera can not afford to be suspended as they will be exposed beyond imagination. They will never listen to Authorities that instruct them to pave way for investigations. They start to link people with unfavourable political names to hide their CORRUPTION!

A close source informed that it has been agreed that Matengarufu is to suspend Manager Mungofa who was appointed to act after the arrest of HR Director as he is tipped for Acting Appointment to HR Director and is believed to have potential to drive government projects and bring those facing misconduct to Disciplinary Hearings.

These are some of the reasons why Chingombe is being fought by the real corrupt cabal.

His Excellence or Ministers, appoint an investigation team to look into the above, the real rot will be exposed! The fight by the corrupt syndicate is huge and real. Ndemera is funding to avoid arrests using Council funds through Payments Office to their companies varying prices and getting kickbacks!

Harare City sanity should prevail!

Harare Employees and Residents 29.12.2020.


Despite being the Capital City ,Harare stands out to be one of the dirtiest places in Zimbabwe.
This picture shows the state of Copa Cabana bus terminus with delapidated structure ,the shades have gone,the tarmac full of potholes.We call upon The City Of Harare to rehabilitate delapidated bus terminus ,so that it becomes usable and safe for the commuting public.The safety of the people should be the utmost importance.

Chelesile Sibanda
Harare Central MP Candidate
Zimbabwe People's Party
