Beyond Skin Deep

Beyond Skin Deep

I believe in having the conversations that can move us toward a culture of beauty where everyone feels welcome. Everyone feels worthy. Everyone feels beautiful.

Hello and Welcome! I am a former bilingual speech-language pathologist who had the privilege of working as a program lead to help welcome and transition disabled immigrant and refugee students and their families into the U.S. public school setting for almost 20 years. To help make ends meet as a young family, I started a small business in the skincare industry. As a former acne sufferer, I love be


We all know that stress takes a toll on our entire body, but because the skin is the organ that we see, what better way for the subconscious to sound the red alert than to give us “stress skin” in order remind us about what is happening on the inside? (It is, after all, easier to ignore your feelings than your face.)

Jessica Defino, beauty reporter, and writer of "This is Your Skin on Stress", shares info that I'll paraphase below.

Defino writes that most of the skin-psyche connection comes down to the overproduction of cortisol, the primary stress hormone, and its effect on the skin barrier.

Cortisol depletes what our skin needs to thrive (moisture and the microbiome), so our skin gets dry, rough, and irritated. At the same time, cortisol can also stimulate the overproduction of the oil that causes acne. So for many of us, our skin also seems more oily when we’re under stress and can become more acne prone.

So some lucky people (like me), can get ALL the symptoms of stress showing up on the skin: dryness, irritation, oiliness, acne, dark marks, psoriasis, eczema, under eye circles, and wrinkles. 🙄

Sadly, all the skincare in the world can’t counteract stress-induced cortisol.

🤯 And now you're probably saying to yourself, "Um...hold up...did a person who sells skincare just say that!?!? 👆"


Most products on the market are meant for folks who have a healthy skin barrier. Exposing an already broken barrier to the wrong ingredients — or too many ingredients — only exacerbates existing issues. (But don't completely despair! I can make some recs that will help repair your skin's barrier...or if your barrier is healthy, I can help address other concerns)

😵‍💫And now you're saying, "Well, WTF. If skincare isn't the solution to my stressed skin, what is??"

To heal stressed skin, address the stress!

Dr. Heather Woolery-Lloyd, a dermatologist says, “90 percent of our stress is not the stressor itself, but how we deal with that stressor.”

Here’s some tips on de-stressing your skin:

🧘🏽Meditation: initiates “the relaxation response,” which activates the body’s parasympathetic nervous system and decreases cortisol and inflammation.

😮‍💨Breathing: Dr. Herbert Benson at Harvard Medical School shows that taking slow, deep breaths triggers the relaxation response and can stop psychological stress from being translated to physical inflammation in the skin.

😴Sleep Hygiene: Avoid watching the news and avoid blue light from electronic devices at least one or more hours before going to bed in order to achieve the restorative sleep our bodies need to destress and repair itself.

🥗Fill your plate with antioxidants: these stabilize the unstable molecules to leave skin clearer, calmer, brighter and more even toned. Vitamins A and C (abundant in fruits and vegetables), lycopene (found in tomatoes), astaxanthin (salmon) and polyphenols (green tea, dark chocolate) are all great options.

🏃🏻‍♂️Exercise: increases antioxidants. It lowers cortisol levels, meaning fewer breakouts and a stronger skin barrier. And if you’re exercising outdoors? Even better. Just be sure to wear your sunscreen!

😭If all else fails, cry: For real! Crying is a stress reliever and helps decrease cortisol levels.

Any other tips that you've found helpful to reduce your stress? Share below!👇👇👇


I hate the term “anti-aging.”

🤔"What!?" you say? Why would someone in the skincare biz hate the term "anti-aging"? Isn't anti-aging the point?

No. Not to me.

First, not everyone gets to age. Aging is a privilege. Why does "aging" often evoke such negative emotions? More on this in a future post...

Secondly, in beauty, “aging” isn’t actually about aging.

The things we consider signs of premature aging — fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, loss of collagen, sagging, dullness — are more often signs of environmental exposure. Studies even suggest that up to 85% of “aging” is the result of EXPOSURE and not biological aging. 🤯

Writer Jessica DeFino states "I’m convinced the only honest and not shame-y way to address “anti-aging,” then, is to rebrand it as the technically correct “anti-exposure"."

There several types of exposure: UVA/UVB rays, poor diet and dehydration, pollution, stress and hormonal shifts, gut imbalance, free radicals, and irritants.

My advice for "anti-exposure"?

1️⃣ Protect the skin barrier with gentle products and SUN PROTECTION

2️⃣ Maintain a healthy diet

3️⃣ Reduce stress

These are a more effective way of preserving your so-called “youth” rather than trying to "undo", "age backwards", or "anti-age".

😩😓Of course we all forget the sunscreen sometimes, we fall into eating fast and processed food in a pinch, and who on earth can avoid stress in the midst of a global pandemic?

💪But I've got you!!

💁🏻‍♀️I am happy to recommend products to help repair past damage and protect your skin from future damage and help make it more resilient.

Speaking of resilience! I LOVE that word. RESILIENT. ❤️

How about you?

I'm here if you want to talk skin and everything under and in-between ❤


It is a fact that we live in a culture that values some bodies and faces more than others. What this means is that some people come up against significantly more barriers to developing a positive body image and pushing back on their own objectification.

And as much as some of us might want to divest from current (mostly Eurocentric) beauty standards, some people must conform to certain beauty and body ideals in order to stay employed, stay housed, stay safe.

This is particularly true around intersections of race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, class, ability, and body size that affect how people experience the world and how the world perceives their bodies.

I have been reading the book, “The Body is not an Apology” by Sonya Renee Taylor. Sonya’s framework of radical self-love seeks to “engage people in the process of individual transformation, which in turn dismantles the structural and systemic emotional, psychological, and physical violence, oppression, and injustice meted out against “different” bodies all over the planet.”

Because only when we make peace with ourselves, can we truly make peace with others and create a more just and compassionate world.

Those of us who are white need to be aware of their privilege in not being subject to, and sometimes perpetuating, the racial discrimination heaped upon women of color and the added appearance-related burdens placed upon Black women in particular.

Those of us who face body image burdens but can fit into most public seating and have easy access to clothing in their size need to understand that while body shame doesn’t discriminate, women in larger bodies are tangibly and openly discriminated against and oppressed every day.

Those of us without disabilities need to be aware of the significant barriers women with disabilities of all kinds face in navigating a world that places such a premium on bodies that it renders visible disabilities invisible in most media.

We all need to be aware of the significant backlash faced by many people who don't fit neatly into the stereotypical male/female binary or otherwise break gender norms in how they appear.

As you can see, we all don’t have the privilege, the opportunity, or the safety to “opt out” of beauty work. If you *do* have that privilege, use it to advocate for change to pave the way to a world that is more safe, accessible, equitable, and welcoming to all people.

As much as I personally try to divest from beauty standards and it’s harms, it’s is challenging to unlearn and rethink. I realize it will be a lifelong process and I’m here to have conversations about it.

Would love to know your thoughts!


"As women, we're taught that our value is all about our appearance, not our ideas and our tenacity and our courage and our bravery and our adventurous spirit. Look, I love getting dressed up and looking beautiful. But that's one tiny piece of me."--America Fererra.

I agree. I think confidence is gorgeous and courage is breathtaking.

Listen, you are capable of much more than being looked at.

Do you know who you are?

Have you grasped the powerful role you can play in a world so badly in need of your unique talents, wisdom, and light?

Are you aware of your unique mission at this point in your life?

You’ve got something great to do, that only you can do.

And if you are here to be looked at, to appear, to survey yourself, instead of do an inspirational work that only you can do, you are not fulfilling your mission.

Cheesy? Yes.

True? Oh yes. More true than you know.

What do you think is an incredibly beautiful personality trait?


Did you know that our Unblemish Clarifying Mask has won Best Acne Mask of 2020 by ?!

"Unblemish" is not a word, but it should be. With a serious dose of sulfur, Rodan + Fields Unblemish Clarifying Mask decongests pores, reduces oil, and smites zits — present and future."

Kinda sounds like a time machine to clear skin, right?


Having lost my mom when she was only 59 (and not to mention the entire collective of us surviving a global pan-dammit), I am WELL AWARE that aging is a GIFT that is not afforded to all.

Yes, I talk a lot about skincare AND I feel very passionate about smashing ageism taboos within beauty culture.

There is no right way or wrong way to age. Knowing this, let's honor our own journey and the journey of others.

❤Without judgment❤

And while you're here, I'm curious!...

✨What makes you most excited about aging?
✨What makes you anxious about aging?
✨What is the age that you are/were most afraid of turning and why?
✨What have you learned with age?

Listen to Stacy London confront some truths about aging and how she's defying standards and expectations. 💪

View Stacy's story and other great sharers of wisdom @/stylelikeu


Actual photo of me. 💆‍♀️

How was your week, friends? Drop an emoji or two in the comments describing your week! 👇👇👇

And, yes, I do love a good, nourishing face mask to end the day. I've got some really great recs below.


Did you know that 85% of people who live with chronic skin conditions like acne, eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis are troubled by the psychosocial aspects of their condition and that they are also likely to experience depression and anxiety as a result? And, unfortunately, low self-esteem, embarrassment, emotional distress, and anxiety can aggravate skin conditions, leading to a vicious circle.

Those with skin conditions are also more likely to struggle with their self-image because of both internal and external pressures to look a certain way.

As someone who has been living with acne since my late teens (I’m currently 43), I understand these implications, because I was/am a part of that number.

Luckily I have found products that have gotten my acne and redness flare-ups under control, which, in turn, has helped to boost my self-confidence.

But let it be fully known that while we can find topical products that help to manage our chronic skin conditions, they are only ONE part of the mental wellness journey.

My skin isn’t perfect and I still break out around my monthly cycle and in times of stress. But let me make one thing clear: perfection is an utterly unmeetable goal.

Our skin doesn’t exist to look “perfect” — it exists to protect us and to reflect what is occurring on the inside. A sunburn lets us know we’ve been in the sun too long. Hives may tell us we’re having an allergic reaction. Acne could be our body’s way of reacting to stress and/or surges in hormones. Dull skin could indicate that we’re not adequately protected from the sun’s rays or pollution. Dark circles could be a sign that we need more sleep. We blush when we’re embarrassed and get goosebumps when we’re scared. Therefore, the intention of “perfect skin” goes against skin’s nature.

I have learned over time that my self-worth and self-esteem aren’t reliant on how I present on the outside. While my outer scars continue to heal, it also took a lot of work to address the internal scars and the impact that skin conditions have on one’s self-worth and self-esteem.

As part of this internal work, I have had to look deep into the cultural implications of beauty standards and the impact they have had on my personal self-esteem as well as on countless others, particularly femmes.

I am not denying the importance of self care here. But as a collective society, we have fallen into the pressure to look “perfect”–whatever that means in our part of the world. Our appearance-related mental health struggles are not individual. They’re societal.

Yes, I sell skincare. I have found value in finding effective products that have helped me and hundreds of my customers over the years. But for better or for worse with regard to my personal business gains, the purpose of Beyond Skin Deep is to open up conversations and encourage reflections on how unrealistic standards have distorted our perception of beauty and how we can think more deeply about the mental, physical, societal, political, economical, and spiritual implications of current beauty standards. Because they are equally, if not much more, important for our collective well being.

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please share!


Sometimes a skincare/selfcare session is all that you need. 💕

Timeline photos 04/10/2021

Ouch! For me and my oldest child, the drier season is already affecting our skin and making it more irritated, red, and itchy.

Soothe Regimen to the rescue! It visibly improves redness + dryness, calms + relieves, and fortifies + protects.

This daily skincare routine is safe for sensitive, severely sensitive, and eczema-prone skin and was awarded the National Eczema Association Seal of Acceptance™ as well as the National Psoriasis Foundation Seal of Recognition!

Let me know if you'd like more information on how to strengthen your skin’s moisture barrier for healthier, calmer, more supple-looking skin.

Timeline photos 01/10/2021

It's finally here! 😍

As skin ages, cells get tired. Skin needs energy to look, feel + act its best. RF TriEnergy Complex energizes millions of surface cells by 200% to unlock a path to stronger, healthier, more resilient skin.

97% noticed more radiant, luminous, glowing skin after 8 weeks.

We have two launch specials available with an EXTRA 15% savings! Let me know if you want to try this goodness.

If you requested a sample, it should be arriving soon and if you haven't yet connected with me to get one, let me know.


Because we are MORE than skin deep...
C O M P L I M E N T S []
💌We may not fully know how someone is feeling, what they might be struggling with, or going home to. The messages and words we speak have the power to leave traces; rivers that run deep when we go beneath what’s on the surface.
🗝Q U E S T I O N
What non-physical compliment would you add to the list above? What is one you have given or received? I would love to hear! Share your insights in the comments below, or tag someone you wish to share these compliments with✨

Timeline photos 29/09/2021

How do you take your coffee? And do you drink only one cup? Or more?

When I make it at home, it’s just creamer. When I treat myself to a coffee shop, I love a mocha or latte. And if I drink more than one cup, I’m a jittery mess for the rest of the morning.

Now your turn to share!


Dry, flaky skin got you down? ✨We've got you!

Step 1: Remove dull, dead skin by exfoliating with Micro-Dermabrasion Paste
Step 2: Apply Active Hydration Body Replenish to maintain glowing, hydrated skin all season long.

Drop a ✨ if you’re ready to get glowin!


Thank you for supporting my business. Your support has enabled contributions to projects that are close to my heart, including this one.… (voice & vid by@iamjulietdiaz)…keep reading for details…

I have always strongly believed that stories matter. Unfortunately, too many voices and stories are never even heard nor amplified. It takes a village to raise a voice, particularly those that have historically been marginalized. We are proud to be supporters of
Modern, traditional publishing struggles with building equity and alignment with diverse authors. Row House has identified the problems and have created a new model, "one that embraces the 'village' and supports authors from diverse backgrounds -- ethnic, racial, economic, orientation, and identification -- from day one.".
Please visit Row House Publishing, read, like, and share, and contribute if you can! The entire book industry needs a change, and Row House is doing it ❤️

Timeline photos 23/09/2021

Self-care is not being self-absorbed. And it’s not all about using fancy beauty products. Of course, if you feel like lighting some candles, applying a mask, and soaking in a tub — do it! I personally love that kind of stuff!

We also know it goes way beyond that too.

Self-care is an everyday practice that is linked to how we see ourselves and the world around us. It’s about checking in with ourselves and making ourselves a priority. It’s about balance.

It’s up to you to decide what self-care means and how you can fit it into your life. But whatever you do, remind yourself:

You deserve to do what makes you feel good.

You’re not indulging if you take time out when you feel overwhelmed.

You’re not selfish if you focus on your well-being.

Do what restores and improves your mental and emotional health. Reading. Meditating. Watering your plants. Doing some stretching. Cooking a delicious meal. Planning your next trip. Spending time with your dog. Cuddling on the couch with a movie and popcorn with your loved ones.

Or loving on your skin by using a soothing Rescue Mask like I did tonight.

You’re worthy of everything your soul desires.

What is your favorite way to give yourself some loving care?



Introducing our newest product that took 5 years to perfect: Total RF Serum. This powerhouse serum is packed with exclusive technology to energize millions of surface cells to visibly improve skin's firmness, plumpness, elasticity, fine lines, texture, radiance, hydration, and reduce the appearance of pores.

Not only does it deliver legit results (see comments), it also comes in refillable packaging to cut back on waste.

Get on my waitlist! It gets released to the public in October.

If you do not currently have a consultant and would like a sample, I have a limited supply and would love to pop one in the mail for you.

Timeline photos 21/09/2021

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” —Desmond Tutu

Celebrate the day by finding your inner peace, spreading compassion, kindness and hope. This day is an inspiring reminder of what we can create together. Peace.
#平和 #سلام

Timeline photos 20/09/2021

If you've ever struggled with acne, I get it. As someone who has been dealing with it since my teens as well as all the physical and psychological scars that come with it, I understand.

What I've learned over time is that all the products or the clearest skin in the world will mean NOTHING if you don't accept your skin for what it IS and the UNIQUENESS of the BEAUTY you've been given.

Acceptance doesn’t mean we don’t do what we can to protect, soothe, and heal it. Listen, if you've got acne, I've been where you (or your teen) are. I've tried it all. And I've finally found what works for my skin. I still have acne but it’s under control. My skin isn’t perfect or 100% acne-free 100% of the time. I ACCEPT that. Scars and laugh lines and freckles are what makes me UNIQUE. And that’s POSITIVE, don’t you think?

If you’re on your own acne or skin-acceptance journey…

✅ Always choose a routine with YOUR skin in mind. Consider the current state of your skin (this can change with seasons, stress, hormones, etc), sensitivity, and goals.

✅Introduce one new product at a time, use them CONSISTENTLY, and GIVE THEM TIME to work. Trust the process and have patience!

✅Understand the difference between your skin reacting to a product and your skin purging. So many times I've continued to use a product that just wasn't right for me. Don't force it. Some products don't work for us and that's ok!

👩‍💻The core products everyone needs are a good cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF. That’s it. Adding a treatment/serum is definitely advised if you are trying to combat a specific concern (like acne).

If you want to add extras like a mask, eye cream, pore cleansing system, or microneedle roller (great for acne scarring), I've got you too!

Not sure where to start? I'm here for you, boo! I'll share what's worked for me and what's worked for so many others to find positivity in their skin again. Shoot me a message. I'm always here to help!

Timeline photos 20/09/2021

YOU are so amazing. Yes, YOU!

Make peace with yourself. Doing so is truly god's work because once we accept, make peace with, and love our god-created SELVES is when we can truly accept, make peace with, and love OTHERS.

It's a ripple effect!

And isn't that what is truly needed? THIS is the WORK, people!



Timeline photos 20/09/2021

Hello and Welcome!

I am a former bilingual speech-language pathologist who had the privilege of working as a program lead to help welcome and transition disabled immigrant and refugee students and their families into the U.S. public school setting for almost 20 years.

As an educator, I couldn't do my work without addressing race, ability, language, gender, socioeconomic status, colonization, and ⚪️ supremacy.

To help make ends meet as a young family, I started a small business in the skincare industry. As a former acne sufferer, I love being able to offer effective solutions to skin concerns that can help boost self-confidence.

But as a Latina, an educator, and as someone who has worked with folks from all over the world, I am also aware of the issues that come with the push to adhere to western standards of beauty.

Therefore, in my current work, I know I cannot have honest conversations about skin and beauty standards without also addressing race, ability, age, gender norms, socioeconomic status, sexism, colonization, and ⚪️ supremacy.

So I will continue to do have the conversations that can move us toward a culture of beauty where everyone feels welcome. Everyone feels worthy. Everyone feels beautiful.

Right now, I’m really into learning more about how the power of radical self-love can create a movement to bring about a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for us all.

Change starts within US. Creating a world that we want is an inside-out job. How we value and honor OURSELVES impacts how we value and honor one another, our communities, and every other being on this planet.

I love nothing more than hearing people's stories so that we can come to understand, learn to empathize with, and accept one another.

So, in addition to sharing skincare tips and discussing beauty standards, I hope to share stories with you from a variety of backgrounds to acknowledge that beauty goes beyond just skin deep.

Nice to meet you!

Drop a comment below telling me something about YOU!

Videos (show all)

Having lost my mom when she was only 59 (and not to mention the entire collective of us surviving a global pan-dammit), ...
Dry, flaky skin got you down? ✨We've got you!Step 1: Remove dull, dead skin by exfoliating with Micro-Dermabrasion Paste...
Thank you for supporting my business. Your support has enabled contributions to projects that are close to my heart, inc...
Introducing our newest product that took 5 years to perfect: Total RF Serum. This powerhouse serum is packed with exclus...