John Gibbs Speaks

John Gibbs Speaks

The unfiltered words of John Gibbs, candidate U.S. Congress (R-Michigan)


“There are many great Americans all around the country who were actually conceived from rape.” Interview, Detroit News, August 2022.


"Overall their women look better and seem less manly/aggressive than ours, because of their demeanor, the way they carry themselves, and how they speak. I guess that old European sense of being ladylike still remains a little, as opposed to the tough frontier attitude and feminist influence we developed here that killed that sense in women."...5/30/2007, blog post, discussing British women.


"Millions of our women are on anti-depressants, are seeing therapists, and have low self-esteem. Are we really in a position to lecture anyone else on what’s best for women?" 6/10/2007, blog post.


“Islam, gender-bending, anti-police."..Tweet, February 2016, referring to Democrats.


"Let us celebrate this great news for women"...Tweet, 5/2/2022 in response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade.


"Increasing the size and scope of government is unequivocally bad. And since women's suffrage has caused this to occur on a larger scale than any other cause in history, we conclude that the United States has suffered as a result of women's suffrage."...personal web page, Society for the Critique of Feminism, 2000 and 2001.


“I think when you look at the results of the 2020 election, there are anomalies in there, to put it very lightly, that are simply mathematically impossible."...June 2022, to Wood TV-8. Editor's note: this claim is false.
