Bria Chaffin's Words

Bria Chaffin's Words

Official page for my published writings. I write fantasy, paranormal, romance, and fiction stories.

Sometimes I will even dabble with nonfiction if I'm feeling brave. Working on a myriad of short story series and a full length novel at the moment.





Listen Linda—

😅 WAIT! I CAN EXPLAIN! 😂 😂 😂 😅 😆
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Plot bunny: is a story idea that refuses to go away until it is written.

An evil little demonic creature that makes you think you are being productive-getting your wordcount in-but in reality all you're doing is messing up your carefully thought out plot/outline, and guaranteeing more editing in the end 😭😭😭😭

Take my advice, DO NOT chase the plot bunny down the rabbit hole, ESPECIALLY during NaNoWriMo!


NaNoWriMo got me like:


Guess who's doing NaNoWriMo again?!! On track and feeling confidant. This is my year! A little over 14k words down! about 35k left! whoop whoop!!!


Heya folks! Be sure to let me know what you think of the story so far so I can keep posting! 🖤 love you all bunches!

The Red Eyed Favor 17/08/2021

Ok guys, I'm really excited for part IV to be finished finally. I've been dealing with the same stuff I've been dealing with the past year and half that's pulled me away from writing, so being able to post another chapter of a story that is quickly becoming my favorite is a big mood booster. Don't worry, part five is already being outlined! Katie and her Demon have come to an unofficial arrangement, but does that mean traveling together will work? Hard to say with how bad Katie's trust issues are added to the fact the the Demon is...well, a demon. Click the link, give it a read and a like on Vocal-tell me what you think! Don't forget to share on here as well! The more likes on Vocal an article gets, the more the algorithm pushes it to more eyes (kind of like TikTok). This serial has the potential to be a full length novel at this point. I'm trying to keep each part/chapter with in 2k words (although this one did go over slightly, but it couldn't be helped). The more you read and share, the more literal pennies I earn so please share away!
Love you all!

The Red Eyed Favor Part IV

The Red Eyed Favor 17/08/2021

For those who waited so patiently for the fourth part, thank you! This one is a little fluffy compared to the angst of the previous chapters. Enjoy!!🖤🖤🖤

The Red Eyed Favor Part IV


Latin comes in handy a lot more than you think 🙃


Heya folks! Working on Part IV of Red Eyed Favor right now and wanted to preview a little taste of it for my spooky lovelies! I'll publish the link as soon as the chapter is finished 🖤🖤🖤 Don't forget to like/share!

******“Don’t touch my radio” she snapped.
Katie didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but her passenger hadn’t stopped messing with her stuff the moment he’d stepped foot into her vehicle. He just continued to fiddle and fidget with his overly long pale hands.
Too pale. Did he even have any blood underneath all that white skin? Skin so white, it almost hurt to look at it, but she couldn't see any outline of veins...surly she should be able to see veins underneath, right?
She wasn’t brave enough to ask him as he je**ed his hands away from the console at her brusque tone as if she’d whacked his knuckles with a ruler, and mumbled ‘sorry’, but it came out in a defensive whine she’d only heard from children.
“Do you like this song?” he asked, sometime later.
“Huh?” she glanced over at him.
“The song, do you like it?”
“It’s fine.”
“Really? Hmm...This era truly is baffling...” he said thoughtfully as he rubbed his forefinger across his chin, and looked out the passenger window.
The small car was filled with silence for a few more moments until Katie’s curiosity got the better of her. “How so?”
He glanced back over to her, his red eyes glittering with mirth. “It baffles me that people actually call radio static music. even more so that they enjoy it.”
The demon chuckled softly as she alternated between watching the road and blinking at him.
Damn it, he was right. It was just static coming out of the speakers. She felt her lips purse in irritation as she stabbed her finger on the ‘off’ button. He attempted to snicker discreetly behind his hand as he stared harder out the window.
As if there was something to see other than Texas grassland bordering both sides of the highway...********

deadline:  may 16 16/05/2021

deadline: may 16 submit today!

The Red Eyed Favor 03/05/2021

repost! like and share away!

The Red Eyed Favor Sometimes people owe you. Even when you don't want them to...

The Red Eyed Favor Part II 12/04/2021

second installment to the Red Eyed Favor series! As stated before, the more shares and readers I can get, the better, so don't be shy with that like and share button! Love you all!!

The Red Eyed Favor Part II Katie is on the road and trying to put the past behind her. "Trying" being the operative word...

The Red Eyed Favor 11/04/2021

Still working on the third installment of the Red Eyed Favor! It's in the works, I promise! reposting all my content published on Vocal to reach more readers! (I can only imagine that the same content being posted must get old) Thanks again Lovelies!

The Red Eyed Favor Sometimes people owe you. Even when you don't want them to...


Welcome my spooky hearts! Creating a page to broaden my audience and keep my writing stuff separate from my personal profile. Like the bio says, I’ve published some short stories that I’m making into serial series and a full length novel. I’m grateful for all the love and support from everyone and every little Share, Like, and of course, Read counts 🖤🖤🖤 stay weird lovelies!
