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Convincing versatility and emotional depth are two massive acting-mountains that Jodie Comer has conquered...
The Last Duel: Is there a better actor working than Jodie Comer? Convincing versatility and emotional depth are two massive acting-mountains that Jodie Comer has conquered
(Spoilers) I gave the recent 'Zack Snyder's Justic League' release 30 mins, which is quite generous when you only live once. I get the impression lots of B-List type actors like Diane Lane and Michael McElhatton were very well paid to do not very in terms of dramatic weight and thematics. These days running on spectacle just isn't enough for me....
You shouldn’t have to wait 30 mins for a film to get interesting- Zack Synder’s Justice League (Spoilers) I gave the recent ‘Zack Snyder’s Justic League’ release 30 mins, which is quite generous when you only live once. I get the impression lots of B-List type actors like D…
Cliches like "Rome wasn't built in a day" can be useful if they have elements of truth, which in this case is that taking small steps every day towards your goals means you are moving forward. Sometimes that's all you can ask of yourself if you're feeling rubbish. It doesn't have to be a major thing- did you start a blog post, go for a five-minute mindful walk or have a quick hot-cold shower? [ 263 more words ]
Living with Anxiety and Depression: Things that help- #3 Take small steps on your journey Taking small steps to wellness