Alkekung Records

Alkekung Records

Based in Sweden and established in 2018, Alkekung records is focused on new sounds in electronic mus

Photos from Alkekung Records's post 01/10/2021

A beautiful review of the album 'Kyaness' by Zoe Efstathiou / Oda Dyrnes in the latest JAZZ/OJ OrkesterJournalen written by Roger Bergner !

''Duon frigör i sin musik, instrumenten från dess latenta tyngd av musikaliska betydelser, referenser och traditioner och får oss att släppa de mallar vi ofta skapar oss när vi lyssnar på musik, med behov av trygga igenkänningsfaktorer. Den mesta musik, inom de esta genrer, står alltid i relation till något redan välbekant – ”det här låter som...”, vilket kan hämma lyssnandet.
Jag tror att idén med ”ny musik”, den som var John Cages mission, också manade till ett nytt sätt att lyssna på musik med ”nya öron” och framför allt ett öppet sinne!
Möjligheterna verkar vara oändliga hos denna duo!''


"Eventually, Efstathiou and Dyrnes ask us for a new kind of listening experience, even a new understanding of music, one that begs to open our minds to the fact that all sounds are music, just like John Cage said."

"En plate man skal sette seg ned med, gjerne med høretelefoner, og spille hele platen i ett strekk. Jeg tror at livet kan bli litt bedre med denne type musikk innimellom!"

Double review of our album by Eyal Hareuveni and Jan Granlie out today!

Dagens andre plateanmeldelse, som også er en dobbeltanmeldelse, på

Perlemor, by Oda Dyrnes - Zoe Efstathiou 24/07/2021

'Shiny steel fingernails across the blackboard of your soul.'

Perlemor, by Oda Dyrnes - Zoe Efstathiou from the album Kyaness

The Moderns ep. 166 24/07/2021

The Moderns ep. 166 David Haney – Circadian World Clock 2019 – 9am Terce – (The Early Days) Copenhagen, Denmark_ Tel Aviv, Israel_ Siem Reap, Cambodia 0.00 Attacca Quartet – More Love Less Hate…

Efstathiou/Dyrnes Debut Album Kyaness is an Intimate Sensory Journey 24/07/2021

A wonderful review from the album 'Kyaness' from Tristan McKay on I CARE IF YOU LISTEN!

Efstathiou/Dyrnes Debut Album Kyaness is an Intimate Sensory Journey Tristan McKay reviews Kyaness (Alkekung Records), the debut album of Norwegian cellist Oda Dyrnes and Greek pianist Zoe Efstathiou.

The Moderns ep. 166 24/07/2021

'Ammos' from our recently released album 'Kyaness' is featured on Ep.166 of The Moderns blog Thank you Kevin Press for listening!
You can listen to the whole episode here:

The Moderns ep. 166 Contemporary music from around the world. Sundays 9 am - 12 noon (ET) on


Out now on LP and digital!

Kyaness, the debut album of the duo consisting of Greek, based in Sweden pianist Zoe Efstathiou and Norwegian cellist Oda Dyrnes, features the musicians in an textural improvisation interplay, intertwining the cello and the prepared piano, in an expression that is tactile, poetic and attentive.
The duo challenges the possibilities of their instruments by the masterful usage of objects, extended techniques and microphones, towards the creation of a sound that possesses the aesthetics of electroacoustic music.
Driven by a fascination with the materiality and tactility of sounding objects and for the detailed articulations of micro-sounds, the duo invites the listener to experience the sound of proximity and of coexistence. Microphones placed very close to the sound sources, magnify the microscopic sonic fluctuations and draw the listener into the space of the resonating instruments.
The album was recorded and mixed by Egil Kalman in
Copenhagen and mastered in Berlin by Andreas [Lupo] Lubich. The album is released on the 10th of July 2021 by the Swedish label Alkekung Records.


Artists | Alkekung Records Alkekung Records. Sweden. Alkekung records is focused on new sounds in electroacoustic music and contemporary improvisation. Based in Sweden, Alkekung records was established in 2018 by pianist and composer Zoe Efstathiou. | Artists: Zoe Efstathiou - Egil Kalman, Zoe Efstathiou - Oda Dyrnes