Cprop-Ck Ng Realtor

Cprop-Ck  Ng Realtor

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Cprop-Ck Ng Realtor, Property investment firm, 338, KL Trillion, .

Having real estate as sole career from the start , I continue to seek and learn trailblazing ways to make progress in my evolving journey as a professional realtor.


How to get your CCRIS via online for FREE?

Yes for free 🆓️🆓️

1. Download and Fill eccris form:

2. Provide the following documents:
- photocopy IC (must)
- mobile phone bill, can be downloaded at digi/maxis app respectively (must)

And choose any 2 documents from below:
- driving license.
- epf statement.
- Bank statement.
- birth cert.
- marriage cert.
- utility bill (tnb /syabas)

3. Go to: https://telelink.bnm.gov.my/
Fill in your details, subject can write "apply eccris"
Details can write "refer attachment"

4. Upload the 5 documents above in the telelink website.

5. You will receive email attached with your ccris report. Call 1300-88-5465 to get the password so you can open your ccris report (zip with password)

6. You will receive a PIN number sms in 2-3 days. Go to:
https://eccris.bnm.gov.my/eccris/pages/sec/login.xhtml #!

Click 1st time login, key in ur ID (IC number) and your PIN number to login

Then everything settle la 😁😁


New Standardised Base Rate replace Base rate~!!

Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) today released the revised Reference Rate Framework that will take effect from Aug 1, 2022, under which the Standardised Base Rate will replace the Base Rate (BR) as the reference rate for new retail floating-rate loans.

The framework, introduced in 2015, establishes the BR as the reference rate for retail floating-rate loans in Malaysia. Reference rates are publicly accessible interest rates that are used by financial institutions as a basis for pricing loans, according to BNM in a statement today.

Under this framework, financial institutions use different methods to set their respective BR, which has made it more difficult for consumers to compare the retail loan products offered by each financial institution and understand the reasons behind changes in their loan repayments, the central bank said.

On top of that, the use of different BR methodologies across financial institutions have resulted in a more uneven transmission of monetary policy, it noted.

“Under the revised Reference Rate Framework, the Standardised Base Rate will be used as the common reference rate for all financial institutions for their new retail floating-rate loans. The Standardised Base Rate will be linked solely to the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR).

“Changes to the Standardised Base Rate will therefore only occur following changes in the OPR, which is determined by the Monetary Policy Committee of BNM,” said the bank.

Meanwhile, other components of loan pricing such as borrower’s credit risk, liquidity risk premium, operating costs, profit margin and other costs will continue to be reflected in the spread above the Standardised Base Rate.

BNM governor Datuk Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus said consumers will find it easier to understand changes in their loan repayments as the OPR will be the only driver of the Standardised Base Rate. “The Standardised Base Rate will also facilitate effective monetary policy transmission as complete adjustments to retail loan repayments will take effect following a change in the OPR,” she said.

According to BNM, the shift towards the Standardised Base Rate will have no impact on the effective lending rates of existing retail loans, which will continue to be referenced against the BR and Base Lending Rate (BLR).

After the effective date, the BR and BLR will move exactly in tandem with the Standardised Base Rate as any adjustments will simultaneously be reflected in the corresponding adjustments to the BR and BLR.

It also said new retail borrowers should largely be unaffected by the revision, as effective lending rates for new borrowers would continue to be competitively determined and influenced by multiple factors such as the borrower’s credit standing, funding conditions and business strategies.

“The shift towards the Standardised Base Rate following the revision in the Reference Rate Framework does not represent a change in the monetary policy stance of the Monetary Policy Committee of BNM,” it added.


Most people are so fearful about the property market bursting right now.

Anyway, I still think that Malaysia property is worth purchasing because of some straightforward facts:

1. Young pop**ation: as more people are born, land size remains the same.
Property value will rise when the supply can't keep up with the demand

2. Favourable financing option

Let me elaborate more on why this favourable financing environment benefits those who buy properties.

As you know, there are two types of return a property can produce, whether you are buying it for your own stay or investment.

The first type of return is the rental yield. We typically state the gross rental yield in percentage.

For example, if your property is worth RM200k, fetching RM8,000 a year, the gross rental yield is RM8k/RM200k = 4%.
If you bought a property for your own use, you still enjoy the rental yield because you don't have to pay rent to other landlords.

The second type of return is capital appreciation.

Due to inflation, materials cost and labour cost rises.
So it will cost more money to build a similar property in the future.
Logically, the capital appreciation should be at least equal to the inflation rate, around 3% to 6%.
At a certain location where demand is much higher than supply, you see a capital appreciation rate of 10% to 20% a year.
Over the short term of 1-3 years, property prices might drop if there is an economic recession.
But over the long run of 10-30 years, most properties rise in value, at least at the rate of inflation.

So if you add up the two returns, a typical property still gives you around 6% return a year over an extended period.
Now, let's come back to the "favourable financing option" I mentioned earlier.
Currently, you can get a mortgage as high as 100% of the property value if you are a first-time buyer who meets the criteria at a rate of 3%-4.5% interest only.
A property providing a 6% return still beats 4.5% financing cost. Imagine getting a 1.5% return on an RM500k property without much of your capital tied down.
That's RM7500 every year.

With such high leverage, it makes property investment a very profitable venture for many investors.

But first, you want to choose the right property that meets the criteria of investment-grade.
Be an informed investor so you can do it correctly right from the start.

💢Cprop handpick below market deal💢

New HOC project at KLCC Fringe,and its 10% below market price‼️

cheaper by rm60-100k compare to others
With cashback rm25-43k🏧🏧

🔴Only RM560 psf ,3 street away from KLCC

Bonus🔥 Mrt 3 booster coming at doorstep

Pm me for info

Join telegram channel for property market info 😀


Since 2015, residential rents have undergone adjustments, with many landlords asking for low rentals to attract tenants

Generally, rental rates for newly completed projects or properties located nearby new projects will continue to be highly competitive. Rental rates may gradually improve when properties located within the new projects have achieved high occupancy rates。

With the large number of affordable properties coming into the market, residential rental market will remain at a highly competitive level

The residential property overhang is affecting the rental market, while the second states that many working adults prefer to rent instead of buying a home.

Overall, the 2020 national demand for rental property declined by -12.6% in 2020 due to the increase in rental property. At the end of 2020, the rental yield for terrace houses was at 3.3% from 3.4% in H1 2020. The median asking rent for condominiums was RM1,800, from RM1,900 in H1 2020, while for Serviced Residences, the median asking rent was RM1,600 from RM1,700.

One of the H1 2020 Portal Demand Analytics (Rental Market) highlights was of people opting to rent due to uncertainties brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend has continued for the rest of 2020, where the visits figure for rental properties in 2020 grew faster than visits to properties for sale. Judging by these visits figures, there is a trend towards renting as opposed to buying properties.

However, landlords who are currently renting out their units are facing challenges as some tenants are unable to pay their rents. This situation is further worsened by new residential properties entering the market as property investors would have to compete to attract a limited pool of financially stable tenants.

The rental property sector is further impacted as a sizable portion of the tenant pool in major cities consisting of expatriates, foreign students and local students have returned to their home cities.

As the competition among landlords would be fierce, tenants are now in a better position to negotiate prices, and indeed, this translated into slight drops in asking prices and rental yields in 2020.

Join telegram channel for property market info 😀


"Moratorium 6 bulan diberikan kepada semua peminjam individu, sama ada dari golongan B40, M40 atau T20, dan usahawan mikro.

"Tiada lagi syarat seperti pengurangan pendapatan, tiada semakan sama ada anda telah hilang pekerjaan dan tiada lagi dokumentasi yang perlu dikemukakan untuk permohonan.

" Anda cuma perlu memohon dan kelulusan akan diberikan secara automatik. Kemudahan ini juga ditawarkan kepada pengusaha PKS yang terjejas tertakluk kepada semakan dan kelulusan pihak bank.

" Permohonan akan dibuka pada 7 Julai 2021. Peminjam hanya perlu memohon dan menandatangani perjanjian pindaan syarat-syarat pinjaman yang berkaitan."

- Perdana Menteri


Kalau dah jadi tuan rumah ni, antara masalah yang selalu kita hadapi dah semestinya penyewa-penyewa yang liat sangat nak bayar sewa. Dalam keadaan tertentu, alasan-alasan yang diberikan tu bolehlah kita terima. Tapi ada juga yang bagi alasan-alasan yang tak munasabah.

Jadinya, mulalah kita cari jalan macam mana nak minta mereka ni bayar sewa. antara cara terbaik yang korang boleh cuba untuk selesaikan masalah ni adalah guna cara undang-undang yang betul.

Kontrak anda tu SANGAT penting!

Sebelum sain, baca baik-baik !

Pertama sekali, hubungan antara tuan rumah dan penyewa tu sebenarnya adalah satu kontrak. Jadinya, segala maklumat seperti – jumlah sewa, tempoh masa, batasan dan remedi boleh kita tengok dalam perjanjian sewaan atau pajakan yang ditandatangani oleh kedua-dua pihak. Korang juga boleh rujuk dengan agen hartanah masing-masing untuk nak faham lagi terma-terma yang ada dalam perjanjian dan apa langkah yang korang boleh buat.

Tapi sebelum tu, kita kenalah tahu dulu apa yang dimaksudkan dengan ‘sewa’ dan ‘pajakan’ ni. Di bawah undang-undang Malaysia, sewa dan pajakan ni lebih kurang sama je. Cumanya, ‘sewa’ bermaksud korang menyewakan hartanah selama tak lebih 3 tahun, manakala, ‘pajakan’ p**a lebih 3 tahun. Selalunya, pajakan ni lebih biasa dibuat untuk penyewaan perniagaan komersil daripada tempat kediaman.

Keduanya, sebelum korang ambil tindakan undang-undang, korang kenalah buat permintaan formal secara bertulis dulu untuk tuntut tunggakan sewa yang belum bayar. Caranya, korang bolehlah guna apa yang korang selesa – macam surat, e-mel atau mesej Whatsapp. Korang juga disarankan untuk ambil screenshot atau gambar surat/mesej yang korang bagi tu. Sebabnya, korang bolehlah gunanya nanti sebagai bahan bukti nanti

Dalam surat tu, korang kena tulis secara jelas apa yang korang nak. Perkara tu termasuklah – permintaan kepada penyewa untuk membayar amaun sewa tertunggak dalam tempoh masa yang munasabah, atau penyewa kena kosongkan rumah kalau gagal berbuat demikian. Cuma selepas korang nyatakan tuntutan tu secara jelas, barulah korang boleh tengok pada remedi.

Kalau korang dah hantar surat tuntutan dan penyewa masih lagi tak bayar. Tindakan biasa yang orang selalu buat adalah usir penyewa tu dari rumah dan cari penyewa lain. Tapi soalannya, macam mana korang nak usir penyewa tu secara betul dan sah?

Tuan rumah tak boleh usir penyewa secara paksa

Contohnya keadaan macam ni – korang dah hantar surat tuntutan, tapi penyewa masih tak nak keluar dan masih tak bayar sewa. Korang yang rasa tak puas hati ni pun datang ke rumah penyewa tu dan halau mereka keluar dari rumah.

Tapi hakikatnya, korang mungkin akan dapat masalah dengan buat benda ni. Sebabnya, Seksyen 7(2), Akta Relief Spesifik 1950 menyatakan:

Jika sesuatu harta tak alih spesifik telah disewakan di bawah sesuatu penyewaan, dan penyewaan itu ditamatkan atau telah berakhir, tetapi penghuni itu masih terus menduduki harta itu atau sebahagian daripada tanah itu, orang yang berhak kepada milikan harta itu tidak boleh menguatkuasakan haknya untuk mendapatkan harta itu kembali terhadap penghuni itu melainkan dengan prosiding di mahkamah.

Seksyen ni secara mudahnya beritahu, yang korang tak boleh ambil hartanah korang balik tanpa adanya perintah mahkamah. Mendapatkan perintah mahkamah ni bermakna korang kena tamatkan perjanjian penyewaan dan mula melibatkan peguam. Peguam korang tu nanti akan tolong korang saman penyewa untuk mendapatkan sewa yang tertunggak dan minta perintah mengosongkan premis. Hanya apabila mahkamah dah memberikan perintah itu, barulah korang boleh dapatkan balik hartanah korang tu.

Kalau terjah masuk je dalam premis, korang ada risiko kena saman dengan penyewa sebab menceroboh! Walaupun korang berhujah yang hartanah tu korang punya dan penyewa tak bayar sewa, hujah tu masih lagi tak boleh pakai. Dalam kes Abdul Muthalib Hassan v. Maimoon Hj. Abd. Wahid [1992] 1 CLJ 88, mahkamah memutuskan tindakan tuan rumah mengunci premis sebab penyewa tak bayar sewa sebagai satu pencerobohan.

Malangnya, nak mendapatkan perintah mahkamah tu boleh makan masa dan kos. Lebih-lebih lagi bila penyewa tak datang ke mahkamah atau korang tak nak guna peguam (sebab yuran guaman yang mahal). Jadinya, antara cara lain yang korang boleh cuba adalah potong bekalan air penyewa. Cumanya, korang hanya boleh buat benda ni, kalau ia ada dalam perjanjian sewaan.

Maknanya, kalau dalam perjanjian ada kata yang tuan rumah boleh potong bekalan air penyewa kalau tak bayar sewa, barulah korang boleh buat. Cara ni mudah sikit, sebab korang tak payah pergi ke mahkamah atau ambil peguam. Cara ni pernah disokong dalam kes Premier Model (M) v. Philepromenade Sdn Bhd [2001] 1 LNS 173.

Akan tetapi, walaupun kita dah tahu cara nak keluarkan penyewa yang tak bayar sewa, ada ke cara nak dapatkan balik duit sewa yang diorang tak bayar tu?

Korang boleh sita rumah tu!

Jangan buat macam ni.
Untuk dapatkan duit korang balik, korang boleh rujuk Akta Kehilangan 1951. Melalui akta tu, tuan rumah dibolehkan menyita untuk dapatkan sewa yang belum dibayar. Secara mudahnya, tuan rumah boleh merampas barang-barang penyewa dan menjualnya untuk tujuan menuntut tunggakan.

Tapi sekali lagi diingatkan, ni tak bermakna yang korang boleh terus pergi ke rumah tu dan ambil henpon dan laptop mereka. Seksyen 5(1) Akta Kehilangan 1951 menyatakan – korang kena buat permohonan dulu kepada hakim untuk keluarkan waran sebelum boleh buat benda tu. Perkara ni boleh dikatakan sebagai tindakan khusus yang tuan rumah boleh buat terhadap penyewa tanpa menamatkan perjanjian sewaan. Maknanya, korang tak perlu tamatkan sewaan sebelum mulakan tindakan ni.

Tambahan lagi, dalam Seksyen 28(4), Akta Undang-Undang Sivil 1956 mengatakan, tuan rumah boleh menuntut sewa dua kali ganda kepada penyewa dari tamat tempoh pengusiran sehingga hartanah itu diserahkan kepada tuan rumah. Ia dinyatakan:

"(a) Setiap penyewa dipegang selepas penentuan penyewaannya akan dikenakan, atas pilihan tuan rumahnya, dengan dua kali ganda jumlah sewa sehingga pemilikan diberikan kepadanya atau dengan dua kali ganda nilai itu dalam tempoh penahanan tanah atau premis yang ditahan sedemikian, sama ada notis mengenai hal itu telah diberikan atau tidak.”
Tapi bila difikirkan balik, kalau dari awal lagi penyewa tu memang tak nak bayar sewa – cara ni bertambah susah lah.

Akhirnya, kalau jumlah amaun yang tak dibayar tu kurang dari RM5,000, korang sebenarnya boleh tengok pada prosedur tuntutan kecil. Caranya lebih mudah sebab korang tak payah ambil peguam. Korang boleh baca macam mana prosedurnya di sini.

Moral dari semua penerangan ni…

Bacalah perjanjian sewaan korang tu baik-baik

Seperti mana yang kita dah nampak, tak ada banyak perkara yang kita boleh buat dalam isu tuan rumah dan penyewa ni. Akta Kehilangan 1951 boleh dikatakan sebagai satu-satunya undang-undang khusus yang boleh menangani isu ni.

Secara realitinya, bawa kes ke mahkamah tu mungkin akan jadi pilihan, tapi korang kenalah bersedia dengan kos dan masa. Dan korang juga disyorkan supaya buat laporan polis dulu sebelum minta penyewa tu keluar. Tindakan ni boleh kata sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga dan nanti polis bolehlah kawal keadaan kalau jadi apa-apa perkara yang tak diingini. Korang juga disarankan untuk ambil gambar atau rakam apa yang jadi, sebagai usaha melindungi diri daripada sebarang tuntutan kecurian atau penyalahgunaan barang milik penyewa.

Kalau korang ada lantik agen, lebih baik korang dapatkan bantuan dari agen tu untuk selesaikan sebarang pertikaian. Pada akhirnya, korang kenalah buat perjanjian sewaan yang betul-betul baik sebelum menyewakan hartanah korang. Pastikan juga yang perjanjian tu akan melindungi hak korang sebagai tuan rumah dan sediakan perlindungan yang perlu kalau penyewa tak bayar sewa nanti.


Ada hartanah tapi susah nak jual ?
Serahkkan kepada pakar ejen hartanah kami


Credit: Azar Ishak


Last Appoinment Become FMCO start⚠️

My client told me now is best time to buy property during market bad time❗❗

Sekarang tak tengok rumah ,mau tunggu at least 1 month lagi...


Photos from Cprop-Ck  Ng Realtor's post 26/05/2021


Are you having trouble selling your property?🏠
We understand it's not the easiest time to sell property now.😅

Some property-owners have spent months to year trying to sell their property but end up no results😂

But no worries, we hope this 5 useful tip can help you to sell your property faster~


Property Owner are welcome to List Your Property With Us‼

Click the link below and find out how we help our property owner sold their property 𝟑 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 than ordinary freelancer real estate negotiator/agent⚡⚡⚡



Ukay Perdana has always been a favourite location for those who works in the City Centre of Kuala Lumpur. This is because of the connectivity to MRR2 highway and the amazing topograhy of the site. As Nassim Heights is situated Ukay Perdana . the entire environment provides that soothing temperature and serenity.

Project Location : Jalan Ukay Bistari,Taman Ukay Perdana,68000,Ampang
Google Pin :
Property Type: 3-Storey Terrace/Link House
Developer : Newfield Group
Tenure: Leasehold
Land Type: Residential
Built-up: From 2,594 square feet to 2,870 square feet
Total Units: Only 106 units
Bedroom(s): 5
Bathroom(s): 4

Feel free to Whatsapp for more information

+6010-3526232 Ms Cindy wa.link/mfogcb


‏Maaf Zahir & Batin
‏Stay safe, stay home dan
‏semoga bahagia bersama
‏keluarga tercinta
‏Eid Mubarak


Pandan Folks🚹🚺

you think mrt build here are good news or bad news for you ?

According to Latest MRT3 Circle Line. MRT Corp’s alignment compared with KL Structure Plan 2040 alignment. Pandan area will have 4 station which is
-Pandan Indah Station
-Pandan Prima Station
-Pandan Perdana Station
-Desa Pandan Starion

It will also have stations at Pandan Indah (interchange with Ampang LRT)

Is it too much station here ? What do you think?‼️

Anyway this is not the final confirm alignment
because there are several proposal alignment being evaluated, and an exercise to gather public feedback would begin soon🔄

Photo credit : Stars


Still remember Pinnacle Sri Petaling that partially collapsed while under construction?

Already completed now & started VP + hand over key.



One of the biggest surprises was the shift in distance preference which could have been a factor resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. When we posed a similar question in 2019, most respondents preferred to be within 10km of their employment from their homes. In 2020, 55.7% preferred to live between 10km and 30km away from their jobs compared to 28.6% who preferred to be within the 10km zone.
Property observers reasoned that the general pop**ation did not want to reside in densely pop**ated areas as these areas were more susceptible to an outbreak of the virus. Fear of the virus affecting them and their family members was the main driver to seek out less pop**ated areas on the outskirts of cities and towns.
Three quarters of the respondents also pointed out that the search for a new property was for their own stay. Again this is driven by the desire to move away from their current home. There was also a notable drop in the desire to live in co-living arrangements with 71% giving the thumbs down. A total of 72.5% also said no to buying into properties on a co-share basis.
More people are willing to live further away from the city. How far away would you be willing to stay from your job?
(Credit: The StarProperty buyers sentiment survey)


You can enjoy this stunning & panoramic kuala lumpur view on top of this infinity skypool very soon😍😍

Videos (show all)

Ukay Perdana has always been a favourite location for those who works in the City Centre of Kuala Lumpur. This is becaus...
